KOF XI Thread - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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2241th Post

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"KOF XI Thread" , posted Sun 15 May 10:00:post reply


Ash/ Ozwald/ Shen-Wu
Elisabate(Elisabeth?)/ Duolong/ Benimaru
K'/ Kula/ Maxima
Terry/ Kim/ Duck
B.Jenet/ Gato/ Griffon
Kyo/ Iori/ Shingo
Vanessa/ Mary/ Ramon
Ralf/ Clark/ Whip
Ryo/ Yuri/ King
Marin/ Kasumi/ Eiji
Athena/ Kensou/ Momoko

A few notes:
1- The game is based on 2003. Same recycled graphics as well. A number of new changes have been implemented in its system however, described at the bottom.

2- Whatever character is in the above roster but not in the moves list (re-posted by JJJ here, thanks) are unselectable from the character select screen. That includes Iori.

3- Ozwald is a tall old man that wears a suit and a shade. He's supposed to be a gambler judging from the way that he uses playing cards to attack, but he looks somewhat like a butler. Extremely smoothly animated character, although he moves weird at times, spinning around often... Many people were using him, probably meaning that he's strong at the current stage of development. He has a move like Mariah's Back + Middle Strength Attack from Jojo 2, where he flings a card into the air and it then flys towards the opponent. His super (don't know if normal or leader) looks like Rugal's Godpress -> Gambit's Royal Flush.

4- Elisabeta looks somewhat similar to that lady from Gyakuten Saiban (warning: not worksafe). Not too many people were using her.

5- B.Jenet looks like.. pretty much her same MOTW self. Less people were using her than Elisabeta during the period I was checking the test.

6- Q: Where is SHO HAYATE? A: Not in the game.

7- Middle boss is Adel from 2003.

8- Load time(?) before each match was about 8-10 seconds.

Judgement System
The usual timer on the top of the screen keeps tilting towards (what the game judges as) the player that's fighting more skillfully during the match. If the match ends with a time over, the person that the timer is tilted towards will win. It's not decision by remaining life any more.

Skill Meter
Right above the usual power meter, there's an additional new bar called the "skill meter". It's used to pull off a number of systems, as decribed below. The skill meter builds up on its own as time passes by. you can stock up to 2 skill meters. Your match starts out with the 2 skill stocks full.

A,C: Punches
B,D: Kicks
E: Thrust (good old CD) attack
Start: Taunt

A+C / B+D : Partner Change

A+C / B+D during an attack: Quick Shift (Changes to partner, requires 1 Skill stock)

A+C / B+D while getting attacked: Saving Shift (Changes to partner, requires 2 Skill stocks)
note: I think this can be used like a combo breaker, but I haden't seen anyone actually doing any of these moves that specifically requires skill stock.

Evacuation : A+B

Guard Cancel Evacuation: A+B during guard (requires 1 skill stock)

Guard Cancel Thrust: E during guard (requires 1 Power stock)

Leader Super: Requires 2 Power Stock

Super Cancel (cancel special attack into super attack): Requires 1 Skill + 1 Power Stock

Dream Cancel (cancel from super attack into leader attack) : Requires 1 Skill + 2 Power Stock

The beta test is going on today as well, and I'm guessing that there should already be pics leaking out by now.. anyone seen?

I haven't had the chance to see it myself, but multiple sources are reporting that that the last boss right now is a lady with pigtails wearing a Chinese outfit named Shion, who fights with a spear. She's said to be a lot weaker than Adel. (Adel's defence point is amazingly strong in XI-- people were actually losing against him.)

There's a very well detailed, full-scale report of KOFXI at Kenshinpou, located here.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 15 May 10:25]


125th Post

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"Re(1):KOF XI Thread" , posted Sun 15 May 12:21post reply

Wowowowow. Terry/Kim/Duck !? No Joe !? No Korean Team !? No Women Team !? No Robert !? Kyo and Iori officially teaming up - with Shingo !? It's a good thing the Duck/Eiji comeback completely melted my brain away, because I ain't sure I like the direction it's taking.

Thanks for the news.

196th Post

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"Re(2):KOF XI Thread" , posted Sun 15 May 12:27post reply

Wowowowow. Terry/Kim/Duck !? No Joe !? No Korean Team !? No Women Team !? No Robert !? Kyo and Iori officially teaming up - with Shingo !? It's a good thing the Duck/Eiji comeback completely melted my brain away, because I ain't sure I like the direction it's taking.

