"Manga Head" hair gel OR - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Dr Baghead
3442th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

""Manga Head" hair gel" , posted Mon 16 May 06:34:post reply


I'm not even gonna say anything, I think this page speaks for itself

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

[this message was edited by Dr Baghead on Mon 16 May 06:35]


371th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):" , posted Mon 16 May 06:55post reply

This was posted some days ago, and you are right, the page speaks by itself...

Narutards will buy this gel in a compulsory way, though...

811th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):" , posted Mon 16 May 07:42post reply

This was posted some days ago, and you are right, the page speaks by itself...

Narutards will buy this gel in a compulsory way, though...

oh man im crying


Undead Fred
2378th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"HAY GUYZ BUY UR CRAZEY KID MANGA HAIRS!!!!!!!" , posted Mon 16 May 07:50post reply


I'm not even gonna say anything, I think this page speaks for itself

Heh heh heh. Yeah, I saw this before... man, it's really really sad. I can't wait until I see someone walking around like this, though... especially if they speak Sodom Japanese. COMEDY GOLD.

1708th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):HAY GUYZ BUY UR CRAZEY KID MANGA HAIRS!" , posted Mon 16 May 14:46post reply

Off with your nose

631th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):HAY GUYZ BUY UR CRAZEY KID MANGA HAIRS!" , posted Mon 16 May 15:01post reply

Sodom Japanese. COMEDY GOLD.

DIE JOB DEATH CAR? Go clack, jaw boot! I can't wait! Sodom's kabuki gear was too cool for anime hair, though.


6505th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):" , posted Mon 16 May 17:40post reply

Maybe YOU don't have to cope with that guy on every wall of the subway in your city, you lucky asshole.

Now, I'm putting my sunglasses ON everytime I go down some stairs in a desperate attempt to avoid his ambiguously bored attempt of an attitude.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

142th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):" , posted Mon 16 May 18:55post reply

Heh... I saw the ads for it in the subway... It's called "Manga Look" and not "Manga Head" here, though.

7th Post

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New Customer

"Re(2):" , posted Mon 16 May 19:06post reply

Pathetic, i don't need those overprized gel of perlinpinpin to get a manga gross style
My own filth and my épi (dunno how to translate this, in english the word is ear but i don't think that the expression apply as in french) are more than enough to be laughed at by other people.
Cause of u americans (yeah ure always at fault) the subculture of manga has become some preteen lolita fashion disgusting thing.
Dun care if what i wrote is ununderstandable, it's a shout from my heart.

O toi le plus savant et le plus beau des Anges Dieu trahi par le sort et privé de louanges O Satan prends pitié de ma longue misère!

1107th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):" , posted Mon 16 May 19:38post reply

Regardless of the comical marketing approach, I'd (even) put "Stupid Bitch Goop" in my hair if it gave me the style and control I wanted.

908th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):" , posted Mon 16 May 21:09post reply


Cause of u americans (yeah ure always at fault) the subculture of manga has become some preteen lolita fashion disgusting thing.

Really? That's fascinating! Tell me more about this preteen lolita fashion disgusting thing.

p.s. Isn't it funny that, with you having said that, this Manga Head travesty is only sold in Europe? Interesting..!

88th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):" , posted Mon 16 May 21:18post reply

I hope to one day use this product to take over the world

join the m.bison hat club today
i'm not just the president i'm also a client

328th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(4):" , posted Mon 16 May 23:37post reply

Regardless of the comical marketing approach, I'd (even) put "Stupid Bitch Goop" in my hair if it gave me the style and control I wanted.


8th Post

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New Customer

"Re(4):" , posted Tue 17 May 00:19post reply

Well it's not that there is really hentai lolicon for u, just that i wrote this several words together for fun
still there is a program on a cable tv called girls (i think) and the program is named Kawaii and from what ive seen it's all about preteen girls shouting kawaii without really knowing what it means

– O douleur! ô douleur! Le Temps mange la vie
Et l'obscur Ennemi qui nous ronge le coeur
Du sang que nous perdons croît et se fortifie!

4154th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"@AOL" , posted Tue 17 May 00:22post reply


Well it's not that there is really hentai lolicon for u, just that i wrote this several words together for fun
still there is a program on a cable tv called girls (i think) and the program is named Kawaii and from what ive seen it's all about preteen girls shouting kawaii without really knowing what it means


256th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):" , posted Tue 17 May 01:15post reply


Akira Toriyama should be suing their sorry asses! 7 balls with a star inside... not even subtle!

I wonder how those punks did before this miracle product...


Undead Fred
2379th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):" , posted Tue 17 May 04:17post reply

Akira Toriyama should be suing their sorry asses! 7 balls with a star inside... not even subtle!

I wonder how those punks did before this miracle product...

Step 1: Scoop large handfuls of Totally Just Like Japanimation Hair Gel.

Step 2: Smear liberally through entire head of hair.

Step 3: After applying as much as possible, whip your neck in any direction you like (we recommend a quick clockwise motion or a short "headbang" motion).

Step 4: Go to sleep.

In the morning, go look in the mirror! Because now you totally look just like the japanimation folks you kids love so much!

373th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(2):" , posted Tue 17 May 05:09post reply

I hope to one day use this product to take over the world

Make a doujin about it

1152th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):" , posted Tue 17 May 14:29post reply

Finally, something to wear with my DBZ print shirts.