A look at the new Superman - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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1078th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"A look at the new Superman" , posted Fri 22 Apr 23:33post reply


Pretty much what you would expect. Except for the more maroonish color for the red.

And is it just me or is the link button not working?


850th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):A look at the new Superman" , posted Fri 22 Apr 23:46post reply

Awful. Just awful.

He looks spot on as Clark Kent, though.

1963th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):A look at the new Superman" , posted Sat 23 Apr 00:09post reply

The combination of that small chest logo and those disturbing low rise speedos makes his torso look really long and his legs a bit stumpy. It could be the angle of the picture tho' so the general flow of the suit may look better in motion on the screen. I don't think anything, however, is going to help those ugly boots.

897th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):A look at the new Superman" , posted Sat 23 Apr 00:17:post reply

I'm not surprised or impressed, but I'm not disappointed either. It's the dude who's playing Superman in a Superman outfit. How is this shocking in any way?

I think he looks the part.

[this message was edited by Grave on Sat 23 Apr 00:18]

159th Post

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"Re(4):A look at the new Superman" , posted Sat 23 Apr 02:56post reply

I'm not surprised or impressed, but I'm not disappointed either. It's the dude who's playing Superman in a Superman outfit. How is this shocking in any way?

I think he looks the part.

haha i second that, i think a bigger cape might help a bit

You've been very bad~ Now off to the gas chamber!

1098th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):A look at the new Superman" , posted Sat 23 Apr 05:36post reply

Awful. Just awful.

Funny how people complained about the costumes in X-Men, yet when they go for the bright, pastel colors of the original comics in Superman, people bitch still.

2587th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):A look at the new Superman" , posted Sat 23 Apr 05:54post reply

homeboy's got some chun li thighs.

1036th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):A look at the new Superman" , posted Sat 23 Apr 06:07post reply

I just checked in to see what Brandon could possibly have to say about Superman.
That is all. Don't mind me.

2588th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):A look at the new Superman" , posted Sat 23 Apr 06:37post reply

I just checked in to see what Brandon could possibly have to say about Superman.
That is all. Don't mind me.

yeah, I'm really bored, basically. I've even started posting again on my own forums. I need to give my work ethic a kick in the pants.

4122th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"OH BETO, YOU CARD" , posted Sat 23 Apr 06:38post reply

people bitch still.


The costume looks ok. The only thing that sort of bothers me is the tone of the color blue. It should have been a little darker if they are going for a darker style of Superman, as opposed to the bright comic book Reeves movies.

Oh his hair sucks. Get a haicut, you hippie.


Undead Fred
2325th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):OH BETO, YOU CARD" , posted Sat 23 Apr 06:51post reply


Heh heh. Yeah, I think he'd look all right if the colors were shifted a little... and yeah, the low-riding speedos do weird things to his proportions... at least in that picture, anyway. The story sounds interesting so far, though. Superman leaves for a while, and everyone moves on with their lives while he's away? Sounds like it's got potential to me.

2589th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"OMG JUAN" , posted Sat 23 Apr 06:57post reply


where've you been?
It's been so long that I've already figured out what's going on in this town, and have moved on to the next one.

4124th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):OMG JUAN" , posted Sat 23 Apr 07:02post reply



where've you been?
It's been so long that I've already figured out what's going on in this town, and have moved on to the next one.


2591th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):OMG JUAN" , posted Sat 23 Apr 07:41post reply


Society is to blame.
And muffin thieves.

Why no new art? the public awaits.

3022th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):A look at the new Superman" , posted Sat 23 Apr 12:32:post reply

Awful. Just awful.

Funny how people complained about the costumes in X-Men, yet when they go for the bright, pastel colors of the original comics in Superman, people bitch still.

I have no complaints about the colors. I don't like how incredibly small the S shield is and I don't like that the S shield is on the belt, or how low the briefs are. I also don't like that the S is raised. I am glad they went with the "classic" look and didn't update the costume, but Christopher Reeves Superman costume looked better in my opinion.

Edit: Brandon Routh does make a better Superman than I thought he would, but I'm still skeptical as to whether I'll like the movie or not. What about this? http://superherohype.com/news/ghostridernews.php?id=2891 Nicholas Cage as Johnny Blaze! I'm more excited about Ghost Rider than Superman, but only because I've seen a Superman movie before and I never thought a Ghost Rider movie would be made.

Edit 2: Copy and paste the link. I suck.

Hungry Like the Wolf

[this message was edited by Hungrywolf on Sat 23 Apr 12:47]

1207th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):A look at the new Superman" , posted Sat 23 Apr 12:56post reply


Funny how people complained about the costumes in X-Men, yet when they go for the bright, pastel colors of the original comics in Superman, people bitch still.

Bright pastel colors? His cape is so maroon it's almost brown. It also looks like it's made of the same leather material that his boots are. Actually, it kind of makes me wonder what this movie will look like when it's finished, because so far all of the clothes have the same sort of muted colors that everything had in Sky Captain.

