SS AW next month ? [rumor] - Forums

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6278th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"SS AW next month ? [rumor]" , posted Mon 11 Apr 17:22post reply

I usually don't post Hamapika rumors here, because they are even more unreliable than the other stuff I usually read, but I'll make an exception :
APPARENTLY, a beta test of SSAW will be organized in april.




880th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):SS AW next month ? [rumor]" , posted Mon 11 Apr 17:56post reply

I usually don't post Hamapika rumors here, because they are even more unreliable than the other stuff I usually read, but I'll make an exception :
APPARENTLY, a beta test of SSAW will be organized in april.


The game is going to be a crappy port of SS5 with some new graphic bells. Then they will release SSAWS, which will be nearly as good as SS5 (but not SS5S). Then Yuki will be made to leave the project, but will produce SSAWSS on the side which will be even better than the upgraded SS5S, but will see virtually no arcades and will be denied any kind of console release.

You know that this is what's going to happen. Don't deny it.

6280th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):SS AW next month ? [rumor]" , posted Mon 11 Apr 18:31post reply

I totally disagree.
If the game is indeed made by the guys behind SS0/S, then my expectations for it are higher than they ever were for any fighting game since... I don't know, CvS maybe.


82th Post

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"Re(1):SS AW next month ? [rumor]" , posted Tue 12 Apr 00:37post reply

Heh, that's interesting...

Hmm, about SSZ and SSZS... There were beta tests just a few months before the games would be released, right ?
That might mean SSAW isn't TOO far from being finished...?

Also... We heard the news about the new SSZS ("Perfect", "Final", whatever...) at the end of October 2004... So, if they made a new SS game, it had to be after SNKP stopped their plans for this game, I guess ?
That would mean Yuki has been working on SSAW for up to 5 months (max)... That doesn't sound impossible...

Either that OR this SS AW is actually a SSZS Perfect / Final on steroids for the Atomiswave, so Yuki's work on the MVS version of this game didn't go to waste.

6286th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Neinhalt Sieger's Secrets" , posted Tue 12 Apr 00:50post reply



494th Post

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"Re(1):Neinhalt Sieger's Secrets" , posted Tue 12 Apr 01:28post reply


Didn't you know? Short, mostly naked males using fish as weapons were all the rage back in '94!
Kintaro in Gohketsuji Ichizoku 2 did it too, didn't you know?
One can only hope they bring this trend back!

(...hours later)


ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

883th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):SS AW next month ? [rumor]" , posted Tue 12 Apr 11:45post reply

If the game is indeed made by the guys behind SS0/S,

Of course, because it's going to be made FROM SS0/S, hence the (past) involvement of Yuki.

And of course Yuki will make the vastly improved version later, but SNKP won't allow that to see much release. Oh wait, I said that already. Eh.

I know, we all try to hide from what we know will be with our imaginations and hopes. But in the end, what is, is. And this is what will be.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Yes, I'm a negative bastard. But SNKP gives me license to be so.

End of Spoiler

783th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(4):SS AW next month ? [rumor]" , posted Tue 12 Apr 13:03post reply

Yay! Hopefully this game gets on Live quickly.
I concur with Nate's shock...what on earth is that page saying about Seiger? Is he gonna be included this time or something? (Maybe Cham Cham and Nicotine too...)

Red Falcon
5445th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):SS AW next month ? [rumor]" , posted Tue 12 Apr 13:07post reply

Nah, it's an article about what people thought Sieger might have been way back before the game came out. LOL I think that would have been.. very unique, more so than Sieger actually was. Bwa ha ha!

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6291th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):SS AW next month ? [rumor]" , posted Tue 12 Apr 19:29post reply

And of course Yuki will make the vastly improved version later, but SNKP won't allow that to see much release.

Making a game then a sequel is how the industry works nowadays, where is the problem?
And it's not Imoya's fault if Supisupe wasn't broadly distributed : the game only concerns the people who loved SS0, which only touched people who loved SSS. It's a very particular niche game, you can't want them to sell it like the new Tekken 5.
If SSAW is as specificly done as SS0/S, yes it will follow the same path. I really doubt it, though, they can't translate Kôrin's sprites on AW. They'll probably slightly redraw them like Haômaru in Nejibako.


2984th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):SS AW next month ? [rumor]" , posted Wed 13 Apr 18:52post reply

If SSAW is as specificly done as SS0/S, yes it will follow the same path. I really doubt it, though, they can't translate Kôrin's sprites on AW. They'll probably slightly redraw them like Haômaru in Nejibako.

I dont care about the graphisms, as long as they keep the game system untouched...

There is two infinite things in the world.
Universe and Human stupidity...Well for the universe I'm not sure....

1006th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):SS AW next month ? [rumor]" , posted Wed 13 Apr 18:59post reply


I dont care about the graphisms, as long as they keep the game system untouched...

Then what do you want from the game? If they don't change the game system, but only change the graphics, then they will have created a game that relies only on graphics (which you don't care about). But if they rely on gameplay innovations, instead of new graphics, then they will have touched the game system and you will be unhappy?

I feel that they need a game system overhaul, not because SS0 was bad, but because it was so good. Sort of like how Capcom evolved Vampire, SF3 and Zero to a point then stopped. If they don't do something new, then it will be another KOF Neowave. They already made an excellent game (actually 2) with the previous system, so if you want that system, then you can play those games.

