Wake Up! Its the PS3 - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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1007th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Wake Up! Its the PS3" , posted Tue 17 May 15:21post reply

From Firstadopter.com

They have the piccies.
They have the specs. Here are the speccies:

-Blu-Ray media support with 6x today's DVD storage
-Support for CD-ROM, CDR+W, DVD, DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD+R
-Backwards compatibility to PS2 and PS1 (touche Xbox 360)
-Memory Stick Duo, SD, and Compact Flash memory slots
-Detachable 2.5 inch hard-drive
-Support for 7 Bluetooth controllers
-6 USB slots (4 in front, 2 in the back
-3.2 Ghz Cell processor with 2.18 teraflops of performance
-255mb XDR RAM at 3.2ghz, 256mb GDDR VRAM at 700mhz

RSX "Reality Synthesizer" graphics based on Nvidia technology is the eye catcher. It will have 128 bit pixel precision, support 1080p resolution (wow!), and take 300 million transistors. The RSX is more than twice as powerful as the best PC graphics cards today. The console will also support video conferencing, internet acccess, digital photos, etc. It's a home media entertainment Battle Royale vs. Microsoft.

Lol. The industry and the gamers are so fscked. How is anyone going to be able to afford the technology and the games? Will game prices go up as development costs sky rocket? Will Nintendo trump everyone with affordability and inovation? Will Sega stop their skyscraper drop of suckiness?

So many questions....

Bored? "160"


93th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):Wake Up! Its the PS3" , posted Tue 17 May 15:25post reply

Any quote on price? I remember hearing something somewhere about there being a "consumer model" and a "master system" but don't really remember the differences.

Wither Blister Burn + Peel

618th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Wake Up! Its the PS3" , posted Tue 17 May 15:34post reply

All I gotta say is I can hear Mr. Gates going 'oh shit' as they start talking about how PS3 has twice the power of the Xbox 360...

At the same time ... lets see how it effects GAMEPLAY! GAMEPLAY!

I like the fact that if you have 2 HD TVs (ie, you're a rich bastard) you can do a dual display with either a panoramic view or a status display/map.

I really hope that they do something good with the gameplay though...

Proud Supporter of Next Generation GAMEPLAY

183th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(3):Wake Up! Its the PS3" , posted Tue 17 May 16:09post reply

It's looking nice, but between this and the X-box 360, I am getting kind of sad that the term 'video game console' is going out the window. I mean, I like having a multi-media entertainment complex, but you know, sometimes I want to buy something for games and just games. Not only that, but I am sure the customer is still paying extra for all these added benefits. I just want to play games. Plus, sometimes that is all I have extra pocket money to do. If I want to do other multi-media stuff, I got a computer for that. Otherwise, I wouldn't be posting this on the web while downloading stuff. If I want a multi-media home media entertainment center machine thingie that also plays games... well... computers also already do that. They play these kinda widely known things called PC games.

The Einherjar Hachitoushi -- The 8 Warriors of the Ragnarok Plan

1301th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"videos up at gametrailers" , posted Tue 17 May 16:14:post reply

Yeah we know... it's in the E3 thread... both Gamespot and IGN have been doing a good job of covering the conference as it was hapenning a couple hours ago. I just finished watching the demo videos on Gamespot and WOW... I'm totally floored. PS3 has a much stronger showing than 360... and supposedly all the footage was generated in realtime.

About Sega not sucking anymore... Fifth Phantom Saga looks incredible... and really unlike any Sonic Team game I've seen before... it has a much darker, fps feel to it... although the corridors kind of reminded me of Burning Rangers.

The three FPS games all looked like they could be Halo killers... Killzone 2 looked especially incredible. I was surprised with Insomoniac's fps game... they're definitely ditching Ratchet and Clank for a much more mature game. Ubisoft's Killing Time looked the least pretty of the 3... but the environments were completely destructable... a guy pretty much took out an entire hallway with 2 handguns.