Thanks for the news.

Holy crap, you are right. There isn't a Women's Team this Year. It doesn't bother me one bit but my cousin will have a seizure when he hears about this.

189th Post

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"Re(3):KOF XI Thread" , posted Sun 15 May 12:34post reply

Ozwald looks alot like Bristol Weller from Groove on Fight.

Any word on the music? AST maybe?


71th Post

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"Re(2):KOF XI Thread" , posted Sun 15 May 17:30post reply

Terry/Kim/Duck !? No Joe !? No Korean Team !?

Rather than a Garou/FF team, it looks like they are going with separate Fatal Fury "old blood" and Garou "new blood" teams. Losing Team Korea isn't so strange in that light. Particularly when you add a general (long overdue) shaking up of all the teams into the mix.

Of course, who knows how many characters will be hidden purchasables. And who else might get added to home ports. The whole shake up might become meaningless if most everyone semi-popular comes back in either.

Dr Baghead
3440th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):KOF XI Thread" , posted Sun 15 May 17:38:post reply

Wowowowow. Terry/Kim/Duck !? No Joe !? No Korean Team !? No Women Team !? No Robert !? Kyo and Iori officially teaming up - with Shingo !? It's a good thing the Duck/Eiji comeback completely melted my brain away, because I ain't sure I like the direction it's taking.

I find it much stranger Mai is gone.

I mean the only KoF characters who get ANY publicity are Kyo, Iori, and Mai. I wouldn't be surprised if she's an unlockable or playable and just not in the game yet or something, but it's still very odd she's gone.

(Leona's gone too, and there's Eiji without Billy and Yamazaki... so KoF too has forsaken me, looks like I'll just stick with MK from now on)

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

[this message was edited by Dr Baghead on Sun 15 May 17:39]

6503th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):KOF XI Thread" , posted Sun 15 May 17:43post reply

Two of my favourite characters are Joe and Mai, but I'm happy they are gone. Since 99, KOF should have been about original KOF characters, no more AoF/Garô, and now Nejibako is there, it's even for the better. Also, Kim on the Garô team was great from KOF R1.

It would be even better if they didn't destroy Garô characters now... Jenet's command for example. I wonder what kind of cheezy anime reference they are going to stuck on her.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

197th Post

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"Re(3):KOF XI Thread" , posted Sun 15 May 18:34post reply


Leona's gone too

Maybe she finally ran off with Chang (or deceived him and killed/ate him in her Riot of the Blood form).

3048th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):KOF XI Thread" , posted Sun 15 May 18:49post reply


Leona's gone too

Maybe she finally ran off with Chang (or deceived him and killed/ate him in her Riot of the Blood form).

It's maybe just me but I've noticed that it miss a "major" character in each team. It wouldn't surprise me if this year story would about disparition or kidnaping by the evil organisation...
Really look, FF team no joe, Woman team no Mai, Ikari Team no Leona, AOF team No robert, Korean team no Jhun....

We are all mad at some point....

2006th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):KOF XI Thread" , posted Mon 16 May 02:28post reply

Kyo and Iori officially teaming up - with Shingo !?

The love triangle team!

6616th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):KOF XI Thread" , posted Mon 16 May 03:09post reply

Adel and B Jenet: Yay! SNKP finally cares about Rid's taste :D

Shingo The One
530th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):KOF XI Thread" , posted Mon 16 May 04:56post reply

Kyo and Iori officially teaming up - with Shingo !?

The love triangle team!

No, it's the ultimate offensive trio!!!And we're not even at the climax of the franchise.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

1745th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):KOF XI Thread" , posted Mon 16 May 05:27:post reply

Those are some wild teams but I'm actually very happy about the roster. The teams needed a good shaking up IMHO. It will be great seeing how these teams interact with each other in the endings and dialog. I'd love to see Kyo/Iori/Shingo play out like Himura Kenshin/Saito Hajime/Sagara Sanosuke of Rurouni Kenshin or Urameshi Yusuke/Hiei/Kuwabara of Yu Yu Hakusho. Oh yeah, very happy for my friend Shingo the One. ^_^

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Mon 16 May 05:35]

Dr Baghead
3440th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):KOF XI Thread" , posted Mon 16 May 05:34post reply

Kyo and Iori officially teaming up - with Shingo !?

