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Time Mage 2118th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):MMCafe chat" , posted Mon 9 May 01:25
Well, I don't mind if a mmcafe irc channel is made, but I probably wouldn't go there. Why? Well, I don't like chatrooms at all, I get confused with so many people writing at the same time. It's the opposite of me in real life, since I can mantain a conversation with several people, but online I can't, I get lost. I'd probably register there and not appear never, or something along that frequency. I mean, if I get stressed when I'm having more than two conversations at once in msn messenger, and that's why I rarely use it, chatrooms are like messenger but squared, a total hell.
IkariDC 345th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(3):MMCafe chat" , posted Tue 10 May 03:21
So only 2 people are happy with the idea? Barf!
Hey Juan, at least in Spain is not used for that purpose, it's very very rare to see fservers running. I use it for talking with people I know in person, usually with people I hang around in real life. We are there most of the time, probably not paying much attention, until someone needs to talk about something with another, then people join the conversation, then someone puts a link to some funny/interesting stuff about gaming, manga, anime, films or whatever. And you know, hilarious topics are debated from time to time, specially after midnight!
I just thought it could have been cool to do something like that.
tenguman 177th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(4):MMCafe chat" , posted Tue 10 May 03:33
quote: So only 2 people are happy with the idea? Barf!
Hey Juan, at least in Spain is not used for that purpose, it's very very rare to see fservers running. I use it for talking with people I know in person, usually with people I hang around in real life. We are there most of the time, probably not paying much attention, until someone needs to talk about something with another, then people join the conversation, then someone puts a link to some funny/interesting stuff about gaming, manga, anime, films or whatever. And you know, hilarious topics are debated from time to time, specially after midnight!
I just thought it could have been cool to do something like that.
Well, if the Prof. says it's ok and there's anyone willing to join, I can create the channel at some random server when I get back from work, and then post it here.
C'mon, it'll be fun.
What do you people think?