Any easy way to beat "El Gigante"? (RE4) - Forums

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2988th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Any easy way to beat "El Gigante"? (RE4)" , posted Sun 17 Apr 20:24post reply

Well he's not that hard, it just costed me a lots of ammos... So any cheap way to beat him??

And since it's an RE4 thread, what happen if you helps the Dog/wolf at the start??

There is two infinite things in the world.
Universe and Human stupidity...Well for the universe I'm not sure....


1685th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Any easy way to beat" , posted Sun 17 Apr 20:50post reply

Well he's not that hard, it just costed me a lots of ammos... So any cheap way to beat him??

And since it's an RE4 thread, what happen if you helps the Dog/wolf at the start??

You're not trying to shoot it when it kneels over are you? When it kneels over you just approach it and press A, then an action scene starts and you mash buttons to slash away at it. It saves a lot of ammo.

If you saved the wolf, the wolf distracts it while you fight with it.

Off with your nose

2990th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Any easy way to beat" , posted Sun 17 Apr 21:15post reply

You're not trying to shoot it when it kneels over are you? When it kneels over you just approach it and press A, then an action scene starts and you mash buttons to slash away at it. It saves a lot of ammo.

If you saved the wolf, the wolf distracts it while you fight with it.

Damn...I've never get close to him when he kneels...>_< Will try this... As for the wolf, well I've made 2 saves, so I'll take the one with him, thanks!

BTW if you can tell me something, a friend tells me that ada appear at the end of chapter 1-2, he told me that you saw her trough a window, but I didn't saw it, just mendez that talked to me, why?

There is two infinite things in the world.
Universe and Human stupidity...Well for the universe I'm not sure....

18th Post

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"Re(3):Any easy way to beat" , posted Sun 17 Apr 23:39post reply


BTW if you can tell me something, a friend tells me that ada appear at the end of chapter 1-2, he told me that you saw her trough a window, but I didn't saw it, just mendez that talked to me, why?

After the scene where Mendez chokes you and then Leon reports to Hunnigan, go back into the previous room from where you came. It will trigger a cut scene where Ada saves Leon's hide.

Undead Fred
2308th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Any easy way to beat" , posted Mon 18 Apr 14:40post reply


BTW if you can tell me something, a friend tells me that ada appear at the end of chapter 1-2, he told me that you saw her trough a window, but I didn't saw it, just mendez that talked to me, why?

Don't worry... she'll still show up. I didn't see that scene until the second time through the game, but she still showed up on my first playthrough anyway. But that's sort of a spoiler, I guess.

1170th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):Any easy way to beat" , posted Mon 18 Apr 14:46post reply

Well he's not that hard, it just costed me a lots of ammos... So any cheap way to beat him??

Flash grenades are your friends. Use them liberally (you'll find many more later on, so no need to scrimp when you really need them) against El Gigante, and if you do it right, he won't even get to attack you. Once he's down, hop on his back and jam the A or B button, depending on what the game asks you to do.

Now, what I want is a good, cheap way to beat Krauser, since you can only use the knife on him. He's totally kicking my ass in Pro. :p

Time Mage
2092th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Any easy way to beat" , posted Mon 18 Apr 17:20post reply


Now, what I want is a good, cheap way to beat Krauser, since you can only use the knife on him. He's totally kicking my ass in Pro. :p

Shoot his knees (a fast pistol is best for this), and when he falls, pick your faithful Magnum and make a hole in his baldy head. Rinse and repeat. I didn't knew the knife was effective against him and I killed him that way.

Also, can anyone confirm this?: I've read several times that Normal difficulty in RE4 Euro is as difficult as RE4 USA Pro difficulty, and Euro Pro is even harder... Does anyone know that for sure?

2991th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Any easy way to beat" , posted Mon 18 Apr 17:53post reply

After the scene where Mendez chokes you and then Leon reports to Hunnigan, go back into the previous room from where you came. It will trigger a cut scene where Ada saves Leon's hide.

Damn! too late... I'm too far to see now...>_<
Well it''l be for my 2nd play...

By the way, am I the only one to think that the RE4 save are taking too much slots????

