Nintendo Revolution thread - Forums

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1303th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Nintendo Revolution thread" , posted Wed 18 May 01:43post reply

It's chugging slow right now... but Gamespot has pictures of the Revolution that ran in USA Today this morning. From the Dimensions already released I knew it was small... but damn that thing looks like it's just an external hard drive or something.

In case you haven't heard yet... only 2 to 3 times more powerful than Gamecube. It's Backwards compatible, plays DVDs, and will feature tons of downloadable content including classics nes,snes, and even downloadable Gamecube games. Wireless controllers, can communicate with DS... but the actual controller design that has everyone so curious has not been shown.

In fact I believe the Nintendo press conference is happening right now... too bad none of the live web casts are free. :(


Time Mage
2130th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Nintendo Revolution thread" , posted Wed 18 May 01:53post reply

In fact I believe the Nintendo press conference is happening right now... too bad none of the live web casts are free. :(

So true... I naively thought some could be, so I could have it playing in the background while studying... ;_;

88th Post

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Occasional Customer

"eaten alive" , posted Wed 18 May 01:57:post reply

In every other forum I am getting eaten alive for my opinion, but ...

In a rather significant piece of bad news for Nintendo fans, the New York Times today reported that the Revolution will be the only next-gen system not to provide support for HDTV resolutions.

Games created for two next-generation consoles - the Xbox 360 from Microsoft and the PlayStation 3 from Sony - will display video in wide-screen high-definition format if the console is connected to a high-definition TV. Only Nintendo's entry, code-named Revolution, will not cater to HDTV's.

Fuck?! That is awesome news! Am I the only one thinking that it was a smart move to do this? I mean, it is not like they WON'T support it, they are just not catering to it. Hell the GC has more HD games than the PS2, the Revolution will not, not make HD games, it will just not be the focus.

At least one video game company knows where to put their focus.

Actually, I think this is the most exciting thing to develop from E3 so far.

How the hell does video conferencing, internet acccess, digital photos, reading a million different and beating deep blue at chess help a game system/company? How does a 3 million dollar minimum budget for a game to meet the standards for PS3 or 360 games help anything?

Why do all the videos and "screenshots" for every other system feel like one big lie?


[this message was edited by Shapermc on Wed 18 May 02:00]

3363th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):eaten alive" , posted Wed 18 May 01:59post reply

In every other forum I am getting eaten alive for my opinion, but ...

[quote="NintenDojo!"]In a rather significant piece of bad news for Nintendo fans, the New York Times today reported that the Revolution will be the only next-gen system not to provide support for HDTV resolutions.

Games created for two next-generation consoles - the Xbox 360 from Microsoft and the PlayStation 3 from Sony - will display video in wide-screen high-definition format if the console is connected to a high-definition TV. Only Nintendo's entry, code-named Revolution, will not cater to HDTV's.
Fuck?! That is awesome news! Am I the only one thinking that it was a smart move to do this? I mean, it is not like they WON'T support it, they are just not catering to it. Hell the GC has more HD games than the PS2, the Revolution will not, not make HD games, it will just not be the focus.

At least one video game company knows where to put their focus.

Actually, I think this is the most exciting thing to develop from E3 so far.

How the hell does video conferencing, internet acccess, digital photos, reading a million different and beating deep blue at chess help a game system/company? How does a 3 million dollar minimum budget for a game to meet the standards for PS3 or 360 games help anything?

Why do all the videos and "screenshots" for every other system feel like one big lie?



1304th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Nintendo Revolution thread" , posted Wed 18 May 02:00post reply

Engagdet is doing the next best thing... they're sending live updates from the conference. It's just now starting since there was a delay... Fire Marshel said the room was over-crowded. LOL that's too much... :) So now Iwata's just up there babbling how Nintendo is about making games... no controller yet.

89th Post

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"Re(2):eaten alive" , posted Wed 18 May 02:02:post reply


You quoted everything so my ability to respond to your question is none.
Be specific.

[this message was edited by Shapermc on Wed 18 May 02:03]

4159th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Nintendo Revolution thread" , posted Wed 18 May 02:03post reply

power glove

... no controller yet.

Burning Ranger
1201th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Nintendo Revolution thread" , posted Wed 18 May 02:04post reply


In case you haven't heard yet... only 2 to 3 times more powerful than Gamecube. It's Backwards compatible, plays DVDs, and will feature tons of downloadable content including classics nes,snes, and even downloadable Gamecube games. Wireless controllers, can communicate with DS... but the actual controller design that has everyone so curious has not been shown.

A new Nintendo console that can play Gamecube games? BRILLIANT!

Downloadable content? BRILLIANT!

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

"The war is over the fight is just beginning..."

1305th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Nintendo Revolution thread" , posted Wed 18 May 02:09post reply

They're showing off the DS first it seems... there's a guy on stage playing Electroplankton and saying how it has global appeals. They're also reminding folks of how the GBA has dominated the portable market.

shin ramberk
116th Post

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"Re(1):Nintendo Revolution thread" , posted Wed 18 May 02:11post reply

we'll see...

