FF XI or Star Wars Galaxies? - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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3018th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"FF XI or Star Wars Galaxies?" , posted Fri 22 Apr 14:02post reply

I'm going to get a better computer soon and am also finally going to get DSL at my new place. In addition, I am looking at getting a MMORPG. Specifically I'm looking at Final Fantasy XI and Star Wars Galaxies. Which one should I get? If you know good and bad points of each, could you help me out so I can make an informed decision?

Hungry Like the Wolf


1259th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):FF XI or Star Wars Galaxies?" , posted Fri 22 Apr 14:12post reply

I'm not a MMORPG guy myself... but everyone I know that's into that says the World of Warcraft is the game to get.

148th Post

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"Re(1):FF XI or Star Wars Galaxies?" , posted Fri 22 Apr 14:29post reply

Neither of those are that great of a title in my opinon. It's not much of a co-op game but World of Warcraft is extremely popular. You might also you want to try any NCSoft title such as Lineage 2 or City of Heroes.

3019th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):FF XI or Star Wars Galaxies?" , posted Fri 22 Apr 14:41post reply

Neither of those are that great of a title in my opinon. It's not much of a co-op game but World of Warcraft is extremely popular. You might also you want to try any NCSoft title such as Lineage 2 or City of Heroes.

I've considered World of Warcraft, but I don't know if I'd get into that much, I've never been much of a Warcraft person. I also have gotten to do some stuff with CoH but have decided I'd rather have one of these two. I'd just like some pros and cons...

Hungry Like the Wolf

1171th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):FF XI or Star Wars Galaxies?" , posted Fri 22 Apr 14:47post reply

I'd say either go with Everquest 2 or World of Warcraft.

SWG is fun but imbalanced, and FFXI is the definition of "timesink".

1030th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):FF XI or Star Wars Galaxies?" , posted Fri 22 Apr 14:56post reply

WoW is probably the best, because it's user friendly and has a lot to offer...but...I can't play it because it's too ugly. I couldn't create a character on that game that wasn't utterly hideous. The WORLD is hideous.

I can't recommend FFXI, not because it isn't a good game, but because it isn't catered to people who only have a few hours at a time to play. Either you play all day (and probably every day) or you don't play at all. If you're into other games, that's no good either. It also doesn't provide any degree of freedom. You have a variety of equipment, but if you want to go for style and originality instead of the best stuff, then nobody will want you on their team.

Of course, you can play for a good 60 hours before it gets ugly.

3020th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):FF XI or Star Wars Galaxies?" , posted Fri 22 Apr 15:22post reply

WoW is probably the best, because it's user friendly and has a lot to offer...but...I can't play it because it's too ugly. I couldn't create a character on that game that wasn't utterly hideous. The WORLD is hideous.

I can't recommend FFXI, not because it isn't a good game, but because it isn't catered to people who only have a few hours at a time to play. Either you play all day (and probably every day) or you don't play at all. If you're into other games, that's no good either. It also doesn't provide any degree of freedom. You have a variety of equipment, but if you want to go for style and originality instead of the best stuff, then nobody will want you on their team.

Of course, you can play for a good 60 hours before it gets ugly.

I think I know what you mean by hideous and that's kind of why I wasn't too into getting WoW. I love Star Wars so much, and I think I'd like Galaxies, but I think I'd love the Final Fantasy too... I'm worried about how long it'd take to really enjoy what I'd want to do in Galaxies, though, since I'd really want to be a jedi. Don't you get a month free with FF XI? Maybe I should just try it and see how I like it, since it's only 20 bucks.

I guess a good question is, as a huge fan of Star Wars and Final Fantasy, would I like Galaxies of FFXI better? I guess I'll take a closer look at them this weekend. Please give feedback if you're familiar with these though, I appreciate it.

Hungry Like the Wolf

1206th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):FF XI or Star Wars Galaxies?" , posted Fri 22 Apr 17:04post reply

I guess a good question is, as a huge fan of Star Wars and Final Fantasy, would I like Galaxies of FFXI better? I guess I'll take a closer look at them this weekend. Please give feedback if you're familiar with these though, I appreciate it.

Everyone that I know that has played Galaxies or FFXI says basically the same thing about them: I got it for the world (Star Wars or Final Fantasy), but eventually dropped it because it was a horrendous time sink. Supposedly World of Warcraft removed tons and tons of time sinks that both of these games use, but I still felt that too much of it was devoted to time sinks. So if Galaxies and FFXI somehow have even more time sinks, then I guess that means that they must open some sort of black hole in your living room that literally steals entire days of your life.

I know we're not giving you the answer you're looking for, but asking whether you should buy Galaxies or FFXI is sort of like asking whether you should buy Enter The Matrix or Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness. As someone else on this board is very fond of saying: "Whoever wins, we lose."