There is two infinite things in the world.
Universe and Human stupidity...Well for the universe I'm not sure....

122th Post

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"Re(3):Any easy way to beat" , posted Mon 18 Apr 18:50post reply

Also, can anyone confirm this?: I've read several times that Normal difficulty in RE4 Euro is as difficult as RE4 USA Pro difficulty, and Euro Pro is even harder... Does anyone know that for sure?

Well, I've had a go on both the NTSC and PAL versions of Resi 4 and I think that the Euro Normal is actually easier. I noticed less enemies in certain areas and also less wolves during the grass maze section. And the PAL version is even more generous with herbs. Oh, and the PAL version fades to black faster when you die, and also includes new "NOW LOADING" screens...


Taa kun
499th Post

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"Re(3):Any easy way to beat" , posted Wed 20 Apr 00:43post reply


Now, what I want is a good, cheap way to beat Krauser, since you can only use the knife on him. He's totally kicking my ass in Pro. :p

Shoot his knees (a fast pistol is best for this), and when he falls, pick your faithful Magnum and make a hole in his baldy head. Rinse and repeat. I didn't knew the knife was effective against him and I killed him that way.

For my part, I'm just walking forward to him then backward when he is close enough.
I avoid his special attacks, and when he tries to sweep me or 'double kick' me, I shoot him in the head since I'm out of his range.

Tsukurimashou... Tsukurimashou...
Sate sate nani ga dekiru ka na ?

77th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):Any easy way to beat" , posted Wed 20 Apr 02:37post reply

I used a Rocker Launcher. It helps and is quick.

Time Mage
2094th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Rocket Launcher = N64" , posted Wed 20 Apr 04:30post reply

I used a Rocker Launcher. It helps and is quick.

Yeah, but 30000 Pesetas at that stage of the game is too much money, even if you take in account the 15000 Pesetas you get for defeating it.

BTW, I bought my N64 years ago for 30000 Pesetas, but if I knew that I could buy a Rocket Launcher for that price... Hmmm...

79th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):Rocket Launcher = N64" , posted Wed 20 Apr 04:42post reply

This is true. I don't know how I managed it, but reading this makes me want to play RE4.

The second time through Leon is a god with all his weapons.

Burning Ranger
1170th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):Any easy way to beat" , posted Wed 20 Apr 07:03post reply

I used a Rocker Launcher. It helps and is quick.

I use the rocket launcher to take out the mutated midget-Cervantes (I forget his name so I'm calling him this since he looks like a midget Cervantes). Does the job well.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

"The war is over the fight is just beginning..."

3002th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Any easy way to beat" , posted Wed 20 Apr 18:33post reply

BTW and other question, last I make something wierd. Loen didn't kicks an foe, he makes some kind of wrestling stuff.

the thing is that I didn't know how to do it, I can only kicks opponent when I'm trying to...

There is two infinite things in the world.
Universe and Human stupidity...Well for the universe I'm not sure....

Time Mage
2095th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Any easy way to beat" , posted Wed 20 Apr 19:55post reply

BTW and other question, last I make something wierd. Loen didn't kicks an foe, he makes some kind of wrestling stuff.

the thing is that I didn't know how to do it, I can only kicks opponent when I'm trying to...

He start to do the backdrop in the castle. It looks like that in order to do it, you have to dizzy the opponent as usually, and then quickly press A. If you press A somewhat slow, you'll get the kick. I'm not 100% sure of how does it work, but this is the most reliable hypotesis I've read.

4th Post

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New Customer

"Re(4):Any easy way to beat" , posted Wed 20 Apr 21:01post reply

BTW and other question, last I make something wierd. Loen didn't kicks an foe, he makes some kind of wrestling stuff.

the thing is that I didn't know how to do it, I can only kicks opponent when I'm trying to...

You can do two different A button attacks.

One is a "roundhouse kick" which you can do only after headshots/face stuns. This works throughout the whole game on Ganados with no head protection.

The other A button attack is when you shoot them around their lower leg area which causes them to fall to their knees.

