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6310th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"More NxC and Kenkabanchô" , posted Fri 15 Apr 16:52:post reply


bored third age crazies having a hair dressing contest.

Go Hideo !


Also, on Kenka Banchô's subject :


[this message was edited by Iggy on Fri 15 Apr 16:59]


6565th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Burning Force!?" , posted Fri 15 Apr 19:05:post reply


For the people that have no idea.

[this message was edited by Rid on Fri 15 Apr 19:19]

165th Post

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"Re(1):More NxC and Kenkabanchô" , posted Fri 15 Apr 21:46post reply


bored third age crazies having a hair dressing contest.

Go Hideo !


Also, on Kenka Banchô's subject :

Who the hell is this guy talking to Heihachi?


6567th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):More NxC and Kenkabanchô" , posted Fri 15 Apr 21:50:post reply

Who the hell is this guy talking to Heihachi?
Beraboh Man/Bravo Man villain, I think.

edit: Yes:

[this message was edited by Rid on Fri 15 Apr 21:51]

174th Post

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"Re(3):More NxC and Kenkabanchô" , posted Fri 15 Apr 21:54post reply

Man this game looks fun. I hope they have plans to release this for the States.

1948th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):More NxC and Kenkabanchô" , posted Sat 16 Apr 00:35post reply

Tron Bonne and Baby and his robo-suit are teaming up? Man, this game just gets better looking all the time.

Just a Person
714th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(5):More NxC and Kenkabanchô" , posted Sat 16 Apr 01:33post reply

Is this Yoshimitsu? Why is he with this kid?

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

Burning Ranger
1160th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):More NxC and Kenkabanchô" , posted Sat 16 Apr 01:39post reply

No S.T.A.R.S. members = not impressed.

Then again... it has Captain Commando and Felicia...

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

"The war is over the fight is just beginning..."

505th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(6):More NxC and Kenkabanchô" , posted Sat 16 Apr 01:44post reply


Is this Yoshimitsu? Why is he with this kid?

It's the main character from Genpei Toumaden, actually. An old, very strange Namco platformer of sorts.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

6567th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Rid sensei again" , posted Sat 16 Apr 02:03post reply


Is this Yoshimitsu? Why is he with this kid?

Genpei Toumaden 1-2 (AKA Samurai Ghost)

Youkai Douchuuki

2553th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):More NxC and Kenkabanchô" , posted Sat 16 Apr 02:53post reply

Who the hell is this guy talking to Heihachi? Beraboh Man/Bravo Man villain, I think.

yah, in the US version he's called 'doctor bomb.'

oh man.

I want this game. Never before has a game had such an excellent opportunity to disappoint me as this one does. Don't lose heart NxC! You can do it!!

BTW: Klonoa and who now??

6569th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):More NxC and Kenkabanchô" , posted Sat 16 Apr 03:03post reply

BTW: Klonoa and who now??
Kaze no Klonoa G2, Klonoa Heroes, Klonoa Beach Volley baddie/antihero, Gantz.

888th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Burning Force!?" , posted Sat 16 Apr 03:12post reply



For the people that have no idea.

I think it's awesome how Namco is pulling all kinds of old characters from games most people today probably don't know about in order to fill the roster, rather than just dumping in the entire cast of Soul Calibur, Tekken, etc.

What??? Someone in Namco actually cares?!

And the amount of coverage Captain Commando and his crew is getting in the press photos makes me feel warm and fuzzy.

Tron DHC into Baby!

6570th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Burning Force!?" , posted Sat 16 Apr 03:24post reply

I think it's awesome how Namco is pulling all kinds of old characters from games most people today probably don't know about in order to fill the roster, rather than just dumping in the entire cast of Soul Calibur, Tekken, etc.
For some reason Namco always loved to keep their old characters alive, in games like Super Namco Wars, or this, Family Tennis:

889th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):Burning Force!?" , posted Sat 16 Apr 03:34post reply

For some reason Namco always loved to keep their old characters alive, in games like Super Namco Wars, or this, Family Tennis:

Wow that looks awesome.

