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Spoon 932th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Silent Bomber is giving me stress" , posted Tue 3 May 16:53
I am determined to beat this game before I start playing Stella Deus.
However, the last boss is so irritating that I went and loaded up [pec] on my epsxe to see if there was an invulnerability cheat so I could make him SHUT UP. That's how annoyed I was with him. Sadly, there wasn't one, and I don't have a gameshark/codebreaker/whatever for my PS2.
Has anybody beaten this guy? I don't think I'd be so annoyed if I didn't have to start at the chessboard again with each continue, but this guy is so much harder than all the rest of the earlier part of the game combined that it's driving me up the wall. Heck, the fact that this guy might need SKILL to beat frustrates the part of me that wanted a nice, generally easy, enjoyable ride (which the rest of the game provided).
That said, I am glad he is not as insane as CPU Jutah in the VR Arena, who rapes you in literally seconds. Hot damn.
In some ways, I wonder what Silent Bomber would've been like if the people who made the final boss decided to apply that mentality to the rest of the game. Because he doesn't seem Dodonpachi either you know the pattern or you die difficult... he just seems really really tough to beat.
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Spoon 937th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(3):Silent Bomber is giving me stress" , posted Wed 4 May 14:07
quote: Finished it using ePSXe 1.52 a couple of years ago. Ahh the memories...
Still have the cleared save (PAL)...
Was there a trick to beating the boss?
Like that protect Annri mission... I thought it was impossible until I tried surrounding her with Napalm...
I defeated the boss, but with save state abuse on an emu rather than on my PS2.
Actually, life is a LOT harder if you aren't outfitted right.
For the chessboard, the order I used was: sacrifice bombs for range sacrifice range for shield don't sacrifice shield
I was wrong to believe that that was right for Benoit, as well.
Getting to Benoit with nearly full health counts. range is tops bombs second shield third
If your range is short, you will have to roll dice as to whether you can latch and detonate before Benoit does. If you have lots of bombs and long lock, you can spray around and get a good number of lucky locks. Plus, you will outrange him at max level. So, the major way he has of dealing damage to you comes from the @#$(*&%#(@*%&$*)!@*#&$ OMG I HATE YOU giant hologram. If you can dodge that reasonably well, then winning is no longer so far out of reach.
CPU Jutah is still outrageously good. He even melees you with his shield if you get sloppy. My gosh, when did Bandai learn to make challenge like that? The fact that it's fair (no health/dmg advantages) just makes it that much more impressive.