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Iggy 6322th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Shadow Hearts 2 JP question" , posted Sun 17 Apr 06:56:
I finally took the time to finish SH1, so I watched the trailers of the sequel whose director's cut should arrive between my hands shortly. And to my surprise, the whole trailer was in english. The time ? for destruction ? has ? begun. My question... No, I mean, my demands are simple : someone (Polly ?), tell me the japanese versions has professional japanese voice actors, please, thank you.
On a nearly unrelated subject, Minstrel Song appears more and more interesting, I can't wait. - 4 days ! the 2ch threads are incredible. We are currently using the 106th thread, and the first post of the 102th thread is only 48 hours old. And the game hasn't been released yet.
And Tengai 3 barely made 70000 in two days, ahaha. RIP Hudson.
ガラハド 「ねんがんの アイスソードをてにいれたぞ!」 :そう かんけいないね メ几 → :木又してでも うばいとる :ゆずってくれ たのむ!!
[this message was edited by Iggy on Sun 17 Apr 07:14] | | Replies: |
Iggy 6331th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Minstrel song and general Saga love" , posted Mon 18 Apr 22:15:
The Minstrel threads are totally out of control... One new thread (1000 posts) is completed every 5 hours. The template is extremely well done and full of extremely intriguing details on the system, you can check the RPG board and look for the most recent ミンストレル thread. The official site also has a lot of interesting stuff (check the hidden buttons in the left end corner).
I can't wait to read the complains of the nuru-FF-DQ-gamers who will began with Visual Grey, get slaughtered by some dinosaur on their first fight and scream "kusoge!", or those who will begin with magical prince Al☆bert, get abducted by a sasquatch and say "ウホッ!".
Me ? Like in the original game, I will begin with Sif. I mean, Tsuf.
~~~ ~~~~ CM ~~~~~ ザッ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ⌒─⌒─⌒─⌒─⌒─⌒─ ザッ ザッ ─⌒─⌒─⌒─⌒─⌒─⌒─⌒─ /⌒─⌒─⌒─⌒─⌒─⌒─⌒─⌒─ ./⌒T 乙ヽ./⌒T 乙ヽ./⌒T 乙ヽ./⌒T 乙ヽ. ザッ /⌒T./⌒T 乙ヽ─、/⌒/⌒T 乙ヽ─、T 乙ヽ─、 ./⌒T 乙ヽ─、 =_=./⌒T 乙ヽ─、 =_=. ./⌒T 乙ヽ─、 <男はいねぇか~ (_(⌒ヽl =_=l/~)ノヽ=(_(⌒ヽl =_=l/~)ノヽ= ,(_(⌒ヽl =_=l/~)ノ あたしのことが好きなんでしょ坊や _ .)ヽ= ノ " \/⌒ヽ._..)ヽ= ノ " \/⌒ヽ.._ .)ヽ= ノ /く" \/⌒ヽ )Y○)/く" \/⌒ヽ, )Y○) /く" \/⌒ヽ }= (○Y○)={.:::|l|::〈...}= (○Y○)={ .:::|l|::〈...}= (○Y○)={. /_/] 〉:::|l|::〈\,_ゝ/ヽ_/_/] 〉:::|l|::〈\,_ゝ/ヽ_/_/] 〉:::|l|::〈\,_ゝ (,,u /ヽ/ヽ_,,ゝu)ノ/\(,,u. /ヽ/ヽ_,,ゝu)ノ/\(,,u /ヽ/ヽ_,,ゝu)ノ ,,_L_,,/\-"フ_,,/ |,,_,,_L_,,/\-"フ_,,/ |,,_,,_L_,,/\-"フ \_,,/ |,,_/ _ヲ l:::::\_,,/ |,,_/ _ヲ l:::::\_,,/ |,,_/ /_ヲ l:::::ヽ. `` /_ヲ l:::::ヽ. `` /_ヲ l:::::ヽ. ` - ' . ` - ' . ` - ' . 「バルハラントからきた」 「キャプテンホークという人を探してるんだけど、知らないかい?」 「シフっていうんだ よろしくな」
恐怖がやってくる ロマンシングサガミストレルソング 4/21日発売 「坊や買うんだよ・・・・・」
The old Sif has been replaced by a new character, Tsuf. Tsuf Dandag. I love her. Also, Aishaタン = 最強のキモ萌えキャラ. The only question left is wether the legendary scene will still be here or not. (the legendary scene : password saga)
On a semi related note, the U:Saga thread (104th thread when Romamin is around 110 without even being released) sure has an interesting template :
Q : I found the game at ○○ yens, should I buy it? A : You shouldn't buy the game. Forget it.
Q : I bought it at ○○ yens... A : You're not up to it. Resign.
Q : I don't understand what is fun in this game ? A : This game is not for you. Stop now.
It's funny because it's true.
ガラハド 「ねんがんの アイスソードをてにいれたぞ!」 :そう かんけいないね メ几 → :木又してでも うばいとる :ゆずってくれ たのむ!!
[this message was edited by Iggy on Mon 18 Apr 23:09] |
Maou 566th Post

New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(5):Minstrel song and general Saga love" , posted Tue 19 Apr 03:48
quote: Hamauzu never existed either. All game music ever written began with Itoken and will end up with Itoken.
"We have always been at war with our eternal enemies of Eastasia." I see! Hmm, does Itoken's music for SaGa Frontier get expunged from the book along with the rest of the "game," since it was equally mediocre? (i.e. every track was AABAAB "ten-second melody, same ten-second melody again, short bridge, repeat")
Hamauzu, much like Tidus and Jack the Ripper, may or may not have existed originially, but their interactions with the world have brought them an existence in my mind independent of original reality. Also, Hamauzu is genius, but I can see that Itoken naturally should be composing for a SaGa remake, after all. So was he good back then?
