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THE DROOGO 216th Post

Frequent Customer
| "tabbu question..." , posted Wed 20 Apr 00:13
Are harddrugs for losers???
I'm been trying some differents drugs to expirience the diffrentes sensation of this life, betewen them I'v tried esctasy, cocaine and acid. and also I've been reading a lot filosofy cause I have to study a lot to get in the Barcelona university, and I ask to myself is the drugs are really for losers, there is a lot of exlents writters in the history that have use hard core drugs like W. Burroghs, Charles Bukusky( well is only beer and a Few joints in some cases), THOMPSON HUNTER(Fear and loathing in Las Vegas),and do not mention greatest artist in the history such a Leonardo Da Vinci( he used to smoke opium, and a lot of them that I cant remember in this moment( Hashish effects). Other way of drug manifestation is the faboulus music from Hendrix to Frank Zappa, from Bethoven to the mars volta, from anciants tribes in the amazon to the beatles. and the lis is preety endless.
So I hope I'll get some answers from real people even if I dont know you direcctly, I know What kind of answer you can give me.
Some people never go crazy what truly horrible life they must lead Charles Bukowski.
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Mokona 246th Post

Frequent Customer
| "Re(1):tabbu question..." , posted Wed 20 Apr 00:52
Any sensible person will tell you "stay away from this shit, especially if you don't know squat about it in the first place".
Now, I haven't ever used any (illegal) drug (well, not even the legal ones, if you count alcohol out and normal medications taken as advised by the doctor...) so I don't think I can tell you a lot, but what I'll say will hopefully make a point: I wouldn't touch this stuff for the sole fact that it comes from criminals, helps criminals, and kills people all over the world. I don't think you can risk using drugs by saying "geniuses used it" when in statistics, they represent probably 0.001% of the drug users (the major remaining portion, if not all, being losers/junkies). Also, remind yourself that most of the people you mentioned died because of the drugs and way before they were meant to, then ponder on the following statement: If drugs were not the major inspiration for their talent, it killed them, stopping them from creating ever more great art/scientific breakthrough/etc.
It is a delicate matter to dicuss, and I really don't think you should discuss it only with unknown people from the Internet...
That's just my opinion, don't take it for more than it is.
I guess you can fuel your inspiration with light drugs, that are not as "dangerous" and especially not as addictive as tougher ones... (then again, I don't know shit about drugs...)
trogdor 12th Post