2985th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):SS AW next month ? [rumor]" , posted Wed 13 Apr 19:42post reply

Then what do you want from the game? If they don't change the game system, but only change the graphics, then they will have created a game that relies only on graphics (which you don't care about). But if they rely on gameplay innovations, instead of new graphics, then they will have touched the game system and you will be unhappy?

I feel that they need a game system overhaul, not because SS0 was bad, but because it was so good. Sort of like how Capcom evolved Vampire, SF3 and Zero to a point then stopped. If they don't do something new, then it will be another KOF Neowave. They already made an excellent game (actually 2) with the previous system, so if you want that system, then you can play those games.

Seems I wasn't clear enought once again...>_<
Well what I mean is that they don't change what SS is, for exemple I don't wish to see it turned into a combo game like KOF for exemple.

If they modify/evolve the system, it's not a problem. As you said the Vampire serie have his system evolved, not changed! Unlike Morrigan in CVS2 who wasn't playable like in a Vampire game. got the trick? they can bring new things in the system but I don't want to see it Totaly changed...

There is two infinite things in the world.
Universe and Human stupidity...Well for the universe I'm not sure....

846th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(7):SS AW next month ? [rumor]" , posted Wed 13 Apr 23:53post reply


Then what do you want from the game? If they don't change the game system, but only change the graphics, then they will have created a game that relies only on graphics (which you don't care about). But if they rely on gameplay innovations, instead of new graphics, then they will have touched the game system and you will be unhappy?

I feel that they need a game system overhaul, not because SS0 was bad, but because it was so good. Sort of like how Capcom evolved Vampire, SF3 and Zero to a point then stopped. If they don't do something new, then it will be another KOF Neowave. They already made an excellent game (actually 2) with the previous system, so if you want that system, then you can play those games.

You´re ignoring the fact that the "fans" never want anything to change. There´ll always be more people asking for another KOF98/ST/SS2 than people asking for something new.

They may even say they want change, but they really don´t. Like Naruto.

6298th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):SS AW next month ? [rumor]" , posted Thu 14 Apr 01:41post reply

Amen to that.

Either you continue a series, make changes, and take risks to end up with a huge failure like Musôken, or you don't do anything and let the "perfect" game as it is.
Because what is perfect is also dead.


884th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Shadow Hearts From the New World" , posted Thu 14 Apr 06:32post reply


Because what is perfect is also dead.

Like Siren! ololol

I'm all for things which are actually good. Whether it's a sequel, something totally new, a port... I'm all for changes and newness, but a product ought to have more than just novelty value behind it; it ought to have SOME other substance.

A clever trap!

Good fan response -> don't waste effort improving it! They like it!

Poor fan response -> don't waste effort improving it (or even making more of it), because they don't like it anyway!

Anyway... why does my computer automatically put in "Re(1):Shadow Hearts From the New World" as the message title for every reply I make?

502th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Shadow Hearts From the New World" , posted Thu 14 Apr 06:35post reply


Anyway... why does my computer automatically put in "Re(1):Shadow Hearts From the New World" as the message title for every reply I make?

I was wondering about that. I thought maybe you were just really really excited about that game and felt a need to derail every other thread with some kind of news about it.

Guess not. Maybe it's something with your cache. I'm no computer genius though.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

885th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):Shadow Hearts From the New World" , posted Thu 14 Apr 10:54post reply


Anyway... why does my computer automatically put in "Re(1):Shadow Hearts From the New World" as the message title for every reply I make?

I was wondering about that. I thought maybe you were just really really excited about that game and felt a need to derail every other thread with some kind of news about it.

Guess not. Maybe it's something with your cache. I'm no computer genius though.

I actually didn't notice it until fairly recently... and it's only with the lab computers, not my own... so yeah, it's probably a cache/entry-remember feature I haven't toggled off.

2986th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):SS AW next month ? [rumor]" , posted Thu 14 Apr 17:45post reply

Amen to that.

Either you continue a series, make changes, and take risks to end up with a huge failure like Musôken, or you don't do anything and let the "perfect" game as it is.
Because what is perfect is also dead.

So Iggy, would you like it to be turned into a KOF ripp off??
What I've said is that the basics of the game stay untouched... It have nothing with commands imput for exemple or specials moves and abilitys.
The SS serie is a game mostly based on hit and away somehow, with "dead times" not a rush game with long combo string possibility. They can change what they want as long as the basics, the fondation of the game stay intact. They can change the controls and buttons settings, new moves or actions, removes or modify the power bar system.... As long as SS stay a sword play with some exchange of 1 or 3 hit in some fast battle...that's what I mean...

There is two infinite things in the world.
Universe and Human stupidity...Well for the universe I'm not sure....

6303th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Even more rumors !" , posted Thu 14 Apr 18:23:post reply

I'll give a 23.5% of reliability to this rumor, but since I like it, I'll put it here as well.

The complete name of the game would be Kenkyaku something (Kenkyaku Matsuri?)
The game would be the continuation of that mysterious Supisupe kanzenban. The computer is not as violent as in Supisupe, (no impossible reaction time).
No new character, everyone from SS0 (just some minor tweaks), no boss character from Supisupe. Several characters from older games would come back.
Their sprites would be new, the rest would be directly from SS0.
2 or 3 characters from the H64 Polysamu (Shiki's sprite is not SvC), no character from the PS1 Polysamu (w).
The button layout and system commands (like the D button actions and all) have changed a lot (because of the E button.)
The kenki gauge is still here, and another mysterious gauge as well.
The backgrounds use polygons are look far better than the sprites : KOF Nowave's nightmare is back, only it's worse this time because the sprites are even older.
The ability to kill you opponent is not here, but the blood effects are the same as in SS0.
There wouldn't be any story.
Some special moves would have transparency effects(w).