Sony could be full of hype. The PS3 may not really be that powerful. The PS2, PSX and PSP were full of hype that never lived up. So basically more of the same with prettier graphics...

Microsoft made a great console and online component. And they're building on that. So basically more of the same with prettier graphics...

Nintendo. Hrm. They are too funny. The Revolution has its act together (finally an online component), but is underpowered compared to the other two. This 'new' type of gaming better be worth it.

I like the looks of the new nintendo console. I really do.

If Nintendo can make producing games on the Revolution cheaper, more cost effective for developers. And they can bring out some innovation along with that--- that could be the killer app.

Eh whatever. I'm actually kinda overwhelmed and underwhelmed by these new consoles. Its just prettier graphics.

We'll see... (eagerly awaing what Nintendo really has up their sleeve.)

Go buy the new Warlock series by Marvel. It is good support this title!

3033th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Nintendo Revolution thread" , posted Wed 18 May 02:15post reply


In case you haven't heard yet... only 2 to 3 times more powerful than Gamecube. It's Backwards compatible, plays DVDs, and will feature tons of downloadable content including classics nes,snes, and even downloadable Gamecube games. Wireless controllers, can communicate with DS... but the actual controller design that has everyone so curious has not been shown.

A new Nintendo console that can play Gamecube games? BRILLIANT!

Downloadable content? BRILLIANT!

I'm excited about the Revolution, and will definately get one, since I always get the next Nintendo system. I may also get a PS3 and the new X-box, so I can have the X-box and PS1 and PS2 games to play on them. I'm glad Nintendo is finally going to put a little focus in online gaming, and I'm excited about this ability to download games. I'd love to download Earthbound into my Revolution, if it's possible. It's the greatest RPG ever. Well, in my opinion. Also, if a good bit of their library of NES and SNES games are available for download, I can get all the NES games I have that I can't play anymore (since my NES won't work anymore for some reason). And backwards compatibility makes me very happy.

Hungry Like the Wolf

1306th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Gameboy Micro" , posted Wed 18 May 02:20post reply

They showed off Nintendogs and then Miyamoto's dog started to hump his leg... but now the big news!

“It’s Game Boy Micro! Just a hair bigger and about two thirds the weight of an iPod mini. But it will play every Game Boy Advance game you own. It’ is not new technology, but it is a brand new look. ... It has the best and brightest screen we’ve ever put in a hand held. No matter how tight your jeans, it’ll fit in your pocket.” To market in fall, to “the image conscious consumer”. It is not a successor, but an “extension of portable play”.

185th Post

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"Re(1):Gameboy Micro" , posted Wed 18 May 02:34post reply

Happiness. Here is a quote from the live blog over at
"All Revolutions will be WiFi ready. All controllers will be wireless and the controller will be very unique. Several WiFi titles are already in development and 1-2 will be ready for launch, including Smash Bros!"
I will leave you at that.

The Einherjar Hachitoushi -- The 8 Warriors of the Ragnarok Plan

1520th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):eaten alive" , posted Wed 18 May 02:35:post reply

Fuck?! That is awesome news! Am I the only one thinking that it was a smart move to do this? I mean, it is not like they WON'T support it, they are just not catering to it. Hell the GC has more HD games than the PS2, the Revolution will not, not make HD games, it will just not be the focus.

Sure, having HDTV output has little to do with actual gameplay -- but I do like having the best video connection possible, even it won't be until far in the future that I use it. It's only now that I have a TV capable of S-Video, and I enjoy hooking up my SNES through it. It makes the sprites and backgrounds look shinier -- it's like adding polish to the classics. (Same with my Saturn, on 2D games at least.)

While I do preach that gameplay is most important, I like having the option to have my graphics as clean as possible. (Oddly, though, when I have the cleanest connection available, and there are video filters to make the image look grainy or older, I like fiddling around with 'em. But it looks grainy and old in such a CLEAN fashion.)

Not that I'm counting this as a major loss, though. I'm sure it'll still look quite awesome with S-Video or whatever other video options it might have. And there's also probably the fact that, because is a machine that touts itself as focusing less on power (and focuses more on the power's applications, though that's tangential to the point), it probably won't have the UBER-POWER to output HDTV resolutions at a steady framerate.

EDIT: That boxy look kind makes it look retro in a classic-electronics sort of way, doesn't it? I kinda like. Kinda sorta.

EDIT 2: And yes -- officially-sanctioned library of downloadable classic games = WIN.


[this message was edited by OmegaDog on Wed 18 May 02:38]

1307th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Gameboy Micro" , posted Wed 18 May 02:40post reply

Happiness. Here is a quote from the live blog over at
"All Revolutions will be WiFi ready. All controllers will be wireless and the controller will be very unique. Several WiFi titles are already in development and 1-2 will be ready for launch, including Smash Bros!"
I will leave you at that.