1031th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(7):FF XI or Star Wars Galaxies?" , posted Fri 22 Apr 18:06post reply

Waitwait...FFXI is only $20? If that's the case, then go ahead and try it out. The first month is, indeed free (or at least it was) so if you play for 30 hours or so, then you'll have had a jolly time to a jolly good price. Just don't let it eat your life. I know that sounds silly, but I have honestly seen that game destroy people.

1331th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Guild Wars!" , posted Fri 22 Apr 21:12:post reply

Besides being ugly, WoW seems to be the shortest of MMORPGs. Lots of people have dropped it to play something else, since once you hit level 60, there's nothing for you to do.

Guild Wars is the best, especially if you don't have the time to devote per month to justify a monthly fee, and you don't want to wander around aimlessly looking for people to group with, and especially people to play against. It's finally released at the end of the month, but I've been playing it one weekend a month for a year now in betas. Still can't wait for the final release.

Got Next - it's a gaming site I write stupid things for

[this message was edited by Ammadeau on Fri 22 Apr 21:12]

365th Post

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"Re(1):Guild Wars!" , posted Sat 23 Apr 03:05post reply

Besides it being Star Wars, I honestly can't say anything positive about Galaxies. In short the game's economy is broken, jedi are absurdly over-powered, Jump to Lightspeed was too little too late, and most of the people who were playing it have long since left for greener pastures. If you really want to be a jedi, I would suggest getting Knights of the Old Republic I and II instead. That or you could get one of those neat Mater Replucas 'Force FX' lightsabers.

As for FFXI, it's as much of a timesink as others here have said. Not only does it take forever to level, but it is also impossible to do anything by yourself. The only way to make any progress in the game is to meet up with a set group of people at a designated time and play 4 or 5 times a week for 5-6 hours at a time. It's a fun game, but is also by and far the most time demanding MMO on the market.

I'll second Ammadeau on Guild Wars: It is free to play, is less time intensive than most MMO's, and I've heard a lot of positive things from people in the beta. Other than WoW, it's the only MMO that people seem to have any interest in these days.

1033th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):Guild Wars!" , posted Sat 23 Apr 04:23post reply

I'm not going to argue that Guild Wars has some degree of charm, but it has a different sort of appeal than other online RPGs. If you want a fun (relatively simple) game that you can play with (or without) other people, then it's fine, but I don't think it provides the "full" online RPG experience. This isn't necessarily a shortcoming, but an observation. The "full" experience is too much sometimes.

1331th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Guild Wars!" , posted Sat 23 Apr 04:26post reply

This isn't necessarily a shortcoming, but an observation. The "full" experience is too much sometimes.

If I want a full RPG experience, that's what offline RPGs are for. So far I've found that the 'full MMORPG experience' involves lots and lots of tedium. Honestly, I can do without that.

Got Next - it's a gaming site I write stupid things for

1035th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):Guild Wars!" , posted Sat 23 Apr 06:05post reply


If I want a full RPG experience, that's what offline RPGs are for. So far I've found that the 'full MMORPG experience' involves lots and lots of tedium. Honestly, I can do without that.

I didn't mean "full RPG experience", though I suppose I could have, since Guild Wars is different in that aspect as well. I mean...well, it's more like the "crowded, extensive (chaotic?) world" experience. Don't mistake me, though...I'm not disagreeing with you, and just about every game that offers that is plagued with tedium as well.

4123th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):FF XI or Star Wars Galaxies?" , posted Sat 23 Apr 07:00post reply

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Star Wars Galaxies

End of Spoiler

does not exist. Instead play Knights of the Old Republic and pretend the NPCs are players.

FF 11 will make you angry. It laughs at your face.

If you are just curious on trying out this type of massive pokemon rpg, then go for City of Heroes or World of Warcraft. These two are the most forgiving/reasonable games of this type at the moment. People seem to like the Guild Wars beta, but havent tried it myself.

General rule of this type of games is that you will usually get the most enjoyment if you join a guild or you have friends that will play with you often. The newest games allow you to do stuff by yourself for the most part, but it probably wont be as fun.

The WORLD is hideous.



149th Post

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"Re(6):FF XI or Star Wars Galaxies?" , posted Sat 23 Apr 07:44post reply

Some would argue Guild Wars isn't a real MMO. Max level is 20 and it doesn't take very long to achieve that. There's nothing else to do besides jump right into guild wars. Doesn't sound like a bad idea to me, sounds like a great game for people who don't have a lot of free time.

3022th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):FF XI or Star Wars Galaxies?" , posted Sat 23 Apr 12:54post reply

Some would argue Guild Wars isn't a real MMO. Max level is 20 and it doesn't take very long to achieve that. There's nothing else to do besides jump right into guild wars. Doesn't sound like a bad idea to me, sounds like a great game for people who don't have a lot of free time.

I think I'm going to try out FF XI at least. If I hate it, at least I won't have wasted too much money. I've wasted more money or more useless things before. I still have to wait until I get my new computer though.

Hungry Like the Wolf