XBox 360 MTV Special - Forums

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254th Post

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Copper Customer

"XBox 360 MTV Special" , posted Fri 13 May 11:36post reply

So, anyone else see this disaster? What a waste!

They unvieled the XBox 360 by having some chick walk down some stairs and take it out of a sidebag. Then we get to see the system for all of 5 seconds! Oh boy!

Then they just kept showing different clips of games (Tiger Woods 2006, new Tony Hawk (w/ Live! support), Madden 2006, and Project Gotham Racing 3.

They never really got into the system and the controller and any specifics.

Also, seem to be up now (not sure how long it has been), but you can move around the system in 360 and the controller as well, then get a fun wallpaper.


5th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):XBox 360 MTV Special" , posted Fri 13 May 11:55post reply

Why post specs when they were leaked last week? That, and it appears they haven't even finalised them all yet. I hate that controller already, it uses AAA batteries and seems tiny.

1114th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):XBox 360 MTV Special" , posted Fri 13 May 12:01post reply

Not enough game footage :(

Burning Ranger
1197th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Conspiracy?" , posted Fri 13 May 12:14post reply

So, anyone else see this disaster? What a waste!

They unvieled the XBox 360 by having some chick walk down some stairs and take it out of a sidebag. Then we get to see the system for all of 5 seconds! Oh boy!

Didn't see it, but I really don't care. At least we're seeing what the console will look like.

As for specs, I was curious about something. I remember that there are arguments saying that there are limits to Moore's Law (a theory saying the CPU processing power increases exponentially over time). Could there also be limits to game consoles? I mean, I remember the Dreamcast being touted as the world's first 128-bit system. Xbox and PS2 never really jumped on this. We also haven't heard whether or not the X360, PS3 or Revolution will be 256-bit systems. What does this mean? Does this mean that there is a conspiracy not to release this information? Are the PS3, X360, and Revolution merely advanced 128-bit systems? Or am I just dumb when it comes to tech things like this?

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

"The war is over the fight is just beginning..."

181th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):Conspiracy?" , posted Fri 13 May 12:20post reply

For some odd reason, I look at the controller and can't help but think it is the love child of a GC Wavebird and a Dreamcast controller. Anyone else get that vibe?

The Einherjar Hachitoushi -- The 8 Warriors of the Ragnarok Plan

5th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):Conspiracy?" , posted Fri 13 May 12:33post reply

So, anyone else see this disaster? What a waste!

They unvieled the XBox 360 by having some chick walk down some stairs and take it out of a sidebag. Then we get to see the system for all of 5 seconds! Oh boy!

Didn't see it, but I really don't care. At least we're seeing what the console will look like.

As for specs, I was curious about something. I remember that there are arguments saying that there are limits to Moore's Law (a theory saying the CPU processing power increases exponentially over time). Could there also be limits to game consoles? I mean, I remember the Dreamcast being touted as the world's first 128-bit system. Xbox and PS2 never really jumped on this. We also haven't heard whether or not the X360, PS3 or Revolution will be 256-bit systems. What does this mean? Does this mean that there is a conspiracy not to release this information? Are the PS3, X360, and Revolution merely advanced 128-bit systems? Or am I just dumb when it comes to tech things like this?

I had also thought about this before, since I love the tech stuff, and you are right, nobody is talking about the "bits" anymore..hummm


1283th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Conspiracy?" , posted Fri 13 May 13:07post reply

Still 3 and half hours until it airs here in Hawaii... but I'll still watch it regardless. I am kind of bummed there's not going to be Perfect Dark Zero or DOA 4 footage. I guess M$ is saving the really good stuff for E3... which we'll all be seeing soon enough.

Oh and about next gen gameplay... I'm excited about Revolution... Nintendo definitely has something really different in store... gyroscope controllers... touch screen controllers... something.

625th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Conspiracy?" , posted Fri 13 May 13:16post reply


I had also thought about this before, since I love the tech stuff, and you are right, nobody is talking about the "bits" anymore..hummm

Ah, bits! "Sega: Leader of the 16-bit revolution!" Remember when that was big news? Ahh, the old days... Was PS2 128 bit? I don't even know!