Iggy 6336th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):Minstrel song and general Saga love" , posted Tue 19 Apr 05:39
quote: I see! Hmm, does Itoken's music for SaGa Frontier get expunged from the book along with the rest of the "game,"
the Saga Frontier soundtrack was a concept album, on the subject of "what if a Saga game had been made on PSone?".
quote: since it was equally mediocre? (i.e. every track was AABAAB "ten-second melody, same ten-second melody again, short bridge, repeat")
ブ ン ・ ・ ・ ブ ン ・ ・ ・ ブ ン ・・・ ブ ン …… ( ((( ○--=三○ 三三 ○三==--○ ))) ) / _ _ ___________ ∩/__ i__ヽ / ヽ||・д・∥ < HERESY !!!!!!!!!! \"|V| ゛ニi⊃ \ リ|__|:|_∥  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ /♯♯ヽ |~|~|~|~ H H U U
_ __ ____________ /_i__ ヽ / ○------------------⊂iニ ||д・|| | < Philistine !! \ リ|∞/ | | \ ⊂iニ_/_ル  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ /♯♯ヽ /~/~~|~|~ |-| \\ ⊂ ) ⊂ )
_ __ ____________ /_i__ ヽ / ⊂iニ ||д・|| | < I can't tolerate this ! i\ リ|∞/ | | \ ¦⊂iニ_/_ル  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ¦ /♯♯ヽ ¦/~/~~|~|~ ○ |-| \\ ⊂ ) ⊂ ) o 。° グサッ! ξ _ _ _〃\ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ / __i__ ヽ\\ < Ah |||TдT∥ ヾw \_______ 川||∞|゛ル |_|__|:|__L| U♯ ♯U ¦~|~|~|~|~ ¦ H H ○ U U
So, hum, yeah, you summed up Itoken's style pretty much. You should take a look (a hear?) to the movies on Square's page (especially Battle 4). If you don't like the remix of Sheraha's theme (the boss song, against the octopus) we can pretty much conclude you are not loved by Itoken, hense by the entire RS series. Don't worry, it's not that dramatic. It just mean you'll never be loved and will die alone and helpless in a dark alley with last year's fashion collection on the back.
ガラハド 「ねんがんの アイスソードをてにいれたぞ!」 :そう かんけいないね メ几 → :木又してでも うばいとる :ゆずってくれ たのむ!!
Iggy 6347th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Re(10):Minstrel song and general Saga l" , posted Wed 20 Apr 17:42
123rd thread ! The anti DO arrive and say "it sucks, I began by Grey and got killed by the dinosaurs, how do I kill them, this game sucks, awful balance, a game for masochistic people like Megaten 3, etc". It's so funny.
quote: Besides, "good" and "what SaGa fans like" are not necessarily the same thing.
I think RS2 is the best of the series. But it's still a Saga, which means really hard, and a free scenario system. The Saga series is a world of its own, with its own rules and all. Maybe RS3 would be better as an introduction to Minstrel since it's a copy of RS1 by part of the FF6 team. And it's easier. I find ironical how I'm all excited by this Minstrel, when I disliked RS1 so much (dislike for a RS game). Eh.
Also, it's only a matter of time before the "zenmetsu" of Minstrel becomes a joke like patotta, and gets its own AA.
So, hum, I wouldn't tell someone to play Minstrel if the person hasn't already an idea of what he's going to play. Once you've got used to FF and DQ, Saga is so fundamentally different that the first move of many people is to reject it totally and call the game crap. Which is a spectacle Saga fans absolutely love to point at and laugh.
ガラハド 「ねんがんの アイスソードをてにいれたぞ!」 :そう かんけいないね メ几 → :木又してでも うばいとる :ゆずってくれ たのむ!!
Nate 509th Post

New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(7):Re(10):Minstrel song and general Saga l" , posted Thu 21 Apr 01:42:
Barbara : she... has a car?
She had a wagon in the original. It was better than walking, even if you could only take it as far as Estameel.
Oh, and question. What weapon types are available?
I know the original had 剣, 大剣, 斧, 小剣, 槍, 弓, 体術 and mace (as opposed to the later hammers/clubs) waza types along with the Holy Grail and the Mage Staff, so is it basically the same idea only with maybe more weapons (i.e. more than just four or so per type?) or is it too early to know?
ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!
[this message was edited by Nate on Thu 21 Apr 01:47] |
Iggy 6360th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):Re(10):Minstrel song and general Saga l" , posted Thu 21 Apr 02:51:
Yeah, I mean, that's all she has. It's not a car, it's those things with two horses that have the carriage behind them. You can't be attacked when you have this, while Aisha can be attacked on her horse.
The list of weapons has disappeared from the template, but there was many, many weapons. The game also has over 300 attacks.
If I'm not mistaken, since monday, we are at about 5000 posts by day, and I'm not counting the kôryaku threads or the anti threads.
EDIT : OMG The commercials have been put on the official site. Check the ■e logo in the mozaic commercials. ♥
ガラハド 「ねんがんの アイスソードをてにいれたぞ!」 :そう かんけいないね メ几 → :木又してでも うばいとる :ゆずってくれ たのむ!!
[this message was edited by Iggy on Thu 21 Apr 03:01] |
Pollyanna 1039th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(3):Iggy's SaGa" , posted Mon 25 Apr 15:48
Ah, yeah...I have the game. I'm not sure if my opinion is more or less valid because I'm not a SaGa freak.
I mean, I like the game a lot, but I can't recommend it to someone because it still has unbalanced scenarios, "freedom" which amounts to a feeling of "everything is pointless", system upon system upon system (for better or worse) and limited plot and character development. For people who have only played SaGa Frontier and hated it, I can't really recommend this game.
But in my case, I don't mind the lack of character development as long as the characters look awesome (and they do) and I don't mind the frequent lack of purpose as long as the battle system is awesome (and it is).
The game looks ugly, often animates awkwardly and has the worst camera problem I've ever experienced. You spend a lot of time doing nothing at all and sometimes wonder if you're supposed to do anything.
I expected all of this, and despite the "problems" I find the game horribly addictive. After a while, it doesn't matter what you're doing as long as you're having fun doing it. With all the (sometimes convoluted) systems, there's always something to do and with some of the challenging fights, you may spend a long time doing it.
I have to be able to laugh at the game to enjoy it, but I still like it a lot. I haven't had a ton of time to play it, because I got a very rushed assignment to finish and I also got Demento, which I've been enjoying for no particular reason. I wanted to start a topic on it, but I don't have the time or energy.
Oh...yeah...and the music, as Iggy had anticipated (and the webpage indicated), in Minstrel Song is quite excellent. I'm Sure Iggy will have a completely different analysis full of things that nobody can understand.
Maou 582th Post

New Red Carpet Member
| "Polly's SaGa" , posted Tue 26 Apr 01:37:
But of course! I just figured I should be asking Iggy because he singlehandedly helped turn this thread into a SaGa thread. Also, he's the only person I know who really, genuinely seems to LIKE SaGa so I figured that only he would comment. But I definitely want to hear everyone's thoughts who's playing!
quote: . For people who have only played SaGa Frontier and hated it, I can't really recommend this game.
