Guild Wars - Forums

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1214th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Guild Wars" , posted Wed 27 Apr 12:49post reply

About six or seven guys at work decided to buy Guild Wars, so I got roped into it, too. Looks like I'll probably be playing a Warrior/Necromancer so far, but if that looks really stupid when I get into the game, I might try it, too.

Anyone else getting it?


916th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Guild Wars" , posted Wed 27 Apr 13:57post reply

About six or seven guys at work decided to buy Guild Wars, so I got roped into it, too. Looks like I'll probably be playing a Warrior/Necromancer so far, but if that looks really stupid when I get into the game, I might try it, too.

Anyone else getting it?

Is this game actually good?
I'm not into MMORPG type games, and I heard that in Guild Wars the way most stuff is goes like "click on target, watch automated attacks run until target dies, click on new target".

But that's just what I heard.

1215th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Guild Wars" , posted Wed 27 Apr 14:29post reply


Is this game actually good?
I'm not into MMORPG type games, and I heard that in Guild Wars the way most stuff is goes like "click on target, watch automated attacks run until target dies, click on new target".

But that's just what I heard.

I honestly have no idea. I literally got roped into it and I really don't know much more about the game than what I read last night. Basically, it boiled down to this:

1) I get the game at cost. ($10 off)
2) I get a $10 gift card back in the mail.
3) I get a preorder item in-game.
4) I get an instant seven man guild, all with the preorder item equipped.
5) No subscription fee.

Much like my last purchase (Samurai Warriors), it's cheap, it's worth a weekend or two of fun, and I can always come back to it whenever I'm bored. Seems like a decent deal to me. For those that are wondering what the game's like, it starts at 3AM EST tonight and I'll probably play it for three or four hours, so I'll tell you what it's like.

1336th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Guild Wars" , posted Wed 27 Apr 20:27post reply

I'm not into MMORPG type games, and I heard that in Guild Wars the way most stuff is goes like "click on target, watch automated attacks run until target dies, click on new target".

If you do this in GW, you seriously won't last more than five minutes... five seconds in PvP. GW is all about your personal skills and ability to plan out your character and use them effectively. The game is also fast-paced. One time I was PvP in a group and I suddenly had ten status effects all cast on me. My character dropped like a rock. Though other times I've faced off an entire horde of AI enemies alone because I had two healers repeatedly buffing me to hold the line.

So hell yes I'll be playing. Later today in fact. My two main characters are Anna Crow (necro/monk) and Dash O Pepper (warrior/ranger). I have a lot of playtime to commit to regain my former glory before the beta wipe.

Got Next - it's a gaming site I write stupid things for

1217th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Guild Wars" , posted Wed 27 Apr 21:19:post reply

Played about two or three hours of Guild Wars (though somewhat broken up) so far. Not entirely sure what my opinion is of it, but I'll definitely be putting the rest of the money down for the retail copy.

The characters are a mixed bag. Some are kind of cool (Mesmers, Rangers, male Monk, female Necro), most of the others look horrible. Either American games look like crap and Korean and Japanese games look much better, or I just totally don't understand the non-Asian video game aesthetic.

Unless you already have a guild, most of the early levels feel like a single player game because most of the newbies aren't smart enough to group up. On the one hand, this is terribly boring, and I wasn't the only one who said "Holy crap! People!" when I stumbled across a place that wasn't instanced (note: for most of the game, if you aren't grouped, you are ALONE,as if almost everything is instanced). On the other hand, the instancing allows you to actually make subtle changes to the world, which is a gigantic change from a game like World of Warcraft or Ragnarok Online, where every achievement feels completely hollow and the storyline is rendered as thin as the leadup to a ride at Disney World.

For instance, in the first area I went to, there's a little girl who wants you to find her flute for her. Once you do that, she starts to follow you around and talk to you. And later on, you can actually give her presents and change her appearance, which also changes her dialogue. This sounds ridiculously simple and low key, but it's simple and low key in an Ico sort of way, and it felt more satisfying than conquering any swarm of monsters in World of Warcraft.