Anyway, I get that the feeling that this isn't a really great picture of the new costume. I think they decided to shoot it from an upward angle so that they could put him in the classic Superman pose and make him look all strong and commanding, but with this costume, it just accentuates the length between the belt and the insignia.

I can also see why the newspaper articles I've seen about it only show him from the waist up. Obviously I'm not the only one who thinks that there's just a little too much wang in that picture.

1079th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):A look at the new Superman" , posted Sat 23 Apr 13:15post reply


Edit: Brandon Routh does make a better Superman than I thought he would, but I'm still skeptical as to whether I'll like the movie or not. What about this? http://superherohype.com/news/ghostridernews.php?id=2891 Nicholas Cage as Johnny Blaze! I'm more excited about Ghost Rider than Superman, but only because I've seen a Superman movie before and I never thought a Ghost Rider movie would be made.

Edit 2: Copy and paste the link. I suck.

Nic Cage looks pretty good without that receding hair line. Although I haven't read many Ghost Rider comics, I do like the look of the character. Hopefully the GR design will be really bad ass.

3024th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):A look at the new Superman" , posted Sat 23 Apr 14:01:post reply


Edit: Brandon Routh does make a better Superman than I thought he would, but I'm still skeptical as to whether I'll like the movie or not. What about this? http://superherohype.com/news/ghostridernews.php?id=2891 Nicholas Cage as Johnny Blaze! I'm more excited about Ghost Rider than Superman, but only because I've seen a Superman movie before and I never thought a Ghost Rider movie would be made.

Edit 2: Copy and paste the link. I suck.

Nic Cage looks pretty good without that receding hair line. Although I haven't read many Ghost Rider comics, I do like the look of the character. Hopefully the GR design will be really bad ass.

At Superherohype they also have a picture of the Hellcycle, flaming wheels and all, and it looks nice. I can't wait to see a picture of Ghost Rider.


Hungry Like the Wolf

[this message was edited by Hungrywolf on Sat 23 Apr 14:08]

1082th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Silent Hill movie stuff . . ." , posted Sun 24 Apr 04:36post reply


I don't care all that much, but I am sure somebody here does. Same producer of the RE movies with another on the way and is also doing the Onimusha movie.

Undead Fred
2329th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Silent Hill movie stuff . . ." , posted Sun 24 Apr 04:55post reply


I don't care all that much, but I am sure somebody here does. Same producer of the RE movies with another on the way and is also doing the Onimusha movie.

It's been a while since I've seen any info on the SH movie, so I saw that headshot in the article and thought, "she's a little too clean and rested to be Heather..." But then I read the rest of the article and remembered that they were making a new character and story. Heh heh. I'm looking forward to the movie, and according to what the writers have SAID about the movie, they were playing the games a lot while they were writing so they'd be heavily influenced by the games or something. Of course, there's always that possibility that it's just PR bullshit, but who knows.

At least it SOUNDS promising so far.

903th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Silent Hill movie stuff . . ." , posted Sun 24 Apr 05:37post reply

and remembered that they were making a new character and story.

It will be about a member of a paranormal investigation unit who has become stranded in a quiet, small town while her unit was hunting something that looks like Ridley Scott's alien.

6589th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):A look at the new Superman" , posted Sun 24 Apr 05:42post reply

Funny how people complained about the costumes in X-Men, yet when they go for the bright, pastel colors of the original comics in Superman, people bitch still.
Personally, I love cheesy looks in superheroes. This makes me happy, but I would go for a brighter red.

Burning Ranger
1178th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):A look at the new Superman" , posted Sun 24 Apr 07:45post reply

[quote I don't think anything, however, is going to help those ugly boots.

Bryan Singer's X-men leather influence at work.

Still, the suit in general doesn't resemble the leather or rubber we've been seeing in superhero films lately. In fact, it looks more old school compared to other movie superhero costumes (Spiderman, X-men, Daredevil, Fantastic Four). Is this a good thing? Well, from a nostalgia standpoint, yes--and that's what Singer has been trying to do. Also, consider the color Maroon, which has been featured in many Superman comics when Superman is portrayed as older and wiser (best example would be Old Superman's appearences in Superman Batman and Kingdom Come). This also ties into Singer's storyline, where Supes comes back after a hiatus offworld, thus making him seem older and wiser.

Still, that actor looks a little wierd to me.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

"The war is over the fight is just beginning..."

1723th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):A look at the new Superman" , posted Tue 26 Apr 12:09post reply

Don't like the suit but ah well. Special Effects in the flick should be hot at least.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

20th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):A look at the new Superman" , posted Wed 27 Apr 17:57post reply

eh the plot sounds a bit too much like spiderman 2.

this superman looks younger or perhaps the same age as the previous superman. if this movie is supposed to take place later in the timeline from the original movies, he should look much older. perhaps add in a cane and some false teeth.