Uh oh. In actuality, Frontier's complete lack of story/a point wouldn't have been so bad if the detestable 2-frames-of-animation-graphics and lame music weren't compounded by a battle system where you randomly learned moves when two fighters' techniques randomly stuck together. Gah. But if this one is at least prettier, with good music, will I be able to like it? How's the system feel after a few hours? I normally like story-heavy RPG's, but if I could like a gameplay-centered game like EstpolisII/LufiaII or Fuurai No Shiren (Fushigi No Dungeon 2), I could like Minstrel, if the gameplay is actually fun this time around.
[this message was edited by Maou on Tue 26 Apr 01:45] |
Iggy 6381th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Shut up you." , posted Tue 26 Apr 06:33:
All of you. Oh well. ... DON'T JUDGE ME!!! ... Yeah, I'm that weak.
So : just to be sure everyone understands me, after the gorgeous opening, I was nearly crying before the title music began. Not because of the opening, not because of the title : just because of the sheer tension of those 2 seconds of silence between the opening and the title, when you know you're going to hear some new Itoken tune for the first time in year, and it's going to be the theme of RomaSaga. They are my favourite 2 seconds of silence in the world.
So, now you're aware of what kind of person is saying what follows : Romamin is the best game that was ever released on PS2. This is what a remake is supposed to be. Sega : look and take notes : if you're not willing to do anything close to this, stop NOW.
No, let me rephrase it : Romamin is the best game ever released since RS3.
I'm not a Saga freak, I'm a RS freak, so this game is the messiah to me. strangely, it's RS1, the weakest RS, plus U:Saga, which is... U:Saga, and for a reason, the mix of those two highly dangerous chemicals gave birth to pure bliss. It's like a yaya busu girl that you like even though she's ugly, and she suddenly becomes beautiful. RS1 and U:Saga were ugly little ducks, and they've grown up to become the most beautiful swan that existed.
So, yeah, it has Frontier elements, but they were in U:Saga, so I'll continue to pretend Frontier never existed. The game is exactly what RS is all about, and it is : a MMORPG without the online and multiplayer part. Which leaves two things : a huge freedom to travel and enjoy absolutely any of the gorgeous places of the game, and a huge freedom for the customization of your team. The game gives you a few scenario elements for the first hour, so you know who you are playing, and then, it's up to you. it's a game where you play the role of a character, and you adapt it to your mood and the places you visit. There's no need for more scenario than those 3 sequences at the beginning : that's what a free scenario game is all about. You're not the character following a scenario, you're the character making it.
The loss of one party member is not that terrible, and with all the new things you can do with the characters, you would never have had enough money anyways (you already don't have enough). The graphisms are nice. I stopped finding the designs uglys ages ago, and even Alu☆beru is tolerable after a few hours of game. I wonder what Garahage will look like, though. The grounds are beautiful, and wide. They are a pleasure to explore, and you can just walk there to look for treasures and precious stones and herbs. MMORPG didn't existed in the SFC days, but they are extremely close to RS. It's a MMORPG for sociopath : I never played a MMORPG because the levelup was too slow, and because I didn't want stupid assholes ruining my pleasure with their l33t skills and languages. Romamin offers what many MMORPG say they offer and very few do : the pleasure to travel through huge worlds, and tons of level ups after every fight. If you're receptive enough, Romamin will indeed suck you up in a world immersive enough to allow you to do whatever you want, and without the 12 years old AOLers to remind you "this is just a game". This is indeed just a game. But not a game about numbers that go up. You're happy when your characters get more love and seduction at the end of a fight, but it's more than that. MMORPG, like the DQs and other games, are "just videogames". Romamin is "just a game". And it's quite different, and so much more valuable.
Polly is being a horrible person because he wishes he had boobs as monstruous as the Demento slut, but no, the graphisms are far from ugly, and the animations don't have the slightest problem. The camera is not perfect, but you quickly learn to deal with it, like with everything in a Saga game.
My biggest concern is that the game might be too easy after you've mastered the different systems. Having myself a reasonably big level of RS1 knowledge and U:Saga knowledge, I was already feeling at home after 6 hours of game (well, I guess, I'll still be learning a lot of things when the Ultimania will be out, but still). I died 4 times in the two first hours, but I haven't died in the last two hours (I'm at 8 now). We'll see when I'll fight the 4 heavenly kings, Jeraha, Death and Saruin. Also, I knew what I was doing, and I began with my beloved Sif, so it might explain my feeling. If the feeling persists, I'll try with Aisha on my second run, we'll see.
Of course, I'm saying "easy" in a "easy like RS2 when you know the game by heart" meaning. Which means I've been close to death more than once, and that's why I can't stop loving RS. That difficulty, the rush you feel when a character hirameki-s a new devastating move during a boss fight when everything seems lost, and delivers the final blow with it; or when the boss is too strong, and you die, losing the new move and you mourn and swear you'll have your revenge, that's the roman, that's the Saga.. The game is definitely not for those who find Megaten difficult. Megaten's difficulty is cheap, beacuse it is based on random luck. You didn't protected your hero against that particular spell, too bad for you. Romamin, like all the RS game, is simply hard, without small tricks. It's a raw game, that fucks you more violently than anyone ever did; if you have your lube with you, you will ask more over and over until you collapse, and if you don't, you will call an ambulance because your ass is bleeding. There is no bad luck involved in the numerous zenmetsu you'll get in the game : you deserve your death, because you weren't careful enough. Once you're being careful and know what to spend you money and gems on, everything is alright. I don't know what it will give for someone who doesn't know RS1 and U:Saga, on the other hand, and frankly : I don't care.
quote: complete lack of story/a point battle system where you randomly learned moves I normally like story-heavy RPG's
Go play FFX. This game is not for people like you.
I wouldn't recommand the game to anyone. The game is a Saga. Nobody is allowed to choose a Saga game : the game chooses you or it does not. This is a sovietic game. It's a game that orders : "PLAY!" and you're already dreaming.
Also, if Saruin's battle song is indeed what I heard a few days ago, I know I'm going to cry everytime I fight him.
I hate Pollyanna even more now, because I just prooved him right. meh.
Conclusion : so, I'm poor, but I'm going to cancel everything I was supposed to buy in the next 2 month, including food (beside Vampire Collection, but I'm not even sure of it) and buy a HDD instead. The loadings are not terrible, but if I burn hundreds of hours on this, I'll definitely need it. NxC, various DVDs and books, go to hell, I don't need games when I have this Game.
ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!
