Firefox users, help! - Forums

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Time Mage
2108th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Firefox users, help!" , posted Tue 3 May 20:00post reply

I've recently switched to Firefox as my default web browser (due to some really annoying and really difficult to remove spyware), and frankly, it's great. BUT I have a problem: When I highlight some text in a post, and hit any of the buttons below (bold, spoiler, etc...), it just doesn't respond, and thus I can't add the tags if I don't add them manually, which gets pretty boring after 4 spoiler tags straight in the same post. So, my question is: Is there a way for the buttons to work with this browser?

Thanks for the replies!


529th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):Firefox users, help!" , posted Tue 3 May 20:10post reply

I've recently switched to Firefox as my default web browser (due to some really annoying and really difficult to remove spyware), and frankly, it's great. BUT I have a problem: When I highlight some text in a post, and hit any of the buttons below (bold, spoiler, etc...), it just doesn't respond, and thus I can't add the tags if I don't add them manually, which gets pretty boring after 4 spoiler tags straight in the same post. So, my question is: Is there a way for the buttons to work with this browser?

Thanks for the replies!

Actually, I've been wondering about this too.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

611th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):Firefox users, help!" , posted Tue 3 May 22:44post reply

Doesn't work for me either. .. =(

But you can drag the button into the window and the javascript code will come up... or you can type [*b][*/b] ...without the stars, and just put the text inbetween...

It's a pain though =)


88th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):Firefox users, help!" , posted Wed 4 May 02:55post reply

I've been using Firefox for a while now and I noticed that, but I always figured it was because he buttons were broke.

Time Mage
2111th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Firefox users, help!" , posted Wed 4 May 05:18post reply

OK, so, basically, everyone has the same issue, but none knows for a way to fix it (if any). Great.

burning kyo
2282th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Firefox users, help!" , posted Wed 4 May 05:54:post reply

OK, so, basically, everyone has the same issue, but none knows for a way to fix it (if any). Great.

use internet explorer and get a good anti-spyware ? '

[welcome to the devil's nest]

[this message was edited by burning kyo on Wed 4 May 05:54]

2234th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):Firefox users, help!" , posted Wed 4 May 06:01post reply

Let me check on it since the highlight script uses IE proprietary code. Meanwhile, if anyone can point me to a site that has something similar but works on FF, that'll be great.

862th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(4):Firefox users, help!" , posted Wed 4 May 06:02post reply

hahaha, I never even noticed this "problem," if that's what you want to call it.

just manually put the tags in, its not that much work.

2634th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Firefox users, help!" , posted Wed 4 May 06:45post reply

I noticed it, and figured it was me. I also can't highlight the professor's tag's clothes away :\

Shin Ramberk
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"Re(1):Firefox users, help!" , posted Wed 4 May 07:04post reply

I've noticed this problem a long time ago. I think I even mentioned it once. But yes, please fix it Prof. And for anyone else that does web development-- never use proprietary code, whether its IE or something else. Stick to web standards PLEASE.

Go buy the new Warlock series by Marvel. It is good support this title!

2635th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Firefox users, help!" , posted Wed 4 May 07:18post reply

never use proprietary code, whether its IE or something else. Stick to web standards PLEASE.

bleh! proprietary is cool. How else would the board wind up this nifty?

416th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):Firefox users, help!" , posted Wed 4 May 09:14post reply

For what it's worth, the buttons didn't work in Opera 7 (haven't tried 8) either. I figured it was due to Opera's... incompatibility with the way people use things like Javascript and such.

Testing it right now shows that the buttons don't work with Camino (a Mac browser that uses the Mozilla rendering engine).

*shrug* I just got used to writing the tags in myself from other boards without handy-dandy buttons.

0th Post

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"Re(4):Firefox users, help!" , posted Thu 5 May 04:27post reply

Works fine in Opera 8. :)

630th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):Firefox users, help!" , posted Fri 6 May 22:09post reply

Can't help you either but you can always get rid of spyware no matter how bothersome.

Try using hijackthis if you haven't.And visit

Time Mage
2116th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Firefox users, help!" , posted Sat 7 May 08:55post reply

Can't help you either but you can always get rid of spyware no matter how bothersome.

Try using hijackthis if you haven't.And visit

Thank you very much for the advice: I've already posted my log there, and I'm hopefully in the process to delete that damned CWS spyware.

Cain Highwind
548th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):Firefox users, help!" , posted Sat 7 May 10:45post reply


*shrug* I just got used to writing the tags in myself from other boards without handy-dandy buttons.

Same here, but I also use the BBxtra Extension which lets you do it quite easily and has a very large compatibility with boards including this one.