Handheld War updat: Linux on DS? UMD cracked? - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Gold Customer

"Handheld War updat: Linux on DS? UMD cracked?" , posted Fri 6 May 14:31post reply

According to dslinux.org, the Linux kernel successfully boots on the Nintendo DS along with a simple shell, sash. Input is done via the d-pad. How long until Netstumbler?"

credits slashdot.org

PSP UMD format cracked; game ISOs appear.

p.s. i wrote this on cinquo de mayo and im reallly messed up. Merry indendance day Juan and Onslaught.
Which are you more likely to acquire?
Nintendo DS
Candy Pink DS
Electric Blue DS
2nd generation PSP

Pretty please check out my neato sweet awesome webpage


1278th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Handheld War updat: Linux on DS? UMD cr" , posted Fri 6 May 15:30post reply

Right on the heels of the UMD dump, someone's already managed to boot a homebrew demo on a 1.0 Japanese PSP. So it's now possible to run games from a memory card... but considering that an UMD is around 1.7 gigs and a 2 gig memory stick cost more than a PSP itself... it doesn't seem worth it to me.

Of course I already have a DS and I'm happy with it... especially since I can just now use my old GBA flash cart to run code/roms with the custom bios.

456th Post

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Gold Customer

"POLL: DS or PSP?" , posted Sat 7 May 11:35post reply

Right on the heels of the UMD dump, someone's already managed to boot a homebrew demo on a 1.0 Japanese PSP. So it's now possible to run games from a memory card... but considering that an UMD is around 1.7 gigs and a 2 gig memory stick cost more than a PSP itself... it doesn't seem worth it to me.

Of course I already have a DS and I'm happy with it... especially since I can just now use my old GBA flash cart to run code/roms with the custom bios.

Just wanted to let everyone know this is a poll the likes of which has never been seen on this bbs.

Im having trouble deciding which system to get...
i think i will know after e3.

Pretty please check out my neato sweet awesome webpage

1280th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):POLL: DS or PSP?" , posted Sat 7 May 15:26post reply

Choosing PSP or DS comes down to your financial situation.

To me PSP seems to be the cooler system with more games and more power (I imagine emulators will run great on it)... it's easy to convert divx files to play on and the screen is really a marvel to look at... but man is that sucker expensive. We're talking half a grand after you buy a decent size memory stick, a spare battery, and some games.

Then you have DS which is only 150 and doesn't need memory sticks or spare batteries. DS has to potential to have some really incredible titles that take advantage of the touch screen... but so far no one has really come close to that except Wario Ware Inc. Yoshi Touch and Go just plain turned out crappy... although Nintendogs has some really good buzz around it (perfect score from Famitsu). My one worry is that Nintendo is going to abandon DS for the true Gameboy successor... especially with the PSP giving them some strong competition. Honestly since I got my DS in Decemeber I use it mostly to play GBA games.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):POLL: DS or PSP?" , posted Sat 7 May 17:25post reply

(perfect score from Famitsu)

The fact some people still use Famitsū as a reference is behind me.

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