Variable Savior
285th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(3):Conspiracy?" , posted Fri 13 May 13:18post reply

I am kind of bummed there's not going to be Perfect Dark Zero or DOA 4 footage. I guess M$ is saving the really good stuff for E3... which we'll all be seeing soon enough.

The show has PDZ footage. Unfortunately they never really give you a clear and sustained shot of the action and what they show looks quite unremarkable.

What the hell is up with the interchangable face plate on the console?!?? And what was all that about buying clothes online for your profile/whatever??? It's a freakin game system - not a bleeding Barbie doll!!

Blood marks heaven's path

255th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(3):Conspiracy?" , posted Fri 13 May 13:18post reply

Still 3 and half hours until it airs here in Hawaii... but I'll still watch it regardless. I am kind of bummed there's not going to be Perfect Dark Zero footage.

Actually, you'll see quite a bit of it. They show a 8-player match of that game. It looks ok for now, but it's tough to tell by only seeing it in quick spurts on TV.

Dr Baghead
3435th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Conspiracy?" , posted Fri 13 May 13:50:post reply

We also haven't heard whether or not the X360, PS3 or Revolution will be 256-bit systems. What does this mean? Does this mean that there is a conspiracy not to release this information? Are the PS3, X360, and Revolution merely advanced 128-bit systems? Or am I just dumb when it comes to tech things like this?

We don't hear about bits that much anymore because there's so much more to it now... well there always was (hence why SNES and Genesis, while both '16-bits' looked different) but now it's more obvious.

Since I'm retarded in techincally mumbo-jumbo I'm gonna explain like a retard (a smarter board member will hopefully tell the real story)

if you have a machine that produces 256 ackward looking unsalted potato chips a second, are you better then a machine that can only produce 128 flavored Pringels a second?

like if the CPU of a system is 128 bits but can produce the most amazing jaw dropping graphics because it's got a better polygon generator is it 'inferior' to a system with a 256 bit CPU that can't texture map or make triangles?

Plus there's some discrepencies as to how you classify 'bits'... again with the 'tatorChips. If your machine can cut, wash, and peel 300000 potatoes a second but can only cook, flavor, and stack 128 per second is your output 300000 or 128 per second?

A Dreamcast and an N64 were mostly 64-bits with like one 128-bit part. Nintendo choose to call the N64 a 64 bit system probably because N128 sounds like a science term for some new drug, but also because it wasn't really producing 128 bits. Sega called the Dreamcast 128-bits because it looks a lot nicer then the N64, it's parts were comunicating at 64-bits but it looked nicer and since Joe Average thinks bits=graphics they said "oh it's 128-bits" so people would know "oh! it's better then an N64!" the DC was basically 64-bits but looked much better because it could do more stuff then the N64 could.

... so yeah, I hope I made some sense. Mmmmmm potato chips.

EDIT: And if you're direct your attention to the next post someone smarter then me explained it so much better! YAAY!

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

[this message was edited by Dr Baghead on Fri 13 May 14:02]

316th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(1):Conspiracy?" , posted Fri 13 May 13:56post reply

As for specs, I was curious about something. I remember that there are arguments saying that there are limits to Moore's Law (a theory saying the CPU processing power increases exponentially over time). Could there also be limits to game consoles?

[qoute]Or am I just dumb when it comes to tech things like this?

Short answer: Yes

Moore's law has nothing to do with the bits that have been used to describe consoles.
Bits != Computing power

CPU are described in bits to illustrate what size data the part works on. This number is meaningless to performance if you don't know all sorts of other important things about the architecture. To further complicate things, modern consoles have lots of different processors, many of which are different bits - so marketing will typically take the biggest number and claim their system is that awsome. If you go by that logic, I think xbox and GC are 256 bit systems (because of their graphics processors) and the PS2 is a 128 bit system.