The love triangle team!

No, it's the ultimate offensive trio!!!

And we're not even at the climax of the franchise.

Take these two pharses and make up your own dirty joke!

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

36th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(5):KOF XI Thread" , posted Mon 16 May 12:04post reply

Great roster, IMO. KOF needed a shake-up badly. It's nice to see old favorites getting the boot, and more room being given for the KOF originals.

Kula and Vanessa returning, plus the addition of B. Jenet, make up for the abscence of Leona, I guess.

The system sounds interesting too, at least on paper. Let's just hope they don't crush our expectations one more time.

"Tsuki yo ni agake."

3049th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):KOF XI Thread" , posted Mon 16 May 20:22post reply

From Neo-geo.com:

"loke test day 2.

-spanish looking town bg called "white town". it looks really nice as do all the bgs ive seen so far. the bgs and everything going on in them look quite natural and are well animated with long animated sequences for the bg onlookers rather than just an arm going up and down and the like. the stage is set on a sunny day with a blue sky seen above the white walled buildings. to the left and to the right is a building and then further back and in the middle of the bg is a church looking building with a big round window at the top of it. there are cars whizzing by in front of the church and a young blonde girl to the right, a man with a round belly to the left wiping his face.

-all the bg`s are well drawn and natural looking unlike the slightly forced bg characters/onlookers in nbc. there are lots of animals/little details in them like the monkeys sitting watching in the aztec bg and the cat walking around in the aqueduct bg.

-aqueduct is also set on a sunny day with a blue sky and some clouds lazily floating from the right to the left. the sky takes up more of the screen than in the "white town" bg. beneath the blue sky is a castle, looks sorta like a disneyland type castle with spires and high walls, might be modeled on a real location though. the castle is to the left and beneath it from one side of the screen to the other is the aqueduct.. it takes up 1/3 or more of the screen and looks like a small arch bridge about 30 metres high or something. the characters fight on top of the roof of a building which is made up of red tiles.

-bg "beach" looks like its set in either hawaii or okinawa with a military compound on the edge of a beach. the left hand side has a shed with an army truck in it and a stripped jeep with its engine running in the foreground in front of another jeep. to the right is a tent over a communications set up with a guy sitting on a stool listening to the radio. middle of the screen the compound fences are open and there is a beach with people on towels and sitting under umbrellas. again blue skies and a nice blue ocean and palm trees on the beach.
-aztec stage with giant tree roots wrapped around a giant stone head to the right of the screen. parrots flying around and monkeys watching in the foreground just behind the fighters. a ruined temple complex in the back have gone with vines growing over it. another nice bg.

-supers seem to be more easily stuffed in this game (see malin fbx2+K, griffon fbx2+K, kims air super, etc).
-hits sound and look solid, more so than nbc and svc.
-super damage seems very low. most i saw seemed to do about a 1/6 of a bar or less.
-throw break has a little sparkle effect.
-LP`s and LK`s feel like nbc... ryo's for example dont seem to be able to be tapped out at various rates ala kof2k2 which makes it harder to mix up and combo stuff after them.. they spam better though faster... i prefer 2k2 style lights though.

-everything looks very well presented, the bg's, the interface, the loading screens, the characcter select screen, etc. apart from the nbcish blurry sprites the game is looking really well put together and nice.
-the ingame select screen art is very nice as is the victory screen art. all looks really clean and american comicish (finish wise) though the style is japanese of course.
-sprites look bigger im sure..
-character names dont appear on the actual fight screen at all... maybe they'll go in later?
-sprites still have a slight glow around them ala nbc which is an effect brought about by the low rez sprites being against the high rez bgs. this game is the one that mixes the two best that ive seen so far though.
-colours seem softer than 2k3 which lends to the classy presentation imo.