There are two variations of the low A button attack throughout the game:
1) Versus regular village Ganado (the initial type Ganado you see at the beginning of the game) causes Leon to do a "back kick."
2) Other types of Ganado, monks and later on Leon will perform a suplex move instead of the back kick.

There is no way to do the back kick on non village type Ganados.

0th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):Any easy way to beat" , posted Thu 21 Apr 07:26post reply

And since it's an RE4 thread, what happen if you helps the Dog/wolf at the start??

You have to free the dog, to let him play in demento !

3006th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Any easy way to beat" , posted Thu 21 Apr 19:22post reply

You can do two different A button attacks.
One is a "roundhouse kick" which you can do only after headshots/face stuns. This works throughout the whole game on Ganados with no head protection.

The other A button attack is when you shoot them around their lower leg area which causes them to fall to their knees.
There are two variations of the low A button attack throughout the game:
1) Versus regular village Ganado (the initial type Ganado you see at the beginning of the game) causes Leon to do a "back kick."
2) Other types of Ganado, monks and later on Leon will perform a suplex move instead of the back kick.

There is no way to do the back kick on non village type Ganados.

Thank you so much for those details!^ ^

You have to free the dog, to let him play in demento !

Could be!^ ^ welcome to the BBs!

There is two infinite things in the world.
Universe and Human stupidity...Well for the universe I'm not sure....

3009th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Any easy way to beat" , posted Fri 22 Apr 17:00post reply

BTW, how many of you have been killed by luis in the chapter 2-2??

There is two infinite things in the world.
Universe and Human stupidity...Well for the universe I'm not sure....

Time Mage
2099th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Any easy way to beat" , posted Fri 22 Apr 21:45:post reply

BTW, how many of you have been killed by luis in the chapter 2-2??

Not me but I've read that the secuence is fun, hehe. He just gets pissed off of you shooting at him, right?

BTW, if you like gruesome secuences, get yourself killed by one of those insect-like enemies you'll find later, specifically by their "I jump on you and spit acid" attack. It's great!

[this message was edited by Time Mage on Fri 22 Apr 21:47]

3012th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Any easy way to beat" , posted Sat 23 Apr 20:09post reply

Not me but I've read that the secuence is fun, hehe. He just gets pissed off of you shooting at him, right?

Yeah...If you shoot at him more than 5 time I think, then the game stops, and you get a cut scene.
Luis is taking a bullet in the arm, and then he turn right over you with his gun and says, "Adios Leon!" and shoots you...
Then you see Leon takin 3 bullets in the chest and Game over...


BTW, if you like gruesome secuences, get yourself killed by one of those insect-like enemies you'll find later, specifically by their "I jump on you and spit acid" attack. It's great!

I'll try to. BTW it seesm that there is a nice cut scene with "Del Lago". Not when he eats you but when the rope isn't cut in time...

There is two infinite things in the world.
Universe and Human stupidity...Well for the universe I'm not sure....

380th Post

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Silver Customer

"BUMP" , posted Tue 3 May 11:58post reply

I just beat this game yesterday, and... WOW. I knew the game was going to be good, but I never thought it would be THIS good. The only thing even slightly disappointing for me was the ending.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

Easy last boss, cliched escape sequence. And removing the Plagas was WAY too easy. How come they did the whole "ritual" thing with Ashley, and yet she never even goes crazy like Leon does a couple of times? I was so sure she was gonna transform into some ultimate Plagas at some point and you'd have to fight her. I sort of hope there's a different ending or something if you play through it again.

End of Spoiler

For those who haven't beaten it yet, there are some awesome extras that you unlock once you do. I have a feeling that I'm going to be playing "The Mercenaries" lots and lots.

P.S. Am I the only one who thinks the TMP sucks? It takes an absurd amount of ammo to kill anything, it barely slows enemies down, and you never get an upgraded version. The only way I can use it effectively is to treat it like the pistol by shooting enemies in the knees and then plugging them in the head a few times. I wouldn't have used it all if I hadn't started running out of my other forms of ammo.