Be kind to goblins.

7th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):XBox 360 MTV Special" , posted Fri 13 May 21:26post reply

Mostly PC games and FPS...

Very sweet but I play PC-games on PC (best graphisms), same for FPS (mouse/keyboard as default accessories)

And clapping for the mass producing pringles explanation.

Joe Randel
407th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):XBox 360 MTV Special" , posted Fri 13 May 21:49post reply

Why post specs when they were leaked last week? That, and it appears they haven't even finalised them all yet. I hate that controller already, it uses AAA batteries and seems tiny.

The controller takes batteries? What the hell kinda messed up thing is that? Man after seeing this I am so not impressed. I believe that every system has the potential to be some thing awesome, I just feel that the vast majority of the games for the is will be FPS's or some EA sports crap. I miss the days of the Genisis and SNES...

Oh, game trailers has videos of X360 stuff if anyone's interested.

"I can't take any more illicit drugs... I can't afford any artificial joy" - Pursuit of Happiness

1052th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):XBox 360 MTV Special" , posted Fri 13 May 23:15post reply

I watched all 30mins of that crap. I wasn't to impressed seems the 360 only puts a bit more polish and better res to games and thats it. PDZ looked ok, but seems like its a trying to hard to be a Halo. With that said I want my 30 minutes back.

Oh it was funny how Lil' John wanted to get one that night since he so great, here's you're Xbox 360 with no games, DUMDASS!

Fuu is a cutie!!

Variable Savior
286th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):XBox 360 MTV Special" , posted Sat 14 May 00:49post reply

funny how Lil' John wanted to get one that night since he so great, here's you're Xbox 360 with no games, DUMDASS!

Yeah but he probably doesn't care about the games - I'm sure he just wanted an early opportunity to start customizing his 360 with interchangable face plates. CAUSE THAT'S SUCH A FUCKIN COOL FEATURE!!!

Blood marks heaven's path

1350th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):XBox 360 MTV Special" , posted Sat 14 May 00:51post reply

The controller takes batteries? What the hell kinda messed up thing is that?

It's wireless. Did you expect it to run on solar power or something?

I skipped the special knowing exactly what sort of thing it would be. I'll probably pass on the Xbox 360 as well at least until the first price drop. With PS3 being just as or more powerful, there isn't much point to it. - My own personal waste of time.

6494th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Best X Box 360 game" , posted Sat 14 May 01:15post reply

At least a next gen title that uses all the possibilities of the X Box 3d0.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

3359th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):XBox 360 MTV Special" , posted Sat 14 May 01:29post reply

The controller takes batteries? What the hell kinda messed up thing is that?
It's wireless. Did you expect it to run on solar power or something?

I don't think he expected it to run on solar power, perhaps he was expecting something like an internal rechargeable battery.

886th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"The two JRPGs (Video and Images)" , posted Sat 14 May 01:43post reply

From Japanese press conference:

(RPG1) Lost Oddyssey:

Images and Video:

Lost Oddyssey and Blue Dragon (RPG2):

Watch Impress:

1284th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):XBox 360 MTV Special" , posted Sat 14 May 01:52post reply

Yeah I have to say I was pretty let down by the special... it was more like a very scripted and staged preview than a debut. They didn't even show the remote, headset, or webcam... and the only look at the controller was while people were playing it.

Everything went by so fast that it's hard to judge... perhaps that was M$'s intention... since they're early first gen games that have been slapped together. Also out of the previews who knows what was in-game or not... I noticed the Madden footage was the pre-rendered FMV that they tried to pawn off on us last month. Whatever racing game they showed for a couple seconds looked the best to me... even better than GTA 4.

Perfect Dark Zero seemed kind of cool... although that render of Joanna Dark they showed looked horrendous... I mean even worse than the later Lara Croft models. I did notice there were jet-packs and you have the ability to steal weapons... but I dunno about Rare... their great FPS guys all left for Free Radical a looooong time ago.