The Tekken demo was short but sweet... just Jin doing some moves with some close up shots showing how detailed the model was... actually I wouldn't be surprised if it's his model used in the Tekken 4 FMV... sure looks like it.

One game demo that I haven't seen any site write about yet was Eyedentiy... or Eyedentify... something like that... anyway it uses the Eye Toy. Essentially it showed two anime style girls walking around and I guy in the corner of the screen using his eye toy and giving verbal commands that the characters could understand... it was kind of like Seaman... but with cute anime chicks.

Motor Storm looked really gritty... I thought it was kind of cool how the truck was kicking up mud on the screen. Devil May Cry 4, Heavenly Sword, Oh-ni... hell they all look awesome... just go to Gamespot and watch the videos. I'm hoping gametrailers will upload some higher quality vids soon.

edit- videos are up at gametrailers.com! hot damn I'm watching everything over again!

[this message was edited by Fuchikoma on Tue 17 May 16:19]

620th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):videos up at gametrailers" , posted Tue 17 May 16:47:post reply

That Killzone 2 trailer, if that's real time... I don't know what to say...

I'm still picking my jaw up off the floor.

PS: EternalNewbie, there's always Nintendo(?)

Proud Supporter of Next Generation GAMEPLAY

[this message was edited by Ktallguy on Tue 17 May 16:56]

1153th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):videos up at gametrailers" , posted Tue 17 May 16:56post reply

Chet: "Get out the drool cup!"
Erik: "In use, my friend! Drooool!"
Chet: "Then break out the scraper, because someone's gonna have to scrape my jaw off the floor!"
Erik: "That's also in use, to scrape my spooge off the monitor! Spoooge!"
Chet: "Ouch! Fetch me my eye medicine, because I have an eyeache from watching a whole mixed bag of eye candy!"
Erik: "All of the eye medicine's already in my eye! I'm done with the scraper, though."

1713th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):videos up at gametrailers" , posted Tue 17 May 16:57:post reply

PS2 had a pretty strong showing early on too, what with the FFVIII demo of Squall and Rinoa dancing and the crazy fighting demo that eventually became The Bouncer coming to mind. Until I see something truly playable sing and dance before my eyes I'm not going to sing its praises yet.

I've been trying to download the damn FFVII tech demo from Gamespot but I just enter an infinite loop to the main page. And I'm subscribed, WTF. Those webtards seem to fuck something up every time E3 rolls around.

So I'm downloading the DoA4 trailer from IGN right now... we'll see if it's worth anything

EDIT: JESUS, it's 450+ MB. This had better be REALLY good...

Off with your nose

[this message was edited by Gojira on Tue 17 May 17:00]

1111th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):videos up at gametrailers" , posted Tue 17 May 18:16post reply

Until I see something truly playable sing and dance before my eyes I'm not going to sing its praises yet.

Yeah, I haven't seen anything that looks like a game yet.

On an unrelated note...
I'm not concerned about costs as a consumer so much as I'm concerned about how the developers will be able to afford to produce next generation games. I'm sure companies will be willing to take hits by selling hardware for less than it took to produce. Game companies are in a tough position though, as they'll have to have pretty phenominal budgets to utilize the "full effect" of the system.

Time Mage
2129th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):videos up at gametrailers" , posted Tue 17 May 18:30post reply

I go to gametrailers. I see a big bunch of PS3 videos. then I see a single FFXII video. I start downloading FFXII video.

Sure, PS3 videos will be impressive, but, as Gojira said, Will PS3 really be able to do all of that, ir it's PS2 show all over again?

Anyway, after FFXII comes DMC4 and some more PS3 videos.

1302th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):videos up at gametrailers" , posted Tue 17 May 18:51:post reply


On an unrelated note...
I'm not concerned about costs as a consumer so much as I'm concerned about how the developers will be able to afford to produce next generation games. I'm sure companies will be willing to take hits by selling hardware for less than it took to produce. Game companies are in a tough position though, as they'll have to have pretty phenominal budgets to utilize the "full effect" of the system.

