Marvel Nemesis Comic this week - Forums

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Marvel Nemesis Comic this week" , posted Tue 10 May 09:49post reply

According to the Diamond Comics shipping list this is supposed to come out this week. If you've forgotten already, this comics ties into the EA Marvel game. I guess it will be a monthly release until the game comes out later this year. On a related note, Iron Man has been confirmed for the game.

I might skim through it at the comic shop.


1732th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Marvel Nemesis Comic this week" , posted Tue 10 May 10:26post reply

Iron Man shown in the new PSM Issue.


And they showed picks from the PSP version which is supposed to have Marvel and original characters not featured in the console version.


Oh yeah, the new character's full name has been revealed. His name is Johnny Ohm. Johnny Ohm? Oh brother... oh well who cares, Tony Stark in the hizouse! ^_^

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

Undead Fred
2355th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Marvel Nemesis Comic this week" , posted Tue 10 May 10:29post reply

Oh yeah, the new character's full name has been revealed. His name is Johnny Ohm. Johnny Ohm?
I still prefer "Electrode Retard." Why aren't they showing any of the other newbies? Are they just worried that people are going to cringe over them too, but want to trick people into getting the game anyway?

1737th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Marvel Nemesis Comic this week" , posted Tue 10 May 10:53:post reply

Oh yeah, the new character's full name has been revealed. His name is Johnny Ohm. Johnny Ohm?I still prefer "Electrode Retard." Why aren't they showing any of the other newbies? Are they just worried that people are going to cringe over them too, but want to trick people into getting the game anyway?

It was funny how "Ohm" sounded like EA-Man like one of the MMCAFE members dubbed him in our old Marvel vs. EA thread...

The new Marvel Nemesis comic book series is supposed to bring out a new EA character every issue. Well, I'm just hoping they're starting off with the lamest character first.

EDIT: PSM mentions the game will have nearly a dozen Marvel characters, so for the remaining seven here's my wishy listy - (in case you didn't know the confirmed Marvelites are Spider-Man, Thing, Wolverine, Elektra and Iron-Man.)

Captain America
Mr. Sinister
Doctor Octopus

Bonus PSP characters: Sienna Blaze and Slyde! Hey it could happen... (Shyeah right!)

And Dr. Doom with Beyonder powers as the Boss. GANGSTA!

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Wed 11 May 02:54]

1992th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):Marvel Nemesis Comic this week" , posted Wed 11 May 00:19post reply

Strange, but I rather like the name Johnny Ohm. It has a nice Dean Earwicker vibe to it and it makes him sound more like a Top 40 radio deejay than a superhero fighting game so it works. Having exposed electronics sticking out of your body still doesn't strike me as a good idea if you're going to have people punching you but at least he has a funny name.

1738th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Got the comic, spoilers ahead." , posted Thu 12 May 02:29post reply

Read the first ish. Spoilers:

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
The artwork is alright, not great. The best looking pages are the pages that focus on Thing for some reason. The story is alright too, but it seems episodic, like you'll have to read all six chapters before you can fully rate it.

Didn't find out much about Ohm unless he's that scientist guy pulling the strings.

There's some funny moments here. A bunch of comic book geeks like yours truly rag on Thing getting his but kicked by everybody in Marvel. Elektra reminds Wolverine how she always schools him, which reminds me of the time she had to retrain Wolverine after he went savage after a failed attempt to get his Adamantium back.

At the end of the tale, Wolverine, Spider-Man, Elektra and Thing are brainwashed or whatever and they all look different. Elektra becomes green (will there be pallette swaps like the Capcom games? ). Thing gets some wierd green wiring over his rocks. Spider-Man has a strange spider on his chest. Wolvie looks the same(going by memory, the book's not in fromt of me now since I'm supposed to be working...). These versions seem like they might be alternate costumes in the game.

No sign of Iron Man.

Wolverine and Spider-Man don't say anything about being Avengers, so we don't know when the story takes place but it looks like it's roughly a story that can happen at anytime. Assuming the story will be considered canon later on.

The story feels like Contest of Champions II, Aliens kidnapping and brainwashing heroes so they can fight each other, well, for the most part in this story it seems like they are capturing to experiment and shtuff...

Anyway, bring on issue 2!