Anyway just like anything else on major cable or network channels pertaining to games... it's for the mainstream Madden and GTA guys.. . if the even was on G4 it would have probably been different... but MTV is cool to the max bro.

100th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(6):XBox 360 MTV Special" , posted Sat 14 May 02:11post reply

I almost wish I had cable so I could have seen this train wreck. Though I had a good feeling it was going to be a disappointment.

887th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(7):XBox 360 MTV Special" , posted Sat 14 May 02:16post reply

Gears of War trailer:

Lost Odissey (Famitsu):,1115962890,39064,0,0.html

360 video (including Ghost Recon 3!):

888th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(8):XBox 360 MTV Special" , posted Sat 14 May 04:38post reply

Blue Dragon and Lost Odissey videos.

58th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(9):XBox 360 MTV Special" , posted Sat 14 May 04:45post reply


Blue Dragon and Lost Odissey videos.

Anybody notice how the footage that did look good suffered from poor framerate? The rest was FMV as far as i can tell. In other words, it's useless to be swayed one way or another since it's new hardware, and first-gen launch titles will always be rough around the edges.

With that said though, the one title that did manage to stand out in the spaztastic montage of footage shown was Need for Speed. Can't quite put my finger on it, but there was something in the graphical quality that impressed me.

889th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(10):XBox 360 MTV Special" , posted Sat 14 May 04:53post reply


Anybody notice how the footage that did look good suffered from poor framerate? The rest was FMV as far as i can tell. In other words, it's useless to be swayed one way or another since it's new hardware, and first-gen launch titles will always be rough around the edges.

With that said though, the one title that did manage to stand out in the spaztastic montage of footage shown was Need for Speed. Can't quite put my finger on it, but there was something in the graphical quality that impressed me.

Donīt know, man. Ghost Recon 3 was in-game and it looked better than anything iīve ever seen. Release of the console is still 6 months away, too.

59th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(2):Re(10):XBox 360 MTV Special" , posted Sat 14 May 05:03post reply


Donīt know, man. Ghost Recon 3 was in-game and it looked better than anything iīve ever seen. Release of the console is still 6 months away, too.

Oh yes, forgot about that one too. Another problem with the MTV special is that all titles are done in HD, but MTV is a standard cable channel, so the increase in quality will be that much more apparent when you see it with your own eyes.

890th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):Re(10):XBox 360 MTV Special" , posted Sat 14 May 06:19post reply

The Blue Dragon footage was real-time 3D, not CG. Hard to believe, but thatīs (supposedly) what the developers said.

Joe Randel
408th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(5):XBox 360 MTV Special" , posted Sat 14 May 10:52post reply

The controller takes batteries? What the hell kinda messed up thing is that?
It's wireless. Did you expect it to run on solar power or something?

I don't think he expected it to run on solar power, perhaps he was expecting something like an internal rechargeable battery.

I actually didn't even know it was wireless, shows how much I know or care about the xbox36- whatever...

"I can't take any more illicit drugs... I can't afford any artificial joy" - Pursuit of Happiness

1285th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Re(10):XBox 360 MTV Special" , posted Sat 14 May 16:06post reply

The Blue Dragon footage was real-time 3D, not CG. Hard to believe, but thatīs (supposedly) what the developers said.

The animation was definitely silky smooth on that... although I'm surprised they didn't go for the cel shaded look... maybe they don't want to look too much like DQ7. I think the last clip that was just labelled "nine" impressed me the most though... to see that many characters animated on screen at the same time and then that explosion and seeing thousands of bodies flying everywhere... pretty damn cool.

112th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):XBox 360 MTV Special" , posted Sat 14 May 17:20post reply


I feel old. All this gyroscopic, touch screen, 360 boob bouncing going on these days. It seems like as time went on it goes from seemingly having a bunch of fun games coming out continuously to nowadays waiting for a particular one. I know personally I'm really waiting for the new Zelda, but it only seems like yesterday I was playing 64 at my friend's house sometime during Christmas o_O. Agh. Well of course theres tons of other things to blame in time.. but Ehhh 360 seems to look neat at a first glance, but I don't think it'll have any lasting appeal.