[this message was edited by Iggy on Tue 26 Apr 06:41] |
Maou 584th Post

New Red Carpet Member
| "Saga of SaGa" , posted Tue 26 Apr 06:57:
Ah, it's Iggy! 暗黒のサガ狂信支援者、参上! Hearing this game described as an offline MMORPG is the most exciting thing I've ever heard about SaGa! Well, that and infinite zenmetsu beatings. I admit that getting abused by real difficulty was one of the few enjoyable things about SaGa Frontier.
I think the game looks pretty on the main page so I have no graphical complaints, and this is the second (and best) Itoken I've ever heard in preview.
quote: go play FFX
Hooo, SaGa fans' prideful, haughty, abrasive love of their franchise tempts me. SaGa Frontier sounded brilliant in concept and chose me, and I played it twice before it ultimately failed me, but I want to be chosen again, this time by a worthy game. This may fit the bill.
Besides, I told you that when the RPG system is just that good, I DO play RPG's without stories. Unless Shiren had some huge plot development involving the philosophical meaning of being a Fuurai vagabond and Estpolis expanded on the phychological liberation achieved through proper grappling hook use. Which they didn't. In other words, I can take it. Tell me more~
edit: spelllign
[this message was edited by Maou on Tue 26 Apr 07:11] |
Pollyanna 1041th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(5):Saga of SaGa" , posted Tue 26 Apr 13:54
Which "Demento Slut?" Fiona or Daniella? If it's Daniella (who has the bigger breasts anyway) then yes. I want to be like Daniella in every way, because she's the coolest game character ever.
Anyway, Iggy, you're just going to hate me no matter how I feel. If I said I hated the game, then you could maintain your elitist superiority and mock me for "not being chosen", but since I like it I'm a threat to your individuality. (like: "What? A piece of trash like that can't possibly appreciate the greatness of this game!")
I still think the characters are gross-looking and the animation is choppy. Some of the moves the characters do have good design, though. When someone complains about the choppiness in SaGa Frontier I feel obligated to mention that the animation in Minstrel Song isn't very fluid. It doesn't bother me much...well...excluding Jamil's run.
The backgrounds and many of the enemies look great, though...and graphics aren't everything. The camera I cannot forgive, though. Someone or something can be half an inch to my left and I'll be totally unable to see them. It's preposterous and there's no reason (that I can tell) why you shouldn't have some tiny degree of rotational control. It doesn't ruin the game, but it's a stupid mistake to have in a good game.
The other complaints are not problems that -I- have with the game, because if I had those problems, I wouldn't like the game. However, they are VERY IMPORTANT WARNING SIGNS to anyone considering getting the game.
Spoon 905th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(1):Shut up you." , posted Tue 26 Apr 17:25
quote: : a MMORPG without the online and multiplayer part.
There is one game exactly on the PC which was this, and that was Inner Space (1992), and it is one of the greatest games ever made. In fact, there were a few other games of that style... and they were all for PC-like platforms, way back in the day.
It's actually interesting how far back this idea goes in PC/Amiga/whatever-the-hell-ZOMG-occidental-non-dedicated-gaming computer games.
it's up to you. it's a game where you play the role of a character, and you adapt it to your mood
This is the reason why X-COM and Ultima VII are two of the greatest games ever made. Oh wait, Inner Space is in that category, too. Goddamn, I'm a broken record. Well, Iggy has his RS, and I have my DOS games.
In fact, aside from a few small screens of text, there is no story in X-COM. However, the tales and drama that emerge from the escapades of the randomly generated and randomly named soldiers through their battles and the events of your global campaign are memorable beyond all. I will never forget the extremely talented rookie who enlisted late in the campaign, became one of my most formidable soldiers, but had a single hidden weakness: the psychic stat (not normally visible). And so, in the final battle, my longtime sharpshooter who guarded this rookie through the campaign was forced to kill her when the aliens took control of her mind. I loaded and loaded and kept trying to find a way to save her, but I couldn't. Nor can I forget the captain who would only participate in one mission a month, because he would absorb attacks that we swear he had a statistical probability of close to 0.0% of surviving, and kill a ton of aliens, and then would end up in the hospital for a month. Yet every month, he would come back stronger than ever, and perform yet another impossible feat of bravery.
quote: The game is definitely not for those who find Megaten difficult. Megaten's difficulty is cheap, beacuse it is based on random luck. You didn't protected your hero against that particular spell, too bad for you. Romamin, like all the RS game, is simply hard, without small tricks.
That sounds really good to me. However, is the game predicated on having you fight an endless number of these battles at a very frequent rate? Do you have the option of simply walking around enemies in your travels so that they don't interrupt your exploration?
Iggy 6387th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Shut up you." , posted Tue 26 Apr 19:55:
Polly : of course I would have hated you no matter what. It's like when two person arrive at a party with the exact same dress. DRAMA !
Also, I was talking of the heroin of Demento... I find the size of her boobs compared to her body totally gross. There's no way she can walk with this unbalanced body. That, and the size of her skirt. But the game is good, then? I was interested by the interactions with the dogs, but the design of the heroin really threw me off (that, and RS being released the same day).
Spoon : we don't speak the same language, but our heart is the same! Let's unite in the love of non MMO MMORPG !
quote: However, is the game predicated on having you fight an endless number of these battles at a very frequent rate?
Quite the contrary. The RS series makes the time flow by counting the number of encounters, and the more fight you make, the stronger the ennemies become, so you must be careful when you enter a dungeon. However, RS1 is even more strict with this, because the ennemies go stronger WAY faster than in the other games. Also, as the time goes (the fights go) some events are triggered, and some others end (if you take too much time to save a village, the village will be destroyed). In the SFC game and, I guess, in this game as well, there were 3 periods, and most events were specific to one or two of these; if you fight too much, you won't necessarely be stronger (because you create moves when you fight strong ennemies, and when you're in a desperate situation) and you will miss the events of the first two periods. That's the reason why the monsters are visible on the map, and why there are no random encounters : running through a field in a RS game is like running through a room full of zombies in Bio Hazard.
Also, I take back my fear of the game becoming too easy; even with the holy grail, the vampire nearly killed me, and the power demon who I encountered twice already can kill any of my characters in one move. I think I even got two zenmetsu in the last hour or so. Damn, I love this game.
ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!
[this message was edited by Iggy on Tue 26 Apr 20:27] |
Pollyanna 1045th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(3):Shut up you." , posted Tue 26 Apr 20:08
Yeah, Fiona's breasts are really...the wrong size. They don't fit on her and they stick out too much. I don't mind sexy designs, but when they look so forced it bugs me a bit. I like her costume and her face, though. She has the best in-game render I can think of.