Yeah I thought about that too... God of War cost something like 3 million dollars to make. That's just a silly amount of money that a smaller company can't afford. Also I think it will cause companies to take less risks... when you have millions of dollars running on a game... the last thing you want is it to not be successful (Beyond Good and Evil anyone?). I also don't get why Blue Ray is going to be necessary... it's like what.. 6 times the size of a DVD? How many PS2 games have actually used up the full 9 gigs on two layers? ummm Xenosaga, GT4, God of War... that's about it.

I think Nintendo might be smart in this race by offering a cheaper alternative. It was just announced on IGN that Revolution is only going to be about 2 to 3 times more powerful than Gamecube... and we already know it's dimensions are the smallest of the next gen systems (PS3 is actually larger than 360).

About what PS3 demos could be realtime... I say that Killzone 2, Eyedentify, Killing Day, Motor Storm, Fifth Phantom Saga, and Insomniac's FPS (no trailer on gametrailers yet) all at least have portions that look like they are in game.

edit- oh yeah and the Gran Tourismo demo definitely looks like it's realtime since it's basically GT4 with just boosted graphics.

[this message was edited by Fuchikoma on Tue 17 May 18:54]

1112th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):videos up at gametrailers" , posted Tue 17 May 19:04post reply


Yeah I thought about that too... God of War cost something like 3 million dollars to make. That's just a silly amount of money that a smaller company can't afford. Also I think it will cause companies to take less risks... when you have millions of dollars running on a game... the last thing you want is it to not be successful

We're already seeing the disadvantage of having high production costs. The market today is crowded with sequels...many of which come way too soon after their predecessors.

I don't doubt that there are developers that will be capable of making ingenius games in the future...it's just a matter of if they'll get enough funding. And even if they DO, if the game doesn't sell millions and millions, they might not even break even.

As someone who has worked with a game company before, I feel the pain of (necessary) huge budgets. It's difficult to get funding without an amazing demo and difficult to produce an amazing demo without funding. And....even if you do produce an amazing demo, investors may be unlikely to bite. With the new hardware upping the stakes, I fear that the strong will get stronger and the "weak" talented small-time developers may never get a chance.

812th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):videos up at gametrailers" , posted Tue 17 May 19:07post reply

Chet: "Get out the drool cup!"
Erik: "In use, my friend! Drooool!"
Chet: "Then break out the scraper, because someone's gonna have to scrape my jaw off the floor!"
Erik: "That's also in use, to scrape my spooge off the monitor! Spoooge!"
Chet: "Ouch! Fetch me my eye medicine, because I have an eyeache from watching a whole mixed bag of eye candy!"
Erik: "All of the eye medicine's already in my eye! I'm done with the scraper, though."

chet is the fat girl looking one
and erik is the ministry fan

184th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(2):videos up at gametrailers" , posted Tue 17 May 19:42post reply

That Killzone 2 trailer, if that's real time... I don't know what to say...

I'm still picking my jaw up off the floor.

PS: EternalNewbie, there's always Nintendo(?)

True, but I am a bit worried. As one can see from the other reactions for the next generation consoles, Nintendo has some tough competition. They will need to focus their resources to really wow people. In order to wow people, they will at first need to focus on what their main strong point always has been, first party games.

However, the reason I am worried is that it seems Nintendo has alot of energy invested in current projects around the DS and the Gamecube. Nintendo has spread its first party resources a bit thin right now. Hype, if over done, can be a bad thing, but it is also important. One of E3's main purposes is hype. Nintendo needs to do something to grab some of that hype already being spread out among the next gen consoles. If Nintendo doesn't pull something out to wow people at E3, it will be a fairly big defeat against them. They are already taking a gamble following the traditional game console route, and they need show stuff to the people that will make them think "Hey, Nintendo has something cool here. Better than the competition".