410th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):XBox 360 MTV Special" , posted Sun 15 May 01:04post reply

As it's been noted elsewhere, including PA where Gabe addressed it, the MTV special wasn't for anyone who even handles a game controller more than once a week. It was for the mainstream audience that kinda knows there are more one videogame system, just not what they are & what they do.

All you had to do is look at the crowd in attendance and you knew they were either there to be on MTV, to see the band, both, and maybe 5% wanted to see the new Xbox360, & that includes the journalists invited.

That special was addressed to the videogaming clueless right down to making sure the pro players fit stereotyped demographics, the caucasian guy, the black guy, the girl. M$ has set out to go after the mainstream, like how super hero films count on the core fan base as a given, but try to skew the film so the mr & mrs non comic book fan will want to see the film and not feel intimated or treated like a geek.

They made a concious effort to be out before Sony & Nintendo and they want to try and maximize the amount of people they can reach before Sony comes out with it's well tooled & slick hype machine. Can you blame them? They've put their eggs in a basket and taken a risk. Maybe it'll pay off.

Yeah, the special was lame. The footage was quick, but it wasn't for gamers. Gamers like you have the internet, all that footage 'coincedentally' is NOW available for your own personal viewing pleasure on a slew of websites. Gamers don't want to see footage on tv, they want to watch it on their comp, so they dissect it, tear it apart, critique it, and watch it more than once.

PD0 got all the attention since it's M$ game and there won't be a Halo game at launch. They got to throw themselves some props somewhere. I know it didn't sell the game to me, I was to busy looking at Need for Speed: Most Wanted & Ghost Recon 3.

The special was garbage even for Spike TV, but I know it wasn't for me. My only worry is that the thing came off so lame, it'll turn off potential gamers who may try the system. I'm taking the diehard xenophobic fan boys who only embrace the system they spent all the summer lawn mowing money on or that the parents got 'em for Xmas, so it must be the best system ever. That special that was basically a bad infomercial in the vein of the old 3DO one, just gives ammunition to the narrow minded, to justify why their Atari Jaquar or whatever is still the only system to own.

Undead Fred
2374th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):XBox 360 MTV Special" , posted Sun 15 May 05:04post reply

The controller takes batteries? What the hell kinda messed up thing is that?
It's wireless. Did you expect it to run on solar power or something?

I don't think he expected it to run on solar power, perhaps he was expecting something like an internal rechargeable battery.

I actually didn't even know it was wireless, shows how much I know or care about the xbox36- whatever...

Yeah, I REALLY don't like how they're forcing people to use wireless controllers on the new XBawx. That's pretty much the reason why I never really got into wireless controllers- I hate having to replace batteries to be able to keep playing. And when you play games often enough, you're going to be burning through batteries on a regular basis. I just hate how if you want to get the new console, you have no choice in controllers... you have to use wireless. WEAK

62th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(7):XBox 360 MTV Special" , posted Sun 15 May 07:05post reply


Yeah, I REALLY don't like how they're forcing people to use wireless controllers on the new XBawx. That's pretty much the reason why I never really got into wireless controllers- I hate having to replace batteries to be able to keep playing. And when you play games often enough, you're going to be burning through batteries on a regular basis. I just hate how if you want to get the new console, you have no choice in controllers... you have to use wireless. WEAK

Errr, you can connect them via usb cable.

Besides data transfer, it'll also function as a wired connection.

1286th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(8):XBox 360 MTV Special" , posted Sun 15 May 12:48post reply

The game with the thousands of guys I've found out is called Ninety-Nine Nights. That's one limitaion I can think of for the current gen consoles... and this looks like a game that could only be done on the next gen... well look for yourself- 99 me baby

1354th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(10):XBox 360 MTV Special" , posted Sun 15 May 16:45post reply

Anybody notice how the footage that did look good suffered from poor framerate? The rest was FMV as far as i can tell. In other words, it's useless to be swayed one way or another since it's new hardware, and first-gen launch titles will always be rough around the edges.

