Tekken: The Comedy? - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Tekken: The Comedy?" , posted Sat 23 Apr 14:58post reply


"The hilariously absurd setup goes like this: Black will play a Mexican priest who moonlights as a masked Lucha Libre wrestler in order to save an orphanage destined for closure. All the while, the priest must keep his identity hidden from the wrestling community and the church."

Uh, wasn't this the back story for "King" in Tekken? Or did Tekken copy this idea from some relevant old, serious film?


1081th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Tekken: The Comedy?" , posted Sun 24 Apr 00:29post reply


"The hilariously absurd setup goes like this: Black will play a Mexican priest who moonlights as a masked Lucha Libre wrestler in order to save an orphanage destined for closure. All the while, the priest must keep his identity hidden from the wrestling community and the church."

Uh, wasn't this the back story for "King" in Tekken? Or did Tekken copy this idea from some relevant old, serious film?

It was also the story of the Anime version of Tiger Mask. I am not sure if the real Tiger Mask was fighting for an orphanage or not.

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"Re(2):Tekken: The Comedy?" , posted Tue 26 Apr 10:05:post reply

I think (don't quote me on that), that it actually is based on a true story. I have at least heard of the story of a mexican priest that wore a tiger (or some other wild feline) mask and wrestled (for what purpose I don't remember though) way before tekken was ever created. If it was a movie, I think it was somewhat based on true events...
Let's google...
edit: http://www.racematters.org/maskedwarriorsinmexico.htm


[this message was edited by Mokona on Tue 26 Apr 10:08]