I like this rumor, not because I trust it but because the rumor for Nowave was extremely optimistic, with 60 characters and what not, while this one is on the other extreme... It does say something of the SS community and what they want and hope.
If by pure chance some of this happens to be true, then the SS name would keep narrowing... I guess once they''l have everyone from the first SS to the last polysamu, they'll finally call the series dead and leave it sleep alone.
And, as they say, 描き直しで外したら絶命だよ

NARUTO : I want the series to get a perfect game, then it wouldn't have anymore sequels and remain dead. Supisupe could have made the deal, if they think they can top this with again some minor tweaks, let's leave them the opportunity to do so. I just don't want the series to be abandoned after a failure like the polysamu.

Also, special preview of the game !


[this message was edited by Iggy on Thu 14 Apr 18:50]

1008th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(10):SS AW next month ? [rumor]" , posted Thu 14 Apr 19:02post reply


What I've said is that the basics of the game stay untouched... It have nothing with commands imput for exemple or specials moves and abilitys.
The SS serie is a game mostly based on hit and away somehow, with "dead times" not a rush game with long combo string possibility. They can change what they want as long as the basics, the fondation of the game stay intact. They can change the controls and buttons settings, new moves or actions, removes or modify the power bar system.... As long as SS stay a sword play with some exchange of 1 or 3 hit in some fast battle...that's what I mean...

Sorry I misunderstood you...and I totally agree.

I just...hate stagnation in the market. Companies don't want to take risks, because 2D fighters are risky in the first place (in terms of popularity, not cost)...but by taking no risks, they don't move the market forward. If it doesn't move forward, it doesn't gain popularity...and then the vicious cycle repeats.

KOF Neowave is the single most unecessary game I can think of and I don't want to see a repeat of that, especially since we already have a great SS product. (and people can play that, if that's what they want)

1945th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):Even more rumors !" , posted Thu 14 Apr 22:41post reply

Also, special preview of the game !

Poor Genjuro, not only does everybody else have better priority he doesn't even get a motorcycle.

83th Post

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"Re(2):Even more rumors !" , posted Thu 14 Apr 23:39post reply

Also, special preview of the game !

Awful controls... Especially on an Azerty keyboard. :p

Anyway, thanks for sharing the info, Iggy.
I know this is a mere rumor, but I'll comment anyway...

"no boss character from Supisupe."

"Several characters from older games would come back."

"The backgrounds use polygons are look far better than the sprites : KOF Nowave's nightmare is back, only it's worse this time because the sprites are even older."

I can't see how it could be worse... I always thought SS sprites looked much better than KoF ones... Also, they're bigger... Just that they're shaded in an anime style, so if they're going to put 3D backgrounds, they'd better make them cell shaded so that they fit with the way sprites are colored, I think.

105th Post

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"Re(3):Even more rumors !" , posted Thu 14 Apr 23:57post reply


Several characters from older games would come back.

Several ? Who's out? Ganryu, Cham Cham, Nico, Earthquake, Sieger... That's it, right ?

84th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(4):Even more rumors !" , posted Fri 15 Apr 00:06post reply


Several characters from older games would come back.

Several ? Who's out? Ganryu, Cham Cham, Nico, Earthquake, Sieger... That's it, right ?

Who are you calling Ganryu ? Gen-An maybe ?
Anyway, the missing characters from SS2 are: Cham Cham, Nicotine, Sieger, Earthquake, Gen-An, Wan-Fu and Kuroko. That's 7...

Also, Iggy mentioned some SS64 characters would make the cut... That may explain the "several", since they're obviously not going to feature everyone from the 3D SS.

6304th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Even more rumors !" , posted Fri 15 Apr 00:13:post reply

Several ? Who's out? Ganryu, Cham Cham, Nico, Earthquake, Sieger... That's it, right ?

EDIT : yeah, Wanfu... I never got his name right. And shame on me for forgetting GenAn chan.
Also, Morosumi Taisan, Shiki, Asura, that big Yagyû something karakurimaru, Gandara, the two deku, and Yuga, plus eventually other rasetsu forms that could get independant (at least Rasetsu Galford could be interesting). Or even Leon if they want to go to the unexpected nobody want to come back anyways.
Also, Yumeji (as a normal Rasetsu form of Ukyô) and 396 (as a normal character and not that horrible mess) are possible.

And if it is indeed the Kanzenban, then Kuroko will be there for sure.

But again, this is still an unreliable rumor.


[this message was edited by Iggy on Fri 15 Apr 00:15]

106th Post

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"Re(5):Even more rumors !" , posted Fri 15 Apr 00:21post reply

Yeah... "Ganryu" was actually Wan-fu mixed with GenAn. Sorry.

Red Falcon
5448th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Even more rumors !" , posted Fri 15 Apr 01:27post reply

Shame it's unreliable. I don't care for Morozumi that much, but I wouldn't complain if Yaygu Tetsuban Hanma or Karakuri Hanma came back.. of course I'd like Yuga and Gandara to come back as bosses, but I doubt they will. (Gandara vs. Gedo... ha ha.) Also, am I the only person who LIKED Wan-Fu?

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6304th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Even more rumors !" , posted Fri 15 Apr 04:48post reply

Also, am I the only person who LIKED Wan-Fu?

No, but most of the time he comes after Shigeru for those who like bald muscular noisy characters. VAAAH !