You can never, ever judge the framerate of a game by a video, especially when vids are always 30FPS or less and I wouldn't be surprised if Xbox 360 locked in at 60FPS.

Gears of War and PGR3 look unbelievable as well. Should be a nice gen coming up. - My own personal waste of time.

615th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):XBox 360 MTV Special" , posted Sun 15 May 21:44:post reply


They made a concious effort to be out before Sony & Nintendo and they want to try and maximize the amount of people they can reach before Sony comes out with it's well tooled & slick hype machine. Can you blame them? They've put their eggs in a basket and taken a risk. Maybe it'll pay off.

I do admit that marketing-wise, Microsoft is very smart and savvy. They are doing a lot of dual marketing, to both the mainstream gamer (MTV), and the hardcore (, and it's paying off very well. I can see Microsoft doing very well this upcoming generation. If there is a few good killer apps for the new X-box, Mr. John Fratboy will buy it. The new Madden (although it's a video, they probably don't know it), is going to look good, and most of the general population that plays games don't care as much as our demographic about new gameplay, innovation, etc. Our demographic is smaller than the mainstream, therefore our demographic is not focused on. It's business.

However, however, however...

I trust in Sony and Nintendo to deliver the most innovative and 'different', 'revolutionary' games. Why? Because of simple business. Sony and Nintendo are Japanese companies, and in general, stockholders of Japanese companies are much more 'long-term thinkers' than US company stockholders (it's changing in favor of western style, but slowly)... this means that when Microsoft's shareholders sign up, they expect results, and the board of directors expects profits, and profits now. I can almost 99% guarantee that the people on that board do not play games... or care about 'games'.

In contrast, Sony, and esp. Nintendo have the opportunity to take more risks, be more inventive, because they have more breathing room.

I don't know who will win this upcoming generation battle. X-box 360 getting out the door early is not stupid at all, and if they can sell enough hardware, then they might be able to capture a sizeable portion of the market....

but but but...

I remember lots of people selling their PS2 when the original X-box came out. Whats to say that can't happen again?

... gamemarket = hollywood = sucks ...


Proud Supporter of Next Generation GAMEPLAY

[this message was edited by KTallguy on Sun 15 May 21:47]

Time Mage
2126th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):XBox 360 MTV Special" , posted Sun 15 May 21:55post reply


I trust in Sony and Nintendo to deliver the most innovative and 'different', 'revolutionary' games. Why? Because of simple business. Sony and Nintendo are Japanese companies, and in general, stockholders of Japanese companies are much more 'long-term thinkers' than US company stockholders (it's changing in favor of western style, but slowly)... this means that when Microsoft's shareholders sign up, they expect results, and the board of directors expects profits, and profits now. I can almost 99% guarantee that the people on that board do not play games... or care about 'games'.

I disagree: Microsoft still hasn't earned a single Dollar from the original XBox, they're still in red numbers. XBox's goal was to introduce themselves in the console's market, and they did it quite good. If that's not a long-term strategy, I don't know what is.

1288th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):XBox 360 MTV Special" , posted Mon 16 May 04:26post reply

Yeah I disagree with a couple things as well. First off I don't see Sony and Nintendo as having this "breathing room" to make innovative and revolutionary games. With the next gen hardware the average size of a dev team is shooting through the roof as well as the cost to make a game. If a company gambles on something really weird and different... and it flops... well they're screwed. I think in the next gen we're going to see a lot of "playing it safe" I mean just look at DOA 4... they didn't even update the character models.

This also might be the end of Nintendo. Revolution is a gigantic gamble... we already know that it's going to be an extremely unorhtodox system. If it really is some strange gyroscopic touch screen hologram thing... it's going to be tough to get developers behind it. I mean look at the DS... it's a great idea but the games are horribly lacking and PSP is murdering it when it's almost double the price. On the other hand if the system is truely as revolutionary as Iwata claims... then it could actually change the face of gaming.

