Sakigake!! Cromartie High! - Forums

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"Sakigake!! Cromartie High!" , posted Fri 13 May 12:00post reply

I was bored at work today (yet again). So I decided to browse wikipedia and found this...

Although Mercury may have passed in the real world, he appears as a recurring character in the Japanese anime series Sakigake!! Cromartie High!. Wearing only long brown pants with red suspenders he is known to the main characters only as "Freddie". He does not speak despite moments of him singing (although his voice is not audible) and is sometimes seen riding around on a giant black horse. Some people wonder if he understands Japanese. He also is normally introduced by a harmonious guitar riff.

Has anyone seen this anime? Is it worth checking out? Thanks.


964th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Sakigake!! Cromartie High!" , posted Fri 13 May 12:38post reply

I was bored at work today (yet again). So I decided to browse wikipedia and found this...

Although Mercury may have passed in the real world, he appears as a recurring character in the Japanese anime series Sakigake!! Cromartie High!. Wearing only long brown pants with red suspenders he is known to the main characters only as "Freddie". He does not speak despite moments of him singing (although his voice is not audible) and is sometimes seen riding around on a giant black horse. Some people wonder if he understands Japanese. He also is normally introduced by a harmonious guitar riff.

Has anyone seen this anime? Is it worth checking out? Thanks.

The anime is ok, generally decent except for a few episodes which are truly wonderful.

At the very least, each episode is like 15 min long, so you won't waste too much time watching it.

I'd say actually that the 3rd episode is the best I've seen out of the 20 or so I've seen, because it contains stuff I didn't see in the manga and used sound to great effect... which you simply can't do in manga.

1706th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Sakigake!! Cromartie High!" , posted Fri 13 May 13:43post reply

I like it. I've only seen volume 1 though. The humor is in that random nonsensical realm that Cartoon Network shorts often go, but there's also a lot of cultural humor that makes it a little hard to follow.

Off with your nose

Undead Fred
2367th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Sakigake!! Cromartie High!" , posted Fri 13 May 14:32post reply

Has anyone seen this anime? Is it worth checking out? Thanks.


The episodes are short, but they're pretty funny and CHIYO PAPA does the voice of a character in it.

865th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Sakigake!! Cromartie High!" , posted Fri 13 May 14:34post reply


The episodes are short, but they're pretty funny and CHIYO PAPA does the voice of a character in it.

mechazawa owns all.

if you have comcast cable, you can watch the first 7 or so episodes for free on on-demand.

1177th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):Sakigake!! Cromartie High!" , posted Fri 13 May 16:04post reply

Its hilarious in the fact that its extremely weird and doesn't take itself seriously. I'd recommend watching it if you have the chance.

369th Post

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"Re(4):Sakigake!! Cromartie High!" , posted Fri 13 May 17:21post reply

I watched some episodes and this series gave me the willies real hard. I didn't like it at all, but I really enjoyed Freddie's appearances, undoubtely the best of the series.

20th Post

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"Re(5):Sakigake!! Cromartie High!" , posted Sat 14 May 04:56post reply

Thanks all. I'll definitely check it out sometime. An anime series where Freddie Mercury has a reoccuring role just seems too cool to pass up. Unfortunately, it's licensed so I guess bitorrent is out of the question. Damn what series isn't licensed these days?

111th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(6):Sakigake!! Cromartie High!" , posted Sat 14 May 17:14post reply

Yeah.. Freddy is priceless.
