Mami Itoh's Pilgrim Jager - Forums

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"Mami Itoh's Pilgrim Jager" , posted Sun 10 Apr 10:52:post reply

What a nice surprise this was... when I was at my local bookstore and discovered this new manga. Story seems good and the art is really excellent IMO. Can't say enough about how expressive the art is. Good to see more stuff from her. I guess this was a work of hers in 2002, and it was just translated for the US earlier this year.

I was introduced to Itoh-sama's art when I saw some of her side stories for Warzard and Vampire (centered mainly on Morrigan). Any of you guys fans of hers? I'm definitely one of them.

[this message was edited by EddyT on Sun 10 Apr 10:53]


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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Mami Itoh's Pilgrim Jager" , posted Sun 10 Apr 11:13post reply

I didn't know Mami Itoh was a she...

Yeah, I put up Mami Itoh's comedic gag with Ken and Morrigan on that Thread I created here where I put up a bunch of SF scans a while ago. The book Itoh did wth DS and Warzard characters was called 'Malefricarum.' He/she also did a book on Super Street Fighter II The new Challengers Turbo and a book on Juni and Juli. I actually prefer Mami Itoh to Masahiko Nakahira, but mostly because Nakahira has only dealt with SF and Mami's dealt with other Capcom franchises, Warzard and DS.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!