But Demento isn't good, it's just enjoyable. It looks very nice and the direction is good and Daniella is the best thing in the world ever.
You can't really do much with Hewie, though. You can kick him if you hate him, scold him for no reason and compliment him for no reason as well. Once I shook with him and that was cute. The only thing you need him for is pressing the "solve the dog puzzle button" to solve the dog puzzles. In battle, if you can get the enemy between you and Hewie (with you in the front) then you've got a guaranteed victory as long as Fiona doesn't freak out. I have noticed that he's become more reliable as the game has progressed. Also, his bark noise is very fake.
The battles are stupid, especially since it takes a lot to beat up an enemy and they're only down for a few seconds as a result. Still, I LOVE fighting in the game simply because Fiona attacks by kicking enemies in the shins. It's just too much fun to have Debilitas screaming because he's got a dog on him while I'm repeatedly kicking his shins.
But I mean, the game is just one uninteresting puzzle after another in a pretty place. The plot is nothing, the music is lame and in the end, the enemies just stop you from solving your puzzles that aren't any fun anyway. It's not a BAD game, though...it's just a pretty game that doesn't have anything especially good about it. So if someone says "Is Demento a good game?" I have to say "No. It's a pretty game that can be enjoyable." It's definitely not bad, though...and people who say it is either had unrealistic expectations for it or don't know what a bad game really is.
Maou 589th Post

New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(4):Glory" , posted Wed 27 Apr 08:25
quote: I wanted to post that picture of the Ietate guys
Spoon, I'd gladly post Ietate because I too feel the bond of kinship...I'd completely forgotten to bring up the fun of classic PC RPG's, which have the real role-playing element that Minstrel also apparently has. The American series Quest for Glory was indeed glorious like it implied, what with its deep, atmospheric, and sometimes humorous/sometimes creepy world to explore. I remember thinking its scenario progression was just perfect in that you had some vague plan (defeat the Brigands, etc.) but that only by dealing with certain people and exploring the unknown could you find your way and develop a plan. Exploration with a goal, but with sooo much variety. Just great.
Meanwhile, as a friend and colleague (?) I assert my full support for Fiona's breasts, their character, their political record, their ethics and integrity, and their commitment to a stronger nation. Er.
Mosquiton 1601th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Digital breast discussion" , posted Wed 27 Apr 09:11
quote: I have to disagree. I think the fact that she's extra-buxom but doesn't have the face and demeanor of a sexpot makes the design interesting. To me it's an eyecatching, skillfully done render.
And hey, she isn't exactly rail thin or anything. It may be an unlikely body type, but top-heavy gals certainly do exist in real life. Certainly not something I find offensive.
I see where you're coming from and I agree with you on all points but one. I love Fiona's design (and non-offensive) and her render is great, but I still think her breasts don't look right. They come out too much in addition to being large. I don't have a problem with characters with big breasts or sexy characters or whatever. Ah...OK, let me rephrase my complaint. I won't say "Fiona's breasts are too big" I'll say "it looks like Fiona has prosthetic breasts or implants". I know it's not just me, because a lot of people comment on this. Her breasts don't look NATURAL.
Ah, I understand what you're saying. The breasts are the weak link in regard to the overall realism of the 3D model.
I still really dig the character design... and I suppose I'm just used to slightly 'gamey' looking characters, but you're right, the boobs don't quite match.
It might be less obvious if Fiona had less obvious proportions, or if she were more stylized, but I don't think anyone has really perfected 'natural' looking boobs on an in-game character model. Like facial expression, this is a lot more complicated than making a realistic looking hand or kicking animation.
/ / /
Iggy 6391th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):THE HORROR" , posted Wed 27 Apr 21:08
quote: ...teehee
I don't know when you'l be coming, but the hidden cameras around Moetan's bed were installed a few days ago when everyone where sleeping. You know... for your... security, so nobody tries to kill you while you sleep, you know. Security purpose.
As for TRF, Garnet's breasts make me think of Al Parker's balls. And Orville sama is a character that has been created for me.... as long as he keeps these glasses on. KEEP THOSE GLASSES ON!
My Romancing moment of the day : I was sucked in a maelstrom of events (that means : 3 different events) that involved a city that was destroyed before I could even see it before the volcano exploded, then I got rid of Myriam and took Geraha to follow one event, but then I had to fight huge cyclops that killed me several times before I finally managed to kill them (after an epic battle involving Geraha creating new moves every turns, so I decided to keep him and never hire Myriam again) and when I finally killed the cyclops, with only Sif still standing, I had the marvelous message "only 9 monsters left!". After I stopped laughing, I found the second monster, a huge dragon, that killed all my party in one breath. And after I was done playing with dragons, I went to do some shopping at West End only to find it totally destroyed by the Jewel Beast while I was not paying attention, and it also killed my party in one turn. That's the Roman!
ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!
Nate 517th Post

New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(2):THE HORROR" , posted Wed 27 Apr 21:27
As for TRF, Garnet's breasts make me think of Al Parker's balls. And Orville sama is a character that has been created for me.... as long as he keeps these glasses on. KEEP THOSE GLASSES ON!
You really like those pointy orange glasses?
Also, does his garment destroy or whatever it's called really destroy as much as I think it does? Or does fanart lie?
My Romancing moment of the day : I was sucked in a maelstrom of events (that means : 3 different events) that involved a city that was destroyed before I could even see it before the volcano exploded, then I got rid of Myriam and took Geraha to follow one event, but then I had to fight huge cyclops that killed me several times before I finally managed to kill them (after an epic battle involving Geraha creating new moves every turns, so I decided to keep him and never hire Myriam again) and when I finally killed the cyclops, with only Sif still standing, I had the marvelous message "only 9 monsters left!". After I stopped laughing, I found the second monster, a huge dragon, that killed all my party in one breath. And after I was done playing with dragons, I went to do some shopping at West End only to find it totally destroyed by the Jewel Beast while I was not paying attention, and it also killed my party in one turn. That's the Roman!
Ah, events based on the number of battles you've been in. Genius.
Also, which characters are you using?
ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!
Iggy 6392th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):THE HORROR" , posted Wed 27 Apr 22:06
quote: You really like those pointy orange glasses?
Not as much as I fear what they hide.
quote: Also, does his garment destroy or whatever it's called really destroy as much as I think it does? Or does fanart lie?
I don't know, I'd have to see the fan art in question to give you a perfectly accurate answer.
quote: Also, which characters are you using?
