[PM] Congratulations Kikkoken - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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6437th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"[PM] Congratulations Kikkoken" , posted Tue 3 May 20:46post reply

Kikkoken is officially the 5th coolest person in France today. Hooray !

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!


Time Mage
2110th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):[PM] Congratulations Kikkoken" , posted Tue 3 May 21:01post reply


336th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(2):[PM] Congratulations Kikkoken" , posted Tue 3 May 21:03post reply


Yeah, congratulations! But, why?

865th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):[PM] Congratulations Kikkoken" , posted Wed 4 May 01:33post reply

Thank you so much my friends. And sorry for the long absence. I was actually busy working on the French "agregation", which is an elitist competitive exam that confirmed teachers take to access the highest ranks of Academia. I can now start a PhD and teach at university!

3025th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):[PM] Congratulations Kikkoken" , posted Wed 4 May 02:16post reply


We are all mad at some point....

6440th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):[PM] Congratulations Kikkoken" , posted Wed 4 May 02:58post reply

To say the same thing with less words, Kikkoken just obtained a master in pedophilia advanced, that will allow him to stop abusing children and military people, and begin to take advantage of his position over young adults this time.
It's neat.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

251th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):[PM] Congratulations Kikkoken" , posted Wed 4 May 03:08post reply

Bien joué Kikkoken! Congrats indeed!


burning kyo
2280th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):[PM] Congratulations Kikkoken" , posted Wed 4 May 03:12post reply

Thank you so much my friends. And sorry for the long absence. I was actually busy working on the French "agregation", which is an elitist competitive exam that confirmed teachers take to access the highest ranks of Academia. I can now start a PhD and teach at university!

Excellent Kikkoken ! Bravo !
Moi aussi, j'ai envie de devenir prof', et j'espère y arriver aussi bien que toi un jour ! \(^o^)/

[welcome to the devil's nest]

613th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):[PM] Congratulations Kikkoken" , posted Wed 4 May 03:17post reply

I can now start a PhD and teach at university!

Kikkoken, teach me more, much more! Preferrably with Iggy as a teaching assistant. Et félicitations!


Just a Person
719th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):[PM] Congratulations Kikkoken" , posted Wed 4 May 03:21:post reply

Thank you so much my friends. And sorry for the long absence. I was actually busy working on the French "agregation", which is an elitist competitive exam that confirmed teachers take to access the highest ranks of Academia. I can now start a PhD and teach at university!

Wow, that´s fantastic! Congratulations, Kikkoken, I´m sure you deserved your results!!
Again, congratulations! ^_^ Parabéns, cara!

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

[this message was edited by Just a Person on Wed 4 May 03:47]

866th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(5):[PM] Congratulations Kikkoken" , posted Wed 4 May 03:26post reply

Thanks a lot, keep the congrats pourin' in! I just can't get enough!

867th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(6):[PM] Congratulations Kikkoken" , posted Wed 4 May 18:19post reply

Oh, and I forgot to say, I ranked 5th (out of a good 1000 contestants) nationwide.

1852th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(7):[PM] Congratulations Kikkoken" , posted Wed 4 May 19:25post reply

Oh, and I forgot to say, I ranked 5th (out of a good 1000 contestants) nationwide.

Congratulations! Please teach me many many things! ^_^

1048th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):[PM] Congratulations Kikkoken" , posted Thu 5 May 00:17post reply

Congrats dude!

Fuu is a cutie!!

1985th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):[PM] Congratulations Kikkoken" , posted Thu 5 May 00:49post reply

It's good to see Kikkoken is doing his part to make sure that the MMCafe BBS is the most overeducated videogame board around. Keep up the fine work ladies and gentlemen.

6445th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):[PM] Congratulations Kikkoken" , posted Thu 5 May 03:18post reply

It's good to see Kikkoken is doing his part to make sure that the MMCafe BBS is the most overeducated videogame board around.

In two years, I'm nearly at the same level !
Is there any other worthless over educated persons around ?

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

939th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(4):[PM] Congratulations Kikkoken" , posted Thu 5 May 04:43post reply

It's good to see Kikkoken is doing his part to make sure that the MMCafe BBS is the most overeducated videogame board around.
In two years, I'm nearly at the same level !
Is there any other worthless over educated persons around ?

Are you both studying the same thing?
Or is Iggy the only 14th century pedant around here?

6449th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):[PM] Congratulations Kikkoken" , posted Thu 5 May 04:58post reply

Are you both studying the same thing?
Or is Iggy the only 14th century pedant around here?

14th ? I'm not into modern stuff, sorry. The world stop spinning after the 11th century for me.