109th Post

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"Re(7):Even more rumors !" , posted Fri 15 Apr 04:53post reply

What I wonder is which Wan Fu they'd revive.

Which Wan Fu would you want ?
New weapon

Just a Person
713th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(5):Even more rumors !" , posted Fri 15 Apr 10:25post reply


Several characters from older games would come back.

Several ? Who's out? Ganryu, Cham Cham, Nico, Earthquake, Sieger... That's it, right ?

Who are you calling Ganryu ? Gen-An maybe ?
Anyway, the missing characters from SS2 are: Cham Cham, Nicotine, Sieger, Earthquake, Gen-An, Wan-Fu and Kuroko. That's 7...

Also, Iggy mentioned some SS64 characters would make the cut... That may explain the "several", since they're obviously not going to feature everyone from the 3D SS.

I´m sorry, haven´t keeping up with the gaming news...
But is this true? A SS game with Cham Cham, Nicotine, Sieger, Kuroko, Gen-An, Wan-Fu, Earthquake, Shiki, Asura, Yuga and other missing fighters? Wow, it would be so nice!
You know, something I always wanted to see is how would it be having 2D versions (it can be with SNK´s old sprites) of SS64, SS64-2, and SS:Warriors Rage. Since SNK Playmore probably won´t do it, the special version you guys are talking about seems very nice!

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

162th Post

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"Re(6):Even more rumors !" , posted Fri 15 Apr 13:13post reply

You know....I kinda doubt Earthquake, Wanfu and Gen-an will be in any future game.
Those three are the most hated characters in the SS series....

6309th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Even more rumors !" , posted Fri 15 Apr 16:15:post reply

Those three are the most hated characters in the SS series....

    _/ヽ  <爪ゝl l
   wuヽ_/ 〈川 〉 | |
      ヽ ||: | | |
 l ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

    l| /´ヽ  <爪ゝl l
バン! |l/_ /, 〈川 〉 | |
   mn、' ヽ ||: | | |
 l ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

            /´ヽ  <爪ゝl l 
┌‐────┐  /_ /, 〈川 〉 | |
|ミツノレギ  | mn、' ヽ  | |: | | |
│Objection! Even if they are less loved than Shigeru, they still have fans!
│As few or as many as Nicotine or Chamcham!


[this message was edited by Iggy on Fri 15 Apr 16:26]

2987th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):SS AW next month ? [rumor]" , posted Fri 15 Apr 18:32post reply

Sorry I misunderstood you...and I totally agree.

I just...hate stagnation in the market. Companies don't want to take risks, because 2D fighters are risky in the first place (in terms of popularity, not cost)...but by taking no risks, they don't move the market forward. If it doesn't move forward, it doesn't gain popularity...and then the vicious cycle repeats.

KOF Neowave is the single most unecessary game I can think of and I don't want to see a repeat of that, especially since we already have a great SS product. (and people can play that, if that's what they want)

No problem... I agree when you said that company didn't want to take risks. Still I'm sure the cost of the game is maybe an important point. After SF3rd most of the game have moved backwards technicaly...
Animation, graphisms and stuff, because somehow it shoud cost a lot and asks a lots of work.

So now company dodn't want to spend as much money as for exemple a Resident evil game, because THEY think it won't bring back the money.
Or As you said it's the story of a snake that bite his tail... If they didn't take some risks in the inovation or in the financial part game won't go forward anymore.
Hom many of us would like to see a new Vampire game, a new Samurai spirit or a Fatal fury, just well made. Those are major title like SF3rd or KOF, but with a minimum of works and a maximum of money they would surely make some better result comercial wise... Dunno if we can still make Capcom/SNK/whoever understand this....

Just look at the home port, today they only have 50% of the option, and special feature the the game used to have.

As for Wan-fu I'm a fan!!! Pillar head-butt all the way!

There is two infinite things in the world.
Universe and Human stupidity...Well for the universe I'm not sure....

85th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(7):Even more rumors !" , posted Fri 15 Apr 22:40post reply

You know....I kinda doubt Earthquake, Wanfu and Gen-an will be in any future game.
Those three are the most hated characters in the SS series....

I disagree... After all, Earthquake is in SvC Chaos.

1949th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):Re(10):SS AW next month ? [rumor]" , posted Sat 16 Apr 00:38post reply

As for Wan-fu I'm a fan!!! Pillar head-butt all the way!

Blunt head trauma for the win!

457th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(7):Even more rumors !" , posted Sat 16 Apr 10:33post reply

You know....I kinda doubt Earthquake, Wanfu and Gen-an will be in any future game.
Those three are the most hated characters in the SS series....

After playing Chaos I can say with confidence that I didn't miss Fat Bastard (And a few others that come to mind.) enough to want him back in that game or this one.

Just hope Yuki actually makes throws somewhat useful in 1 player mode this time.

One button pursuits would be nice too. Don't know why that had to chancge in SSV.

Better controls would be a plus as well...

86th Post

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"Re(8):Even more rumors !" , posted Sat 16 Apr 16:50post reply

I want Gen-An back... He's just too cool, sick and irritating to be left out...

Kuroko would be a cool (hidden ?) character as well...
And I want Cham Cham back too. I know Iggy doesn't like her, but whatever... She's got a good load of fans too.
This way, we'd finally have a game that features BOTH Tam Tam and Cham Cham... (not counting her crappy come back in the PS port of SS4)

While typing that, I'm fully aware that maybe none of these characters will come back in the SS AW. :|

891th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(9):Even more rumors !" , posted Sat 16 Apr 17:32post reply

Cham Cham

I wouldn't mind having her in so that I can see her damn monkey cry when I slice in her half.
Killing her feels sooo good... but that may have to do with how annoying she is.