I began with Sif, got a barbarian to help her for the few missions, then Al☆bert. Then I got Jamil, for no particular reason except he was there (I hate south Estamil as much in the remake). Then Barbara, who I really like, but unfortunately I made her use taijutsu + water + magic, and the only class that use a combination of taijutsu and water is one of the hidden ones, so she's a little tame for now. After that, I ditched the barbarian to get Myriam, but since I didn't know what to do with her I got Gera=ha who is perfect. Everyone who complains about the designs should see what they did to Gera=ha. Now, I have to make room for Captain Hawk, take his map then ditch him, but I don't know how many battles you have to spend to make a character appear again at his bar, so I'm afraid. Maybe I'll skip the event. Also, Captain Hawk is as....Orvillian as I hoped he would be.
I guess Polly began with Jamil?
ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!
Iggy 6393th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):THE HORROR" , posted Thu 28 Apr 04:41
exodus : according to Hotmail, you're junk. Eh. At least one Microsoft service that's doing things right.
My surreal moment of the day : just when I thought Romamin couldn't get any better, I went into a cavern in Sif's region (an Ice montain), just to find there a cute pink piggie, who was looking for her baby piggies. and to save all her babies that were about to be eaten by the monsters, I had to fight an evil Penguin Baron and his Penguin Baroness. And I was thanked by the pig mother, who thanked me and went away, without any reward. Because watching Sif talking to pigs as if they shared the same language (they stare at each other for quite a long time) is priceless as it is. I must say that after a series of events I totally screwed, ending by the destruction of 2 villages, it felt good.
ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!
Pollyanna 1054th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(6):THE HORROR" , posted Thu 28 Apr 16:44
quote: Oh. You'll say how it is then, since I won't get NxC, at least not immediatly. Maybe according to your opinion, I'll get it a few weeks/month after it.
I'm surprised my opinion matters. Happy, but surprised.
Ah, I have a question about Minstrel Song, though. If you have 5 people in your party, will you miss out on potential party members? Some show up as short events when you enter a pub...so will those events not occur if you're full? Or will they occur and the character will give a "I won't join your party" response until you kick someone off?
I actually got a chance to play for a bit today (on Aisha's scenario), so I was pleased, even though I didn't get very far.
Iggy 6398th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):THE HORROR" , posted Thu 28 Apr 17:04
quote: I'm surprised my opinion matters. Happy, but surprised.
Oh, please.
quote: If you have 5 people in your party, will you miss out on potential party members? Some show up as short events when you enter a pub...so will those events not occur if you're full? Or will they occur and the character will give a "I won't join your party" response until you kick someone off?
Unfortunately, yes (I think it was the same in the original?) It can be ridiculous when, for example, you need Captain Hawk's map. If you have him in your party, you have to fire him, then go see the gekko who says "I sold the map to Captain Hawk", then go take Hawk back in your team. And if you don't want him, you have to kick someone out, take Hawk to have his map, and then wait for the other character to return. The problem is that characters don't appear immediatly in the pub, you have to make a few fights before (ten maybe ? more?). Also, I don't know if I've said it, but the voice acting job is not very good. I'm surprised by Square; but on the other hand, every quote of Sif is priceless. SHE'S SO FEMININE AND CUTE BEAAAAAARG WHERE IS MY BEER.
ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!
Iggy 6399th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):THE HORROR" , posted Fri 29 Apr 00:39
quote: Edit: Oh, and thanks, but now I won't be able to enjoy the game as much, because I'll be afraid I might miss someone.
Oh, don't worry, you won't be able to complete all the events anyways. Even if it was possible to see all events (and it's impossible if you don't plan everything very rigorously like "I go there, but I finish the mission with 3 fights, then I go there, then etc), since there are the 3 path at the end depending on your actions, you won't be able to see everything anyways. You may even have missed one or two destiny stones already. The point is not to depress you, but just to relax. The point of the game is to have fun, not to make a perfect save. It's not important if you don't see and get everything, you'll try to have the other events happen during your next parties. come and play this game with us, for ever AND EVER.
Also, because of the tiny hidden details that stay when you start the game again, like the level of the shops, the number of times you've talked to Jeraha is kept as well. Which means you may have to finish the game with 5 or 6 characters to have the privilege to have your party whipped with an energy wave that makes 999 damage to everyone.
ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!
Iggy 6432th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Romamin smells swell" , posted Tue 3 May 17:22
quote: I keep half-finishing quests then picking up new ones, but one has been really bugging me. The guy in Melville, who's daughter is missing...you're supposed to look in Mazewood, right? I spent a whole damned hour skipping in circles to pretty music ( in a pretty place) and can't help but think I'm missing something.
Have you cleared the mystery of the death of the item shop guy? police -> item girl ->item guy (2nd floor) -> when comes the night, follow the Saruin priest in the sewers and kill them -> get the girl. I think it's her...? Is it another event ?
Currently, I'm with Gray (I'm trying to do one character I like/one character I don't), and everything is getting smoothly. My team has Galahage, Claudia, Captain Hawk , and someone else who's being kicked out of the party every now and then until I can get Fara's sister (Frile?). Currently, it's Diana, who is nearly as ugly as her brother. I'm rediscovering that feeling I had in RS2 of playing threw a game I know by heart. Except I can't trigger the assassin guild, and it bugs me off. A lot.
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - (also, I was a bit disapointed in the final battle. So-so music, and weak Saruin because I had too many destiny stones. I should try to leave him the obsidian blade and a few others one time, now that should be more interesting). Also, the reward for finishing all 8 characters is said to be WTF, but I don't know in which way... Soemone says you get a new character who is you (the reason why they ask your name and sex in the beginning). I'd love that to be true... Oh how would I love that.
End of Spoiler
ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!
Pollyanna 1083th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(6):Romamin smells swell" , posted Tue 3 May 19:13
First...Iggy:Thanks, though I think it might be a different quest. This is the guy in the building next to the entrance that's missing his daughter...then you go to the pub, see the notice about it, return to him and Mazewood opens. I can only assume she's there, though maybe I'm totally backwards on this. I did it a while ago, so I might have forgotten. I've moved on since then anyway, but it's been bugging me.
Spoon: Second, everything the guy in the review said is pretty much true. Unlike Iggy, I'm not going to say that Minstrel Song is a great game, just that it's a strangely enjoyable one. If you like SaGa games, then you're probably a little messed up, because SaGa games ARE messed up. This game, while still decidedly messed up, (in my opinion) is the most enjoyable in the series.