-malins electric sticks come out quicker from what i could tell, shes been changed quite a bit. her yoyos have been nerfed a little coming out considerably slower and staying on the screen for a shorter period. her air A+C move is less effective as she has less time to move around and control air space as she did in 2k3.
-athena has some crazy new (as far as i know) super where the screen blacks out and she turns into a phoenix made of energy. she shoots straight up and off the screen iirc correctly then arcing down at an angle to the opposite bottom corner (sorta reminds me of fuumas nbc/whp super in terms of movement).
-oswald has riddick style lens only glasses on.. hes one of the coolest designs ive seen in a long time.
-k`s charge dash super now comes out and moves forward super fast.
-new ryo move is yoga and kick (the rushing elbow move). his charging extended fist move from 2k3..? is still in.
-elizabeth (not bet as the katakana suggests) wields some white sparkle power which she uses in a button mash (joe rush fists style) type move (dont know the actual motion though) and a super as well. she is dressed in what seems to be a traditional horse riders suit (like the ones they wear in jumping competitions and the olympics) and her whip actually seems to be a horseriders short whip about a foot and a half long with a slightly flexible end. her sprite looked ok to me and she seemed pretty cool all round.
-oswald has a very cool rush super where he rushes iori super style though not bent down so low though his head is bent down and his face all shadowed (with glaring red eyes), looks/feels sorta akuma rush super style. if it hits he pushes the opponent right to the side of the screen ala vice super and then the screen goes black and he jumps back to about the middle and proceeds to throw cards like a madman. its a 50 hit super and looks cool as fuck!"

We are all mad at some point....

burning kyo
2291th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):KOF XI Thread" , posted Mon 16 May 20:38post reply

There's a rumor of a Kizuna team and Buriki One team unlockable thanks to the AW.net stuff.

source : Neo-Arcadia.com

[welcome to the devil's nest]

6506th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):KOF XI Thread" , posted Mon 16 May 20:51post reply

There's a rumor of a Kizuna team and Buriki One team unlockable thanks to the AW.net stuff.

Stupid. New sprites for not default characters + the rumor pops out from nowhere with nothing to verify it.

Some default characters aren't even finished, I wonder where this come from (beside the link Beto threw around here a few days ago). Also, this is KOF, not SvC.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

Time Mage
2127th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):KOF XI Thread" , posted Mon 16 May 20:52post reply

-supers seem to be more easily stuffed in this game (see malin fbx2+K, griffon fbx2+K, kims air super, etc).

-super damage seems very low. most i saw seemed to do about a 1/6 of a bar or less.

I don't like this: Weak, low priority supers pretty means they're not useful at all. And as I said in the other thread, a game in which people doesn't use supers becomes a less fun to watch game (as well as limiting the actual gameplay options).

I hope they fix either the damage or the priority (But I don't want ultra-priority, like Athena's super in so many KOF's).

3050th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):KOF XI Thread" , posted Mon 16 May 21:43post reply

BTW, Can someone tells me why I can't post anything on the locktest site of KOF11???

Each timme I try to post something I just get internet explorer who open an error window with a "?????????400??????" on it....

We are all mad at some point....

6507th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Nejibako release date" , posted Mon 16 May 23:19post reply

By the end of July.

Wasn't it supposed to be released just after CFJ in the initial announcement ?
That's nearly 6 month late. Imoya, I take good note of your efforts. I will even refrain to use any STOP IMOYA NOW AA in this post.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

161th Post

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"Re(1):Nejibako release date" , posted Mon 16 May 23:42post reply

i've been waiting for this after i skipped 2k3. I hope this is worth it, so far it's souding to be good....but so does every other KOF b4 they release. Well atleast they replaced the shitty hit sounds from Svc.

91th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(9):KOF XI Thread" , posted Mon 16 May 23:46post reply

BTW, Can someone tells me why I can't post anything on the locktest site of KOF11???

Each timme I try to post something I just get internet explorer who open an error window with a "?????????400??????" on it....

They banned any obscene Naruto references

join the m.bison hat club today
i'm not just the president i'm also a client

burning kyo
2292th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):KOF XI Thread" , posted Mon 16 May 23:50post reply

BTW, Can someone tells me why I can't post anything on the locktest site of KOF11???

Each timme I try to post something I just get internet explorer who open an error window with a "?????????400??????" on it....

They banned any obscene Naruto references

It's Beto, who has sacrified himself to block you ! lol

[welcome to the devil's nest]

6508th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):KOF XI Thread" , posted Mon 16 May 23:53post reply

It's Beto, who has sacrified himself to block you ! lol

Farewell Beto, we won't forget you.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

352th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(8):KOF XI Thread" , posted Tue 17 May 03:09post reply

-supers seem to be more easily stuffed in this game (see malin fbx2+K, griffon fbx2+K, kims air super, etc).