Also, Kikkoken studies modern english litterature, or something.
All I know is that it's not about the color of the trees under the moon of a late autumn night, nor about two women having sexual intercourse with a dog, so I'm totally lost.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

124th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(6):[PM] Congratulations Kikkoken" , posted Fri 6 May 21:57post reply

                 ,∠_rー'⌒ヽ\ \`ヽ、`ヽ〃/_二ラ 
               /,/ / l !\ \ ヽ、ヽ、\ ヾ!ヽ/ー--'^、 
               /// l l ト、\ ヽ、 \丶 ヽ_ヽ }二三二j
         ___r‐ニン/,.  l  l ト、ヽ\ヽ,.-ヽ‐-i、ヽ、 } |r-‐ニ二__
         {三二シ/イ{  l  | {\\ヽ\>,;===レ'> !},イ<´ ̄三 {
         〉ニ二 | !l | l ,!〉'"i`゙ヽ>ヽヽ!`' {!ー';;ゞく_Lくリ〈--‐‐ニ,j
         >ー‐‐|!| l l {ヽト、>'=ニ;,      ヾ;i|iシスl ハノ >-‐一}
         `jニ二 ヾ!ヽ\ヽ_」! {!ー'ゞ、  ,  ` ̄` レl | ヾ二ニ='
          }三-‐‐フヽ>ヽ>_{! ゞi|iシ` _,. ^ 、   / L!     / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
           >‐=三二 レ/ヽ´''´   ヽ、 ノ  /      <   Hurray for Kikkoken !
           ゝ二ニ=ラ'' |_l`ー\_      ̄ /|-、r、      \__________
  ,'⌒、    /⌒!  L二ニj  _,/⌒`ー、_ ̄l ̄´  L_/ノ____
  !  ヽ、   {  {      r-')__r-、iァ_  ゝjゝi/ソ(__ _/ハヽ `ヽ     
  ヽ    ヽ、 !   `、    _)-‐'" `ーゃ) !〉  //」_|ソ l | n \
    \   \ヽ、 ヽ,.-‐''"      ヒy'/  ̄《〃ヾ》/ _,,,ゝヽ }_
     \   ー'    ヽ       ,-'ユ_/     〈ハ〉   ゝ-‐  \_ソ   
     /` ,   /   }    /-'"´         < ,.-‐    ヽ\
     〉  ヽ_,,,r┴‐'   〉 _,.-''" ヽ、   __,,._,,.......,,___ ヽ_<´ ___,.  ̄`ヽ、
    (ヽ、___,ハ_r- ___/´  ,;====>-‐''"/ |    | `'ハ-jー` \     \
     ヽ、__∠二_ノ    〃,;=='シ'  / / _,,,,,,,,_  l  / l |    \      }

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
I totally stole that AA.

End of Spoiler

868th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(5):[PM] Congratulations Kikkoken" , posted Sat 7 May 17:03post reply


Excellent Kikkoken ! Bravo !
Moi aussi, j'ai envie de devenir prof', et j'espère y arriver aussi bien que toi un jour ! \(^o^)/

Vrai? Et tu en es où dans les études? En tout cas, accroche toi, c'est dur, y a beaucoup de concurrence, mais c'est un chouette métier. Il m'aura fallu du temps pour réussir: dans un an et demie je serai enfin prof en fac, et j'aurai 32 ans et demie. Tu vois bien...

869th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(7):[PM] Congratulations Kikkoken" , posted Sat 7 May 17:06post reply

                 ,∠_rー'⌒ヽ\ \`ヽ、`ヽ〃/_二ラ 
               /,/ / l !\ \ ヽ、ヽ、\ ヾ!ヽ/ー--'^、 
               /// l l ト、\ ヽ、 \丶 ヽ_ヽ }二三二j
         ___r‐ニン/,.  l  l ト、ヽ\ヽ,.-ヽ‐-i、ヽ、 } |r-‐ニ二__
         {三二シ/イ{  l  | {\\ヽ\>,;===レ'> !},イ<´ ̄三 {
         〉ニ二 | !l | l ,!〉'"i`゙ヽ>ヽヽ!`' {!ー';;ゞく_Lくリ〈--‐‐ニ,j
         >ー‐‐|!| l l {ヽト、>'=ニ;,      ヾ;i|iシスl ハノ >-‐一}
         `jニ二 ヾ!ヽ\ヽ_」! {!ー'ゞ、  ,  ` ̄` レl | ヾ二ニ='
          }三-‐‐フヽ>ヽ>_{! ゞi|iシ` _,. ^ 、   / L!     / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
           >‐=三二 レ/ヽ´''´   ヽ、 ノ  /      <   Hurray for Kikkoken !
           ゝ二ニ=ラ'' |_l`ー\_      ̄ /|-、r、      \__________
  ,'⌒、    /⌒!  L二ニj  _,/⌒`ー、_ ̄l ̄´  L_/ノ____
  !  ヽ、   {  {      r-')__r-、iァ_  ゝjゝi/ソ(__ _/ハヽ `ヽ     
  ヽ    ヽ、 !   `、    _)-‐'" `ーゃ) !〉  //」_|ソ l | n \
    \   \ヽ、 ヽ,.-‐''"      ヒy'/  ̄《〃ヾ》/ _,,,ゝヽ }_
     \   ー'    ヽ       ,-'ユ_/     〈ハ〉   ゝ-‐  \_ソ   
     /` ,   /   }    /-'"´         < ,.-‐    ヽ\
     〉  ヽ_,,,r┴‐'   〉 _,.-''" ヽ、   __,,._,,.......,,___ ヽ_<´ ___,.  ̄`ヽ、
    (ヽ、___,ハ_r- ___/´  ,;====>-‐''"/ |    | `'ハ-jー` \     \
     ヽ、__∠二_ノ    〃,;=='シ'  / / _,,,,,,,,_  l  / l |    \      }

Thank you all. I was wondering, am I the only university teacher (well, I'll be one in 1 year and a half from now) of the MMC?
And, Iggy, I'm into 19th century English literature / poetry.