If I were to detail my experience with Minstrel Song (or any SaGa game), it would sound like nothing but pain. For many players, this is indeed the case. There are so many oddities and counterintuitive design choices in the game that I can't possibly praise it, I can only say that I like it.
I think that everyone should take Iggy seriously when he says "this game is not for you." Don't get caught up in the "roman" and Iggy's love for the game. Everything about me tells me that the game isn't for me, but I can't stop playing it all the same. I have a feeling that one day I'll say "Why the hell did I spend all those hours playing Minstrel Song?" Then a new SaGa game will come out and I'll play it just as much.
I can't believe they're bringing it to America, though. It's going to confuse and frustrate everyone who will think that it's safe or has a certain standard because it's a Square game.
Iggy 6438th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):Romamin smells swell" , posted Tue 3 May 21:16
Ah, I knew those articles were going to appear, I love them. I'm sad he doesn't talk about how the game is crazy by making you fight big ugly dinosaurs in Gray's story. Yeah, some bosses don't kill you. Big deal. Some bosses are fix and some other are random. Wow, big surprise. The guy doesn't understand the point of quick save at all. Eh.
And I especially like it when he says "The people who made Romancing Saga should be forced to play the game ". This is one of the best Saga game, maybe even at the level of the original RS2, it has been multi tested from one side to the other, it's even richer, deeper, but he doesn't understand anything to it, so he thinks naturally there is something wrong with the game, not with him. I love it when I'm prescient.
His reading of the game is, of course, totally wrong. The direction of the game is perfectly clear : it's what both Saga Frontier games and U : Saga tried to accomplish and totally missed. I can't explain how the direction of the game is brilliant without saying again and again what I said until now. Just that the game is a free scenario RPG, it's a game that requires you to understand each and every system that the game offers to you, so a good knowledge of U : Saga and the original title are required. It's a remake for fans of the original game, not a remake for people who were too young to play it at the time. The original game was confusing, but with the systems from Frontier and U : introduced in it, I don't see how a totally new person to the series can take it. The game only explain the new elements (divine intervention, etc) but you're supposed to know the rest. There are explanations inside the game done very nicely, but it's too complex to sit there and read all this for 20 minutes. The game tries to be nice to newbies, but it doesn't ever abandon anything to be more easy to swallow. It's a game for people who are 15 years older then when they played the first game, and there is no concessions done to it.
quote: Now if Square Enix would get around to polishing up the rest of the game prior to its American release, there may be a game worth getting.
Haha, sucker.
Or, even thought you don't want me to say it, "the game is not for people like these". It is not, at the very least, a game for a country where people playing japanese RPG think everything must be like FF, or a country where RS1 hasn't been released.
This is the kind of article I could write if I had to review a game of a kind I know nothing of but hate without playing it, like, I don't know, Iggy's views on "NFL street champions 2006".
ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!
Iggy 6441th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):Romamin smells swell" , posted Wed 4 May 06:17
Yeah, I guess I should have explained more, but I didn't want to write even more than I did. Also, I make it sound like it was an awesome feature when it's just... well, a quick save.
quote: What exactly IS the point of quicksave in this game, then?
Well, it's exactly what it seems it is. First, the game is difficult and knows it, so you can save before and after each difficult battle "just in case". Also, since the moves can be created during any battle, by pure chance, you may want to save there after creating that awesome new move. The game enphasizes the use of the two saves (the quick one and the normal one, at the Inn), and tells you to use both of them in parrallel.
Also, RS is a very old school game, very unforgiving. (Real old school, not Vagrant Story old school). It's a game created before the massive use of Internet and Game FAQs and 2ch, where you can turn to and ask as soon as you're having the slightest problem. How can I explain... I made maps. Here. This is the first time since the SFC era that I needed to draw maps, write down things like what is in each town, what the combination of spells created powerful double or triple fusions, where the characters and some items were, how the ecosystem worked, etc. And god do I love it. It's really a game like nobody make them anymore.
Ugh, what was I saying. Yeah, maps. Romamin is an unforgiving game, with all that limitation on the number of fight and the difficulty and everything. So, for example when you have two path to follow, one on the right and one on the left, you quick save, go to the left, see what's there (monsters, treasure, nothing, the rest of the dungeon) then reset (the game has a L+R+start+select reset, like in the old time, to make it easier) and go check the other path. It's really a game based on tries, misses, and learning from them. You want to know if something changed at the bottom of that dungeon ? Quick save, go talk to Flame Tyrant, nothing changed, reset, and you're back just before the volcano and you don't have to do all the back tracking or to begin again from the Inn. Or you can begin again from the Inn if you want. That double level of save, that was not in the other games (well, you could use several save slots, but it was unpractical)à emphasizes again this use, you're walking in a room full of monsters, quick save, you walk your way through the middle of the room unattacked, quick save, you continue, shit a monster attacks you, reset and retry until you either manage to cross the room or decide to see if you can survive a huge 5 chain fight. Well, bad example, since the game allows monster to move a fraction of seconds before you when you start again, so it can be tricky. But still.
Ah, Pollyanna : I checked, actually I missed it because triggering the Ucom event (or clearing it?) ends up that particular event. Stupid Marin. So, I don't know, but I think you should try to talk to everyone in Melville first (like, in the Inn, at the pub, etc). I may be wrong, of course ; if you say you were teleported inside the mayoi no mori, then there will be something to do there... Sorry, I can't help. If you wait a few days, I'll finish Gray and see what I get with my 3rd character (ehe). Or just let her die and try something else, there are plenty of shit to do in the beginning of the game.
ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!
Iggy 6451th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(10):Romamin smells swell" , posted Thu 5 May 17:41
Assassin Guild destroyed ! But the monsters who protect the Jewel Beast before it's awake are too strong... orz
Also, talking to Marlin to begin the event of the Ucom statues seems to shut down many small scale events... But it's so funny.
. ( ゚д゚) J(・∀・)し (|) (|)∧ドカッ ( ゚д゚) .|〉 | \\ 大金持ちだよぉぉーーー!!! _,人-―'"⌒"~ ̄"~⌒゙゙"'''ョ J( 'ー`)し ゙~,,,....-=-‐√"゙゙T"~ ̄Y"゙=ミ ヘ([2]> T | l,_,,/\ ,,/l | ノ ,.-r '"l\,,j / |/ L,,,/ ,,/|,/\,/ _,|\_,i_,,,/ / _V\ ,,/\,| ,,∧,,|_/
ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!