1697th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):BUMP" , posted Tue 3 May 12:52post reply


P.S. Am I the only one who thinks the TMP sucks? It takes an absurd amount of ammo to kill anything, it barely slows enemies down, and you never get an upgraded version. The only way I can use it effectively is to treat it like the pistol by shooting enemies in the knees and then plugging them in the head a few times. I wouldn't have used it all if I hadn't started running out of my other forms of ammo.

Yeah, I never even bothered with the TMP or ammo. Why bother when you can easily shred packs and packs of enemies with a souped-up shotgun or kill them in one shot with a rifle. Lots of ammo easily saved with that combo; TMP requires too much wasted space.

Off with your nose

3348th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Es hora de aSplastar!" , posted Tue 3 May 13:04:post reply

I just beat this game yesterday, and... WOW. I knew the game was going to be good, but I never thought it would be THIS good.

Exactly, I too was expecting it to be good, but not THAT good.
Coincidentaly, I've been playing the game over and over once again (I've just finished for the 20th time I think).
As for the Spoiler

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
You don't get a different ending after you finish it for the second time, but you kind of get an extended part if you finish the Ada minigame

End of Spoiler

I know the Metal Gear games are praised for its attention to details, but this game has lots and lots of little details that you find after you play through it several times. Plus, if you know spanish, the game is a lot more fun.
And yeah, the TMP sucks, that's why I sold it after killing like 10 guys with 100 rounds, it's not worth it.

[this message was edited by ONSLAUGHT on Tue 3 May 13:06]

1173th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):Es hora de aSplastar!" , posted Tue 3 May 13:54post reply

Did you guys actually bother upgrading the TMP to its full potential? I wasted everything with it once it got to full firepower and ammo capacity.

384th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(2):Es hora de aSplastar!" , posted Tue 3 May 14:03:post reply

Did you guys actually bother upgrading the TMP to its full potential? I wasted everything with it once it got to full firepower and ammo capacity.

I actually didn't upgrade the TMP for a long time because I thought they might offer a better version (even though weapons do sell for more after you upgrade them). I finally did when it became painfully obvious that there wasn't going to be a new version, because by then it seriously took about 50 bullets to bring down some of the enemies, and I had huge supply of TMP ammo piled up while everything else was dwindling. I never got it up to its full potential, but I got it close. The big jumps in ammo capcity were nice, but it still didn't seem very effective when compared to the other weapons.

[this message was edited by Grahf on Tue 3 May 14:25]

384th Post

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Silver Customer

"Best and Worst" , posted Tue 3 May 14:24:post reply

As long as the game is still fresh on my mind, I thought I'd give my opinions on some of the game's highlights. Feel free to give your own as well.

Best Boss -

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Krauser. I loved all the dodging, the sequenced battles, the switches between long and close range, and the final showdown with a timer. Very cool battle sequence overall, very satisfying.

End of Spoiler

Worst Boss -

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Saddler. Way too easy. Does he even have any insta-kills? With the armor equipped his slash attacks were weak. And since you knew that he was the last boss, there was no reason to skimp on ammo or healing items. He also wasn't as creepy as some of the other bosses -- Mendez, especially. But make no mistake, I thought he was a cool character; I just didn't like his boss fight, specifically.

End of Spoiler

Best Weapon -
The basic handgun. I upgraded the hell out of it from early on in the game and stuck with it to the very end. Very useful and responsive. It also seems to have the most plentiful supply of ammo, except near the end of the game. The shotguns and rifles are certainly necessities, but the handgun was always my first line of offense.

Worst Weapon -
TMP. I've already mentioned why earlier in this thread.

Best NPC -

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Ada. She was very cool in this game, and you were always glad to see her, even if you weren't sure whose side she was on.

End of Spoiler

Worst NPC -
Probably Salazar. I guess they were going for an annoying recurring bad guy, and you're not supposed to like him. Mission accomplished. I suppose he at least provides you with some motivation.

Best Enemy -
Chainsaw guys. Was there any doubt? Just so fucking cool.

Worst Enemy -
Probably the bug things. They just seem like they were thrown in there and don't have the same creepy-factor as most of the other enemies.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
The invisible ones were pretty cool, though.

