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kurushimi 56th Post
Occasional Customer
| "Re(3):Dead or Alive 4 Xbox 360 screens" , posted Fri 13 May 02:22
quote: EDIT: and there are 15 pics. the new characters are really cool (monkey style!). see them all here:
this site says itīs from the 360 version... well, the clothes and backgrounds do have more detail than DOAU...
letīs wait and see.
I don't know if this makes it any more concrete, but on that page, the 3rd pic in the 2nd row, in the background you can see the words "Xenon Launch". Remember that the codename for Xbox360 was Xenon.
And yes, the increase in the detail to the clothes is apparent, but I think they've basically hit a plateau with the characters. DOA has always gone for the anime/doll-like look, love it or hate it, and there's only so much you can do with CPU power to improve it. So, the obvious next step would be to focus on the environments, have more going on in the background while you're fighting.
Personally, and this is something I would like carried over to all next-gen games, is to focus on character expressions. It's a small thing, but I think it would add a lot to the experience to have fighters use different expressions and mannerisms when they're doing their moves or whatnot.
Dr Baghead 3428th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Dead or Alive 4 Xbox 360 screens" , posted Fri 13 May 03:23
quote: I guess I still get a xbox 360, to play a DOA that looks non next-gen.
It looks pretty next gen to me... Look at the texturing on "Fabio" or Christie's (YAY! Christie's finally back) pants in middle and right pictures in the row second from the bottom, that's something XBox1 can't do (by contrast look at the Leather texturing in Ninja Gaiden, it's only that nice in the cut scenes.)
The background are obviously something XBox1 couldn't (the wrestling ring especially with all those light sources and the cheering crowd)... but speaking of the backgrounds, I'd gladly play a 'non-next gen' looking DOA on the XBox360 if it meant they used the extra memory and power so I could play tag-team in ANY stage, not just the boring ones.
Or maybe they didn't go for broke graphically so they could focus putting unlockable costumes in the game AND making it fun to play... neither's gonna happen (or how would they make money off booster disc and 'DoA3Ultimate:now with features we should have put in DoA4'), but let's pretend!
Random: -Why the hell is Lisa a luchadore? I like Lisa in DoAX, I like lucha libre, but strangely the combination of the two leaves me confused and unhappy.
-Is the character wearing the blue and white costume in the stage with monkeys a chick or a dude? I seriously can't tell, it LOOKS feminine, but this is a Japanese game based on Japanese comic style artwork so for all I know it could be just a very pretty man. (but hey, if it's a chick that makes two revealed so far, new team for DoAX2! now they just need one more and Racheal)
-I like Christie's new costume (and she has purple lipstick which looks really cool)... but what's with the Ninja Gaiden-esque armor on it? (it's got 'demon jaw bones' on the knees) I can't figure out any real reason for it other then they couldn't think of any other way to accessorize her.
 Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
Undead Fred 2364th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):Dead or Alive 4 Xbox 360 screens" , posted Fri 13 May 10:14
I'm all for getting DOA4 in a few years (whenever I end up getting this stupid NEXTBox LOL Edition), and I'm not expecting much more than what I'm seeing so far graphically... it fits perfectly with the "DOA style" and it looks pretty. And I'm also not expecting serious overhauls to the gameplay, either. It looks good so far. All I really want in a DOA is more characters, costumes, and some new moves. It's like what I expected out of going from Street Fighter Alpha to Alpha 2 and then 3. There is growth, but each sequel isn't some berserk rebuilding of the whole game from the ground up (and I'm totally fine with that).
NOW, what does disappoint me is that DOA4's looking like masturbation material for those gimps that think graphics make a game (just like special effects make a movie). I can't fully blame DOA for that... they've pretty much always been about flashy graphics with fun characters and cool outfits. But I can blame the system it's on for jumping the gun with this new console generation and feeding that "looks over substance" mindset.
I like this quote from this article- "Iwata prefaced that statement with the warning that 'better technology is good, but it's not enough. Today's consoles already offer photo-realistic expression, and simply beefing up those graphics will not make much of a difference.'" Too bad it came from Nintendo, but it's very true.
Maou 626th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(7):Dead or Alive 4 Xbox 360 screens" , posted Fri 13 May 13:19
quote: Next-gen Gameplay...MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!
Yah, exactly. The Dead or Alive that came out with PS2's US launch was hardly any revolution, but had some pretty graphics going for it. Come to think of it, it's odd, but Dreamcast is the last system I can think of that had GOOD games at launch (Soul Calibur, really). Remember when amazing (at the time) launch titles were a requirement? Super Mario World, Mario 64, Toshinden, Sonic... It seems like the latest systems took at least a year to actually get some good stuff going for 'em, so it may take a while on this new Xbox, eh?
deisied 323th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(4):Dead or Alive 4 Xbox 360 screens" , posted Fri 13 May 18:50
I heard this is DOAU engine simply on X360 hardware, so I dunno.
At any rate, no launch has been rid of titles that look like what we've seen before, either with PC technology, or some really shiny last generation games, I mean, besides those line-2d, 2d-3d transitions. Point is, "OH NO THIS IS ALL THE 360 IS(!?)" is silly, while at the same time, yeah, another Xbox churned out this quick is also pretty silly.
Baines 70th Post
Occasional Customer
| "Re(7):Dead or Alive 4 Xbox 360 screens" , posted Sat 14 May 12:04
quote: Personally, I am also surprised that the characters don't seem to look much better and the backgrounds seem marginally better than what it would look like on XBox 1.
I'm not particularly surprised, and don't expect any major shift.