-super damage seems very low. most i saw seemed to do about a 1/6 of a bar or less.

I don't like this: Weak, low priority supers pretty means they're not useful at all. And as I said in the other thread, a game in which people doesn't use supers becomes a less fun to watch game (as well as limiting the actual gameplay options).

I hope they fix either the damage or the priority (But I don't want ultra-priority, like Athena's super in so many KOF's).

Alot of games are being like this..like GG, Blood React..I guess KOF is joining the mainstream

Time Mage
2128th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):KOF XI Thread" , posted Tue 17 May 03:44post reply

Alot of games are being like this..like GG, Blood React..I guess KOF is joining the mainstream

Well, I can't say about Melty Blood, but in GG supers are used -although not as much as RC-. In fact, in the case of GG it's not that the supers suck (there are some that suck, of course), is that most of the time, RC are more useful, but the supers still have some uses, since many of them has invulnerability frames and/or strange effects (poison, wall bounce, throwing stuff, etc.), along with good damage in most of them.
In the case of this KOF, if that info is finally true, DM's will be slightly more damaging specials that have a pause before activation and less priority than many specials. If that's the case, they will only be useful for comboing them, and maybe not even that.

1527th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(10):KOF XI Thread" , posted Tue 17 May 12:01post reply

Leona is gone and Seth's team is back...without Seth. But this can be forgiven because MAI IS GONE!!! MWA HA HA HA HA HAAAAA!!!

They're outsourcing Elmo and putting Cookie Monster on a diet...WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?!?

3052th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):KOF XI Thread" , posted Tue 17 May 19:40post reply


They banned any obscene Naruto references

Damw! How dare they?
It's Beto, who has sacrified himself to block you ! lol

AARRGG NO!! Papa Mono!! I need your woodoo skill to remove a spell quick!!!

Farewell Beto, we won't forget you.

IGGY you traitror! I'll cast a curse on the Siren 2 developement team if you don't apologies!!

Back to the game: I really hope to see something soon. If we're lucking SNKP will maybe do the same as NGBC, put some vids online someday.

We are all mad at some point....

6516th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):KOF XI Thread" , posted Tue 17 May 20:05post reply

IGGY you traitror! I'll cast a curse on the Siren 2 developement team if you don't apologies!!
No way, they learned how to nullify curses during the development of Silent Hill 2.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

3054th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):KOF XI Thread" , posted Tue 17 May 20:19post reply

IGGY you traitror! I'll cast a curse on the Siren 2 developement team if you don't apologies!! No way, they learned how to nullify curses during the development of Silent Hill 2.

Even those who are badly done and comes from radical fanboys?

We are all mad at some point....

Bata kun
2616th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"From the looks of it," , posted Thu 19 May 02:14post reply

I say that there are too many flaws for me to enjoy this. I don't like the judgement system and since this is pretty much like "X", or rather "2003", I'll play this, but I'm sure I'll end up kicking myself for doing so. The only new high point I can think of is Elizabeth or however her name is spelled looking like Chihiro.

4070th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):KOF XI Thread" , posted Fri 20 May 07:27post reply


AARRGG NO!! Papa Mono!! I need your woodoo skill to remove a spell quick!!!

Sorry, I don't do freelance stuff anymore... We won't forget you....

About the beta..... I can still hold out some hopes.... for a neat artbook.

See??? He is a God...

3059th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):KOF XI Thread" , posted Fri 20 May 18:44post reply

More new from Orochinagi:

About the time up and judge system:
Like we already know it's not the life bar but your fighting style that make a winner, but How?
It seems that there is a bar under the timer and each time your makeing a combo, she grows. but with combo I mean combo like this:
cC -> 6A -> qcb K with K',
It's not the N° of hits but the different N° of moves in it, that will count.

Athena seesm to be ubber nicely animated, it seems that we can see her underwear...
His LDM Phoenix transformation is pretty

Ash as been towned down, his projectile has been delayed at the start up, and is slower.

Oswald and Elisabeth seems extremely powerfull, but SNK wish to take as much time for KOF 11 as NGBC, so they will be better balanced. Oswald can do a ->+B then LDM...

Impacts looks similar to Neowave, and 2003 high pushback isn't there anymore.

Duolon is downed down. His qcf P + hcb P + f+K, got a lag at the end so no more infinite. the only thing he can do after that is a super cancel on his spirit DM.

Shen Woo got a new move that looks similar to King's mirage kick. Is still the characters who deal the biggest damage in one blow.

K' have syill the same Seiyu, but it's seems that now it sound really close to Dante.
His flame color change with his 2P color.(Bleh!)

Kyo is yet overpowered: version 2002 without problems, with huge 2003 damage on his chains. his DF+D is cancelable at the 1st hit.

King is going down too. Her crounch C have less priority, so trap shot is a better anti-air now. jump CD isn't an overhead anymore.
Mirage dance as the same reach than a close C.
Venom strike goes out quickly, but move slowly and is just a 1/2 screen projectile.
Double strike as a start up as slow as Robert's fireball in 2003
Nobody seems to be able to pull out her LDM!

Voices are in a better quality, really nice!

Now voice can change depending Who fights Who. characters won't say the same things on different opponent

Exemple: Kyo VS Iori (their fight intro is 20 second long!)
With his QCF+P Iori said "Doushita!!"
VS Kyo Iori will say "Doushita Kyo!!"
with his QCF+P Kyo says "Body ga Amai ze!"
And VS Iori: "amai ze Yagami!"
More in the DMs.
With his Ya otomewhen Iori said " Asobi wa owari da! nake, sakebe, soshite SHINE!!",
he change it for a "OWARI DA, KYO!! JIGOKU NO HONOO DE MOETSUKIROU!!! SHI'NE!! " versus Kyo. (Die in the flame of hell Kyo, or something like that.)
Fro Kyo's Orochinagi he didn't says "Kurae.. YAGARE!" but "Kusanagi no shinken o misete yarou!" and when you release the button "SHINIYAGARE!!"
(Take the true technics of the kusanagis, die! or close to that...)

Yuri put some "Onee-chan" every where against Ryo. but nothing between Ryo and King.

Terry's LDM looks like a Huge Power geyser
but is still called Power stream.

Some chacaters like Robert aren't in simnce they are in NeGiBaCo. Maybe available on PS2 ports.

At the 1st day of the locktest 20 characters where playable, and only 15 at the 2nd day.
Seems that SNK is working...

Duck king will maybe leaves us in order to let Andy and maybe Mai come.

We are all mad at some point....

burning kyo
2300th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):KOF XI Thread" , posted Fri 20 May 19:07post reply

OMG ... This almost sounds too great to be real ...

Between does Iori have change of sprite ?

[welcome to the devil's nest]

145th Post

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"Re(7):Re(10):KOF XI Thread" , posted Fri 20 May 19:45post reply

The part about Duck King had better be bullshit.

Time Mage
2138th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Re(10):KOF XI Thread" , posted Fri 20 May 23:00post reply

The part about Duck King had better be bullshit.

Agree. Duck King is not only a new character, but also is cooler than May and specially Andy in my opinion.

The changes in the voices when fighting the rivals is a great addition in my opinion, I like it a lot.

37th Post

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"Re(9):Re(10):KOF XI Thread" , posted Fri 20 May 23:34post reply

The changes in the voices when fighting the rivals is a great addition in my opinion, I like it a lot.

Sounds really awesome, but... did anyone report seeing Iori at the loke? I thought he hadn't been seen at all...

"Tsuki yo ni agake."

shin ramberk
118th Post

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"Re(9):Re(10):KOF XI Thread" , posted Sat 21 May 00:12post reply

The changes in the voices when fighting the rivals is a great addition in my opinion, I like it a lot.

I totally agree. Damn, too cool.

Go buy the new Warlock series by Marvel. It is good support this title!

163th Post

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"Re(10):Re(10):KOF XI Thread" , posted Sat 21 May 00:46:post reply

w00t speech change, not a bad idea. I'm kinda confused about these nerfs they put in each year...instead of balancing the game, they make it worst most of the time. plus nothing even new is add...seems to me like its just an excuse to make the game seem remotly new. 'so lets add some delay to xxxx's punch so he seems diff, and lets put it back in KOFXII' seems like a cycle to me. = \
(meh..thats my 2 cents)
edit: athena pantsu! w00t!

[this message was edited by Altf4 on Sat 21 May 00:47]

1718th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(10):Re(10):KOF XI Thread" , posted Sat 21 May 06:33:post reply


Sounds really awesome, but... did anyone report seeing Iori at the loke? I thought he hadn't been seen at all...

