Skies of Arcadia sequel - Forums

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Skies of Arcadia sequel" , posted Mon 11 Apr 12:34post reply

Has SEGA mentioned anything about this since they announced it a while back or is it pretty much canned before it has started?

They're outsourcing Elmo and putting Cookie Monster on a diet...WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?!?


1675th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Skies of Arcadia sequel" , posted Mon 11 Apr 14:36post reply

Has SEGA mentioned anything about this since they announced it a while back or is it pretty much canned before it has started?

IIRC it got canned back when Sega started consolidating their divisions into one formless entity.

Off with your nose

6276th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Skies of Arcadia sequel" , posted Mon 11 Apr 16:37post reply

IIRC it got canned

Thank god.
I'll never understand the popularity of this game. I guess it was one of the only RPG on DC, so it became instantly excellent?

For me it was one of the worst RPG I've ever played, and it's coming from someone playing Shadow Heart 1 right now.


1505th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Skies of Arcadia sequel" , posted Mon 11 Apr 16:41:post reply

IIRC it got canned
Thank god.
I'll never understand the popularity of this game. I guess it was one of the only RPG on DC, so it became instantly excellent?

For me it was one of the worst RPG I've ever played, and it's coming from someone playing Shadow Heart 1 right now.

I guess you would not be to impressed that I cos-played Vyse..? The question is now am I that impressed that I did that. Otakon 2k1> to program quide 2k2 ok I think I said enough

[this message was edited by Adon on Mon 11 Apr 16:42]

602th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):Skies of Arcadia sequel" , posted Tue 12 Apr 00:21post reply


For me it was one of the worst RPG I've ever played,

Stop using that GameFAQs trash to cover your ass, you know that's not true.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

6284th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Skies of Arcadia sequel" , posted Tue 12 Apr 00:25post reply

Stop using that GameFAQs trash to cover your ass, you know that's not true.

OK, ok, you're right, I actually enjoy Shadow Hearts pretty much.

And I think the 10 minutes of Parasite Eve 2 might have been worse than Arcadia, but I'm not sure PE2 can be considered as an RPG. An I've heard it was better after those 10 minutes.


6556th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Skies of Arcadia sequel" , posted Tue 12 Apr 00:50post reply

it was better after those 10 minutes.
It gets entertaining after you pass the retarded intro part in that tower.

1676th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Skies of Arcadia sequel" , posted Tue 12 Apr 03:30post reply

IIRC it got canned
Thank god.
I'll never understand the popularity of this game. I guess it was one of the only RPG on DC, so it became instantly excellent?

Pirates. Nobody will fondly remember the cruddy battle engine, or the needlessly long and boring dungeon layouts, or the typecast main characters, but when it comes down to it, PIRATES ARE AEWSOME

Off with your nose

495th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(4):Skies of Arcadia sequel" , posted Tue 12 Apr 04:05post reply


Pirates. Nobody will fondly remember the cruddy battle engine, or the needlessly long and boring dungeon layouts, or the typecast main characters, but when it comes down to it, PIRATES ARE AEWSOME

You forgot to mention the annoyingly high encounter rate. Unless I'm thinking of another game.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

6287th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Skies of Arcadia sequel" , posted Tue 12 Apr 04:30post reply

The pirate factor must not be working for me.
All I saw was a stupid scenario with really ugly generic characters. And yeah, boring fights.
There was a short timespan where it seemed that all the RPG looked like bad anime, or more exactly foreigners trying to do anime style design because they're so hip with thoses kids. Arcadia is maybe the worst offender design wise. I swear I'll remember the heroin until the day I die.
But yeah, it was also awfully written.
It's hard for me to decide wether the characters or the scenario were the worse. Of course, the game around was bad, but man, the scenario... and oh, the characters... And...
Oh, well. The point is nothing will have a sequel, and it's fine the way it is.


1502th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(6):Skies of Arcadia sequel" , posted Tue 12 Apr 07:49post reply

The pirate factor must not be working for me.
All I saw was a stupid scenario with really ugly generic characters. And yeah, boring fights.
There was a short timespan where it seemed that all the RPG looked like bad anime, or more exactly foreigners trying to do anime style design because they're so hip with thoses kids. Arcadia is maybe the worst offender design wise. I swear I'll remember the heroin until the day I die.
But yeah, it was also awfully written.
It's hard for me to decide wether the characters or the scenario were the worse. Of course, the game around was bad, but man, the scenario... and oh, the characters... And...
Oh, well. The point is nothing will have a sequel, and it's fine the way it is.

I liked the old school simplicity of the game and yeah, pirates own you all, but I can see why someone might not like it (coughrandombattlescough).

They're outsourcing Elmo and putting Cookie Monster on a diet...WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?!?

