PS2 HDD question - Forums

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"PS2 HDD question" , posted Wed 20 Apr 17:55post reply

I should have asked here to begin with, stupid me.
So, well, is there a place online to buy an official PS2 HDD without having to buy it bundled with a console or a game?

ガラハド  「ねんがんの アイスソードをてにいれたぞ!」
  :そう かんけいないね
→ :木又してでも うばいとる
  :ゆずってくれ たのむ!!


1023th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):PS2 HDD question" , posted Wed 20 Apr 18:11post reply

For the US one? I don't think so. They HAD HDD for the Japanese one, but that was a long time ago. Do you have a Japanese system? I know you only play imports...

This HDD situation is fun for Sega.
It makes things especially nice for the new Phantasy Star online RPG, which they said will have downloadable updates like most online RPGS and come out in 2006 when nobody will care anymore. The added joy is that new model PS2s don't have HD support (do they), so even people who buy FFXI to play PS may still have to cry themselves to sleep.

6351th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):PS2 HDD question" , posted Wed 20 Apr 18:48post reply

For the US one? I don't think so. They HAD HDD for the Japanese one, but that was a long time ago. Do you have a Japanese system? I know you only play imports...

Asian actually.
I wonder if non official HDD (like, you by the adaptor and a compatible non-sony HDD can be recognised by games that use it officially (not for HD Loader or other things) if you use an official install CD?
It would save the trouble (and the money) to buy Minna no Golf or Bomberman only for the HDD, and for those who have a PSTwo, if the port is still here, they would only have to buy an external non official HDD...? Or maybe Sony will release one in the future.

ガラハド  「ねんがんの アイスソードをてにいれたぞ!」
  :そう かんけいないね
→ :木又してでも うばいとる
  :ゆずってくれ たのむ!!

1026th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):PS2 HDD question" , posted Wed 20 Apr 19:04post reply

Ah, I knew the answers to those questions when I was trying to get a working HD to play Biohazard Outbreak. Back then, there weren't any commercial HD loading programs that let you (potentially) do naughty things. I donwloaded a free program to make a partition, then I tried to use the official Sony HD format dealie. It ended up that my HD wasn't big enough, so it rejected it.

It was this horrible 2 day fiasco that made me really hate Sony. It's not just that they don't support the HD in America, they do everything in their power to stop you from using it by making the PS2 naturally reject normal HDs and by REMOVING HD features from games that had them in their Japanese versions. If they want to sell me a PS2 HD, then I'll buy it...but they don't...and they won't let me use my own . It's like a bully that steals your sandwich, then doesn't even have the decency to eat it.

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New Customer

"Re(1):PS2 HDD question" , posted Thu 21 Apr 20:07post reply

Wich game do you want to use with the HDD ?
Exept biohazard outbreak 1 (file #2 has much better DVD loading times), the HDD is far from being really useful...
You said Ministrel song ? DVD-loading are acceptable but with the HDD, there is simply no loading at all (and and if you taste the HDD mode you can't bear returning to DVD only).

You can fin the official HDD on some HK sites.

6366th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):PS2 HDD question" , posted Thu 21 Apr 22:59post reply

You said Ministrel song ? DVD-loading are acceptable but with the HDD, there is simply no loading at all (and and if you taste the HDD mode you can't bear returning to DVD only).

Yeah, that's the game that's going to make me buy it. Vampire will also use it, probably for nothing but still, those are the games I've been waiting for years, so...

Either way, I looked in a few HK sites I know, but none seems to have the HDD... Do you have a precise URL ?

ガラハド  「ねんがんの アイスソードをてにいれたぞ!」
  :そう かんけいないね
→ :木又してでも うばいとる
  :ゆずってくれ たのむ!!