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Stifu 105th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(1):Samurai spirit Official site OPEN!!!" , posted Thu 21 Apr 19:54:
Cool, thanks !
It's a site about the whole SS series, not just the new AW one... Actually, there is nothing about SS AW there, there's nothing much at all for now... But it has just opened, so that explains it. Let's wait and see, as usual !
About the rumors Iggy posted, he posted several of them... I guess a few of them were true while others were bullshit. If the beta test rumor is true, then it's for tomorrow...
PS: I think it's the first time I see you write "Ne*J*ibako" correctly. :p
Edit: I think Yuki isn't working on the new SS, but Playmore would be... I could be wrong, of course, but here are the things that made me think so:
- http://www.samurai-zero.jp, the SS site by Yuki, gives no news about the new official SS website (could be because it's too new though) - I've never ever seen the SS Yuki site mentioned anywhere on Playmore's site, but this time Playmore mention it in their news and all - The website seems to be done by Playmore. For instance, the SS1 video you can download is in the same format as the videos you can download on the NBC site (exe file that decompresses itself) - No mention of Yuki anywhere on the website
By the way, I think I noticed the hint about the new SS on the site, despite the fact I don't know any Japanese. In the SS1 page, you can see all the SS titles at the top. The last one is "?". That would be the next SS.
[this message was edited by Stifu on Thu 21 Apr 20:17] |
Stifu 110th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(7):Er..." , posted Sun 24 Apr 06:18
Well, to explain my SFA3 comparison... SFA and SS3 are 2 games that radically changed their series, starting up from scratch, and both got released in 1995. The SFA series has anime looking characters (not many colors used), while it wasn't the case with the SF2 games. The same goes for SS3 onward, compared to SS1/2. Also, SFA3 has shitloads of characters, the same goes for SS5S.
As for the SF3 series, it doesn't have as many characters, and sprites are impressive and extremely well animated. So, if SS6 was made up from scratch (one can dream), then you could probably consider it the SS counterpart to SF3/3rd Strike. (despite the fact they haven't been made at the same time at all)
Ultima 394th Post

Silver Customer
| "Re(2):Re(10):Er..." , posted Thu 28 Apr 12:14
> > But that trap is escapable, the slash sogetsu trap is not; you block one attack, then it's game over for the round... Completely and stupidly broken.
> But to do that trick with Slash Sogetsu, didn't you need a full Ikari meter?
Ikari = POW meter, right? If so, then yes. Doesn't matter though: Slash Sogetsu's whole "strategy" is "do whatever until POWed, then water spout you to death. As I said, you can inflict up to 100% damage BLOCKED. If I hadn't seen it in a tournament, I never would have believed it.
> With Bust Sogetsu, you don't need a full Ikari meter to start raping.
What raping? Bust Sogetsu is scrubby, but he's not that good. The instant you see Bust Sogetsu take to the air, just dash at him. You either dash under his projectile spam if he does it late, and if he does it early, you block, and wait for him to take 3 days to land. Either way, you punish him for free.
> Having a full meter was an added bonus to the BS with the projectiles that lock you down by circling you.
Unlike with Slash Sogestu, Bust Sogetsu can't kill you right out if you block his projectile spam. All Sogetsu can do is throw projectiles and run.
> I dunno...to me, an advancing airblock, a low recovery time for projectiles and like a quick unblockable throw made that character an exceptionally major pain in the ass to fight against...even if he isn't the most broken character in the game.
Trust me, he ain't that good. He might be second tier, but that's about it. In terms of annoyance, he's got nothing on Slash Sogetsu, any Nakoruru, or Bust Tam Tam. And what unblockable throw? Are you talking about his diving grab? It's not unblockable (you can duck it).
Likewise, Suija isn't broken in SS0. He's good, but he's not even as good as Bust Sogetsu, and BUst Sogetsu wasn't broken either.
And yes, SS3 is indeed the worst 2D SS. Still a lot better than SS64 though (dunno about SS64 II, since I've still yet to play that).
