MMcafe's Favourite Fighting Boss - R2 - Forums

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1824th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"MMcafe's Favourite Fighting Boss - R2" , posted Mon 11 Apr 17:28:post reply

The polls:

Vega / Bison (SF2) VS Rugal (KOF95/CVS2)
Vega / Bison (SF2)
Rugal (KOF95/CVS2)

I-No (GGXX) VS Gouki/Akuma (SSF2T, Mecha MVC)
Gouki/Akuma (SSF2T, Mecha MVC)

Geese Howard (Fatal Fury) VS Aoko Aozaki (Melty Blood: ReAct)
Geese Howard (Fatal Fury)
Aoko Aozaki (Melty Blood: ReAct)

Amakusa (SS1) VS Dizzy (GGX)
Amakusa (SS1)
Dizzy (GGX)

Jedah (Vampire Savior) VS Goenitz (KOF96)
Jedah (Vampire Savior)
Goenitz (KOF96)

Hyo Imawano (Justice Gakuen/Rival Schools) VS Gill (SF3)
Hyo Imawano (Justice Gakuen/Rival Schools)
Gill (SF3)

Rashoujin Mizuki (SS2) VS Miss X (Gal Fighter)
Rashoujin Mizuki (SS2)
Miss X (Gal Fighter)

Orochi (KOF97) VS Heihachi Mishima (Tekken)
Orochi (KOF97)
Heihachi Mishima (Tekken)

The Brackets:

Round 2
Group A
Vega / Bison (SF2) VS Rugal (KOF95/CVS2)
I-No (GGXX)VS Gouki/Akuma (SSF2T, Mecha MVC)

Group B:
Geese Howard (Fatal Fury) VS Aoko Aozaki (Melty Blood: ReAct)
Amakusa (SS1) VS Dizzy (GGX)

Group C:
Jedah (Vampire Savior) VS Goenitz (KOF96)
Hyo Imawano (Justice Gakuen/Rival Schools) VS Gill (SF3)

Group D:
Rashoujin Mizuki (SS2) VS Miss X (Gal Fighter)
Orochi (KOF97) VS Heihachi Mishima

Polls will close on this Thursday 2100H MMCafe time. In case of a tie in any poll, it will b extended until there is a clear winner (by 1 vote).


[this message was edited by TheBeast on Mon 11 Apr 18:42]


Undead Fred
2298th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):MMcafe's Favourite Fighting Boss - R2" , posted Mon 11 Apr 17:30post reply

The polls:


The Brackets:

Round 2
Group A
Vega / Bison (SF2) VS Rugal (KOF95/CVS2)
I-No (GGXX)VS Gouki/Akuma (SSF2T, Mecha MVC)

Group B:
Geese Howard (Fatal Fury) VS Aoko Aozaki (Melty Blood: ReAct)
Amakusa (SS1) VS Dizzy (GGX)

Group C:
Jedah (Vampire Savior) VS Goenitz (KOF96)
Hyo Imawano (Justice Gakuen/Rival Schools) VS Gill (SF3)

Group D:
Rashoujin Mizuki (SS2) VS Miss X (Gal Fighter)
Orochi (KOF97) VS Heihachi Mishima

Polls will close on this Thursday 2100H MMCafe time. In case of a tie in any poll, it will b extended until there is a clear winner (by 1 vote).


Was Heihachi supposed to be in there twice?

1822th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Round 1" , posted Mon 11 Apr 17:32:post reply

Round 1 results:

Group A
Vega / Bison (SF2)VS Red Arremer (SVC) - 72.73% to 24.24% out of 66 votes
Rugal (KOF95/CVS2)VS Kain R. Heinlein (Garou) - 66.67% to 30.30% out of 66 votes
Sissy (PI:Matrimelee)VS I-No (GGXX) – 26.98% to 73.02% out of 63 votes
Gouki/Akuma (SSF2T, Mecha MVC) VS Leopardon (Guilty Gear Isuka) – 68.33% to 28.33% out of 60 votes

Group B:
Geese Howard (Fatal Fury)VS Sagat (SF1) – 66.15% to 32.31% out of 65 votes
Aoko Aozaki (Melty Blood: ReAct) VS Kanna (Eternal Fighter Zero) – 44.90% to 16.33% out of 49 votes
Amakusa (SS1)VS Athena (SVC) – 58.44% to 40.00% out of 60 votes
Dizzy (GGX)VS Mukai (KOF2003) – 68.33% to 28.33% out of 60 votes

Group C:
Jedah (Vampire Savior)VS White Ren (Melty Blood: ReAct) – 87.5% to 10.71% out of 56 votes
Goenitz (KOF96)VS Krizalid (KOF99) – 70.69% to 27.59% out of 58 votes
Hyo Imawano (Justice Gakuen/Rival Schools) VS Devil Kazuya (Tekken 2) – 71.93% to 26.32% out of 57 votes
Gill (SF3)VS Neo Dio (World Heroes Perfect) – 77.05% to 22.95% out of 61 votes

Group D:
Rashoujin Mizuki (SS2)VS Yuga (Samurai Spirits/Shodown) – 62.05% to 27.08% out of 48 votes
Ignis/Igniz (KOF2001)VS Miss X (Gal Fighter) – 32.08% to 64.15% out of 53 votes
Orochi (KOF97) VS Fernandeath (Waku Waku 7) – 50.94% to 47.17% out of 53 votes
Heihachi Mishima (Tekken)VS Onslaught (MVC) – 59.32% to 38.98% out of 59 votes

Most of the winners won by at least 60% of the votes, justifying their victories over their challenger. Fernandeath (Waku Waku 7) came very close to upsetting Orochi (KOF97), while Amakusa (SS1) pulled away from Athena (SVC) with 58% of the votes.

