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DarkZero 1201th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(5):New Pope!" , posted Wed 20 Apr 11:33
quote: Is it just me, or does this guy look AND sound evil... Heheh, Omegadog, you're a champion. I ran out of credits years ago.Meanwhile, "evil?" I don't think that the Hitler Jugend* sound particularly ominous. Oh, wait. Uh oh....
*assuming that's true.
Well, I'm sure that it's true, given that he grew up in Germany around that time, but you can't exactly take a 14-year-old who was legally bound to serve in the military and say, "ZOMG NAZI!!!11" It's an amusing anecdote and it makes for a nice joke, but it isn't as if it's some slanderous secret.
The fact that he's secretly Darth Sidious might be a black mark against him, though.
shin ramberk 100th Post

Regular Customer
| "World Fighters 2005" , posted Fri 22 Apr 00:39
Continuing on Omega Dog's idea...
CHARACTER SELECT (partial list)
secret codes: Colin Powell: u,u,d,d, LP+MK+HP (Colin is selectable as a single character, you can't have a partner with him.) Ashton Kutcher: l,l,r,r LK+MP+HK (Has Demi Moore as a helper)
Special Team-Up Supers: (Bush+Cheney), QCF, QCF + 3P + 3K
Go buy the new Warlock series by Marvel. It is good support this title!