Rockman Zero 4 question - Forums

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Rockman Zero 4 question" , posted Thu 21 Apr 01:51post reply

After playing a bit (the rom is out) I was wondering, is it me or the artwork doesn't looks as good as in the previous games? maybe a new artist did them? or maybe it's just me?


Joe Randel
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"Re(1):Rockman Zero 4 question" , posted Thu 21 Apr 02:02post reply

After playing a bit (the rom is out) I was wondering, is it me or the artwork doesn't looks as good as in the previous games? maybe a new artist did them? or maybe it's just me?

You're palying the rom? For shame...

"I can't take any more illicit drugs... I can't afford any artificial joy" - Pursuit of Happiness

6584th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Rockman Zero 4 question" , posted Thu 21 Apr 02:07post reply

You're palying the rom? For shame...

Hee hee. I wanted to make rips, plus I have to play something until the game comes out in the US, Capcom takes so long to release MMZ around here T_T (not like that's a valid argument)

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"Re(3):Rockman Zero 4 question" , posted Thu 21 Apr 05:36post reply

I agree, the artwork does look a bit different, but not quite all that bad. I will do a quick check into it and see if I can find out who the artist is compared to the other games.

The Einherjar Hachitoushi -- The 8 Warriors of the Ragnarok Plan

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"Re(1):Rockman Zero 4 question" , posted Thu 21 Apr 06:06post reply

from Planet MM forums:

"Tooru Nakayama did indeed draw the Zero 4 art, however there is another artist who did some of the artwork. Maeda Koukoku worked on Zero 4 which would explain the cleaner style."

6588th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Rockman Zero 4 question" , posted Fri 22 Apr 04:45post reply

from Planet MM forums:

"Tooru Nakayama did indeed draw the Zero 4 art, however there is another artist who did some of the artwork. Maeda Koukoku worked on Zero 4 which would explain the cleaner style."

Thanks for the info! I knew somebody else was working on this, some of the art looks more generic, less "edgy". Didn't Toru Nakayama also worked in Breath of Fire IV?

And sorry for the delay on the answer, my pc died and I'm on a friend's pc (huge, shiny, new screen set at 640 x 480 resolution ):2ch_are: The pixels are so pretty and biiiig! Luckily I managed to save Majoria's News on a backup.

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"Re(3):Rockman Zero 4 question" , posted Fri 22 Apr 06:14:post reply


Didn't Toru Nakayama also worked in Breath of Fire IV?

All the art and design from BOF 2 to 5 has been done by Tatsuya Yoshikawa.

And the first was made by Keiji Inafune.

[this message was edited by vava on Fri 22 Apr 11:44]

173th Post

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"Re(4):Rockman Zero 4 question" , posted Fri 22 Apr 08:54post reply


Didn't Toru Nakayama also worked in Breath of Fire IV?

All the art and design from BOF 2 to 5 has been done by Tatsuya Yoshika.

And the first was made by Keiji Inafune.

You mean Inafune worked on the art for BoF 1? Wow, you learn something new everyday... I do say Vava, since you have started posting, you have been a good source of information. Good job.

The Einherjar Hachitoushi -- The 8 Warriors of the Ragnarok Plan

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"Re(5):Rockman Zero 4 question" , posted Fri 22 Apr 11:43post reply

If you want to know more about Inafune designs, try this: