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Iggy 6502th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Donomitri" , posted Sun 15 May 06:41
quote: But heck, I'm not going to other forums, they're borrrring.
I was scared by the mess in the game board of 2ch, but it's actually much easier to find the thread you're looking for and also threads you wouldn't have thought to check. I may like it. For example, the gallery in Vampire Collection only has still drawings, no ending. Or Donomitri is the only hidden character, and he's cheap (well, nobody expected much). His normals are between Donovan or Demitri, he has Donovan specials, plus a Phobos beam and Pyron's warp, his EX are Donovan's plus something that looks like Demon Billion, but with swords and that reach the bottom of the screen, and his dark force is Donovan's. His name is Dee. And he's the only hidden, no Rose, no Morri-Lilith. But the port of the games are perfect, and that's what is important.
Ah, and the KOF 11 thread is only at its 3rd thread. (wwwwwww).
Hey, wait ! What's this ?
It's a bird ? It's a plane ? No ! It's... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !!!!!
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ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!