Iori was a boss or something. You couldn't play him but you could fight against him.

EDIT: as for Duck King, I don't know who said he was removed from the game entirely, but from what I understand that's wrong. He was just greyed out on the select screen and made unselectable.

Off with your nose

[this message was edited by Gojira on Sat 21 May 06:36]

38th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):KOF XI Thread" , posted Sat 21 May 08:05post reply


Iori was a boss or something. You couldn't play him but you could fight against him.

Ah, okay. That gives me hope that the speech change rumor is real. That would be good.

"Tsuki yo ni agake."

1180th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):KOF XI Thread" , posted Sat 21 May 10:48post reply


King is going down too. Her crounch C have less priority, so trap shot is a better anti-air now. jump CD isn't an overhead anymore.
Mirage dance as the same reach than a close C.
Venom strike goes out quickly, but move slowly and is just a 1/2 screen projectile.
Double strike as a start up as slow as Robert's fireball in 2003
Nobody seems to be able to pull out her LDM!

Her slow but steady devolution into a useless character continues.

They damn well better beef her up once this game is out!

Shingo The One
541th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(6):Re(10):KOF XI Thread" , posted Sat 21 May 14:10post reply

More new from Orochinagi:

About the time up and judge system:
Like we already know it's not the life bar but your fighting style that make a winner, but How?
It seems that there is a bar under the timer and each time your makeing a combo, she grows. but with combo I mean combo like this:
cC -> 6A -> qcb K with K',
It's not the N° of hits but the different N° of moves in it, that will count.

Athena seesm to be ubber nicely animated, it seems that we can see her underwear...
His LDM Phoenix transformation is pretty

Ash as been towned down, his projectile has been delayed at the start up, and is slower.

Oswald and Elisabeth seems extremely powerfull, but SNK wish to take as much time for KOF 11 as NGBC, so they will be better balanced. Oswald can do a ->+B then LDM...

Impacts looks similar to Neowave, and 2003 high pushback isn't there anymore.

Duolon is downed down. His qcf P + hcb P + f+K, got a lag at the end so no more infinite. the only thing he can do after that is a super cancel on his spirit DM.

Shen Woo got a new move that looks similar to King's mirage kick. Is still the characters who deal the biggest damage in one blow.

K' have syill the same Seiyu, but it's seems that now it sound really close to Dante.
His flame color change with his 2P color.(Bleh!)

Kyo is yet overpowered: version 2002 without problems, with huge 2003 damage on his chains. his DF+D is cancelable at the 1st hit.

King is going down too. Her crounch C have less priority, so trap shot is a better anti-air now. jump CD isn't an overhead anymore.
Mirage dance as the same reach than a close C.
Venom strike goes out quickly, but move slowly and is just a 1/2 screen projectile.
Double strike as a start up as slow as Robert's fireball in 2003
Nobody seems to be able to pull out her LDM!

Voices are in a better quality, really nice!

Now voice can change depending Who fights Who. characters won't say the same things on different opponent

Exemple: Kyo VS Iori (their fight intro is 20 second long!)
With his QCF+P Iori said "Doushita!!"
VS Kyo Iori will say "Doushita Kyo!!"
with his QCF+P Kyo says "Body ga Amai ze!"
And VS Iori: "amai ze Yagami!"
More in the DMs.
With his Ya otomewhen Iori said " Asobi wa owari da! nake, sakebe, soshite SHINE!!",
he change it for a "OWARI DA, KYO!! JIGOKU NO HONOO DE MOETSUKIROU!!! SHI'NE!! " versus Kyo. (Die in the flame of hell Kyo, or something like that.)
Fro Kyo's Orochinagi he didn't says "Kurae.. YAGARE!" but "Kusanagi no shinken o misete yarou!" and when you release the button "SHINIYAGARE!!"
(Take the true technics of the kusanagis, die! or close to that...)

Yuri put some "Onee-chan" every where against Ryo. but nothing between Ryo and King.

Terry's LDM looks like a Huge Power geyser
but is still called Power stream.

Some chacaters like Robert aren't in simnce they are in NeGiBaCo. Maybe available on PS2 ports.

At the 1st day of the locktest 20 characters where playable, and only 15 at the 2nd day.
Seems that SNK is working...