Many couldn’t decide to vote for Aoko Aozaki (Melty Blood: ReAct)or Kanna (Eternal Fighter Zero), so while Aoko won with 28% more votes, 39% of the votes were rooting for neither of them.

The two upsets came from I-No(GGXX) defeating Sissy (PI:Matrimelee) and Miss X (Gal Fighter) beating the “lovable Ignis” from KOF2001.

[this message was edited by TheBeast on Mon 11 Apr 17:53]

1824th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):MMcafe's Favourite Fighting Boss - R2" , posted Mon 11 Apr 17:34:post reply

Was Heihachi supposed to be in there twice?

Holy crap. I messed things up big time.

Editing the polls now.

[this message was edited by TheBeast on Mon 11 Apr 18:43]

879th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):MMcafe's Favourite Fighting Boss - R2" , posted Mon 11 Apr 17:53post reply

Results owns everybody straight up.

1825th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Voting will close soon..." , posted Thu 14 Apr 12:37post reply

Voting will close soon...Please cast your votes if you have not done so!

561th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):Voting will close soon..." , posted Thu 14 Apr 15:05:post reply

Holy cow, Vega and Gouki are losing currently to...not Vega and not Gouki? The surprises keep on coming. I-no knows how to rock,'s Gouki! Ah well~

edit: whoops, maybe Vega still has a chance. I'm really excited about Hyo, though.


[this message was edited by Maou on Thu 14 Apr 15:10]

895th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Voting will close soon..." , posted Sat 16 Apr 04:08post reply

Heihachi over Orochi? Mizuki over Miss X? Hyo over Gill? Jedah over Goenitz? Rugal over Bison?



2558th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Voting will close soon..." , posted Sat 16 Apr 04:58post reply

why is miss X not winning? SOMETHING IS AWRY!

6572th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Voting will close soon..." , posted Sat 16 Apr 05:21post reply

Heihachi over Orochi?

4057th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Voting will close soon..." , posted Sat 16 Apr 06:47post reply

The Miss X vs Mizuki match up makes me a sad monkey.... Amakusa most likely will lose to (boh).

See??? He is a God...

1951th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):Voting will close soon..." , posted Sat 16 Apr 09:53post reply

Heihachi over Orochi?

A guy in chinos will never match the power of Heihachi's wardrobe disasters.

1827th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):Voting will close soon..." , posted Sun 17 Apr 16:14post reply

Final Bump. Voting closes within 24 hours.

1829th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Amakusa vs Dizzy" , posted Sun 17 Apr 23:56post reply

Amakusa vs Dizzy is tied.

Those who haven't vote and wishes to do so please cast a vote to decide a winner. Thanks.

Juke Joint Jezebel
3384th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Amakusa vs Dizzy" , posted Mon 18 Apr 03:04post reply

Amakusa vs Dizzy is tied.

Those who haven't vote and wishes to do so please cast a vote to decide a winner. Thanks.

you should move them both to the next round

848th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):MMcafe's Favourite Fighting Boss - R2" , posted Mon 18 Apr 06:55post reply

Jedah beating Goenitz, Dizzy beating Amakusa. What a joke.

Juke Joint Jezebel
3385th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):MMcafe's Favourite Fighting Boss - R2" , posted Mon 18 Apr 11:19post reply

Jedah beating Goenitz, Dizzy beating Amakusa. What a joke.

thanks for playing

:devil: messatsu

Red Falcon
5452th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):MMcafe's Favourite Fighting Boss - R2" , posted Mon 18 Apr 11:59post reply

Ash's new Rival: Beto!

"Can Beto control the rage that burns within him?"

Best site EVER:Link Here

1831th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):Amakusa vs Dizzy" , posted Mon 18 Apr 12:07:post reply

Amakusa vs Dizzy is tied.

Those who haven't vote and wishes to do so please cast a vote to decide a winner. Thanks.

you should move them both to the next round

I've decided to take your suggestion and move Akamusa vs Dizzy to the next round.

The next round will be up soon.

[this message was edited by TheBeast on Mon 18 Apr 12:26]

Juke Joint Jezebel
3386th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Amakusa vs Dizzy" , posted Mon 18 Apr 12:29post reply

Amakusa vs Dizzy is tied.

Those who haven't vote and wishes to do so please cast a vote to decide a winner. Thanks.

you should move them both to the next round

I've decided to take your suggestion and move Akamusa vs Dizzy to the next round.

The next round will be up soon.

maybe you should mix it up and have them go against others? if one beats the other this time around, it might just be a chance occurrence 8)

1833th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):Amakusa vs Dizzy" , posted Mon 18 Apr 13:10post reply

Amakusa vs Dizzy is tied.

Those who haven't vote and wishes to do so please cast a vote to decide a winner. Thanks.

you should move them both to the next round

I've decided to take your suggestion and move Akamusa vs Dizzy to the next round.

The next round will be up soon.

maybe you should mix it up and have them go against others? if one beats the other this time around, it might just be a chance occurrence 8)

Yeah you are right. For any poll it is very hard to eradicate such chance occurrences and it is hard to find a fair and just way to determine a winner. I will try to come up with better possible solutions.