New Customer
| "Re(2):tabbu question..." , posted Wed 20 Apr 05:12
quote: Any sensible person will tell you "stay away from this shit, especially if you don't know squat about it in the first place".
Now, I haven't ever used any (illegal) drug (well, not even the legal ones, if you count alcohol out and normal medications taken as advised by the doctor...) so I don't think I can tell you a lot, but what I'll say will hopefully make a point: I wouldn't touch this stuff for the sole fact that it comes from criminals, helps criminals, and kills people all over the world. I don't think you can risk using drugs by saying "geniuses used it" when in statistics, they represent probably 0.001% of the drug users (the major remaining portion, if not all, being losers/junkies). Also, remind yourself that most of the people you mentioned died because of the drugs and way before they were meant to, then ponder on the following statement: If drugs were not the major inspiration for their talent, it killed them, stopping them from creating ever more great art/scientific breakthrough/etc.
It is a delicate matter to dicuss, and I really don't think you should discuss it only with unknown people from the Internet...
That's just my opinion, don't take it for more than it is.
I guess you can fuel your inspiration with light drugs, that are not as "dangerous" and especially not as addictive as tougher ones... (then again, I don't know shit about drugs...)
while you are right that the supplier of drugs are criminals, you have to think why such a market exists. most of (if not all) of the drugs can be manufactured here in the united states. laws and regulations create the starting point for this market, not to mention that the drugs themselves are highly addictive. from an economic standpoint of supply and demand, it is a win-win situation.
for more info on laws - http://www.usdoj.gov/dea/pubs/csa/812.htm
>throw baby
OYashiroForever 830th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(1):tabbu question..." , posted Wed 20 Apr 09:19:
quote: Are harddrugs for losers???
Yes and no.
As the great Bill Hicks once said, "if you think drugs haven't done good things for us, do me a favor: take all your albums, all your tapes, and all your CDs and burn 'em... cause the musicians that made all that great music that's enhanced your lives throughout the years: real fuckin' high on drugs." There's no question that drugs have done good things for people and that the US's neanderthal approach to addiction and drugs in general simply doesn't work.
In addition, the government propoganda that drugs support criminals and other criminal/terrorist activity is ridiculous. There are a LOT of things that support criminal and terrorist activity (gambling, unbridled oil consumption, etc.). Drugs are only a part of it because they're illegal... alcohol and cigarettes are both drugs and purchasing them doesn't support terrorist activity. Why? Because they're regulated and legal.
With that said, drugs ARE bad and can destroy your life... quickly. Doesn't matter what it is: X, heroin, coke, meth, weed, alcohol. All of them can ruin you if you don't have the strength of will to be just a casual user.
Word of advice, though: avoid ecstacy at all costs. Scientists are discovering that even a couple of uses can severely alter your brain chemistry.
"Only two things are infinite the universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the former."
"Your denial is beneath you and thanks to the use of hallucinogenic drugs I see through you."
[this message was edited by OYashiroForever on Wed 20 Apr 09:26] |
DarkZero 1203th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(4):taboo question..." , posted Wed 20 Apr 13:39
quote: I'm been trying some differents drugs to expirience the diffrentes sensation of this life, betewen them I'v tried esctasy, cocaine and acid. and also I've been reading a lot filosofy cause I have to study a lot to get in the Barcelona university, and I ask to myself is the drugs are really for losers, there is a lot of exlents writters in the history that have use hard core drugs like W. Burroghs, Charles Bukusky( well is only beer and a Few joints in some cases), THOMPSON HUNTER(Fear and loathing in Las Vegas),and do not mention greatest artist in the history such a Leonardo Da Vinci( he used to smoke opium, and a lot of them that I cant remember in this moment( Hashish effects).
Someone here is going to smack me for saying this, but anyone who takes hard drugs and spells like you do probably isn't in the "brilliantly gifted writer who augments his imagination with amusing chemicals" category of drug users. If you don't play the guitar like a total badass, then maybe you should cut back a bit and find another hobby, because drugs are definitely not your muse.
Iggy 6348th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):tabbu question..." , posted Wed 20 Apr 17:47
quote: With that said, drugs ARE bad and can destroy your life... quickly. Doesn't matter what it is: X, heroin, coke, meth, weed, alcohol. All of them can ruin you if you don't have the strength of will to be just a casual user.
It's not only a question of strength. Many drungs, like heroin, create a physical dependance, not psychological. Which means that even if you have an emperor's will, you'll still be dependant to it and you WON'T be able to stop it without medical help without endengering your very life. I mean, if you're not dead before you begin to want to stop.
ガラハド 「ねんがんの アイスソードをてにいれたぞ!」 :そう かんけいないね メ几 → :木又してでも うばいとる :ゆずってくれ たのむ!!
The Droogo 219th Post

Frequent Customer
| "Thanks for your opinions!!!!!!!!!" , posted Wed 20 Apr 18:14:
I really aprecciate the time that you spend answering my question, but I was right in the prediction of your answers. Usually people used to cling to the idea of life and death, and they try really hard to avoid any possibility of die young, for example looking to the both sides in the street to do not crush with a car, but Can I know the sensation of just run ahead to the other side of the street with my eyes closed if I never try to do it at least once? or do I have to wait another one to tell me the expierence?
Now If I Take the chance to cross the street maybe theres is a 60% that I'm going to die and the other 40% and going to be safe, but there's my point I'm going to expierence it so then and I could Write it down or just tell it like an history, it's going to be in me until I die or I will pass trought generations as a cool history or a terrific one.
One day I check out that life, it self, is preety boring. even If I try to make every single day diferent, changing ways to go to my work, trying diferents games, new sports, make new meals and stuff like that. So then I decide to enter to this new dimension of diferents drugs to expierence the difference between reality and reality ¨god- like¨. And is what I did expect. its incredible what you can become for a lapse of hours! . It's no easy to describe, but formidable to experience.
The thing is know how to stop even if your body ask you for more. Then you realize that you can learn to know about yourself and know If your the kind of stronger person or weaker one. In my case it help to ¨create a really strong Will¨.
My question now is what's the next experience to try?
Are the next expierences, thing that involve actions such a extrem sports or real adventures, for example go to a Nazi house with my latino face and throw a Molotov inside and wait with pleased smile and with a shirt with the sentence:¨ I just F!!#" your mother¨, the ones who will survive?
Or mix all this things?
More drugs? I dont think so, but I do not rule out the light drugs, is obvius that some drugs kill, so I'll not be so extrem to kill myself young, in other words, I just did a Taste of the cocktail.
The only thing that I need is time to continues the experiment of this thing call ¨live¨.
I'll be reporting the up dates. Arrivederci?
Some people never go crazy what truly horrible life they must lead Charles Bukowski.
[this message was edited by The Droogo on Wed 20 Apr 18:25] |