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exodus 2611th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):How are doing the Atomiswave and the Ty" , posted Fri 29 Apr 01:10
quote: We have Kof Neowave on a Megalo cabinet here in San Francisco at my local arcade.
which one is that?? I know of two, Bumpers, and Portal One in the Metreon.
Anyway, there are a crapload of atomiswave machines in LA, since sammy studios was based there, when they were alive. I think the sammy arcade US distribution point is there too?
I've seen neowave, GG, dolphin blue, demolishfist, and at truck stops across california they have the driving and rifle shooting ones.
Some Atomiswave games in the US are made specifically for walmart, I was told. Since I'll never walk into one of those horrible places, I may never know if that's really true.
Type-X is slowly ramping up, but mostly with shooters. Half Life 2 isn't out yet...Chaos Breaker is, and I actually like it, but it's the character design that turns people off, I think. But yeah, I don't think there are type-X machines in the US.