No arcade Calibur 3 - Forums

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"No arcade Calibur 3" , posted Sat 16 Apr 19:40post reply

It was already said when the game was only announced on PS2, but a Namco representative officially stated Calibur 3 would not be released in the arcades, even in Japan. With the success of Tekken 5, it's quite a surprise.
Also, source, stuff on Mario Kart and Cobra the arcade, and something on the ex-leader of the Morning Musume.



1588th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):No arcade Calibur 3" , posted Mon 18 Apr 03:57post reply

It was already said when the game was only announced on PS2, but a Namco representative officially stated Calibur 3 would not be released in the arcades, even in Japan. With the success of Tekken 5, it's quite a surprise.
Also, source, stuff on Mario Kart and Cobra the arcade, and something on the ex-leader of the Morning Musume.

No arcade and no netplay...

Looks like they can save some time trying to balance the game, then.

/ / /

1093th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):No arcade Calibur 3" , posted Mon 18 Apr 06:59post reply

Sounds to me like Calibur 3 is going to be a quick, last major generation title before the PS3.

Burning Ranger
1166th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):No arcade Calibur 3" , posted Mon 18 Apr 07:00post reply

It was already said when the game was only announced on PS2, but a Namco representative officially stated Calibur 3 would not be released in the arcades, even in Japan. With the success of Tekken 5, it's quite a surprise.
Also, source, stuff on Mario Kart and Cobra the arcade, and something on the ex-leader of the Morning Musume.

Well, how was the sales of arcade Tekken 5 machines in the US? I don't recall ever seeing a Tekken 5 machine anywhere. Remember that the US market is big, and that probably affected their decision.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

"The war is over the fight is just beginning..."

348th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(2):No arcade Calibur 3" , posted Mon 18 Apr 08:07post reply

I don't give a shit for Calibur series, but even if I did, I think you shouldn't worry about the game, as long as it is released...This just could state that arcade machines are getting less important each year, even in Japan. We should face it, Arcades will soon be an extinct concept of entertaining...

1511th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):No arcade Calibur 3" , posted Mon 18 Apr 11:38post reply

Well, how was the sales of arcade Tekken 5 machines in the US? I don't recall ever seeing a Tekken 5 machine anywhere. Remember that the US market is big, and that probably affected their decision.

I have seen a T5 machine and my major arcade is actually closed. I never thought the game would be that rare.

They're outsourcing Elmo and putting Cookie Monster on a diet...WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?!?

314th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(3):No arcade Calibur 3" , posted Mon 18 Apr 15:28post reply

Well, how was the sales of arcade Tekken 5 machines in the US? I don't recall ever seeing a Tekken 5 machine anywhere. Remember that the US market is big, and that probably affected their decision.

I have seen a T5 machine and my major arcade is actually closed. I never thought the game would be that rare.

Yeah, we've got at least three machines here in San Antonio that I know of, possibly more.

6328th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):No arcade Calibur 3" , posted Mon 18 Apr 16:51post reply

Oh, and Soul Archive has been updated, with new movies and settei for the 3 new characters.
I like the movies of the motion capture.

ガラハド  「ねんがんの アイスソードをてにいれたぞ!」
  :そう かんけいないね
→ :木又してでも うばいとる
  :ゆずってくれ たのむ!!

Burning Ranger
1168th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):No arcade Calibur 3" , posted Mon 18 Apr 21:08post reply


Yeah, we've got at least three machines here in San Antonio that I know of, possibly more.

Is there, now? Where? The only arcade I really go to is Diversions on San Pedro and I've never seen it there. I thought if there was a new game, then it would at least be there.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

"The war is over the fight is just beginning..."

75th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(5):No arcade Calibur 3" , posted Tue 19 Apr 11:09:post reply


Yeah, we've got at least three machines here in San Antonio that I know of, possibly more.

Is there, now? Where? The only arcade I really go to is Diversions on San Pedro and I've never seen it there. I thought if there was a new game, then it would at least be there.