I suppose if she doesn't have her BS pouncing grab move, she wouldn't be half as good or half as fulfilling to kill, though...

87th Post

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"Re(10):Even more rumors !" , posted Sat 16 Apr 19:32post reply

Her monkey is actually Tam Tam, so I wonder if she'd still have it while Tam Tam is already in the game... It guess it depends whether it's a dream match or not.

But after all, if they're making this game from scratch, Tam Tam will probably not be in. It depends on whether it's an upgrade or a new start...

6317th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):SS AW next month ? [rumor]" , posted Sat 16 Apr 21:23post reply

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
4/22(Fri) K・S・EX  X-Day

End of Spoiler


88th Post

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"Re(2):SS AW next month ? [rumor]" , posted Sat 16 Apr 22:53post reply

Hmmm, would that be the date of the rumored beta test ?

6318th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):SS AW next month ? [rumor]" , posted Sun 17 Apr 01:12post reply

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
and maybe one at Shinjuku as well.

End of Spoiler

Like Mizuki in Supisupe, all the characters won't be usable yet.

Also, back tot he subject, I think Wanfu could have had a shura and rasetsu version, like in the RPG (they were twin brothers, or something). If he ever come back, I think the pillar will be his main weapon, but still...


89th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(4):SS AW next month ? [rumor]" , posted Sun 17 Apr 01:33post reply

So Iggy, to sum things up... Is this all "official" and confirmed now, or is it still an unsure rumor ?

I'm kind of confused... Not to mention I don't quite get why you use the "Spoiler" thing... :p

6319th Post

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"Re(5):SS AW next month ? [rumor]" , posted Sun 17 Apr 01:54post reply

I'm kind of confused... Not to mention I don't quite get why you use the "Spoiler" thing... :p

Because I'm waiting for the confirmation of someone froù Yuki.


62th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Even more rumors !" , posted Sun 17 Apr 02:30post reply

Her monkey is actually Tam Tam, so I wonder if she'd still have it while Tam Tam is already in the game...

Bushido Retsuden has Cham Cham mistaking monkeyfied Tam Tam for her pet Paku Paku, so she could have one that isn't Tam Tam. You just need the amazing coincidence that Paku Paku legitimately knows Tam Tam's moves.

Or accept it as a dream match, which it probably would be even if it claimed to have a story. Or just write off a Tam Tam vs Cham Cham match the same way you'd write off any mirror match.

90th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):Even more rumors !" , posted Sun 17 Apr 02:35post reply

Or just write off a Tam Tam vs Cham Cham match the same way you'd write off any mirror match.

Yes, I thought about that too.
Having Cham Cham + Paku Paku vs Tam Tam isn't any more "illogical" than having Tam Tam vs Tam Tam.

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"Re(10):Even more rumors !" , posted Sun 17 Apr 04:28post reply

Well, Cham Cham's pounce is one of her defining moves, so I doubt that will be removed if she is put in.

The rumor states there will be no fatalities though via SS0, so we'll have to wait and see if any characters are killable. Of course everyone, myself included, wants them, since that is what defines Samurai Spirits, but since the whole SS0 Special censorship fiasco the future of being able to kill people is uncertain.

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892th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Even more rumors !" , posted Sun 17 Apr 04:43post reply

Well, Cham Cham's pounce is one of her defining moves, so I doubt that will be removed if she is put in.

It doesn't need to be removed, just made less BS. The operative word is "BS".

63th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Even more rumors !" , posted Sun 17 Apr 05:19post reply

The rumor states there will be no fatalities though via SS0, so we'll have to wait and see if any characters are killable. Of course everyone, myself included, wants them, since that is what defines Samurai Spirits

I don't really care whether fatalities are in the game, nor do I think they in any way "define" Samurai Spirits.

It was moderately entertaining seeing a character cut into flickering halves with things like coins erupting from them in SS2, but it had no impact on the game itself. (And the SS4 command entry fatalities were getting about as far away from Samurai Spirits as possible, to me at least.)

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"Re(3):Re(10):Even more rumors !" , posted Sun 17 Apr 06:11post reply

Well, Cham Cham's pounce is one of her defining moves, so I doubt that will be removed if she is put in.

It doesn't need to be removed, just made less BS. The operative word is "BS".

Well, it's made slightly less BS in Korin Special. You have to hit a button in midair and Cham Cham will attempt to grab the opponent, i.e. it's easier to miss in Korin Special. [Image Attached]

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91th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):Even more rumors !" , posted Tue 19 Apr 02:13post reply

Still no news about this beta test, right ?
It's only 4 days away from now...
What kind of company would NOT spread the word about that kind of events ?

For SSZS, Yuki informed people about them on the SSZ site several days in advance all the time...

Or maybe they're afraid Playmore will learn about it and cancel their game project ? :p

Time passing with no news makes this look more and more like fake info, which it probably is, unfortunately...

2th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):Even more rumors !" , posted Tue 19 Apr 13:22post reply

Still no news about this beta test, right ?
It's only 4 days away from now...
What kind of company would NOT spread the word about that kind of events ?

For SSZS, Yuki informed people about them on the SSZ site several days in advance all the time...

Or maybe they're afraid Playmore will learn about it and cancel their game project ? :p

Time passing with no news makes this look more and more like fake info, which it probably is, unfortunately...

I doubt it. Remember that this is a rumor and not actual information. We'll see by the end of the week I think whether this news is true or not. [Image Attached]

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6338th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10):Even more rumors !" , posted Tue 19 Apr 15:57post reply

As the end of the month get closer, my hopes are slowly vanishing...


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93th Post

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"Re(7):Re(10):Even more rumors !" , posted Wed 20 Apr 15:48post reply

... Why do fake rumors get started anyway ?
People craving for attention ? O_o

Anyway, Iggy, you do have quite an influence... A couple of sites updated their news talking about this SS AW rumor just because you posted it, the same goes for other forums.

2 days left before the beta test rumor can be definitely confirmed as fake...

6346th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Damn !" , posted Wed 20 Apr 17:26post reply

Anyway, Iggy, you do have quite an influence... A couple of sites updated their news talking about this SS AW rumor just because you posted it, the same goes for other forums.

I don't know what site you're talking about, but I don't think it's a smart move. It's one thing when one random guy like me on a forum reports something that is going to end up false, it's another when you're supposed to be a serious website to post unverified news. Oh, well, why do I care of the credibility of sites I've never heard of.

Either way, so, the 22 rumor seems to have been started by that asshole of Banchô. Arg. He hasn't confessed yet, but...

The problem with SS0 is that we KNOW a Yuki employee is reading the thread. He posted the date of the first beta test of SS0 and Supisupe, and described the games before then ("there will be a samurai with 7 swords, a girl with a bow, a monster between Assquake and GenAn, an old guy, several rasetsu characters, the game will be closer to SSS, and some designs have been made by a special guest whose name will surprise you").
That's the reason why each time someone says "the game will be...", he's not immediatly called a fake and you have some people arguing wether they think it's the way of talking of the Yuki guy or not.

The rumor with the kenkyaku matsuri name has been said to be not by him (hense the "I don't trust it"), while another one (who says the game will be between SS0 and the first SS, have a scenario, everyone from SS0 (including Popy, 396 and Yumeji) beside Gaô and Yunfei, have Gen'an, Wanfu, Nicotine, a new sprite for Rasetsumaru closer from Polysamu, new kimoi frames of animation for Suija, Mina gone crazy after Champool's death, a surprise guest character from another game that doesn't belong to the SS universe, a cute guy with two swords with a kamae system (a first in SS, I think?), totally different from Jubei, a guy with a spear, and a tricky kunoichi) is said to be possibly the good guy.
I'm surprised by the combination of "it's not a matsuri, it has a scenario BUT Suija is still here" but indeed, making a new game with new characters seems more plausible. The other thing is that I've seen parts of the rumor on different sites (Rasetsumaru being redrawn is too surprising to not be noticed), and I don't know if a Yuki employee will go to each and every SS board to say those things... Also, 37 characters is a bit HUGE for a SS game.

What is funny is that no, absolutely not a single rumor until now has said the game would have new sprites, everybody says it will use SS0's base. Like I said on my 2nd rumor, it does say something of the SS community.

Ah, also, for that Chamcham thing, I wanted to be sure before I said it, but the main reason why her comeback chances are axtremely scarce is that 2 of the 5 guys who worked on SS0 from the beginning dislike her and think she doesn't fit in the SS universe. That's as good a reason as anything else.

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94th Post

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"Re(1):Damn !" , posted Wed 20 Apr 18:20post reply

Thanks for all those details.

As for the sites who posted the rumor, there's neo-arcadia and neogeoforlife, for instance... But they DID state it was just a rumor.

Despite those 2 guys out of 5 hating Cham Cham, they still put her at the end of Tam Tam's Zetsumei, which is something at least...

If this new SS AW is based on the SSZ or SSZS, I wish they would NOT take out characters from those games... It's not like it'd be such a bad thing if an AW game totally overshadowed a NeoGeo game. Bosses could be made hidden characters...
What I'm saying doesn't necessarily include Rasetsu clones though, I don't care as much about them... I know you like Suija and all, but I think he needs some more work done on him, like a couple of other characters.

Anyway... I'm watching the site daily just in case some info would pop up... Maybe Yuki will use another site though, since the next SS is probably not going to be a "Zero" one. We'll see.

116th Post

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"Re(1):Damn !" , posted Wed 20 Apr 18:43post reply

a surprise guest character from another game that doesn't belong to the SS universe

That would (have) be(en) Baiken, I guess.

A kamae chara is a first, yet I wonder what took them so long.

6352th Post

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"Re(2):Damn !" , posted Wed 20 Apr 18:54post reply

That would (have) be(en) Baiken, I guess.

I would have thought anyone from Gekka, or... I don't know, Sôkaku.
Or if he's supposed to not fit in the game... Tsugumi. Tsugumi never fits anywhere.

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95th Post

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"Re(3):Damn !" , posted Wed 20 Apr 19:32post reply

I assumed it would be a Last Blade character as well.

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"Re(3):Damn !" , posted Wed 20 Apr 22:01:post reply


I would have thought anyone from Gekka, or... I don't know, Sôkaku.

Of course Gekka was my obvious first thought as well, but:

- I thought there were issues between the Gekka and Shamspi teams, even though Yuki doesn't share that rivalry.

- Some guys from Arc Systems Works were behind Shinsamspi and must be in good terms with Yuki.

- Baiken would be an interesting cross-promotion guest in termes of marketing (Sammy flagship game's character in a game which is supposed to bring more AES fans to the AW). Of course there's the sprite difference issue, but at least in termes of animation frames, GGXX isn't that far away from supisupe.