For one thing, as Microsoft loves to state, Xbox360 is entering the HD era of gaming. While current gen games have had some HD support, it hasn't really been the focus. HD means a much higher resolution to cater to, which requires more resources and power to fill. Anyone who has fiddled with screen resolution for PC game performance has experienced the impact.
For another, there is a diminishing return on polygonal detail. It has possibly been made even worse as more tricks (like bump mapping, volume mapping, etc) have come into play to simulate higher detail models on lower poly counts.
More tricks as well as simply more talent means developers can cut the poly count of a model without sacrificing detail except at edges (where you can notice a sphere is made of flat edges or a face isn't shaped right) or from extremely attentive eyes. But there isn't so much to be gained from more polys, at least in a still shot.
You could probably shave a few thousand polys off of the model of Leon from RE4 and only someone who paid attention might notice. (Drop a few objects, simplify a few others, and cut back on the hair animation.) Hair and clothing animation in particular can devour polys with only "minor" visual improvement (which you mainly notice when you compare to something without such detail).
Undead Fred 2377th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):LUUUUCHAAAARAAAAN!!!!!!!!" , posted Mon 16 May 07:43
quote: I agree, that outfit is gaudy. And is it just me, or are her hips wider than her breasts? Before you ask, I'm asking specifically due to the way alot of the DOA girls are designed (more top heavy) and the way a number of black girls are portrayed.
Nope, she's still built like she was in DOAXVB. Keep in mind that her torso's turned in the larger picture, and you can get a better idea from seeing her standing on the ropes. And I've got nothing against her outfit, really... if she's a latino luchadore, then I'd expect the outfit to be a LITTLE flashy.
And by the way, this game really is SO stereotypical. What are they trying to say, all girls have huge boobs and know martial arts? That's just WRONG. >:(
Dr Baghead 3453th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):possibly not 360 exclusive" , posted Sun 22 May 03:30
quote: Even when Itagaki publicly complained about Sony in the past.
Itagaki says a lot of dumb shit.
Sure sometimes it's logical (Tekken IS a piece of shit... sure DoA is just as bad but still) but most of the time it's him just ranting and saying things he didn't think out... the best example being the "without graphics what's left in a game?!" (in the case of DoAX a reall boring menu system)
Even though he's been really anti-Sony in lately I don't doubt he'll just ramble off more double talk to cover that "Well I used to think it was best to focus on system and use it to it's maxmium... but now maybe I see it's best to allow for two version to allow the subtle contrast to really allow people to enjoy the game on different levels!"
"IN THE YEAR 2000!!!!" Team Ninja will release no fewer then 10 versions of DoA4: US 360 launch, Japanese 360 launch, Europe 360 launch, US PS3 launch, US 360 upgrade, Europe PS3 launch, Europe 360 upgrade, Japanese PS3 (upgraded from Europe 360's upgrade), Japanese 360 upgrade... and of course DoA4 ultimate will come out on the XBox4000 and PS4
quote: I don't think Nintendo has a shot to get any of Tecmo's titles, though.
Which is a pitty... maybe Team Ninja doesn't suit them, but Monster Rancher would be great... release a DS version with a link-up and you can use the touch screen to pet your monster when it's good or beat your monster when it's being mean.
 Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
Baines 78th Post
Occasional Customer
| "Re(6):possibly not 360 exclusive" , posted Sun 22 May 17:03
quote: I doubt it's twisted THAT much...
I've seen some boards descend onto an Itagaki interview like hungry wolves, tearing it apart for any line that they can claim is Itagaki being insane or incompetent (particularly if he happens to mention Tekken anywhere in the interview.)
quote: if he doesn't want his words twisted he should think a little before he talks and make sure the pharsing is correct.
It's a personality thing. What some people consider tact, others consider bull and lying. Being blunt isn't a reason for people to be forgiven for twisting your words, though it may be the reason why they actually do it.
quote: "...without graphics a game must stand alone on it's gameplay and I believe DoA4 does so"...
He doesn't really hide that he believes DoA has great gameplay. I might be wrong, but I think earlier in the "without graphics" interview he had already mentioned his belief in the quality of DOA.
quote: if he really didn't put that much importance in graphics wouldn't the PS2 (if not the PS2 AND GCN) have gotten some love?
He does put importance in graphics, and has said as much before. I notice Sega likes to create new hardware specifically for Virtua Fighter releases every now and then as well, with big updates in graphics. Namco puts quite a bit of focus there as well.
The biggest difference is that Sega is willing to sacrifice graphics in a home port, and with the PS2 releases were willing to sacrifice in favor of being on the widest release system. Namco is tied to Sony with Tekken, and apparently is willing to be bought off in regards to Soul Calibur 3. Itagaki currently just wants to release on the platform that does the best job of what he wants.
He's done the multi-platform thing before with DOA, and people had issues then as well. He might do it again with DOA4, depending on whether Sony actually delivers on his power promises with the PS3. (If I were a developer looking specifically for the most powerful system, I sure would be wary about believing Sony performance promises.)
quote: After all it might not look as nice on the PS2 and might even be missing a stage or two, but if it's the same basic game should that really matter?
It can. Why should he be slighted for not porting the DOA series to the PS2, if the Xbox version is what he wanted? If someone wants to play the game, they can buy an Xbox. He's certainly put enough games on the system if you are an Itagaki fan.
I wouldn't fault Capcom if they hadn't decided to port RE4 to the PS2. (I have faulted them for how they handled the news of the port though.) They certainly put a lot of RE games on the Cube, and the system isn't even expensive anymore.
(I'd also believe DOA would see the PS2 before the GC, despite the GC being the better choice for it graphically.)