MMC Favourite Fighting 2D Girl & Boss results - Forums

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"MMC Favourite Fighting 2D Girl & Boss results" , posted Thu 12 May 12:37post reply

Final results of MMcafe's Favourite Fighting 2D Girl:

1st place: Chun-Li
2nd place: Makoto
3rd place: Vanessa
4th place: Shermie

How the tourney goes:

Group A
Baiken ("GG")VS Foxy ("KoF")VS Nakoruru ("SS")
I-no ("GG")VS Millia ("GG")
Makoto ("SF") VS Kasumi ("Ryuuko")
Jenet ("MotW") VS Vice ("KoF")

Baiken ("GG")VS I-no ("GG")
Makoto ("SF") VS Jenet ("MotW")

I-no ("GG")VS Makoto ("SF")

Winner of Group A: Makoto ("SF")

Group B:
Vanessa ("KoF")VS Hibiki ("Gekka")VS Q-Bee ("Vampire")
Jam ("GG") VS Anna ("Tekken Advance")
Sakura ("SF")VS Reimi ("VG")
Leona ("KoF")VS Angel ("KoF")

Vanessa ("KoF")VS Jam ("GG")
Sakura ("SF")VS Leona ("KoF")

Vanessa ("KoF")VS Leona ("KoF")

Winner of Group B: Vanessa ("KoF")

Group C:
Chun Li ("SF")VS Mary ("GD")VS Tabasa ("PF")
Kula ("KoF")VS Bulleta ("Vampire")
Elena ("SF")VS Rose ("SF")
Jinju/May Lee ("KoF")VS Ayako ("VG")

Chun Li ("SF")VS Kula ("KoF")
Elena ("SF")VS Jinju/May Lee ("KoF")

Chun Li ("SF")VS Elena ("SF")

Winner of Group C: Chun Li ("SF")

Group D:
Ibuki ("SF")VS Morrigan ("Vampire")VS Yuri ("Ryuuko")
Mai ("GD")VS Felicia ("Vampire")
Hinako ("KoF")VS Shermie ("KoF")
Lei Lei ("Vampire")VS Diana ("KoF")

Ibuki ("SF")VS Mai ("GD")
Shermie("KoF")VS Lei Lei ("Vampire")

Ibuki ("SF")VS Shermie("KoF")

Winner of Group D: Shermie("KoF")

Makoto ("SF") VS Shermie ("KoF") Vanessa ("KoF") VS Chun Li ("SF")

3th/4th placing:
Shermie ("KoF") VS Vanessa ("KoF")

Makoto ("SF") VS Chun Li ("SF")


1859th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):MMC Favourite Fighting 2D Girl & Boss r" , posted Thu 12 May 12:38:post reply

Final results of MMCafe's Favourite Fighting Boss:

1st place: Geese Howard
2nd place: Rugal Bernstein
3rd place: Jedah
4th place: Rashoujin Mizuki

How the tourney went:

Group A
Vega / Bison (SF2)VS Red Arremer (SVC)
Rugal (KOF95/CVS2)VS Kain R. Heinlein (Garou)
Sissy (PI:Matrimelee)VS I-No (GGXX)
Gouki/Akuma (SSF2T, Mecha MVC)VS Leopardon (Guilty Gear Isuka)

Vega / Bison (SF2) VS Rugal (KOF95/CVS2)
I-No (GGXX)VS Gouki/Akuma (SSF2T, Mecha MVC)

Rugal (KOF95/CVS2)VS I-No (GGXX)

Winner of Group A - Rugal

Group B:
Geese Howard (Fatal Fury)VS Sagat (SF1)
Aoko Aozaki (Melty Blood: ReAct)VS Kanna (Eternal Fighter Zero)
Amakusa (SS1)VS Athena (SVC)
Dizzy (GGX)VS Mukai (KOF2003)

Geese Howard (Fatal Fury) VS Aoko Aozaki (Melty Blood: ReAct)
Amakusa (SS1) VS Dizzy (GGX)

Geese Howard (Fatal Fury) VS Amakusa (SS1) VS Dizzy (GGX)

Winner of Group B - Geese Howard

Group C:
Jedah (Vampire Savior)VS White Ren (Melty Blood: ReAct)
Goenitz (KOF96)VS Krizalid (KOF99)
Hyo Imawano (Justice Gakuen/Rival Schools)VS Devil Kazuya (Tekken 2)
Gill (SF3)VS Neo Dio (World Heroes Perfect)

Jedah (Vampire Savior) VS Goenitz (KOF96)
Hyo Imawano (Justice Gakuen/Rival Schools)VS Gill (SF3)

Jedah (Vampire Savior) VS Hyo Imawano (Justice Gakuen/Rival Schools)

Winner of Group C - Jedah

Group D:
Rashoujin Mizuki (SS2)VS Yuga (Samurai Spirits/Shodown)
Ignis/Igniz (KOF2001)VS Miss X (Gal Fighter)
Orochi (KOF97)VS Fernandeath (Waku Waku 7)
Heihachi Mishima (Tekken)VS Onslaught (MVC)

Rashoujin Mizuki (SS2) VS Miss X (Gal Fighter)
Orochi (KOF97) VS Heihachi Mishima (Tekken)

Rashoujin Mizuki (SS2) VS Heihachi Mishima(Tekken)

Winner of Group D - Rashoujin Mizuki

Rugal (KOF95/CVS2) VS Rashoujin Mizuki (SS2)
Geese Howard (Fatal Fury) VS Jedah (Vampire Savior)

3th/4th placing:
Rashoujin Mizuki (SS2) VS Jedah (Vampire Savior)

Rugal (KOF95/CVS2) VS Geese Howard (Fatal Fury)

[this message was edited by TheBeast on Thu 12 May 12:47]

1859th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):MMC Favourite Fighting 2D Girl & Boss r" , posted Thu 12 May 12:38:post reply

I would like to express my thanks to everyone who has participated in the polls and making these two tourneys possible.

It is unfortunate that there has been suspected cases of vote stuffing during the tourneys and the integrity of these polls have been smeared to a certain extent. I would like to apologise with regards to the fact that there is nothing I can do to eradicate them.

Nevertheless, hope you guys had fun with the toruneys.

[this message was edited by TheBeast on Thu 12 May 12:55]