Rumble Roses video(full version) released - Forums

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"Rumble Roses video(full version) released" , posted Mon 11 Apr 06:10post reply

3minutes, high res and low res versions available, completely in synch with the song, custom camera angles(thanks to the codebreaker codes CMX and myself developed), modified in game camera angles, edited shots, edited moves, etc.

either way it's a good way to waste 3 minutes watching hot chicks beat each other up to an old school rock song.


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"Halo 2 video!" , posted Mon 11 Apr 14:00post reply

Thanks a lot!
Anyway, I really like the Halo 2 video. Do you have more Halo 2 videos?

13th Post

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"Re(1):Halo 2 video!" , posted Mon 11 Apr 17:24post reply

Thanks a lot!
Anyway, I really like the Halo 2 video. Do you have more Halo 2 videos?

actually that's not my video, but a roommate of the web site guy Rhydant. it's pretty damn slick actually.

167th Post

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"Yo Afro!" , posted Tue 12 Apr 01:12post reply

Just a few questions.

What will be your next videos that you have planned?
Can you release them into different formats as well? You know mpeg, wmv, etc.
Is CodeBreakers better than Action Replay for the PS2?

Thanks for the videos.

14th Post

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"Re(1):Yo Afro!" , posted Tue 12 Apr 05:44post reply

Just a few questions.

What will be your next videos that you have planned?
Can you release them into different formats as well? You know mpeg, wmv, etc.
Is CodeBreakers better than Action Replay for the PS2?

Thanks for the videos.

as of right now i think i'm going to stick with Quicktime. for some reason the quality of the video image is so higher end than normal avi/mpeg(even when using the latest divx and or mpeg4 codecs). Not to mention that we won't have any more issues with people having to go find special codecs to view our vids.

the next planned video is a Tekken 5 combo exhibition featuring combos from all of the northwest/seattle area tourney players(and myself of course). this one might take a little longer as we still have to get in contact with ALL of the top players up here to make sure that they get their respective combos in the video, and that they get credit for them as well.

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Yo Afro!" , posted Tue 12 Apr 06:11post reply

Top rate video, hilariously awesome takes (especially the triple slam motion near the end). And yeah, Quicktime videos are MUCH better than avi's or mpg's I found, video and audio-wise alike.


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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Yo Afro!" , posted Tue 12 Apr 07:58post reply

Quicktime gives me shit, the audio can't keep up, but I think that's just because of my audio drivers. Well at least it looks nice. But where did those converted codes go anyway?


as of right now i think i'm going to stick with Quicktime. for some reason the quality of the video image is so higher end than normal avi/mpeg(even when using the latest divx and or mpeg4 codecs). Not to mention that we won't have any more issues with people having to go find special codecs to view our vids.

the next planned video is a Tekken 5 combo exhibition featuring combos from all of the northwest/seattle area tourney players(and myself of course). this one might take a little longer as we still have to get in contact with ALL of the top players up here to make sure that they get their respective combos in the video, and that they get credit for them as well.

WHAT! Does Ric know about this?

Off with your nose

15th Post

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"Re(3):Yo Afro!" , posted Wed 13 Apr 04:25post reply

Quicktime gives me shit, the audio can't keep up, but I think that's just because of my audio drivers. Well at least it looks nice. But where did those converted codes go anyway?

as of right now i think i'm going to stick with Quicktime. for some reason the quality of the video image is so higher end than normal avi/mpeg(even when using the latest divx and or mpeg4 codecs). Not to mention that we won't have any more issues with people having to go find special codecs to view our vids.

the next planned video is a Tekken 5 combo exhibition featuring combos from all of the northwest/seattle area tourney players(and myself of course). this one might take a little longer as we still have to get in contact with ALL of the top players up here to make sure that they get their respective combos in the video, and that they get credit for them as well.

WHAT! Does Ric know about this?

yep. aeifrank is the one helping set it up between everyone.