2 that I know of for certian are CyberZone Ingram, and Malibu Castle.. I've played at both, my ghost data is on there as HayakawaKen, so if you play him, you'll realize I'm lousy and should quit the game immediately. :P no but seriously, those are 2 places that have it, and the card reader active as well. A bit pricey to play at $1 a pop, and $6 for an IC card. CZ does offer a nice large Tekken 5 poster if it suits your fancy if you spend $10....

SP Diversions? We've had to have run into each other at some point.. usually I and Hikarutilmitt go just so we can play Raiden Fighters 2 and Strikers... I play DDR and Bemani on occasion as well..

"Waga shougai ni ippen no kuinashi!"

[this message was edited by KaiketsuZubat on Tue 19 Apr 11:14]

315th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(6):No arcade Calibur 3" , posted Tue 19 Apr 11:17post reply


Yeah, we've got at least three machines here in San Antonio that I know of, possibly more.

Is there, now? Where? The only arcade I really go to is Diversions on San Pedro and I've never seen it there. I thought if there was a new game, then it would at least be there.

2 that I know of for certian are CyberZone Ingram, and Malibu Castle.. I've played at both, my ghost data is on there as HayakawaKen, so if you play him, you'll realize I'm lousy and should quit the game immediately. :P no but seriously, those are 2 places that have it, and the card reader active as well. A bit pricey to play at $1 a pop, and $6 for an IC card. CZ does offer a nice large Tekken 5 poster if it suits your fancy if you spend $10....

SP Diversions? We've had to have run into each other at some point.. usually I and Hikarutilmitt go just so we can play Raiden Fighters 2 and Strikers... I play DDR and Bemani on occasion as well..

Rivercenter has one too, apparently. Some of the guys I tried to play VF with a while back went there to play.

1708th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(7):No arcade Calibur 3" , posted Wed 20 Apr 00:32post reply

The Tekken 5 Arcade in Chinatown Fair, CTF in New York City is always crowded and even connects to PS2 joysticks so people bring them to play the game. Don't know if this is normal for Tekken Arcades connecting to PS2 joysticks or if all Tekken 5 Arcades do this but it is a really cool feature. Not that I'll ever play a fighting game without an arcade stick even at home but you gotta love the inovation. Finally, people who are more used to handheld joysticks can hang in the arcades.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

896th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(8):No arcade Calibur 3" , posted Wed 20 Apr 01:54post reply

The Tekken 5 Arcade in Chinatown Fair, CTF in New York City is always crowded and even connects to PS2 joysticks so people bring them to play the game. Don't know if this is normal for Tekken Arcades connecting to PS2 joysticks or if all Tekken 5 Arcades do this but it is a really cool feature. Not that I'll ever play a fighting game without an arcade stick even at home but you gotta love the inovation. Finally, people who are more used to handheld joysticks can hang in the arcades.

Aside from the usual music/rhythm game draws, Tekken 5 is pretty much the hottest thing on the block in the arcades right now, and has been since release.

All Tekken 5 machines come with PS2 controller ports. A good many professed pad players can finally show their stuff... while I sneakily bring in my custom pad that has an EWGF button...

2565th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):No arcade Calibur 3" , posted Wed 20 Apr 01:57post reply

I think this is a stupid move. Oh well!

3th Post

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New Customer

"Re:No arcade Calibur 3" , posted Wed 20 Apr 06:53post reply

There are a few in the casino arcades here in vegas. It's a very popular game, but SC2 is still beating it in terms of popularity. It's a shame there wont be a 3rd SC arcade game, especially with innovations in the last one being a big moneymaing draw. Conquest mode was very popular at my old college.

JoJo continually pulls off impossible stunts such as blocking bullets or stabbing a vampire's eyes out with his toes. Eventually after saving the world in a battle that involves a volcano a Nazi cyborg and a B-52 bomber Joseph marries Susie Q. and retires from adventuring.