Another tabbu question - Forums

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THe DRooGo
219th Post

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"Another tabbu question" , posted Wed 20 Apr 18:23:post reply

What is the last hentai or doujinshi that you have read and where did you get it???
or an free page on internet???

I'm starting to hate philosophy
I need a breaaaakkkkk!!!

Some people never go crazy
what truly horrible life they must lead
Charles Bukowski.

[this message was edited by THe DRooGo on Wed 20 Apr 18:24]


573th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):Another TABOO question" , posted Thu 21 Apr 03:27post reply

I unintentionally got a hentai manga when I bought Tenjou Tenge a while ago...oops. I'm kind of embarrassed to have it around after it made Ikkitousen looks smart, but there ya go. And you may want to try 'tabu' or 'taboo,' my man.


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"Re(1):Another tabbu question" , posted Thu 21 Apr 04:10post reply

Tha last ones I got were the 3 "Shining Musume" volumes and "Sheisoutsuidansha", I just love Shiwasu no Okina's art.
I also got some Hiroyuki Utatane doujins, such as "XY" where Bridget can be seen being raped by his doppelgänger, or "Lunacy" which contains some Darkstalkers-based stories.

You can get all of them from eMule, where magic resides

1028th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):Another TABOO question" , posted Thu 21 Apr 06:29post reply

I unintentionally got a hentai manga when I bought Tenjou Tenge a while ago...oops. I'm kind of embarrassed to have it around after it made Ikkitousen looks smart, but there ya go. And you may want to try 'tabu' or 'taboo,' my man.

Are you kidding me? I don't think many people consider Ten^2 hentai. My test is:If I can read it, then it's not hentai. The series starts bad and has become terrible lately, but there are a few excellent volumes in the middle.

575th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):Another TABOO question" , posted Thu 21 Apr 07:24post reply

I'm only kidding of course, I was just making a nod to OhGreat's use of the unexpected "erotic" rape (?) scene at the end of the one volume I bought since I couldn't think of anything, and was really just dying to write "taboo" correctly.

...hmm, you could read good ol' Golden Boy. It's not really hentai but it's awfully funny and well-drawn and has some of the... taboo scenes you seek, too.


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"Re(1):Another tabbu question" , posted Thu 21 Apr 07:33post reply

Moonlight mile.
Not fully hentai, but have some hardcore scenes... and beautiful story :)

2581th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Another tabbu question" , posted Thu 21 Apr 07:50post reply

use bittorrent and google.
I was lazy before in my hentai manga acquisition, but not anymore!

Undead Fred
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"T A B O O" , posted Thu 21 Apr 09:47:post reply

use bittorrent and google.
I was lazy before in my hentai manga acquisition, but not anymore!

You can always run a search online... I know I've seen plenty of hentai manga online for free. There's also a place called "Picture Shrines" that has a pretty big hentai section, and some girls have H manga pages.

[this message was edited by Undead Fred on Thu 21 Apr 09:48]

Juke Joint Jezebel
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"B A L O O" , posted Thu 21 Apr 13:16:post reply


like looking for music and other porn, google really sucks when it comes to these things. you'll get a crapload of monkey sites with generic screen shots from h-games, low quality scans, adult id dogshit, or simply full of nasty pop-ups


these things are usually handled by communities. hell if i know where to find them. but you can probably find stuff from p2p like eMule (what someone mentioned earlier), irc, and that one program (the thing saboten made a faq for) if you know how to use them

[this message was edited by Juke Joint Jezebel on Thu 21 Apr 13:19]

14th Post

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"Re(1):B A L O O" , posted Thu 21 Apr 15:45post reply

thanks for the links to the g(o)(o)ds


>throw baby

Juke Joint Jezebel
3390th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):B A L O O" , posted Thu 21 Apr 16:08post reply

thanks for the links to the g(o)(o)ds


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