End of Spoiler

Special Note -

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Probably my favorite section of the game is the part with the pool-like area in the castle. Tons of enemies pour out at you, the creepy chanting is all around you. Very intense. Finish it off with having to cover Ashley while she turns those cranks while fending off enemies all around at the same time and you have a piece of video game history on your hands.

End of Spoiler

[this message was edited by Grahf on Tue 3 May 14:53]

3023th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Best and Worst" , posted Tue 3 May 19:27post reply

Deffinitly the game is good, As usual, there is some small weak point but they're more about my own taste than anything else and they never ruin the game...
For exemple the I miss the chest, in this one I can't do my usual weapon collection...

The action event...don't really like those, not that they're bad, but if you miss it's always death...Capcom could make those better with some differents possibility if you miss or not.
Ashey's small life bar that who is taken in priority...SO even if you have a big one full, it's game over is ashley dies... So why not a normal life bar for her too?
Some Plagas deals too much of damage for me...A simple whip lash deal more that a catapult shot...not clever....And even if I didn't have finished yet, I know that some other characters are playable( Hunk, Ada) but as usual Capcom made only 50% of the job, since the mercenaries is just a repetitive killing game...SO why not make the full game with the Extra characters, just like Leon?? At least it was possible in the OLd RE (and this make RE2 my fav...)
Oh I miss some puzzle too, this one didn't have much of those...

Still those are minor details, and the game is oversome! I'm only in my 1st run (ONSLAUGHT finished 20 time!!! @_@!!)
I just beat Bitores mendez...what a pain in the ass... and I'm starting the Castel...
And as most of people, I didn't even buy the TMP......

We are all mad at some point....

Time Mage
2107th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Best and Worst" , posted Tue 3 May 19:55post reply

I'll put my impressions too:

-Best Boss:

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
I'll go with Salazar's Right Hand. Although Krauser was surely great, the dodging secuences before actually meeting it, and the fact that you could choose whether kill it or just dodge it until the elevator comes, is great. Of corse, I killed it, some magnum rounds on a frozen body, plus a grenade makes wonders. Also, I like the creepy design a lot.

End of Spoiler

-Worst Boss:

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Saddler, clearly. As everyone has said, he's not that powerful or menacing to be the last boss. To me, Krauser is the real last boss.

End of Spoiler

-Best Weapon: My lovely, lovely Semi-auto Rifle. It's great even for short distance, since it can go through several enemies. Yes, there are better options for close quarters, but it's not that bad. An of course, it's the king of long range fun. Honorable mention goes to the Blacktail (which I prefer over the Red9), and the last shotgun (gotta love that 100 ammo capacity).

-Worst Weapon: I could say the TMP, but the Mine Layer is way worse. Waaaaaaaaaaaay worse.

-Best NPC:

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Ada of course, but she appears too little, I'd say. She's still stylish and mysterious, but I'd like to have her fight alongside Leon in some part of the game.

End of Spoiler

-Worst NPC:

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
I dunno. Maybe Salazar because of his annoyingness and creepyness, but not really, he plays his role quite well.

End of Spoiler

-Best Enemy:

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Although the chainsaw guys and gals are lovable, they get very predictable with time. I'd go with the blind claw guys, because fighting them is fun, and sometimes (util I realized I could escape the cage before killing it) really difficult.

End of Spoiler

-Worst Enemy: Again, I can't find one. All enemies are unique and are placed so their fights are intense and great.

- Best parts of the game:

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
The cabin fight against the hordes of villagers is awesome, I loved every second of it. Also, the scene in the pool-like zone of the castle when Ashley has to push the levers and you're assaulted by hordes of monks is great too. The Salazar's Right Hand boss is great as I've already said.

End of Spoiler

- Worse parts of the game:

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
The final boss is dissappointing, and the ending quite generic, yes. The way they removed Las Plagas is too easy, and they didn't give much trouble throught the game to Leon and Ashley. I KNEW you wouldn't fight a mutated Ashley because fictional or not, she's the US president's daughter, and transforming her in a horrible monster could not be the best of ideas, there could be trouble with the US authorities or some stupid asocciation. Game-wise it would have been great, but... Well, back to the point, they should at least have made the Plagas removing a minigame in which you controlled the machine, I think. Also, the story of the game may seem to some not too developed, specially compared to Code Veronica, for example. Anyway, I like it as it is now, but I wouldn't minded some more links with previous games.