Lastly about Microsoft being the first out of gate... history has shown us usually it's the first guy out of the gate that suffers. Look at what happened to Sega with the Saturn and Dreamcast... they were the first in each of those generations... and they lost... bad. If anything Sony and Nintendo are smart to hold off until 2006 when they can have some really good launch titles. Out of the dozen or so 360 games shown so far... only Need for Speed, Ghost Recon 3, and the Mistwalker games actually seem to be taking advantage of the new hardware.

411th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):XBox 360 MTV Special" , posted Mon 16 May 04:51post reply

I think the point is still being missed. M$ is practically admitting they don't want a head to head matchup with Sony & Nintendo. They've made it clear their priority isn't to rule the videogame domain, they mean to use the videogame console as an entry to the living rooms of the mainstream. They aren't concerned with the history of videogaming, and whether who entered the field last, first, 23rd, or whatever is the one who won the battle.

They redesigned their console with the Japanese consumer in mind, by making it smaller, with changeable faceplates to suit moods or decor. The interface of Live is even changeable, all with the eye of going after the non - gamer.

M$ wants the headstart to make inroads on the non intiated, the time they get as the 'only game in town' is all the opprotunity they want. Besides, they know hardcore gamers will probably get a Xbox360 if they can, then turn around and get a PS3 as well. Just as Sony made sure to put the PSP early to hike their quarter earnings, they also wanted to make sure it had no competition when it was released. M$ wants a nice open field of it's own. Do they care that PS3 may make the coffee cup that that the coffee it brews as well as play videogames? No.

They care that people bought a Xbox360 and didn't have to decide between choosing it and a PS3.

1707th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"I refuse to make a new thread" , posted Mon 16 May 14:43post reply

In Time magazine Bill Gates sez Sony's PS3 will "walk into" Halo 3 when it comes out on X360, or something like that. Weird sentence; I guess his mouth was full of Dicks or something

Off with your nose

1519th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):I refuse to make a new thread" , posted Mon 16 May 15:25:post reply

In Time magazine Bill Gates sez Sony's PS3 will "walk into" Halo 3 when it comes out on X360, or something like that. Weird sentence; I guess his mouth was full of Dicks or something

Yeah, I just happened to read that. I'm REALLY thinking, from Microsoft's standpoint, that the statement that Bill Gates made should've been kept to internal meetings and shouldn't have been stated in public. I know how powerful the Halo franchise is -- but still, isn't Gates showing his hand a little early, such that Sony still has a bit of time to prepare a countermove?

Or is Gates just really confident -- almost overly confident -- that Sony has no room for effective counters here?

(Or, will this move actually have a significant impact?)


[this message was edited by OmegaDog on Mon 16 May 15:29]

Dr Baghead
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):XBox 360 MTV Special" , posted Mon 16 May 16:06post reply

Look at what happened to Sega with the Saturn and Dreamcast... they were the first in each of those generations... and they lost... bad.

It's unfair to compare XBox 360 to those systems.

the 32X and Sega CD left a bad taste in the consumers mouth and the Saturn was poorly marketed and launched way to early.

So during it's exclusive window the Saturn had nothing to play (and when the PSX did come out it had better launch titles) and I think the fear of possibly having to by more add-ons (Black Belt anyone?) keep people away

So when the Dreamcast came out most people who weren't hardcore gamers had probably written Sega off as dead in the water, and those who didn't probably decided to wait for the PS2 once it's specs were released shortly after the DC's launch.

Microsoft isn't Sega. For the XBox to be an underdog coming into the last generation (everyone thought it would fail, Japan hated it, the US laughed it for being from Micro$oft) and make a name for itself it's already got more going into the next generation then Sega ever had. Assuming the Xbox 360 has games at launch AND is designed to compete with the PS3 and Nintendo Revolution (rather then be it's own thing only to out there naked in the breeze when Sony reveals it's more powerful specs) it shouldn't be hurt too much if at all by being first out.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)