Jojo dc vs. psx - Forums

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"Jojo dc vs. psx" , posted Fri 13 May 13:55post reply

Wondering what the differences between the psx and dreamcast jojo games were. Does the dc version also have the story mode with the mini games?


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"Re(1):Jojo dc vs. psx" , posted Fri 13 May 14:45post reply

Wondering what the differences between the psx and dreamcast jojo games were. Does the dc version also have the story mode with the mini games?

DC -> Straight port of both arcade games, so it's 100% intact. Nothing else.

PSX -> A watered down port of Heritage for the Future, but amazingly still good on the PSX. Oh yeah it has Super Story Mode. :D

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Jojo dc vs. psx" , posted Fri 13 May 15:00post reply

Wondering what the differences between the psx and dreamcast jojo games were. Does the dc version also have the story mode with the mini games?

Major differences:
- a few characters have one (maybe two) additional moves in DC version.
- DC load times are HUGE. PSX load time is shorter(wth...), and has loading pictures.
- DC does not have Super Story Mode

Smaller diffs:
- DC does not have the awesome Oingo Boingo gallery (which wouldn't do much without the Super Story Mode).
- DC has more animation all around (in some cases, it's pretty significant), has more detailed/colored sprites (e.g. The World is greyscale in PSX)...
- Some graphics are flatout missing in the PSX version, like all the art for the character select screen.

If you've never played JJBA on the DC, you honestly won't know that you're missing much. If you have played it on the DC but weren't looking carefully, you won't even be aware of some of the stuff that's missing. I didn't realize that The World was lacking color until I watched some vids, since it animated so well. That said, Joseph's Hermit Purple stand in the PSX one is pretty ugly except in it's idle animation.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Jojo dc vs. psx" , posted Fri 13 May 19:00post reply

If you want a good fighting game, take the beautiful and deep DC version.
If you don't want a fighting game but want to play it for the original manga, take the PS1 version loaded with extras and mini games, which also has a choppy fighting game in it.
And if Capcom wants to release a port with both advantages of the version, it would really be nice.
Also, the DC port had a great survival mode (at the end of the fight, you could decide wether you wanted the bonus to be added to your life gauge or your special gauge, a feature I would love to see in other games).

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"Re(3):Jojo dc vs. psx" , posted Sun 15 May 14:20post reply

Thanks all. I already have the psx version but I think it might be worth my time to hunt down the dc version. Is it true that Crapcom cut the blood out of the American DC version? I sure do hate it when I'm beating on my enemy and milk flies out everywhere..

971th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(4):Jojo dc vs. psx" , posted Sun 15 May 17:36post reply

Thanks all. I already have the psx version but I think it might be worth my time to hunt down the dc version. Is it true that Crapcom cut the blood out of the American DC version? I sure do hate it when I'm beating on my enemy and milk flies out everywhere..

Yeah, the blood is pretty much gone from the US DC release.

More importantly, when you entire a Blazing Fists match, you DON'T see the (japanese) MUDA MUDA or ORA ORA or whatevers

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):Jojo dc vs. psx" , posted Mon 16 May 05:15post reply

DC US Differences(Never played it on the PS1) - Kujo Jotaro has a win pose in the Japanese version where he turns around and smokes. In the US Version he just turns around.

In the Japanese Version for Kujo Jotaro's ending, he cuts Dio in half, there's blood. In the US version he just chops at Dio one more time.

This I know from playing the Japanese Arcade version of the game.

Oh yeah, for the US version they changed some of the names to avoid being sued by Vanilla Ice and Mariah Carey in case you didn't know. Vanilla Ice became Iced. Mariah became Marariah or something like that. (I think my spelling of both Mariah and Mararia is wrong...)

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