Random E3 GBA/DS/PS2?! stuff - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Random E3 GBA/DS/PS2?! stuff" , posted Tue 17 May 05:52post reply

It seems that the DS port of Gyakuten Saiban will have you shout, "OBJECTION!!!" into the mic. Hot damn.

Sigma Star Saga for GBA has you fighting an alien race named the krill, which is one of the worst names they could possibly have picked. Yes, it sounds like a typical space-alieny name, but krill are a real life species of small shrimp-like sea animals... which are food for a lot of other things in the sea. The moment I read that the hero was fighting the sinister krill, I did a double take because that sounded funny as all hell. The shooting sections sound fun though, what with the random generation, exp upgraded weapons and adjustable choke on the barrel.

I wonder if they'll show anything of the new (in NA) Fire Emblem GBA game at the E3... and if they do, will they indicate anything about the hot, hot, incestuous subplots that lie therein. They might be onegai twins... no wait, they ARE twins.

For reasons unknown, Capcom is unveiling a new Final Fight (?!?!??!?!wtf?!?!?!) game which sounds just like... Beat Down! And is also for the PS2! wth. It is also ugly looking in the screenshots.

Capcom is making a game called Devil Kings, whose gameplay description sounds a lot like Dynasty Warriors. But since all we have is a description, it will likely be completely different by the time the game actually gets made and then is subsequently aborted after garnering tremendous fan interest. I pre-emptively damn you for a wholly speculative and hypothetical act, Capcom.

Capcom will also be making a Mega Man Battle Net game for the DS. This is no surprise. The blue bomber will be fighting an evil corporation bent on taking over the internet. This really means that Mega Man is going to symbolize Microsoft in their heroic struggle against the subversive thrusts of Google.


burning kyo
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Random E3 GBA/DS/PS2?! stuff" , posted Tue 17 May 05:58post reply

Capcom is making a game called Devil Kings, whose gameplay description sounds a lot like Dynasty Warriors. But since all we have is a description, it will likely be completely different by the time the game actually gets made and then is subsequently aborted after garnering tremendous fan interest. I pre-emptively damn you for a wholly speculative and hypothetical act, Capcom.

It's just the US name for "Sengoku Basara".

[welcome to the devil's nest]

974th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Shadow Hearts From the New World" , posted Tue 17 May 06:06post reply

Capcom is making a game called Devil Kings, whose gameplay description sounds a lot like Dynasty Warriors. But since all we have is a description, it will likely be completely different by the time the game actually gets made and then is subsequently aborted after garnering tremendous fan interest. I pre-emptively damn you for a wholly speculative and hypothetical act, Capcom.

It's just the US name for "Sengoku Basara".

Then I damn you, instead.

1294th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Dead Rising" , posted Tue 17 May 06:14post reply

Capcom's also shown off their first 360 game called Dead Rising. It's a third person action game where you're supposed to use innovative ways to take down hoards of zombies. It seems pretty similar to Mizuguchi's Ninety-Nine Nights where there's hundreds of characters on screen at the same time... although people are saying the visuals don't look very next gen (like 90% of the 360 games so far)