End of Spoiler

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

1739th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Got the comic, spoilers ahead." , posted Thu 12 May 08:06post reply

From the Marvel Nemesis Comic, possible alternate outfits of Spider-Man, Thing, Wolverine and Elektra.



Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

367th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(2):Got the comic, spoilers ahead." , posted Thu 12 May 08:56:post reply

So EAMan's true name is Johnny sounds awful!!! It reminds me of all those "inspiring" names I hate so badly such as Osmosis Jones or Jimmy Neutron...And who will be called the rest of EAtards? Trixie Faraday and Bobbie Tesla?

I knew all this was going to be really awful, but I never imagined such level of suckness...

The comic is ugly and lame, but I expected that already. "Thanks" to this crap, now I live in fear for the day EA takes over any kind of entertainment, and that day looks unpleasantly close...

[this message was edited by HAYATO on Thu 12 May 09:01]

1092th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):Got the comic, spoilers ahead." , posted Thu 12 May 12:09:post reply

From the Marvel Nemesis Comic, possible alternate outfits of Spider-Man, Thing, Wolverine and Elektra.



Those seem pretty . . . weak. The Wolverine one even more so. Its interesting that Marvel approved that design since they appear to have been using a rather universal short and stout Wolverine design in both New Avengers and Amazing X-Men. But I guess they are going for a more movie universe look since Nemesis Wolverine has a slight resemblence to it.

When I looked at the cover and saw the green Elektra I thought She-Hulk was going to be in it, but sadly she isn't. Well at least not yet.

At first I thought this game would focus more on the characters from movie properties, but with the addition of Iron Man there is hope for some more comic only guys like Captain America and Thor. But I would like to see Blade in this game, his movie image seems to fit right into the mood EA has created.

Back to the comic, I might pick up a TPB if one comes out, probably around the release of the game.

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Thu 12 May 12:14]

86th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(3):Got the comic, spoilers ahead." , posted Thu 12 May 15:57post reply


At first I thought this game would focus more on the characters from movie properties, but with the addition of Iron Man there is hope for some more comic only guys like Captain America and Thor. But I would like to see Blade in this game, his movie image seems to fit right into the mood EA has created.

Back to the comic, I might pick up a TPB if one comes out, probably around the release of the game.

Isnt there an Iron Man movie on the way?

367th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(4):Got the comic, spoilers ahead." , posted Thu 12 May 17:31post reply


Isnt there an Iron Man movie on the way?

According to IMDB, we'll be able to watch it in 2006...

1740th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Trailer for the Marvel Nemesis Game!" , posted Fri 13 May 12:53post reply

Yeah, Tom Cruise said he will not play Iron Man, said it wasn't right for him (AKA there's a chance the script sucks...)

The first trailer for the Marvel Nemesis video game is out. Looks pretty damn good!


Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

3358th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Trailer for the Marvel Nemesis Game!" , posted Fri 13 May 13:19post reply


The first trailer for the Marvel Nemesis video game is out. Looks pretty damn good!


The animation could be better, but it doesn't look as bad as I thought.
I still think this would have been better with a full Marvel cast.

2000th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Trailer for the Marvel Nemesis Game!" , posted Sat 14 May 00:59post reply

The animation could be better, but it doesn't look as bad as I thought.
I still think this would have been better with a full Marvel cast.

It's funny how these ___vs___ games are supposed to be the best of both worlds but more often than not feel like two ideas competing against each other. It also doesn't help that I have no attachment to any of the EA characters so they are coming across like filler to round out the cast more than anything.

That said, the game itself looks nice and sounds like it could be fun to play. A question about the video: at one point it says something along the lines of "Marvel's heroes face their greatest threat" and shows fifteen characters in silhouette. Are those all Marvel characters or is it a mix of the two groups?

1741th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Trailer for the Marvel Nemesis Game!" , posted Sat 14 May 02:00post reply

That said, the game itself looks nice and sounds like it could be fun to play. A question about the video: at one point it says something along the lines of "Marvel's heroes face their greatest threat" and shows fifteen characters in silhouette. Are those all Marvel characters or is it a mix of the two groups?

They said there should be about a dozen Marvelites so I'm guessing all of those guys are from Marvel since the number's not too far from a dozen.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!