How are doing the Atomiswave and the Type-X? - Forums

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"How are doing the Atomiswave and the Type-X?" , posted Thu 28 Apr 04:38post reply

Anybody knows? The AW was announced as the best thing ever, but other than Sammy and SNKP, anybody else got interested? Was it popular in Japanese arcades?

And the Type-X at least has a huge list of developers backing it up, but the games are taking its time to come... We have to see in which board the new G.Rev game will run, same for the Mushihimesama puzzle...

I hope these boards (at least the Type-X, I like the developer list announced a lot) don't go the same way that the failed Nintendo board... Tri-Force was it?


Burning Ranger
1184th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):How are doing the Atomiswave and the Ty" , posted Thu 28 Apr 10:04post reply

Anybody knows? The AW was announced as the best thing ever, but other than Sammy and SNKP, anybody else got interested? Was it popular in Japanese arcades?

And the Type-X at least has a huge list of developers backing it up, but the games are taking its time to come... We have to see in which board the new G.Rev game will run, same for the Mushihimesama puzzle...

I hope these boards (at least the Type-X, I like the developer list announced a lot) don't go the same way that the failed Nintendo board... Tri-Force was it?

Love the Engrish thread title by the way...

I saw a few Atomiswave games here in the US (I know where there's a Dolphin Blue machine here in San Antonio). I think its doing okay, even though Sammy and a few others support it.

As for Type-X, isn't it Taito's proprietary board (which is basically a PC for arcades)? Isn't it the platform for the arcade version of Half-Life 2?

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

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"Re(2):How are doing the Atomiswave and the Ty" , posted Thu 28 Apr 12:51post reply

We have Kof Neowave on a Megalo cabinet here in San Francisco at my local arcade. I wouldn't be suprised if it was the only one of the few in the nation. I think a few other arcades have GG Ikusa.

1006th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):How are doing the Atomiswave and the Ty" , posted Thu 28 Apr 13:06post reply

We have Kof Neowave on a Megalo cabinet here in San Francisco at my local arcade. I wouldn't be suprised if it was the only one of the few in the nation. I think a few other arcades have GG Ikusa.

The arcade in Berkeley has a a pair of GG Ikusa machines. I guess its so that you can actually play four players at the same time. BTW, Kyo717, what arcade are you talking about? The arcade at SFSU and UCB both have KOF 2K3 and CvS2 and GGXX. I'm looking for an arcade in SF that has 3S though.

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Chaos Breaker" , posted Thu 28 Apr 13:09post reply

Hey yeah... speaking of Type X whatever happened to Chaos Breaker? Eolith has been working on the game for what... 3 years now?

Shingo The One
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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):Chaos Breaker" , posted Thu 28 Apr 13:18post reply

Hey yeah... speaking of Type X whatever happened to Chaos Breaker? Eolith has been working on the game for what... 3 years now?

I can answer this one Fuchikoma.I've been watching over this thanks to, and all there is to say is that the game is true shit.That's why the Atomiswave is better, not because of what it has, but cause of what it will have very soon.Fact.

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Red Falcon
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Chaos Breaker" , posted Thu 28 Apr 13:42post reply

Hey yeah... speaking of Type X whatever happened to Chaos Breaker? Eolith has been working on the game for what... 3 years now?

Yeah, as far as I know it's actually been out, it just bombed. Horribly.

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Rare Customer

"Re(1):How are doing the Atomiswave and the Ty" , posted Thu 28 Apr 23:33post reply

Anybody knows? The AW was announced as the best thing ever, but other than Sammy and SNKP, anybody else got interested? Was it popular in Japanese arcades?

And the Type-X at least has a huge list of developers backing it up, but the games are taking its time to come... We have to see in which board the new G.Rev game will run, same for the Mushihimesama puzzle...

I hope these boards (at least the Type-X, I like the developer list announced a lot) don't go the same way that the failed Nintendo board... Tri-Force was it?

G.rev new game runs on Naomi
So does Milestone's new game
Cave will probably use their onw boards again.It seems like none of the small arcade companies like to use these standard boards.
BTW Atomiswave cabinets are ugly as hell.I've seen some over here in belgium with only really sucky games like Maximum Speed, USA shooting and crap like that

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):How are doing the Atomiswave and the Ty" , posted Thu 28 Apr 23:47post reply

BTW Atomiswave cabinets are ugly as hell.I've seen some over here in belgium with only really sucky games like Maximum Speed, USA shooting and crap like that

American and European ones are:

Japanese ones arenīt:

2611th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):How are doing the Atomiswave and the Ty" , posted Fri 29 Apr 01:10post reply

We have Kof Neowave on a Megalo cabinet here in San Francisco at my local arcade.

which one is that?? I know of two, Bumpers, and Portal One in the Metreon.

Anyway, there are a crapload of atomiswave machines in LA, since sammy studios was based there, when they were alive. I think the sammy arcade US distribution point is there too?

I've seen neowave, GG, dolphin blue, demolishfist, and at truck stops across california they have the driving and rifle shooting ones.

Some Atomiswave games in the US are made specifically for walmart, I was told. Since I'll never walk into one of those horrible places, I may never know if that's really true.

Type-X is slowly ramping up, but mostly with shooters. Half Life 2 isn't out yet...Chaos Breaker is, and I actually like it, but it's the character design that turns people off, I think. But yeah, I don't think there are type-X machines in the US.

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"Re(2):How are doing the Atomiswave and the Ty" , posted Fri 29 Apr 01:39post reply


Cave will probably use their onw boards again.

Cave is using a board from PGM, which is a taiwanese game producer(knights of valour, chinese legend, etc). As for Mushihime, if i'm not wrong, they used the taito T-X...

just improving my english...

2613th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):How are doing the Atomiswave and the Ty" , posted Fri 29 Apr 01:41post reply


Cave is using a board

*called the PGM, made by IGS. Just so nobody gets confused.

But I don't know that they're still using it, or that they will be using it into the future.