Unfortunately, the only real drawback to the game is that it's just like every other American PC game: Buggy. So far, in just a couple of hours, I've seen key NPCs disappear in the middle of a quest, quest markers lead me to NPCs that aren't there, quest dialogues tell me to go north to confront monsters that are actually to the south, and NPC allies get stuck in walls. It also has all of the usual pathing problems that Ragnarok Online's "click on the monster to attack it" system always had. Sometimes the monster runs past you while you're attacking it, sometimes your character loses track of the monster in close quarters and just stands there, and other times your character just stands around being attacked, even though you've engaged the monster in combat. It's not horrible, but it's kinda shoddy and amateurish, just like every other PC game that isn't a billion dollar megasequel like Doom 3, Half-Life 2, or World of Warcraft.

I can't really review the battle system until I've seen more of it, though. WoW's system looked very robust at first, but twenty hours later I was just spamming my class's designated uber combo over and over.

EDIT: BTW, my current character is a Warrior/Necromancer named Scarlet Brave. Yes, I lack originality. I'm horrible with names.

[this message was edited by DarkZero on Wed 27 Apr 21:26]

1337th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Guild Wars" , posted Wed 27 Apr 23:10post reply

Hmm, didn't run into a single bug and played for about three hours. The early area is kind of dull and really meant just to get you used to the game. You can leave pretty early on by taking the academy test. The game doesn't really get rolling until then when you can group with three other people (and is better when you go on groups of six). If you want, you can also create a PvP only character, but your skill selection will be limited since they need to be 'unlocked' via the RPG section.

Got Next - it's a gaming site I write stupid things for

608th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(5):Guild Wars" , posted Wed 27 Apr 23:52post reply

I'm planning to get the game this weekend.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

808th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(6):Guild Wars" , posted Wed 27 Apr 23:55post reply

I'm planning to get the game this weekend.

woot woot

count me in

1217th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):Guild Wars" , posted Thu 28 Apr 04:27post reply

Hmm, didn't run into a single bug and played for about three hours. The early area is kind of dull and really meant just to get you used to the game. You can leave pretty early on by taking the academy test. The game doesn't really get rolling until then when you can group with three other people (and is better when you go on groups of six). If you want, you can also create a PvP only character, but your skill selection will be limited since they need to be 'unlocked' via the RPG section.

It's worth noting that the majority of those bugs all occurred in the same area, the Catacombs at Ashford Abbey. Maybe that area is just poorly implemented, but those bugs still shouldn't be there.

1053th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):Guild Wars" , posted Thu 28 Apr 06:43post reply


The characters are a mixed bag. Some are kind of cool (Mesmers, Rangers, male Monk, female Necro), most of the others look horrible. Either American games look like crap and Korean and Japanese games look much better, or I just totally don't understand the non-Asian video game aesthetic.

Yeah, I agree...but I was relatively pleased with Guild Wars. For an American game, it was an amazing landmark to be able to create a character (at least one) that I didn't hate. When I played with a friend's character maker on Everquest 2 (for God knows how long) it quickly turned into a contest to make the ugliest character possible after realizing that there was no way to make someone decent looking.

So the first step is: I can create a character that looks decent in a world of mostly ugly people. Still, with the American online game crowd, I'm sure a lot of people will go for making ugly characters anyway...cause they're "hard core."

1338th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):Guild Wars" , posted Thu 28 Apr 11:11post reply

It's worth noting that the majority of those bugs all occurred in the same area, the Catacombs at Ashford Abbey. Maybe that area is just poorly implemented, but those bugs still shouldn't be there.

I've done the catacombs like four or five times now so I knew just what to do there. Might be why I didn't hit any bugs.

Actually, I hit one bug where a monk was supposed to give me skills, but didn't until I asked about the quest a second time, which is odd because it wasn't bugged during beta.

Got Next - it's a gaming site I write stupid things for

4131th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"DALK CEROTE" , posted Fri 29 Apr 05:41post reply

I will try it this weekend. Are there different servers or do they just dump everyone in a single one? Do they divide them between PVP/PVE? Is there a guild already made?

Does it have Tauren Shamans? This is the most important question!

work decided to buy Guild Wars, so I got really stupid when I get into the game, I might try it, too.

Anyone else getting it?


1339th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):DALK CEROTE" , posted Fri 29 Apr 11:12post reply

It's all one big server. There is only the human races. You can do pure PVP starting at max level if you want right away, but you'll be limited in skills as they are mostly unlocked via PvE. You can PvP with your PvE character as soon as you leave the tutorial area though. I did that today in many 4v4 arena matches, getting a flawless victory nearly every time becuase my vamp/healer is unstoppable!