It would seem Sony and Microsoft are a bit blood-thirsty this E3, what with X-box 360 showing off some nice stuff and Gates mentioning Halo 3 (even if there is nothing to show for it) and then we have Sony which, well, just look at this thread. My personal hope is first, the soon to be revealed Revolution will wow the people, and Nintendo will pull out some of their big guns as well. Either a complete new first party game, a new super-fun looking Mario game, the graces of a wonderful 3rd party game, or what I am really hoping will happen, a new Smash Bros. game. Let's face it, Smash Bros. was a hit for the N64 and Melee moved alot of Gamecube consoles. Nintendo can't afford to sit back on this E3. Come on Nintendo, I know you are hyping the new Legend of Zelda, and it does look great, you got some good DS games being made as well (Advance Wars DS is looking great), but remember to give the Revolution some loving. Please, remember to give the Revolution some loving...

The Einherjar Hachitoushi -- The 8 Warriors of the Ragnarok Plan

burning kyo
2295th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4): Wake up ! It's the PS3 !" , posted Tue 17 May 19:53:post reply

Oh my god ... Tekken 6 and Devil May Cry 4 ? I'm sold to Sony new machine !

But I'm very disappointed by the new controller, it looks like to the worst controllers on PC.
It'll be perfect if there's 2 slots for the dualshock 2 and old controllers.
Between, It's cool to see again a backwards compatibility to the PS1 and PS2 games, but where is the slots for the old memory cards ?

[welcome to the devil's nest]

[this message was edited by burning kyo on Tue 17 May 19:56]

6517th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):videos up at gametrailers" , posted Tue 17 May 20:11post reply

We're already seeing the disadvantage of having high production costs. The market today is crowded with sequels...many of which come way too soon after their predecessors.
I was more thinking of shorter games (Shadow Heart 1 comes in mind, with his 2-3 screen dungeons).
But I'm not very afraid for the game market. Of course, Ea, evil, etc, but Sony has the funds to lend to smaller developer teams, and guys like Square use the money (and reuse part of the models and work) they made on big FF titles in smaller games for gamers like us (FFX -> U : Saga, FFX2 -> Romamin).
It's simple : Japan has a lot of real gamers, if they don't make games for them, these people won't have anything to do and will have to rape 4 years old children in the street, so they just have to make games for them.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

3053th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5): Wake up ! It's the PS3 !" , posted Tue 17 May 20:15post reply

Oh my god ... Tekken 6 and Devil May Cry 4 ? I'm sold to Sony new machine !

But I'm very disappointed by the new controller, it looks like to the worst controllers on PC.
It'll be perfect if there's 2 slots for the dualshock 2 and old controllers.
Between, It's cool to see again a backwards compatibility to the PS1 and PS2 games, but where is the slots for the old memory cards ?

Tekken 6, DMC4 were??
As for the controler OMG!!! As you said I hope they'll create a new one or compatibility with the old one...
your memory card question is clever!! Unless the new USB key can hold PSI/2 save...

We are all mad at some point....

burning kyo
2295th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6): Wake up ! It's the PS3 !" , posted Tue 17 May 20:31post reply

Tekken 6, DMC4 were??
As for the controler OMG!!! As you said I hope they'll create a new one or compatibility with the old one...
your memory card question is clever!! Unless the new USB key can hold PSI/2 save...

>>> http://www.the-magicbox.com/

But how will you keep your old saves anyway ?

[welcome to the devil's nest]

3055th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7): Wake up ! It's the PS3 !" , posted Tue 17 May 20:46post reply

>>> http://www.the-magicbox.com/

But how will you keep your old saves anyway ?

You won't! you'll need to restart everything!

thank for the link!

We are all mad at some point....

1226th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Wake Up! Its the PS3" , posted Tue 17 May 20:48post reply

It's looking nice, but between this and the X-box 360, I am getting kind of sad that the term 'video game console' is going out the window. I mean, I like having a multi-media entertainment complex, but you know, sometimes I want to buy something for games and just games. Not only that, but I am sure the customer is still paying extra for all these added benefits.