End of Spoiler

3024th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Euh...Time mage?" , posted Tue 3 May 20:07post reply

Sorry time but I think you've made a mistake in your 1st spoiler...

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
...You are talking about Krauzer, that you can froze, Or IIRC Krauzer is the soldier dude, and the creepy thing you can frozen is the Verdugo....

End of Spoiler

We are all mad at some point....

Time Mage
2109th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Euh...Time mage?" , posted Tue 3 May 20:27post reply

Sorry time but I think you've made a mistake in your 1st spoiler...

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
I've said that Verdugo AKA Salazar's Right Hand is the creepy freezable one, and I was comparing him to Krauser, but not saying that Krauser is freezable, of course ^^

End of Spoiler

384th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(2):Best and Worst" , posted Wed 4 May 00:53post reply

-Worst Weapon: I could say the TMP, but the Mine Layer is way worse. Waaaaaaaaaaaay worse.

Hahaha, I had actually forgotten about the grenade launcher. Does it even make the grenades more powerful, or does it just shoot them further? I never even bothered buying one since you can just throw grenades without it. There was probably a grand total of two times throughout the game that I sort of wished I could throw grenades further.

Even so, I will still stick with my choice of the TMP as the worst weapon. At least you don't feel bad for not buying the grenade launcher. With the TMP, if you don't get one, all that ammo you find goes to waste, and there's no alternative, so it's all the more vexing when it sucks.

3351th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Kaboom!" , posted Wed 4 May 01:18post reply

Grenade Launcher hate

Man, are you nuts? I mean, the grenade launcher is great!
When you max out the power of the weapon, it gains homing capabilities, and if you can't find that useful, then I don't know...
Add the scope and you have one of the most powerful weapons in the game (after the broken butterfly).
Remember thepart where you first encounter the monks with the catapults, but you can't see them because they're somewhat hidden? well, just aim to their general direction and the homing missile will find their way into one of the monks, and when it explodes, it kills everyone in that particular area.
Have a bothersome boss? no worries, just fire 2 or 3 missiles to him, then switch to your prefered handgun and blow them up. Whatch how the enemy whrites in pain and just smile in awe.
Want to kill regenerators without using that silly infrarred scope? Shoot a missile into his chest, blow it up, then shot the regenerator to his feet with a shotgun and while he's on the floor fire another missile round into his back. After that, the monster becomes cannon fodder.
Want some sadistic fun? just shoot a crow and watch it fly like the thieving bastard he is, and when he thinks he's safe *BOOOM*, there goes Mr. Feathers.
Don't like those goddamn ganado crowds? just shoot a missile to the nearest Don Pedro, and you will have an instant crowd dissolver in seconds.

I don't know about you guys, but I had so much fun with that weapon. But I guess that's my nature, shotguns, grenade launchers and flamethrowers are my favorite weapons in any game. Damn, the game lacked a nice flamethrower now that I think about it.

3026th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Kaboom!" , posted Wed 4 May 02:23post reply

Man, are you nuts? I mean, the grenade launcher is great!
When you max out the power of the weapon, it gains homing capabilities, and if you can't find that useful, then I don't know...
Add the scope and you have one of the most powerful weapons in the game (after the broken butterfly).
Remember thepart where you first encounter the monks with the catapults, but you can't see them because they're somewhat hidden? well, just aim to their general direction and the homing missile will find their way into one of the monks, and when it explodes, it kills everyone in that particular area.
Have a bothersome boss? no worries, just fire 2 or 3 missiles to him, then switch to your prefered handgun and blow them up. Whatch how the enemy whrites in pain and just smile in awe.
Want to kill regenerators without using that silly infrarred scope? Shoot a missile into his chest, blow it up, then shot the regenerator to his feet with a shotgun and while he's on the floor fire another missile round into his back. After that, the monster becomes cannon fodder.
Want some sadistic fun? just shoot a crow and watch it fly like the thieving bastard he is, and when he thinks he's safe *BOOOM*, there goes Mr. Feathers.
Don't like those goddamn ganado crowds? just shoot a missile to the nearest Don Pedro, and you will have an instant crowd dissolver in seconds.

