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Pollyanna 1046th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(2):Gundam True Odyssey" , posted Tue 26 Apr 20:15
quote: The one year war was one of the two mines that exploded in april with Tengai 3, or so was I told; you say it's actually enjoyable (even 4 hours)?
I'm sure people hated One Year War because it's SO SHORT and SO SIMPLISTIC, but the delivery really is quite good. It looks good, the music is AMAZING and the cut scenes are very well done. The levels, despite being short, simple and easy have a lot of variety, a lot of fan service and are a lot of fun. The gameplay is simplistic, but enjoyable.
I have to remark on the cinemas, because I play anime games sometimes and I never understand them. If you haven't seen the anime, you don't want to play the game...but if you HAVE seen the anime, why would you want to sit through long, poorly executed cinemas that bastardize the plot? In the case of One Year War, however, for the first time, I enjoyed the cinemas. They were pretty, didn't have too many stupid polygons (mostly character pictures), had awesome music and weren't too long.
I can't imagine a Gundam fan not enjoying the Jaburo level or the fight with Lala...but I CAN imagine a Gundam fan spending $70 on the game, finishing it in one sitting and saying "What the fuck is this shit? Thats IT!?!?"
I didn't buy the game, so I can say "those were 4 hours well spent".