You're not really paying extra for the added benefits. Take a look at the original Xbox, for example. The Xbox has a hard drive, an ethernet port, and high quality TV video outputs, all of which are used by many Xbox games, but you can't transfer video files off your PC and play them on an HDTV in another room with your Xbox. With a modded Xbox, however, you can. The difference? A ridiculously small amount of software that probably wouldn't take more than a few hours for Microsoft's programmers to code. That's it. A modded Xbox is just "unlocking" what the hardware is already capable of and the Xbox 360 is just doing the same thing right out of the box.

Same thing with the PS2. Everyone complained that it "wasn't a game console any more" because it played DVD movies, but the only reason why it played them was because it had a DVD-ROM drive for bigger games. DVD-ROM drives, by their very nature, play DVD movies very easily, so what was Sony supposed to do? Leave the cheap DVD feature out for the sake of "purity"?

I also don't get why Blue Ray is going to be necessary... it's like what.. 6 times the size of a DVD? How many PS2 games have actually used up the full 9 gigs on two layers? ummm Xenosaga, GT4, God of War... that's about it.

I think that after the Nintendo 64, every console maker learned the lesson that "more is better". Blu-Ray DVDs may seem useless now, but five years from now when you're burning videos onto your own Blu-Ray DVDs, or buying DVD movies on the Blu-Ray DVD format (if Sony gets their wish!), you'll be glad that your Sony hardware isn't totally gimped until the PS4 is released seven or so years from now.

The PSP is also a good example of this. I wouldn't be surprised if Sony added CompactFlash and SD card slots to the PS3 after realizing that using only the Memory Stick format on the PSP has been a small disaster. Its multimedia capabilities are gimped by the fact that the Memory Stick is the most cost prohibitive memory card format, but Sony probably isn't really getting a massive revenue boost from it because most people are probably buying the licensed SanDisk or Lexar versions instead of ultra-high-margin Sony brand Memory Sticks anyway. And so far the response to the Memory Stick format on the PSP has been pretty universal: "1) Wow, the Memory Stick format sucks! 2) Wow, Sony sucks, too!"

All in all it seems pretty good to me. I just wish we had more non-FMV demos so we could actually evaluate its capabilities instead of asking each other, "Is that FMV? Yeah, I think that's FMV. Are you sure? Kinda sure, yeah."

burning kyo
2296th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8): Wake up ! It's the PS3 !" , posted Tue 17 May 20:49post reply

You won't ! you'll need to restart everything !
Thank for the link !

Man ... That totally sucks IMO !

No problem.

[welcome to the devil's nest]

6518th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9): Wake up ! It's the PS3 !" , posted Tue 17 May 21:40post reply

Also, about the Blue Ray format : since domestic BR burners have not been released yet, the little pir@tes who never bought a single game for their modded console will have to wait a few more years before they can continue their l33t mischiefs.

Actually, I'm suprised Microsoft, with their anti hacker policy, uses DVD on the 360.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

1359th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(10): Wake up ! It's the PS3 !" , posted Tue 17 May 22:09post reply

Board ate my post, so I'll just say my lengthy impressions of the conference are up at got-next.com. It was a good, but slightly disappointing showing for Sony. I think they needed just one more month and it would have utterly crushed MS just like they're going to do in the marketplace.

Ammadeau.net - My own personal waste of time.

374th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(10): Wake up ! It's the PS3 !" , posted Tue 17 May 22:14post reply

Also, about the Blue Ray format : since domestic BR burners have not been released yet, the little pir@tes who never bought a single game for their modded console will have to wait a few more years before they can continue their l33t mischiefs.

Weren't they supposed to appear in the market this fall? In that case, they'd be able to start pirating games just when PS3 hits the shelves...

And this PS1-PS2 backwards compatibility is great news for me...I was wondering what to do, but I will definitely wait for PS3 now I know I'll be able to play my pirated PS1&PS2 games on it...

1302th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Re(10): Wake up ! It's the PS3 !" , posted Wed 18 May 01:19post reply


Weren't they supposed to appear in the market this fall? In that case, they'd be able to start pirating games just when PS3 hits the shelves...