169th Post

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"Re(7):Skies of Arcadia sequel" , posted Tue 12 Apr 07:54post reply

Skies of Arcadia was alright. It was the only RPG I ever owned for DC. I liked how could discover things for cash and how you recruit members for your ship, but high encounter rate was pretty annoying at times.

Also, Cupil owns your soul.


881th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(8):Skies of Arcadia sequel" , posted Tue 12 Apr 08:06post reply

Someone tell me what Skies of Arcadia is about. All I've ever known is that you have a flying airship of pirates, and that it was brilliantly pirated.

1505th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"brilliant pirating" , posted Tue 12 Apr 08:38post reply

Someone tell me what Skies of Arcadia is about. All I've ever known is that you have a flying airship of pirates, and that it was brilliantly pirated.

There's two factions of pirates: the standard ransack and pillage type and (the hero's) Robin Hood-esque stealing only from those who deserve it and/or have a massively fair chance of winning. Basically they find a small defenseless ship being attacked by Spain er... the royal armada. They rescue the pilot discover her mission--stop the royal armada from unleashing the "really big and powerful ancient weapon that was hidden away with good reason". Only there's six of the dang things lying around, OOPS! The pirates get their "save the world" mojo on, discover the world is round instead of flat, initiate love triangles, get beat down by Moby Dick, make jokes about overcompensation and ultimately defeat the grey hair bishonen "I'm not evil" guy who wan't to purge the world by blowing it up/dropping a space station on it.

They're outsourcing Elmo and putting Cookie Monster on a diet...WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?!?

170th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):brilliant pirating" , posted Tue 12 Apr 08:44post reply

Who was that guy with a padlock on his crotch?
I remember he would always try to have sex with that pippy longstcking look-a-like girl.

He was cool.


59th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):Skies of Arcadia sequel" , posted Tue 12 Apr 08:55post reply

Skies of Arcadia was a very very generic game, but it did make me feel like a MIGHTY IBERIAN EXPLORER.

and that's something I will treasure forever.

I'm a regular MOMO DE GAMA

882th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):brilliant pirating" , posted Tue 12 Apr 09:40post reply

discover the world is round instead of flat, get beat down by Moby Dick,

This sounds awesome.

1004th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):brilliant pirating" , posted Tue 12 Apr 09:48post reply

Who was that guy with a padlock on his crotch?
I remember he would always try to have sex with that pippy longstcking look-a-like girl.

He was cool.

WOW. This needs to be a game in itself. (as long as he never actually HAS sex)

414th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):brilliant pirating" , posted Tue 12 Apr 11:40post reply

Who was that guy with a padlock on his crotch?
I remember he would always try to have sex with that pippy longstcking look-a-like girl.

He was cool.

That was Vigoro. He was part of the Armada. I never noticed the padlock before.

784th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(4):brilliant pirating" , posted Tue 12 Apr 13:08post reply

Well if the high encounter rate bothers you then why not play the Legends version on GC? OT: Now that I'm done with Ninja Gaiden, I must finish MGS3 before Legends. I like the character designs personally.

Time Mage
2090th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):brilliant pirating" , posted Tue 12 Apr 17:42post reply

I've played Legends, and I love the game.

Sure, if you analyze it objectively, the only innovation it has is the airship battles (that are great), but this game had that "something" that makes a game good:
The story is generic, yes. The characters are archetypical (but except Fina, from good to great in my opinion). The battle system has little variety (but surprisingly works). The graphics are so-so (but has personality). The music is forgettable (except a few ones), etc, etc, etc. Nearly every "bad" or "typical" aspect of the game has something that makes it instantly better than what it should have been. Specially the characters: Drachma is one of the best RPG characters ever made, and the villians are all great, but Vyse, Aika and Enrique are also good.

So, yes, SoA is a "mediocre" RPG. But it's great, despite of that. Strange, but true.

785th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(6):brilliant pirating" , posted Tue 12 Apr 17:55post reply

I seem to remember an insert credit review on SOA that said pretty much the same thing. Well, except longer.

Time Mage
2091th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):brilliant pirating" , posted Tue 12 Apr 18:27post reply

I seem to remember an insert credit review on SOA that said pretty much the same thing. Well, except longer.

Yeah, I usually disagree with IC reviews in several aspects (they try to be too... "different", many times without a reason), but with this one I agreed wholeheartedly. I guess SoA has "mojo".

Also, the fact that I played Legends means less random battles (thank god, they were high enough in Legends), and the possibility to skip the special attack secuences instead of having to view them entirely each and every time you used them.

1679th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(8):brilliant pirating" , posted Wed 13 Apr 02:56post reply


Also, the fact that I played Legends means less random battles (thank god, they were high enough in Legends), and the possibility to skip the special attack secuences instead of having to view them entirely each and every time you used them.

You could do that in SoA too, but the interface was silly. For many attacks, if you failed to press start immediately you missed your chance to skip the attack.

Off with your nose