Soukaku would be REALLY good news, though, for various reasons.

Anyway, as long as this stays a rumour, there's no need to bust our asses, really.

[this message was edited by CHAZumaru on Wed 20 Apr 22:01]

6354th Post

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"Re(4):Damn !" , posted Wed 20 Apr 22:07post reply

Oh, it's not serious, but since we have nothing else to do, let's dream a little. I mean, we are at work, aren't we?

And Baiken going from hi-res to low-res (and with those different, large proportions) would be quite weird I guess. Hum, if I didn't hate the staff of GG, I could even begin to like the idea.
But who are we kidding.
"A guest character that will surprise you even though he may not seem to fit in the SS universe ?"
Dante, of course.

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96th Post

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"Re(5):Damn !" , posted Wed 20 Apr 22:43post reply

That reminds me of someone who said he wished Geese Howard was in Samurai Shodown. O_o

Setsuna could be a cool choice.

Hmm... A weird thought passed through my mind. I wonder if they were thinking of a guest character from a game that's in a different timeline, but including this character with the age he would have in SS (he'd have to be born at the time of SS, of course), so he'd be much younger...
Like for instance, having a younger Okina...
... Forget it, I was just saying random shit passing through my mind.

The choice of having a "dream match" guest, much like Ryo in Fatal Fury Special is much more likely, I guess.

118th Post

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"Re(6):Damn !" , posted Thu 21 Apr 00:48post reply

Or loli Ahtena.

For great athenaXyuna filthy tentacles doujin justice !

6357th Post

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"Re(7):Damn !" , posted Thu 21 Apr 02:34post reply

Or Kenshin.
After all, Watsuki... and from an historical point of view, he wouldn't fit in. perfect.

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98th Post

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"Re(8):Damn !" , posted Thu 21 Apr 02:40post reply

Or Kenshin.
After all, Watsuki... and from an historical point of view, he wouldn't fit in. perfect.

Sanosuke or Aoshi are cool too, and I like them better... (Seijiro Hiko could fit as well, if he was a ultra hidden character :p)

But yeah, Kenshin being the hero of the series, he's more recognizable, symbolic (or whatever), etc.

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"Re(9):Damn !" , posted Thu 21 Apr 02:50post reply

Heh. I'm not sure who I'd put in.

But Cham Cham acutally had a bit of a sprite sheet going in the original SS0 tileset. I guess they were going to use her as a striker for Tam Tam before they changed their mind about it? [Image Attached]

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99th Post

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"Re(10):Damn !" , posted Thu 21 Apr 03:02post reply

But Cham Cham acutally had a bit of a sprite sheet going in the original SS0 tileset.

Mind showing it ?

5th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Damn !" , posted Thu 21 Apr 03:35:post reply

But Cham Cham acutally had a bit of a sprite sheet going in the original SS0 tileset.
Mind showing it ?

Nope. I don't mind. Dunno if Iggy does though.

As you can see it's directly from SS2 with perhaps an updated palette. None of her armed frames are here though, and this is stuffed throughout Tam Tam's section of the tileset. [Image Attached]

There's no substitution to dedication

[this message was edited by Abster on Thu 21 Apr 03:37]

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"Re(3):Re(10):Damn !" , posted Thu 21 Apr 03:45:post reply

That's interesting. Just like death animations and Zetsumei that did not get included in SSZ for some reasons, it feels like they added Cham Cham in Tam Tam's Zetsumei in Special to make up for the fact she wasn't there at all in SSZ, despite their original plans.

Thinking about it, having Cham Cham as a striker for Tam Tam might be the original idea behind Sankuro... Or the other way around. *shrugs*

[this message was edited by Stifu on Thu 21 Apr 03:46]

6361th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):Damn !" , posted Thu 21 Apr 03:54post reply

... I'd like to know why I would mind.

Also, for this Chamcham thing, I guess the animations used for the zetsumei were put in SS0 as moves that were cut out, like the voices that were recorded just in case (SS0's rom has several unused voices, all those used in the zetsumei in Supisupe, and other never used such as Yoshitora's girlfriends orgasm noises).
Now I think of it, Mizuki's dog also has his SSS sprite (and it's quite ugly, by the way). Maybe Chamcham was indeed supposed to be used the same way. But Tamtam already had quite a lot of moves if you fusion his shûra and rasetsu forms, so...

I guess we'll never know.

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"Re(4):Re(10):Damn !" , posted Thu 21 Apr 04:41post reply

Yeah. I didn't come across any Cham Cham voice clips in the unused SS0 stuff. The only clip she has in SS0 Special is for her cameo. Same thing goes with sprites she's got in SS0 Special, just the ones for the cameo.

I had thought you'd stay away from the pic post Iggy because I've known your hatred for her. Let nothing start between us because we're on totally different sides with the same character. [Image Attached]

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101th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):Damn !" , posted Thu 21 Apr 05:11post reply

Yes, Mizuki's dog is ripped directly from SS2, except for a few frames. (win pose when Mizuki is sitting on him, and all of Mizuki's "kick" frames where just a part of him shows)
I wish for Mizuki to be featured in another SS game sometime... With a few cool additions, as well as putting moves / stuff from SS2 back. But I like how Yuki redid her for SSZS.
Somehow, they decided it to make it so you never see her feet anymore... lol
I always assumed they did that to make her as different from Amakusa as possible (they do share a few similarities overall)...