Iggy 6473th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "I WON'T LET THIS THREAD DIE !" , posted Mon 9 May 05:43:
Gray finish ! Raphael is cute, but Galahage is annoying as hell. I'll kill him everytime I play through the game from now on. Next character : Aisha. Her music is adorable.
My new favourite move :
Claudia : "Let's see... I have that bow, and I have that arrow, and there is that monster over here I want to kill. And I have to use that bow. And that arrow. What should I do ? \ __ / _ (m) _ピコーン |ミ| / .`´ \ I know ! I'll throw away the bow and the arrow, then I'll close my eyes, and I will imagine there is a harp-shapped golden bow before me; then I will imagine an arrow with cute little wings flying through the bow, and also lots of flowers and grass and butterflies on the ground, because they are cute and I love things that are cute. And then, I'll imagine the arrow is shot by the bow, and somehow, it will make the monster being hurt for real ! Also, for a reason, a green eye will appear over my head and stay there for the rest of the fight. It's so simple, why haven't I thought of this basic fighting technique earlier ?"
Oh, Claudia. Do I hate you.
ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!
[this message was edited by Iggy on Mon 9 May 05:44] |
Iggy 6481th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Teh answer" , posted Tue 10 May 17:19:
I find it totally appropriate to use this 101th post to reply to my question in the first post : yes, Shadow Hearts 2 is in japanese, fewwww. (also, it's HDD compatible... Weird, just when I buy one for RomaMin, thinking no other game will ever use it, I get this game and Vampire).
quote: I was going to make some lame joke about how effective a weird gay man is in selling weird games to people, but the whole thing started to sound really creepy and I stopped.
Don't forget the Ie, Tatemasu! copies I sold, to the point the game is now completely sold out.
Also, I won't be held responsible for any complains from people who bought Romamin after reading this thread. They're all grow adults, and besides, I told in my first post after I got the game that I was already out of my mind about this game while listening to the seconds of silence before the music begins. On the other hand, this will be the first game where I won't say "you have to play it in Japanese, the english dub is crap even if never heard it" since it is also the first japanese game with what I could call "a poor dub". You see something new every day.
Also, for those who will buy the game : don't start with Aisha. Not only is she extremely weak, but also the places she can go to are extremely limited, so if you don't know exactly what you are doing, you'll just kill monsters in the sewers until the end of the game. I'm currently at 2 hours of game, and I only made one fight (an event fight) ; the rest was just about running around the world on my horse, trying to make new locations appear on my map, and trying to find Barbara, Sif and Albert(and the last little bastard, feeling all the hate I have for him, still hasn't shown up).
ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!
[this message was edited by Iggy on Tue 10 May 18:07] |
Iggy 6481th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Teh answer" , posted Tue 10 May 19:15
quote: You -did- get kidnapped in the beginning, right?
Yes, of course, I wanted to see what the end is going to look like now Uhanji is dead (since of course I decided to kill him). My Aisha is going to make an onslaught. I decided I would kill Galahad and the 4 kings with her, and maybe Death if I feel like it. And if I'm lucky enough to get Jeraha, she'll die as well. HA ! My team has Jamil, Sif and Barbara, because Barbara is nice to poor Aisha when you meet her, and Sif has this cute scene in the intro with Aisha where she talks to the giant. I want Nithalt or whatever his name is, because I'll try to have every character at least once, and maybe I'll dump Jamil for someone more interesting later in the game, like Frile or Silver.
ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!
Iggy 6491th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "My Romancing moment of the day" , posted Fri 13 May 05:14
Well, of yesterday actually.
So, there's that octopus you may have seen in the videos of the official site, which’s guarding the Aquamarine. The point is, if you want to have the destiny stone, you have to be strong enough to beat the octopus; but if you wait too long, the asshole of Crystal City will hire someone else to get the stone, and you'll never be able to have it. You have to go there early enough to be the first to take the stone, but late enough to be able to beat the boss. BUT. But Ika sensei has an interesting particularity: he's the only boss of the game (to my knowledge) that you can stun. Which mean, with luck, you can go there with a very low level party, a few stun moves, and get away with it. And since you create moves according to the difference of power between your party and the monster you face, it is possible to learn literally dozens of moves in one fight. The drawback is that Ika sensei can kill you - if you die, there is no re-match, and all your moves are lost. So, I made barely 20 fights, and I'm with Aisha, which means I'm extremely weak, and only two of my characters can stun the opponent, with a very low probability of doing so. Needless to say, Ika sensei can kill several of my characters in one turn - the non-stunning ones have to resurrect the others. So, after 4 turns, Ika sensei was still kicking, and everyone in my team was dead beside Aisha, who could die in one third of a hit. She had just enough magic to try to stun it, like she unsuccessfully tried the 4 first turns, and it was useless to cure anyone. I tried the magic... and this time, it worked. I cured a character, then both cured two other characters, and the learning began... I learned maybe 10, 12 moves, nearly one every attack, it was ecstatic... until Ika sensei woke up. Everyone changed their strategies and began to stun him again, and it worked (after a total of 6 other death, followed by 6 resurrections). Another learning festival. Thank you Ika sensei. Then, he woke up, and this time, impossible to stun him again. He kills my other stun character, then my healers, and quickly it's again just Aisha and him standing, Aisha only having enough MP to try one last stun magic, like the first time. I try. And I miss. And Aisha dies. Game over. All the moves are lost.
The fight was so intense I even forgot to curse the boss; I had so much fun during those ten minutes of mutual slaughter it didn't matter if I lost. Damn, I love this game.
ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!
Iggy 6521th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Pirates !" , posted Wed 18 May 21:44
Yeay ! It is possible to go to the Coral Coast even if you don't play as Hawk !
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - After the pirate attack on Melville, you just have to go in the sewer in the pirate headquarters; there, a pirate will remain and will lead you to the Coral Coast, where Silver will be recrutable if you've beaten her beforehand.
End of Spoiler
And even if you don't want her in your party, it's still the easiest way to hear the awesome pirate theme anytime you want. If you haven't heard it, it's a song where the pirates just sing "we are pirates" over and over again, it's hilarious. O-RE-TA-CHA-KA-I-ZOKU O-RE-TA-CHA-KA-I-ZOKU O-RE-TA-CHA-KA-I-ZOKU O-RE-TA-CHA-KA-I-ZOKU O-RE-TA-CHA-KA-I-ZOKU (tan, tatatan, taan, tatataaan!) O-RE-TA-CHA-KA-I-ZOKU O-RE-TA-CHA-KA-I-ZOKU O-RE-TA-CHA-etc.
One of the best theme in the game.
ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!