I don't know about you guys, but I had so much fun with that weapon. But I guess that's my nature, shotguns, grenade launchers and flamethrowers are my favorite weapons in any game. Damn, the game lacked a nice flamethrower now that I think about it.

9800 Pesetas huh? Well I'll maybe get one...^ ^
Time mage, sorry I misunderstand it.
BTW, what did the Scope do on the Sniper rifle exactly when you add it???

We are all mad at some point....

3352th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Kaboom!" , posted Wed 4 May 02:38post reply


BTW, what did the Scope do on the Sniper rifle exactly when you add it???

It adds extra scope capabilities (kinda obvious, no?), I mean, you can zoom farter with it.

386th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(3):Kaboom!" , posted Wed 4 May 03:22:post reply


BTW, what did the Scope do on the Sniper rifle exactly when you add it???

It adds extra scope capabilities (kinda obvious, no?), I mean, you can zoom farter with it.

It also feels like you can aim faster with the scope attached, which is nice. The only downside is that in close quarters it zooms too far too fast, but I suppose that's why you can unequip it.

EDIT: And yeah, the stuff Onslaught mentions about the grenade launcher does sound cool. Like I said, I never even bothered buying one my first time through, maybe I'll try one out.

[this message was edited by Grahf on Wed 4 May 03:24]

3027th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Kaboom!" , posted Wed 4 May 03:50post reply

OK thanks, I never buy a scope since I can already zoom with the sniper...
Now that I know more about it, I'll buy it for the new sniper rifle...

Weapon merchant are my friends....

We are all mad at some point....

1700th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):Kaboom!" , posted Wed 4 May 07:30post reply

OK thanks, I never buy a scope since I can already zoom with the sniper...
Now that I know more about it, I'll buy it for the new sniper rifle...

Weapon merchant are my friends....

Actually you don't need the scope for the automatic rifle IIRC. It comes with a scope built-in. The scope only works with the first rifle.

Off with your nose

3029th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Kaboom!" , posted Thu 5 May 19:55post reply

well just started chapter 3-2...Those catapult where lame...and the Ashley cover fire part too...

Question: is there a sure way to see the novistador when they aren't in water?? on a solid ground you can't saw the water moving so...

PS: Time mage, I did it...Dying buy an acid spit is pretty fun...

We are all mad at some point....

386th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(7):Kaboom!" , posted Thu 5 May 20:27post reply

Question: is there a sure way to see the novistador when they aren't in water?? on a solid ground you can't saw the water moving so...

You can see their breath when they're standing still. If you proceed slowly, just keep looking ahead with your rifle scope for their breath and shoot it. If they ever get the jump on you, the shotgun definitely works best, though.

Time Mage
2113th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Kaboom!" , posted Thu 5 May 22:08post reply

PS: Time mage, I did it...Dying buy an acid spit is pretty fun...

Hehe, my favourite death, no doubt sabout it.

And the Semi-Auto rifle still needs a scope. It has one built in, but if you purchase the scope, you'll be able to zoom farther.

3031th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Kaboom!" , posted Fri 6 May 01:10post reply

Hehe, my favourite death, no doubt sabout it.

And the Semi-Auto rifle still needs a scope. It has one built in, but if you purchase the scope, you'll be able to zoom farther.

Yep, defiinitely I've checked it...
Aaaah chapter 3-2 a nice one without Ashley...

We are all mad at some point....

3033th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"AARrrgghhh!!" , posted Sat 7 May 00:59post reply

Well some little question about Chapter 3-2/3-3...
1st at a moment you'll see a room with some chest in it, and loen said that he need someone to enter...Obviously it's ashley he's talking about, but when did I'll be able to go back there?? and what kind of things the chest have??

2nd at the end of the Ch 3-2, there is a garden chaped like a labyrinth, but I can't go down there, I only can go to the "Ada room"?? how can I got there?