I've always wondered why they like keeping the Castle of Druaga guy around, though... I don't remember his game being that awesome, and the more recent PS2 game of his wasn't too hot, either...

6571th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Burning Force!?" , posted Sat 16 Apr 03:45post reply

I've always wondered why they like keeping the Castle of Druaga guy around, though... I don't remember his game being that awesome, and the more recent PS2 game of his wasn't too hot, either...
I guess it was succesful back when it was made? it spawned many sequels, for a game of its time: Return to Ishtar, Adventure of Ki, The Blue Cystal Rod, Seme COM Dungeon Druaga, Nightmare of Druaga...

890th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(5):Burning Force!?" , posted Sat 16 Apr 03:52post reply

I've always wondered why they like keeping the Castle of Druaga guy around, though... I don't remember his game being that awesome, and the more recent PS2 game of his wasn't too hot, either... I guess it was succesful back when it was made? it spawned many sequels, for a game of its time: Return to Ishtar, Adventure of Ki, The Blue Cystal Rod, Seme COM Dungeon Druaga, Nightmare of Druaga...

Wow, and all this time I had only thought that there was Druaga, all its ports, and Nightmare of Druaga.

Burning Force is cool, though.

6311th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Burning Force!?" , posted Sat 16 Apr 04:08post reply

I think it's awesome how Namco is pulling all kinds of old characters from games most people today probably don't know about in order to fill the roster, rather than just dumping in the entire cast of Soul Calibur, Tekken, etc.

This is why I think the game may never leave Japan.
There, those old characters put whole boards on fire each time a new guy is unveiled, when more Street Fighter or Tekken characters don't raise much interest.
For many Japanese people, the Namco cast as it is now is even a little bigger than the Capcom one.
Out of Japan, most of Namco games are totally unknown or forgotten, and the selling point of the game will only be the Capcom characters that appeared in SF2, MvC2 and BH vs the 2 or 3 characters from Tekken and Calibur. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't even used 10 characters out of those 2 series.


2556th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Burning Force!?" , posted Sat 16 Apr 04:16post reply


This is why I think the game may never leave Japan.

The only way that will happen is if Namco is absolutely adamant about it not coming to the west. I know for a fact that other companies, aside from Namco, are very interested in bringing it here.

6312th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Burning Force!?" , posted Sat 16 Apr 04:20post reply

I know for a fact that other companies, aside from Namco, are very interested in bringing it here.

Have you seen the list of characters for now ? Out of the 137 characters (of the 200), only around 60 are even known in the west. And I'm counting Kyôko or obscure boss characters from Klonoa in it.

Oh, they'll bring it alright by putting Ryû vs Jin on the cover, but then players will play a game with more than 2/3rd of private jokes they'll dont get.

On the other hand, the satisfaction of the player is secondaries to most publishing companies, I know.


1575th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):Burning Force!?" , posted Sat 16 Apr 04:41post reply


Have you seen the list of characters for now ? Out of the 137 characters (of the 200), only around 60 are even known in the west. And I'm counting Kyôko or obscure boss characters from Klonoa in it.

But all that means is that it'll have only a slight advantage over games with completely new characters as opposed to a huge advantage, and many people only need to find one or two characters that they really like to be interested in the game.

The first time I played SRW, I was only familiar with Mazinger and to a lesser extent, Getter, but now I know practically every mecha series there is.

2557th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Burning Force!?" , posted Sat 16 Apr 04:56post reply


Have you seen the list of characters for now ? Out of the 137 characters (of the 200), only around 60 are even known in the west. And I'm counting Kyôko or obscure boss characters from Klonoa in it.

sure, but...who had ever heard of the characters from disgaea? you know? The fact that it's Namco and Capcom characters is just a bonus on top of the fact that it's an interesting strategy RPG. The cover would probably have a huge ensemble of characters, and the back of the box would say 'WITH CHARACTERS LIKE RYU AND HEIHACHI', but I don't think that will devalue the actual game at all.

1587th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):Burning Force!?" , posted Sat 16 Apr 07:26post reply


Oh, they'll bring it alright by putting Ryû vs Jin on the cover, but then players will play a game with more than 2/3rd of private jokes they'll dont get.