Probably won't play much this weekend though as I have to review Dead to Rights 2, a game by all the laws of reason should not exist.

Got Next - it's a gaming site I write stupid things for

923th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(5):Guild Wars" , posted Fri 29 Apr 12:44post reply


it was an amazing landmark to be able to create a character (at least one) that I didn't hate. When I played with a friend's character maker on Everquest 2 (for God knows how long) it quickly turned into a contest to make the ugliest character possible

Two things are worth noting.

The first is that EQ has always looked like garbage, so it's not like it's a good standard for comparison.

The second is that you HAVE NOT played Might and Magic... VII? I think it was Mandate of Heaven. It is the ultimate walking fashion disaster game (to my knowledge), for which it was muchly loved.

925th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(6):Guild Wars" , posted Sat 30 Apr 01:31post reply


it was an amazing landmark to be able to create a character (at least one) that I didn't hate. When I played with a friend's character maker on Everquest 2 (for God knows how long) it quickly turned into a contest to make the ugliest character possible

Two things are worth noting.

The first is that EQ has always looked like garbage, so it's not like it's a good standard for comparison.

The second is that you HAVE NOT played Might and Magic... VII? I think it was Mandate of Heaven. It is the ultimate walking fashion disaster game (to my knowledge), for which it was muchly loved.

Ah, here's a pic of Mandate of Heaven (it's Might and Magic 6).

Yet somehow I think Iggy would love it.

1063th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(7):Guild Wars" , posted Sat 30 Apr 06:53post reply


Ah, here's a pic of Mandate of Heaven (it's Might and Magic 6).

Yet somehow I think Iggy would love it.

WOW. That's...that looks fake, it's so bad. That just made my day.

And even though Everquest looks ugly, the characters aren't dramatically uglier than those in most American online RPGS I see. I'm not the pro in that field, though.

30th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(1):Guild Wars" , posted Sat 30 Apr 21:38post reply

I caved in and bought this last night, even though my system doesn't even meet the minimum requirements, ahaha.

Anyways, after 8 hours, my Necromancer/Mesmer is now level 6. When do you guys play? Maybe I could "lag" along some time.

609th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(7):Guild Wars" , posted Sun 1 May 13:59post reply

My hired mercs bug me out all the time. I've had one stuck in the terrain for no good reason, forcing me to re-instance the zone.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

31th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(2):Guild Wars" , posted Mon 2 May 12:28post reply

I'm level 10 now; been in

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
post-Searing Ascalon

End of Spoiler

since level 8, and already, I've noticed the quests being a lot more interesting and fun. Maybe it has to do with the increased grouping... well, I barely grouped at all in the training area, so maybe that's why. The game is definitely a winner for me, now if only my system could actually run the game without choking like a bitch.

1340th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(8):Guild Wars" , posted Mon 2 May 20:17post reply

My hired mercs bug me out all the time. I've had one stuck in the terrain for no good reason, forcing me to re-instance the zone.

Same happened to me 3 friggin' times. Odd because it never once happened in all of the beta. Had a guy even fall right through the map. Wish I had taken a screenshot of that.

Still playing Anna Crow and Dash O Pepper, but at odd times. You can still try to hit me up for free stuff. My storage space is constantly full.

Got Next - it's a gaming site I write stupid things for

428th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(9):Guild Wars" , posted Tue 3 May 00:04post reply

World of Warcraft lets you make really cool/pretty characters, as long as you make human females, dwarven males, night elf females, gnome females, orc males, tauren males, troll females and undead females. Also, unless you really are trying to, you won't get any ridiculously coloured outfits. Most armor come in sets over a few given levels, so at lvl 25 you might pick up bracers and gloves of a set, then at lvl 28 you can finally wear the breastplate and have a matched set... if you haven't changed anything since then.

My hired mercs bug me out all the time. I've had one stuck in the terrain for no good reason, forcing me to re-instance the zone.

Same happened to me 3 friggin' times. Odd because it never once happened in all of the beta. Had a guy even fall right through the map. Wish I had taken a screenshot of that.

Still playing Anna Crow and Dash O Pepper, but at odd times. You can still try to hit me up for free stuff. My storage space is constantly full.

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