Duck king will maybe leaves us in order to let Andy and maybe Mai come.

Thank you so very much Naruto for this unbelievable update.It seems that The King Of Fighters XI may truly be, after the good direction shown and taken by KOF2K3, the best KOF ever.And
1.We're not at the end of this one-of-a-kind franchise, and
2.We don't even know how powerful is The One.
The waiting phase kicks in ever strong.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

549th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):KOF XI Thread" , posted Sat 21 May 15:22:post reply


Her slow but steady devolution into a useless character continues.

They damn well better beef her up once this game is out!

I disagree. She was REALLY stupidly good in 2003. I didn't give her much of a shot in 99 but I've always heard that that was a good year for her as well. I'm not too sure on most other years, but King has never really been truly "useless" in any game. At least not to the level that Capcom made her in CvS2 or anything, right?

EDIT: I do agree, however, that they could find better ways to balance her than just nerfing a lot one year, fixing it the next, and then making her even better just to ruin it the following year. It's a stupid cycle but it occurs with other KOF characters who have been around for a while, I guess.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

[this message was edited by Nate on Sat 21 May 15:24]

118th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):Re(10):KOF XI Thread" , posted Sat 21 May 16:20post reply

Soundin' Pretty good. I hope Duck is in, the rival voice addition is soundin' really cool :D


354th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):KOF XI Thread" , posted Mon 23 May 19:02post reply


Her slow but steady devolution into a useless character continues.

They damn well better beef her up once this game is out!

I guess you never heard of Neowave?

2669th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):Re(10):KOF XI Thread" , posted Tue 24 May 01:55post reply

haha no joe and no mai? my girlfriend will not even touch this game.

And without joe...I don't know, that makes me uncomfortable.

1056th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):Re(10):Re(10):KOF XI Thread" , posted Tue 24 May 14:43post reply

haha no joe and no mai? my girlfriend will not even touch this game.

And without joe...I don't know, that makes me uncomfortable.

Dude, you.

Did you get my email? I can never tell if you didn't receive the email or if you're busy.

6551th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):Re(10):KOF XI Thread" , posted Tue 24 May 19:49post reply

Did you get my email? I can never tell if you didn't receive the email or if you're busy

He can't read YOUR emails because he's reading MINE ! AAAAHahahahahahahahahahahaoh shit I'm late.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

1058th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(8):Re(10):Re(10):KOF XI Thread" , posted Wed 25 May 00:29post reply

Did you get my email? I can never tell if you didn't receive the email or if you're busy
He can't read YOUR emails because he's reading MINE ! AAAAHahahahahahahahahahahaoh shit I'm late.

I'll have to kill you. Someday. And then all the ii otoko in the world would finally belong to me.

2677th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):Re(10):KOF XI Thread" , posted Wed 25 May 00:54post reply


Did you get my email? I can never tell if you didn't receive the email or if you're busy.

yeah, did you not get my reply? I switched to gmail for managing my ic stuff, so maybe it got eaten. I shall remail!

6555th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Re(10):Re(10):KOF XI Thread" , posted Wed 25 May 02:53post reply

Uho! ii otoko !

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

188th Post

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"Re(9):Re(10):Re(10):KOF XI Thread" , posted Thu 26 May 01:44post reply

So, we have confirmed release dates, don't we?

According to Ko-Hatsu, Hokuto no Ken will come on October and KOF XI in November (Nejibako is July).

I really wish I could see more images from both games...


Shingo The One
543th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):KOF XI Thread" , posted Thu 26 May 14:17post reply

So, we have confirmed release dates, don't we?

According to Ko-Hatsu, Hokuto no Ken will come on October and KOF XI in November (Nejibako is July).

I really wish I could see more images from both games...

Hey tenguman, thanks a lot man for the release dates.Well, there's no doubt now that this year sure will be an unforgettable one indeed, thanks to all this hot stuff.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

3065th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):KOF XI Thread" , posted Thu 26 May 17:21:post reply

So, we have confirmed release dates, don't we?

According to Ko-Hatsu, Hokuto no Ken will come on October and KOF XI in November (Nejibako is July).

I really wish I could see more images from both games...

Here Tenguman, the only Hokuto no ken screen I've found...



We are all mad at some point....

[this message was edited by NARUTO on Thu 26 May 17:33]