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Hungrywolf 3014th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):the Toy Thread part 3: Toymorrow comes" , posted Tue 12 Apr 12:29:
I've been adding to my collection lately. I bought all three of the new Star Wars Unleashed figures (Anakin, Obi-wan, and General Grievous). I like them a lot. The Anakin and Obi-wan go together and are fighting in the lava. They look great. My Obi-wan's lightsaber is kind of flimsy though. The Grievous is nice, but my figures upper right hand with the lightsaber is facing the opposite direction from the way the picture looks (though it doesn't matter to me). The best looking Unleashed figure is still the ROTJ version of Luke Skywalker, in my opinion. I love it. I need to get ahold of the Unleashed Leia. I wish I'd started collecting the unleashed figures when they first started coming out, because I would've been able to get the first Vader from the line and the Amidala easily at that time (I saw them everywhere, I can't believe I passed them up).
I picked up Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl (w/ Jack Jack) at the Disney store. I wanted the Violet since she comes with both visible and invisible versions but they were out. I'll find her later and pick up a Dash.
I also bought the full set of the first series of the Alex Ross Justice League. They all look nice (though I like Marvel Legends better than DC Direct, since they are far better articulated and have more interesting bases. Not to mention the Marvel Legends are far better priced). They all stand well without their bases except for Cheetah. She has to be on her base to stand (and the bases take up way too much space). I rounded out my first series of Hush figures by finally picking up Hush.
Also, I'm very excited that I just won a Marvel Legends Phoenix (green) on e-bay today! I've wanted to get her for a while now. I want to order a set of wave 9 (so I can have Galactus). I'm trying to get a box set of the Fantastic Four from the Legends line (the one with the invisible Sue). I'll definately need a full set of wave 10. Not just for the Sentinel, but because Cyclops is finally getting the legends treatment, and so is Angel.
Edit: I also picked up the Hal Jordan from the Green Lantern Rebirth figures.

Hungry Like the Wolf
[this message was edited by Hungrywolf on Tue 12 Apr 12:32] |
Dr Baghead 3418th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):the Toy Thread part 3: Toymorrow comes" , posted Wed 13 Apr 14:38
quote: I've been adding to my collection lately. I bought all three of the new Star Wars Unleashed figures (Anakin, Obi-wan, and General Grievous). I like them a lot. The Anakin and Obi-wan go together and are fighting in the lava. They look great. My Obi-wan's lightsaber is kind of flimsy though. The Grievous is nice, but my figures upper right hand with the lightsaber is facing the opposite direction from the way the picture looks (though it doesn't matter to me). The best looking Unleashed figure is still the ROTJ version of Luke Skywalker, in my opinion. I love it. I need to get ahold of the Unleashed Leia. I wish I'd started collecting the unleashed figures when they first started coming out, because I would've been able to get the first Vader from the line and the Amidala easily at that time (I saw them everywhere, I can't believe I passed them up).
I've been thinking of getting into the Unleashed line myself... I've been eyeing the Aayla Secura (Blue Jedi chick) and Jedi Luke (I agree, he's the best looking one so far, it's like a Shroryuken pose or something, DYNAMIC!) and the up coming Yoda Vs Palpatine looks great too.
I really hope Shaak Ti, Kit Fisto, and Luminara Unduli with matching Bariss Offee get unleashed figures too... I really like their designs (and I certainly wouldn't be heart broken if they got sculpts as dynamic as Luke's... Kit would be prefect in one of Abe Sapien style mid-water twist)
quote: I'll definately need a full set of wave 10. Not just for the Sentinel, but because Cyclops is finally getting the legends treatment, and so is Angel.
I originally planned to not get the whole series 10, but after getting Professy X and admiring the Galactus head I don't think I'll be able to live without getting to try and put together one giantic figure...
 Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)