On the other hand, the satisfaction of the player is secondaries to most publishing companies, I know.

Obviously few of us are capable of enjoying the game on such a profound level as the sagacious Iggy (I know I'm not), but you don't need to catch every single reference to outside works or know every background detail on every character to enjoy a novel, much less a strategy game.

Besides, a good character design can be appreciated on a superficial level. I don't think one needs to play the original arcade Strider, or even know there WAS an original arcade Strider to like his design and enjoy using him in Marvel vs. Capcom.

And you know, those same people who first saw Strider in MvC may play Namco x Capcom and say "Hey, that's Strider, I know him. I recognize that special attack. Cool."

Maybe the super hardcore old-school Strider fans will say "No you don't, you asshole, you don't even begin to comprehend the magnificence of Strider!"

But does it really matter?

/ / /

81th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(6):Burning Force!?" , posted Sat 16 Apr 10:38post reply

Muh huh huh, I heard Namco is going to bring over "Namco X Capcom" in the guise of a Disneyworld fiasco. Muh huh huh.

join the m.bison hat club today
i'm not just the president i'm also a client

1681th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):Burning Force!?" , posted Sat 16 Apr 10:46:post reply

I know for a fact that other companies, aside from Namco, are very interested in bringing it here.

Have you seen the list of characters for now ? Out of the 137 characters (of the 200), only around 60 are even known in the west. And I'm counting Kyôko or obscure boss characters from Klonoa in it.

Oh, they'll bring it alright by putting Ryû vs Jin on the cover, but then players will play a game with more than 2/3rd of private jokes they'll dont get.

On the other hand, the satisfaction of the player is secondaries to most publishing companies, I know.

The thing is, I don't think there are very many North Americans who DON'T know the majority of Capcom characters in the game thanks to the numerous Vs games. The Vs. games and Card Clash actually increased awareness of a lot of obscure or previously Japan-only games in the west.

Which brings me to the point: Outside of Japan, Namco has dropped a few old-school references here and there, and sure they released all those old collections on PS1, but what the Vs. games did that old collections can't is put a modern face on old characters to get people interested. If I'm not mistaken, NxC will do just that. While this doesn't breed hype among those who don't know these characters, if the game is good it might get more people outside of Japan interested in Namco[t] classics and older, less-known characters.

That, and like Exodus said there is a pretty healthy interest in strategy-action-RPG-combo-counter type junk here (whichever of those things this is supposed to be). If I was Namco I'd be jumping at the chance to bring this to countries outside of Japan.

Off with your nose

[this message was edited by Gojira on Sat 16 Apr 10:48]

Shingo The One
482th Post

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"NxC WILL SO ROCK!!!" , posted Sat 16 Apr 15:18post reply

Man this game looks fun. I hope they have plans to release this for the States.

Hey guys, this unexpected surprise of a game definitely is the perfect candidate for the first big game I must buy this year.I hope those fighting game story-fuckers(not Capcom, despite the obvious truth, but the other one) don't screw up this one-of-a-kind masterpiece in the making.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

Burning Ranger
1163th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"What this game needs is..." , posted Sat 16 Apr 15:57post reply

Solvalou vs. Vic Viper!

... wait a minute...

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

"The war is over the fight is just beginning..."

Cain Highwind
529th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):What this game needs is..." , posted Sat 16 Apr 17:56post reply


Who's the blonde haired woman speaking to Tron? Another obscure Namco character I'm guessing ????

6314th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):What this game needs is..." , posted Sat 16 Apr 19:17post reply

Who's the blonde haired woman speaking to Tron? Another obscure Namco character I'm guessing ????

She's Silphie (?), the girl that hold the shop in Forgotten world / Lost world. She'll have several cosplay clothes for her attacks to feature characters not in the game, like SF3 Makoto for example.

But I think I understand why we don't agree on the US port of the game : I'm pessimistic because I think it's going to be a boring half assed game whose only appeal will be the characters, made by the guys who did Xenosaga2, while most of you assume it's going to be a great game by itself regardless of the characters, made by the guys of Baten Kaitos.

