marvel mega morphs?! ?!? ?!?!?! !?? - Forums
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shin ramberk 112th Post
Regular Customer
"marvel mega morphs?! ?!? ?!?!?! !??" , posted Thu 12 May 06:50:
From Newsarama.
Its the Marvel-Transformer-Power Ranger tri-hybrid baby monster toys. Basically Transformers that have Marvel super hero robot forms and a secondary vehicle form they can change into. And they have tiny pilots like Power Rangers. The tiny pilots of course are super hero that the robot is based on.
We briefly discussed this months ago when the poorly printed/scanned promo image of the toyline surfaced. Well, I guess the toys are about to arrive cause the hype/marketing machine has started and Newsarama has an article on it.
Newsarama only has a promo piece of artwork and a photo of the Wolverine figure. The Wolvie figure looks okay-- I think it'll look much better in person.
I'm not too excited about these figures unless they have great robot and vehicle modes with actual transformations and not just 'lay-down-on-chest and extend-arms' type of lame-o transformations.
Could this be the next big thing from Toy Biz and Marvel? Maybe.
If anyone finds bigger photos of the rest of the toys in the line, link em por favor.
Go buy the new Warlock series by Marvel. It is good support this title!
[this message was edited by shin ramberk on Thu 12 May 06:50]
1997th Post
Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
"Re(1):marvel mega morphs?! ?!? ?!?!?! !??" , posted Thu 12 May 22:29 Link.
"Re(1):marvel mega morphs?! ?!? ?!?!?! !??" , posted Fri 13 May 00:32
This just looks like a sad attempt to get kids to spend thier parents money. The art is kida cool though
"I can't take any more illicit drugs... I can't afford any artificial joy" - Pursuit of Happiness
Dr Baghead
3430th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(1):marvel mega morphs?! ?!? ?!?!?! !??" , posted Fri 13 May 09:40
they should just make more figures like Mecha Hulk and Robo Spider-man if they want to sell kids Robot Marvel characters.
Those were a billion times cooler then these.
Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
Undead Fred
2366th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(2):marvel mega morphs?! ?!? ?!?!?! !??" , posted Fri 13 May 10:52
I know these are just toys and all, but this sort of idea is really weird on a logical level... if the Hulk can tear apart tanks and stuff with his bare hands, then why the hell does he need a mech? And so on and so forth with the other characters.
3360th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"New toy thread. Starting with juicy news!" , posted Sat 14 May 12:24
I guess this will turn into a new toy thread, so let me start with very good news. NECA got the RE4 license! Are you as excited as I am?
Dr Baghead
3438th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(1):New toy thread. Starting with juicy new" , posted Sun 15 May 09:12
quote:Are you as excited as I am?
probably not, but it is good news.
My only problem with NECA is the same problem I have with McFarlane... I love what they do but they just don't make very many things I like... so unlike 90% of the people at who think SOTA MUST do everything or it'll suck, I think NECA will do very well with this line, the zombies should look really great anyway.
Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
1099th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member
"First pics of RE4 figs" , posted Sat 21 May 10:53
I still haven't played RE4 yet, I just got REmake and RE0. I will play through those first then I will proabably pick up 4 after that.
3364th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(1):First pics of RE4 figs" , posted Sun 22 May 11:43