-- Ultima - The Right arm of Scrub Voltron http://uramble.com/index.html - U's Rambling Page
Shin_ATproof 1180th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(3):Re(10):Er..." , posted Thu 28 Apr 13:42
So the gameplan with Slash Sogetsu is to build the meter to max and then attack? I also seem to remember it being a pain in the ass to build Ikari meter in SS4(you either get hit alot or do like the 14 hit dialacombo) and I recall seeing like 70% autocombos. I dunno to me the aformentioned strat for Slash Sogetsu doesn't sound all that powerful but definitely worth it if you do manage to get around to it.
Back in the day when there was some SS4 comp in my area, within reasonable driving distace ofcourse... I recall Bust Sogetsu having air superiority. If he takes to the air and someone tries to AA him, you use his block special and you put attacker in disadvantage. Opponent waits for him to land, pull out same move, advantage to Sogetsu. You throw his projectiles with a full Ikari meter it doesn't take good timing to lay them on the opponent and when its on them, they really can't do much of anything. Even at normal state if you do it late, like before you land, its hard to punish. Also... Backdash Canceling with Sogetsu was pretty good with all of his air attacks, you could play keepaway or reverse an opponents rush with little worry since you're so low to the ground with the moves, there almost no recovery...but then again, thats the advantage to BCing in Samurai Shodown...still a good strat for charaters with Airmoves, love its uses in SS0Sp.
Oh and for his Throw special, I played a round to jog my memory a little...crouching or blocking low resulted in getting hit. High block stops it and yeah, if thats blocked, Sogetsu is very screwed.
Also I recall Yoshitora, Yunfei, Suija, Kusaregedo and Kyoshiro were at the top of the foodchain in SS0...but its been so long since I've played SS0 I don't really care at this point, its all about SS0Sp and there is no looking back for me.
Sí mon con langosta y camarón
Ultima 396th Post

Silver Customer
| "Re(4):Re(10):Er..." , posted Fri 29 Apr 05:25:
> So the gameplan with Slash Sogetsu is to build the meter to max and then attack?
Not exactly. As you said, you can't "build" meter except by getting hit or by 14-hit CD combo. As I said, Sogetsu just does whatever until he gets POWed. He's got some decent moves, so it's not as though he's at a disadvantage or anything. BUt once he gets POWed, look out - if you block *or* get hit from one of his spouts, you're going to eat huge damage, depending on how much RAGE time he has left. As I said, I've seen a guy do 100% *block damage*. In a *tournament final* (March Madness 2002). Eddie Lee got totally locked down cause he blocked one spout in the wrong place (a few steps away from his corner) and died for it.
[snip BUst Sogetsu stuff]
As I said, BUst Sogetsu is good, but nowhere near broken like Slash Sogetsu, or even as good as guys like BUst Tam Tam, Bust Amakusa, or Nakoruru. I thikn he hangs around in the second tier with Bust Galford (who's also mindless powerful, but again, nothing like the aforementioned characters).
> Oh and for his Throw special, I played a round to jog my memory a little...crouching or blocking low resulted in getting hit. High block stops it and yeah, if thats blocked, Sogetsu is very screwed.
Well I knew it wasn't unblockable. Couldn't remember exactly which way to block it, and I didn't feel like digging out my Saturn version to check (and I don't have the ROM, oddly enough).
> Also I recall Yoshitora, Yunfei, Suija, Kusaregedo and Kyoshiro were at the top of the foodchain in SS0...
With the exception of Gedo, I agree with that list. I sould definitely have put Suija in top tier in SS0. But he was "good", not "broken". He still has the same vulnerability that Bust Sogetsu has (dash at him the instant he takes to the sky). Like Bust Sogetsu, Suija has to be careful about how he spams projectiles, and can't do it mindlessly. Bust Soggy could be sloppy when he was POWed (though even that was nowhere near the threat that Slash Soggy was), but Suija doesn't have that option. Then again, Suija has Enlightenment, so... :p
> but its been so long since I've played SS0 I don't really care at this point, its all about SS0Sp and there is no looking back for me.
So what did they do to Suija in SS0S? I got the impression he was much the same as in SS0...
-- Ultima - The Right arm of Scrub Voltron http://uramble.com/index.html - U's Rambling Page
[this message was edited by Ultima on Fri 29 Apr 07:21] |