3rd in the trap with the blind dude, how can I leave the cell without much damage?? I need to shoot the locks, but....noise....

We are all mad at some point....

Time Mage
2115th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):AARrrgghhh!!" , posted Sat 7 May 04:10post reply

Well some little question about Chapter 3-2/3-3...
1st at a moment you'll see a room with some chest in it, and loen said that he need someone to enter...Obviously it's ashley he's talking about, but when did I'll be able to go back there?? and what kind of things the chest have??

You'll be able to get it later. There you'll find some treasures and your first magnum, the Broken Butterfly.


3rd in the trap with the blind dude, how can I leave the cell without much damage?? I need to shoot the locks, but....noise....

Skip the secuence with Z, and that way the enemies will be at the point you skipped the sequence: If you let the entire sequence play, you'll start with everyone already in the cage, but if you skip it outright, the'll be preparing to jump into it and you will be able to move. With that extra time you should be able to break free with little to no harm.

5th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):AARrrgghhh!!" , posted Sat 7 May 10:01post reply


2nd at the end of the Ch 3-2, there is a garden chaped like a labyrinth, but I can't go down there, I only can go to the "Ada room"?? how can I got there?

Do you have the European (PAL?) version? I heard that the European version doesn't allow you to enter the garden unless you're playing on a harder difficulty.

The American version doesn't give you an option for difficulty until you beat the game, but allows you to enter the garden on any difficulty.

Time Mage
2117th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):AARrrgghhh!!" , posted Sat 7 May 10:09post reply


2nd at the end of the Ch 3-2, there is a garden chaped like a labyrinth, but I can't go down there, I only can go to the "Ada room"?? how can I got there?

Do you have the European (PAL?) version? I heard that the European version doesn't allow you to enter the garden unless you're playing on a harder difficulty.

The American version doesn't give you an option for difficulty until you beat the game, but allows you to enter the garden on any difficulty.

That's probably what happens, yes. I played in normal difficulty, so I could enter the garden, but on easy RE4 skips several scenes, and that's one of them.

3034th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):AARrrgghhh!!" , posted Sat 7 May 19:18post reply

OK thanks for those infos!

We are all mad at some point....

3035th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):AARrrgghhh!!" , posted Mon 9 May 02:02post reply

just a little info, it seems that the japanese and european version are the same, depending and the difficult you'll skipp some scenes. For exemple whe Luis meets you before the "Inside" of the castel the left path is closed, some for the green labyrinth...And the Official japanese guide show those Easy-forbiden path...

thanks time mage, I got the magnum and I finished the Chapter 3, just have started the 4 with the dragon shaped tower...
BTW did the free rocket laucher appear in all difficulty levels??

We are all mad at some point....

3354th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):AARrrgghhh!!" , posted Tue 10 May 01:22post reply


BTW did the free rocket laucher appear in all difficulty levels??

Yes, it appears in every difficulty level, but it's a one shot weapon. Once you use it, it goes away

389th Post

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Silver Customer

"Mercenaries Help" , posted Tue 10 May 04:20post reply

Is there any easy way to deal with the blind guys using Leon or HUNK? The only stages I don't have five stars are the castle with those two characters. Without a rifle or Krauser's super arm, I just can't kill those guys. My best strategy so far is to just run away from them and hope they don't follow too fast.

Undead Fred
2357th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Mercenaries Help" , posted Tue 10 May 10:44post reply

Is there any easy way to deal with the blind guys using Leon or HUNK? The only stages I don't have five stars are the castle with those two characters. Without a rifle or Krauser's super arm, I just can't kill those guys. My best strategy so far is to just run away from them and hope they don't follow too fast.

I don't remember any specific strategy with Leon, but I had one for HUNK- I usually bomb them with a grenade of some sort from a distance (you don't HAVE to, though... it's just to add damage before you get started). Then just get behind him (either using that staircase near the cannon area or dodging him as he runs by or starts swinging) and drill him in the back on that bug thing. Don't really bother shooting him from the front- just focus on getting behind him and laying into his weak spot with a steady stream of bullets. Once you get the hang of it, they're not too hard to bring down.