And, well, if the optimistic guys are right, I won't feel worse.


Burning Ranger
1165th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):What this game needs is..." , posted Sun 17 Apr 04:54post reply

Personally I *don't want* an american version because they will dub the characters with the usual awful voice acting of american published games/anime...

If they leave the original voices as an option, we can talk, but most likely they won't.

Hell, seeing as this is Namco and Capcom, they could probably get away with having Japanese voices with english subtitles. I don't see Sony being bitches to Namco.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

"The war is over the fight is just beginning..."

1092th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):What this game needs is..." , posted Sun 17 Apr 07:34post reply

Personally I *don't want* an american version because they will dub the characters with the usual awful voice acting of american published games/anime...

Personally I would rather have a bad dub than no game at all!

1681th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):What this game needs is..." , posted Sun 17 Apr 10:40post reply

Personally I *don't want* an american version because they will dub the characters with the usual awful voice acting of american published games/anime...

If they leave the original voices as an option, we can talk, but most likely they won't.

Then get yourself a Japanese version. It's not like a US version would preempt it for some reason. That's just selfish.

Off with your nose

893th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):What this game needs is..." , posted Sun 17 Apr 14:39post reply

She's Silphie (?), the girl that hold the shop in Forgotten world / Lost world. She'll have several cosplay clothes for her attacks to feature characters not in the game, like SF3 Makoto for example.

That appeals to me on a level I can't even begin to describe... obscure character from much-loved ancient game doing fill-ins for other characters? Crazy.

I hope Q and Tweleve [sic] are in the game; they'd make an awesome superhero team.

I wonder if they're going to have any jokes in that will be designed to appeal to the hardcore fighting game players...

Shingo The One
484th Post

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Gold Customer

"NxC update summary" , posted Sun 17 Apr 19:31:post reply

Muh huh huh, I heard Namco is going to bring over "Namco X Capcom" in the guise of a Disneyworld fiasco. Muh huh huh.

I don't think so man.Anyway, to prove you wrong and to make our wait for this game a little easier, has posted the summary of the latest update for NxC.As always, here's the link:
BTW, to be the best with this game, we'll deal with SHOPPING AND GAMBLING!

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

[this message was edited by Shingo The One on Sun 17 Apr 19:32]

Just a Person
715th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):Rid sensei again" , posted Tue 19 Apr 09:54post reply

It's the main character from Genpei Toumaden, actually. An old, very strange Namco platformer of sorts.

Genpei Toumaden 1-2 (AKA Samurai Ghost)

Youkai Douchuuki

Nate and Rid, thank you both for the answer!
Wow, when I first heard about Namco X Capcom I thought it would be stupid, but now the images are really impressing me! I liked seeing King and Felicia in action (although it would be more logical to King to team up with Zangief, Alex or Rainbow Mika - BTW Namco, please don´t forget Mika!! Although if you do, that´s OK, at least Chun-Li and Taki are already confirmed), and Guy looks cool as part of Captain Commando´s team (now Maki knows where to find him...). There are so many cool combinations in NxC that I wonder how much time do we need to see every one of the 200 characters. It looks really promising, it will probably be either one of the best games of 2005, or a huge letdown. Let´s hope for the first option!

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

2564th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):What this game needs is..." , posted Wed 20 Apr 01:43post reply


But I think I understand why we don't agree on the US port of the game

yeah, that's it.
See...since it looks so much like SRW, I keep forgetting it's done by monolith, not the SRW banpresto team. If it were done by them, or at least in cooperation with them, it might be quite good.

or maybe now we'll have Mok-kos 2, with Makoto instead, and it'll still be worthwile. Mok-kos is certainly the most meaningful and moving creation from Monolith...I bet a lot more people appreciate that than Xenosaga 2.

113th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(4):What this game needs is..." , posted Wed 20 Apr 04:34post reply


I bet a lot more people appreciate that than Xenosaga 2.

There are so many things to answer such a quote that my brain is slowly melting.