And this PS1-PS2 backwards compatibility is great news for me...I was wondering what to do, but I will definitely wait for PS3 now I know I'll be able to play my pirated PS1&PS2 games on it...

As the resident pirate here... I guess I should say my 2 cents. I don't doubt that piracy will eventually come to PS3 and 360... but this time around I think it's going to be very difficult. There's already new protection schemes that have yet to be broken, when the PC version of Splinter Cell 3 was released with Starforce3 protecting it... a lot of pirates just gave up. Months later and it's still yet to be cracked... and now many companies are picking up on it.

Blue Ray won't be a huge obstacle with the system having an HD... there will likely be some HD loader that shows up similar to the PS2 one. The main deterant will be the heavy online features... both Sony and M$ will be able to keep tabs on you modding your system. PS2 already can detect mod chips if you try to play online and each game has it's own unique DNS code that it looks for when you connect to the internet. It's safe to say that online play is going to be the major focus of the next generation... and well most pirated games just can't be played online.

376th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(2):videos up at gametrailers" , posted Wed 18 May 02:33post reply


PS2 had a pretty strong showing early on too, what with the FFVIII demo of Squall and Rinoa dancing and the crazy fighting demo that eventually became The Bouncer coming to mind. Until I see something truly playable sing and dance before my eyes I'm not going to sing its praises yet.

Right. If Sony is good at doing anything it is hype, and I would not be surprised if they had the best showing of E3. However until they prove otherwise, 2.18 teraflops on the PS3 sounds a lot like 55 million polygons on the PS2 to me.

Pointless Side Note: Is Sony reusing the Spiderman logo font for the PS3 mockups?

593th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):videos up at gametrailers" , posted Wed 18 May 03:44post reply

That fucking d-pad...

1361th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):videos up at gametrailers" , posted Wed 18 May 05:16post reply

Yeah, it's the same Spiderman font. Kind of irritated me to be honest.

While Sony talked a lot of numbers, they backed them up in a big way with all the real-time demos they showcased, all in high definition with the most tiny details.

As for piracy, while they didn't mention it specificly, there was some vague info about an entirely new copy protection scheme. Remember it took them a pretty long time to crack the PS2. If the PS3 is cracked at all, it'll be pretty late in their lifespan. The fact it plays writable media is pretty confident they can prevent piracy.

Ammadeau.net - My own personal waste of time.

353th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(5):videos up at gametrailers" , posted Wed 18 May 15:18post reply

2300 sq ft hdtv..I wonder who made that.

Gotta say, Sony just laid the big one.. I love that cup and water interaction

1113th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(6):videos up at gametrailers" , posted Wed 18 May 16:00post reply

I don't know where to say this, since there's topics about everything all over the place, but after seeing the DOA4 trailer, I'm sold. I don't think I've said a single nice thing about DOA on this board, because I was a fan that was betrayed, but I feel quite good about DOA4 after seeing it in motion.

I still don't like the renders, but the interactions with the environments and the tons of extra animations they've added to the characters look amazing. The environments didn't feel like part of the fights in DOA3/DOAU, but now they seem well integrated and the characters seem to belong in them as well. It's not just that, though...the characters interact with EACH OTHER better than before, so you have a real feeling that a fight is going on, which many 3D fighters lack.

1313th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):videos up at gametrailers" , posted Wed 18 May 17:08post reply


As for piracy, while they didn't mention it specificly, there was some vague info about an entirely new copy protection scheme. Remember it took them a pretty long time to crack the PS2.

PS2 was actually cracked pretty soon since the launch games were all CD based... now a development of a modchip to play copies... that took some time. The PSP UMD was also cracked in record time... and it's only a matter of time until someone gets the isos running off of a memory stick. However to counter this, future PSP games will check if you have the proper bios (i.e. not the bios that allow unsigned code) before allowing you to play. I imagine PS3 will be similar... everytime you connect to Sony's network they'll check if you've modded anything, what pron you've been watching, etc.

