help me rugie wan kenobi - Forums

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Juke Joint Jezebel
3379th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"help me rugie wan kenobi" , posted Sat 16 Apr 16:31post reply

oh shi how do i use this thing? and do you have a suggestion for the output format?


Red Falcon
5451th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):help me rugie wan kenobi" , posted Sun 17 Apr 00:29post reply

Hit me up later, I'll guide you through it.

Best site EVER:Link Here

Juke Joint Jezebel
3380th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):help me rugie wan kenobi" , posted Sun 17 Apr 09:40post reply

Hit me up later, I'll guide you through it.

i want it NOW! NOW!! NOW!!

Juke Joint Jezebel
3381th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Japanese Kids Say the Darndest Things 3" , posted Sun 17 Apr 09:41post reply

At the ghetto school, I was walking around outside after classes, visiting the various sports clubs. As I came up to the girls basketball club, one ichinensei girl (the "breasts" girl by the way) greeted me with "Yo Nigga!"

...I hate MTV.

Juke Joint Jezebel
3382th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Japanese Kids Say the Darndest Things 3" , posted Sun 17 Apr 09:42post reply

She then asked me what it meant. Sigh. I told her it was kind of a greeting...but it was really bad so never use it. She didn't quite get it, so I gathered her and her friends around for storytime. I tried my best in simple Japanese to explain American history and slavery and the origins of that word. I said it was very bad and to please never use it again.

They seemed to listen the best they could, and when I finished, Breasts Girl showed her appreciation by giving me a heartfelt "Thanks Nigga!"

...I really hate MTV.

847th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):help me rugie wan kenobi" , posted Sun 17 Apr 10:22post reply

what´s the point of randomly cutting and pasting stuff from

at least put the link and in quotes.

3346th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):help me rugie wan kenobi" , posted Sun 17 Apr 10:56post reply

what´s the point of randomly cutting and pasting stuff from

at least put the link and in quotes.

Thank you Masterposter, you've saved the day once again.

Hagen de Merak
890th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):help me rugie wan kenobi" , posted Sun 17 Apr 13:41post reply

what´s the point of randomly cutting and pasting stuff from

at least put the link and in quotes.

seriously, have you ever talked to a woman without giving out your credit card number first?

104th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(2):help me rugie wan kenobi" , posted Sun 17 Apr 13:50post reply

what´s the point of randomly cutting and pasting stuff from

at least put the link and in quotes.

Thank you for lecturing us about something we all knew about already, Professor Internet.

Juke Joint Jezebel
3383th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Times when beto promotes empathy" , posted Sun 17 Apr 14:11post reply

what´s the point of randomly cutting and pasting stuff from

at least put the link and in quotes.

i've empathized with beto a few times in the past, but i've never felt as much pity for the little dude as i do right now

So, my question is, what posts and in what moments has beto illicited empathy from you? Have you ever felt happy that beto has achieved his goal? Have you ever felt sad for beto's defeat? I think this is very interesting because its not something we talk about but something that does happen and it should be lauded because this is where beto's posts really turn into something like movies and books which illicit emotions so strongly