6464th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):[PM] Congratulations Kikkoken" , posted Sat 7 May 17:27post reply

And, Iggy, I'm into 19th century English literature / poetry.
Ah ! modern barbarian scriblings !

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

burning kyo
2284th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):[PM] Congratulations Kikkoken" , posted Sat 7 May 19:23post reply


Vrai? Et tu en es où dans les études? En tout cas, accroche toi, c'est dur, y a beaucoup de concurrence, mais c'est un chouette métier. Il m'aura fallu du temps pour réussir : dans un an et demie je serai enfin prof en fac, et j'aurai 32 ans et demie. Tu vois bien...

21 ans, et chui actuellement en licence d'éco appliqué ^_^
ma copine envisage aussi de faire prof, mais dans le domaine de l'art appliqué.
merci beaucoup pour tes conseils et encouragements ! c'est vrai que c'est un métier sympa, surtout en fac lol
en ts cas, tu dois vraiment être très fort pour arriver 5e dans tt la france ! bravo ! XD
c'est quoi le truc qu'il te faut pour devenir enfin prof en fac ?

[welcome to the devil's nest]

874th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(7):[PM] Congratulations Kikkoken" , posted Sat 7 May 20:13:post reply


Vrai? Et tu en es où dans les études? En tout cas, accroche toi, c'est dur, y a beaucoup de concurrence, mais c'est un chouette métier. Il m'aura fallu du temps pour réussir : dans un an et demie je serai enfin prof en fac, et j'aurai 32 ans et demie. Tu vois bien...

21 ans, et chui actuellement en licence d'éco appliqué ^_^
ma copine envisage aussi de faire prof, mais dans le domaine de l'art appliqué.
merci beaucoup pour tes conseils et encouragements ! c'est vrai que c'est un métier sympa, surtout en fac lol
en ts cas, tu dois vraiment être très fort pour arriver 5e dans tt la france ! bravo ! XD
c'est quoi le truc qu'il te faut pour devenir enfin prof en fac ?

Merci pour les compliments aussi! Moi faut juste que je passe un an sur mon poste (chez les militaires) pour subir une inspection l'an prochain, et mettre les jalons à ma thèse en parallèle, et après ça roule. Si je voulais je pourrais y enseigner à la rentrée prochaine, mais j'ai envie de passer une année encore chez les kaki: je préfère me faire inspecter dans un boulot que je maîtrise plutôt que dans du nouveau. Et pis c'est dur, affectivement, de quitter l'armée, c'est une vraie grande famille. Faut un peu de temps pour s'y faire. Enfin, je me leurre pas, les 1ères années de prof de fac on t'exploite pour faire ce que les autres veulent pas. A moi les cours magistraux devant des amphis de 300, et les aussi nombreuses copies à corriger lors des partiels... du coup, je suis qu'à moitié pressé!

[this message was edited by Kikkoken on Sat 7 May 20:15]

6470th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):[PM] Congratulations Kikkoken" , posted Sat 7 May 20:52post reply

21 ans, et chui actuellement en licence d'éco appliqué ^_^
ma copine envisage aussi de faire prof, mais dans le domaine de l'art appliqué.
Cet emploi du mot "appliqué" me mystifie.
C'est quoi la nuance ? Ca existe la poésie du Xe siècle appliqué ?

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

burning kyo
2285th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):[PM] Congratulations Kikkoken" , posted Mon 9 May 18:41post reply

* Kikkoken :
Ah oki ! :) Et bon, aussi nivo gars baraqués, t'as le choix là lol
Mais pkoi ils ont besoin d'un prof d'anglais à l'armée au fait ?
C'est clair que les 1ères années de fac doivent être un peu rude avec toutes ces "corvées", mais après c'est plutôt tranquille je pense.

* Iggy :
A vrai dire, j'en ai aucune idée lol
Tous ce que je sais, c'est :
- sciences éco et sociales / éco appliqué
- arts plastiques / art appliqué
Mais je pense que la différence vient surtout des matières proposées.

[welcome to the devil's nest]

2502th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):[PM] Congratulations Kikkoken" , posted Mon 9 May 19:11post reply

Thank you all. I was wondering, am I the only university teacher (well, I'll be one in 1 year and a half from now) of the MMC?

And isn't Iggy a lecturer as well? That's what I'm guessing up to now.
Probably something awesome and involves USaga and French film and 2ch somehow.

6474th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):[PM] Congratulations Kikkoken" , posted Mon 9 May 20:00post reply

And isn't Iggy a lecturer as well? That's what I'm guessing up to now.

Oh, no, I'm working to become one.
My aggression and fashion skills are still too weak for my university's standards, so for now I'm just the guy who answers the phone.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!