Time Mage
2131th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):videos up at gametrailers" , posted Wed 18 May 18:44post reply

I don't know where to say this, since there's topics about everything all over the place, but after seeing the DOA4 trailer, I'm sold. I don't think I've said a single nice thing about DOA on this board, because I was a fan that was betrayed, but I feel quite good about DOA4 after seeing it in motion.

I still don't like the renders, but the interactions with the environments and the tons of extra animations they've added to the characters look amazing. The environments didn't feel like part of the fights in DOA3/DOAU, but now they seem well integrated and the characters seem to belong in them as well. It's not just that, though...the characters interact with EACH OTHER better than before, so you have a real feeling that a fight is going on, which many 3D fighters lack.

I have to agree. DOA4 trailer is the one that has impressed me more, maybe because is the only one that's really showing in-game footage, and because the great environment interaction. Heh, the temple stairs scene is great.

622th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(7):videos up at gametrailers" , posted Wed 18 May 19:03post reply

...I don't think I've said a single nice thing about DOA on this board, because I was a fan that was betrayed, but I feel quite good about DOA4 after seeing it in motion.

I'm just curious why you were betrayed? How so?

DOA4 looks quite nice graphically, and I do like the extra animations and environment interactivity... I'm just wondering how the gameplay will be... I wonder if it'll be the same system or not... a lot of people were complaining about the high damage of counters in the DOA remake...

Proud Supporter of Next Generation GAMEPLAY

1115th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(8):videos up at gametrailers" , posted Wed 18 May 19:36post reply


I'm just curious why you were betrayed? How so?

I'm going to get into another argument about DOA that won't be resolved for saying this, but...whatever.

DOA3 didn't make many improvements over DOA2, and with nothing to offer but marginally improved gameplay, it got very old, very fast. DOAU was a complete waste of time (excluding its online capabilities), especially for people who had already spent enough time with DOA 2 and 3.

Also, I don't like the renders or the character designs, I think they look generic and dated. This can easily be overcome by good costume design, though. I really hope they do something with DOA4 like they did with Tekken 5, where they have outside artists design costumes, as I'm convinced that nobody at Tecmo has any sense at all.

When DOA first came out, and moreso with DOA2, it felt like something new and fresh with edgey design. Now, those old designs are laughable and they haven't progressed enough to match the times.

I may end up feeling betrayed after DOA4 as well, but for now, it looks reasonably promising. Of course, I think I'm a minority, because most people who like DOA don't see any of the problems I see. They probably also like "mainstream" anime characters and aren't picky about design.

1003th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(9):videos up at gametrailers" , posted Wed 18 May 21:47post reply

:: walks in all late ::

Okay, so I'm away from the net one day and everything comes out...LOL!

Must get ps3, there's a $100 a month I have to save now. The selling point will alway be GT, I love that damn racing game. Devil May Cry looked alright, very nice ^_^. Tho I don't play tekken as much as my bf, I have to say Namco has gotten a very nice look to their textures.... very very nice.

161th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(10):videos up at gametrailers" , posted Thu 19 May 02:30:post reply

The selling point will alway be GT, I love that damn racing game.

i wish i can agree, what's the high point of the new GT anyways? last one was just Bspec and a lot more cars, other than that, the game feels mostly similar.

can some one link a pic of he PS3 controller??

edit:nm found it in the next thread

You've been very bad~ Now off to the gas chamber!

[this message was edited by lunatic on Thu 19 May 02:40]

6525th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Christian games on X Box 360" , posted Thu 19 May 02:41:post reply

Can anyone provide me with an english source for this ?

EDIT : found it !

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

[this message was edited by Iggy on Thu 19 May 02:47]

1529th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Christian games on X Box 360" , posted Sat 21 May 11:58post reply

Can anyone provide me with an english source for this ?

EDIT : found it !


They're outsourcing Elmo and putting Cookie Monster on a diet...WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?!?