(... What, no one cares ? :p)

And Abster, don't get so defensive. :p

6th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):Damn !" , posted Thu 21 Apr 05:23post reply

Yes, Mizuki's dog is ripped directly from SS2, except for a few frames. (win pose when Mizuki is sitting on him, and all of Mizuki's "kick" frames where just a part of him shows)
I wish for Mizuki to be featured in another SS game sometime... With a few cool additions, as well as putting moves / stuff from SS2 back. But I like how Yuki redid her for SSZS.
Somehow, they decided it to make it so you never see her feet anymore... lol
I always assumed they did that to make her as different from Amakusa as possible (they do share a few similarities overall)...

(... What, no one cares ? :p)

And Abster, don't get so defensive. :p

Well, Mizuki's portal in SS0 Special resembles Rasetsu Amakusa's portal move in how the hits are dealt. Kinda funny how they try going with the whole demon hiding underneath her skirt thing. When she send it after the opponent, how does it reappear underneath the skirt? Another one of those questions we may never know.

Well, at least I too like Suijasama. Enja makes me think he looks like one of the DBZ characters sometimes. [Image Attached]

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"Re(6):Re(10):Damn !" , posted Thu 21 Apr 05:40post reply

Well... Yeah, Haon is a weird one. In SS2, he's a Poppy clone turning into his demon self from times to times, and in SSZS he spends most of his time in Mizuki's panties.

I wish they'd add back more of the cool effects Mizuki's move had in SS2... Like those hands grabbing your feet to make you dive into her pentagram... The thunder effect that follows... The "ripper" floating around you when your controls are reversed... All those other cool little details that were so numerous in SS2, but that are lacking in the last SS games. (crows flying, etc, etc)

Talking about that, I want foreground elements (and breakable in some cases) back...

And about Enja, they are fully aware he looks like a DBZ character, hence his C color in SSZ / SS5. :p
Thinking about it, is Cham Cham actually MORE out of place in the SS universe than Enja is ?

6362th Post

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"Re(7):Re(10):Damn !" , posted Thu 21 Apr 07:48post reply

Abster : you know, I'm not that much of an aggressive asshole. I haven't killed that guy who keeps talking about Shermie's herpes yet.
But it's mostly because I can't write his name if he hasn't posted somewhere, because I need to copy&paste it.
Thinking about it, is Cham Cham actually MORE out of place in the SS universe than Enja is ?

Well, Enja is japanese, he's a demon, he's a close range fighter... His only drawback is that he has too many similarities with Sieger to allow him to return.
Chamcham is as out of place as Mina, for example. But Chamcham is also a character that has been created before the discovery of the moe, and unlike Nakoruru, she couldn't cross the moe line. Mina, being 100% moe, will still be valid for a couple of years/decades.

ガラハド  「ねんがんの アイスソードをてにいれたぞ!」
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8th Post

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"Re(8):Re(10):Damn !" , posted Thu 21 Apr 09:46:post reply

Abster : you know, I'm not that much of an aggressive asshole. I haven't killed that guy who keeps talking about Shermie's herpes yet.
But it's mostly because I can't write his name if he hasn't posted somewhere, because I need to copy&paste it.
Thinking about it, is Cham Cham actually MORE out of place in the SS universe than Enja is ?
Well, Enja is japanese, he's a demon, he's a close range fighter... His only drawback is that he has too many similarities with Sieger to allow him to return.
Chamcham is as out of place as Mina, for example. But Chamcham is also a character that has been created before the discovery of the moe, and unlike Nakoruru, she couldn't cross the moe line. Mina, being 100% moe, will still be valid for a couple of years/decades.

What do you mean by moe? Mina is a fresh new character, so she should have a good go for a while. Cham Cham is a relative to one of the first SS characters, back when SS didn't center entirely around Japan and had characters that came from all over. (Yunfei's the most recent non-Japanese character in the series) Since SS2 though she hasn't had any additional appearances outside Japan though, other than cameos perhaps. A one time fighting and RPG appearance is all she'll have. Besides, she's about as obsolette now as Gen-an, Sieger, Nicotine, Wan-Fu, and company that hasn't returned since SS2. [Image Attached]

There's no substitution to dedication

[this message was edited by Abster on Thu 21 Apr 11:04]

6364th Post

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"Re(9):Re(10):Damn !" , posted Thu 21 Apr 17:03post reply

I just got why the rumor talks about Rasetsumaru being redrawn !
If he holds his head under his arm, I have a new favourite character.
What do you mean by moe?

I hate links to Wikipedia, but I had a terrible night.

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103th Post

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"Re(10):Re(10):Damn !" , posted Thu 21 Apr 18:03post reply

I just got why the rumor talks about Rasetsumaru being redrawn !
If he holds his head under his arm, I have a new favourite character.

Why ? Would that be related to his origins / background story or something ?
Or because of the fact he gets his head cut by Yumeji in his SSZ ending ?

3004th Post

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"Re(10):Re(10):Damn !" , posted Thu 21 Apr 19:00post reply

BTW Iggy are you sure that Cham cham have any Moe points?? When I see the number of fanarts of her each month in the arcadia...
I still think there quite a bunch of fans...

And I'm one of those.^ ^ But please, stop your foolish worktime dream...Sokaku in a SS game would be so nice, but it'll never appear.Damn!

There is two infinite things in the world.
Universe and Human stupidity...Well for the universe I'm not sure....

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"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Damn !" , posted Fri 22 Apr 00:34post reply

Oh. When it comes to Moe, Mina does have more Moe than Cham Cham, but Cham Cham's still cute and has the attitude imo. [Image Attached]

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