Iwata is also saying there's going to be a wifi Final Fantasy game as well as the new Mario, Zelda, and Metroid. It's like a lot of us expected... Nintendo is going for the "cheap alternative" route... Iwata is already saying that Revolution will be the cheapest and easiest to develop for and that it's for "big ideas over big budgets" hmmm doesn't seem like they plan to show any clips or the controllers though. :(

186th Post

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"Re(3):Gameboy Micro" , posted Wed 18 May 02:42post reply


Iwata is also saying there's going to be a wifi Final Fantasy game as well as the new Mario, Zelda, and Metroid. It's like a lot of us expected... Nintendo is going for the "cheap alternative" route... Iwata is already saying that Revolution will be the cheapest and easiest to develop for and that it's for "big ideas over big budgets" hmmm doesn't seem like they plan to show any clips or the controllers though. :(

Yeah, good stuff, I just wish they had a few clips of something to show off like the other two next gen consoles have had.

The Einherjar Hachitoushi -- The 8 Warriors of the Ragnarok Plan

258th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(3):Gameboy Micro" , posted Wed 18 May 02:43post reply

There is NO CONTROLLER at all!!! There's your Revolution... j/k
Go on with the serious stuff.


1520th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):Gameboy Micro" , posted Wed 18 May 02:49post reply

Watermarked pic of the Gameboy Micro here. (Link from Slashdot Games.)

Also kinda boxy-retro.


187th Post

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"Re(5):Gameboy Micro" , posted Wed 18 May 02:55post reply

Conference is over now and no Revolution game pics or controller pics, but supposedly there will be that stuff tomorrow on the show floor. Only time will tell. The conference was pretty good, but I feel Nintendo is side-stepping the question on what is making the Revolution, Revolutionary. Well, hopefully we will know tomorrow with some vids and pics and models.

The Einherjar Hachitoushi -- The 8 Warriors of the Ragnarok Plan

1308th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Owari" , posted Wed 18 May 02:56post reply

Well... it's over. No controllers, no game demos (they just showed Zelda for the cube). Maybe this is a smart move by Nintendo... to keep us guessing and interested. Iwata said the final design of Revolution will actually be smaller than the one being shown?! nuts.

So basically the conference just said everything that was already in USA Today... and I'm not really sold on the nes,snes,n64,gcn emulation. We all know that PS3 and 360 will have homebrew emulators that will play not only nintendo roms... but every damn console and arcade machine from the past 30 years. Weak Nintendo.... WEAK.

ps- I do kind of think Gameboy Micro is sexy.

6620th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Gameboy Micro" , posted Wed 18 May 03:00post reply

Watermarked pic of the Gameboy Micro here. (Link from Slashdot Games.)

Also kinda boxy-retro.

I want one <3<3

89th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):Owari" , posted Wed 18 May 03:01post reply

We all know that PS3 and 360 will have homebrew emulators that will play not only nintendo roms... but every damn console and arcade machine from the past 30 years. Weak Nintendo.... WEAK.

Not to be an ass here or anything, but legal means of playing a large chunk of backlogged games that have long been out of print has gone ignored far too long. Imagine if music or movies were like this. Note the key word being legal. I don't always want the stuff that Nintendo or Namco or... anyone ports on collections and the like, I want to take my pick like an iTunes store.

259th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):Owari" , posted Wed 18 May 03:04post reply

Well... it's over. No controllers, no game demos (they just showed Zelda for the cube). Maybe this is a smart move by Nintendo... to keep us guessing and interested. Iwata said the final design of Revolution will actually be smaller than the one being shown?! nuts.

I don't know about you, but this just makes me think that Nintendo has nothing so far... they just rushed a quick black plastic box to try to look like they have something... but it looks like they don't have squat to show yet...
No specs, no controller pic (I was joking minutes ago, but maybe there is no real controller designed yet... who knows)...


They do have a big big secret, a real revolution, and the controller is a key element of how this new console is so revolutionnary... and they will unveil it later. (this version is the Nintendo fanboy's version)


1309th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Owari" , posted Wed 18 May 03:12post reply

I'll give Nintendo the benefit of the doubt since this is Shigeru Miyamoto we're talking about. If the man says he's going to make a revolutionary game... I tend to believe him.

Still overall I think the conference makes Nintendo look bad in comparison to what Sony and M$ have shown. I am liking the whole budget idea though... especially if the system and games are priced lower than the competition... that's surely helped the cube since it dropped to $99.

shin ramberk
117th Post

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"Re(2):Owari" , posted Wed 18 May 03:15post reply

Well... it's over. No controllers, no game demos (they just showed Zelda for the cube). Maybe this is a smart move by Nintendo... to keep us guessing and interested. Iwata said the final design of Revolution will actually be smaller than the one being shown?! nuts.
I don't know about you, but this just makes me think that Nintendo has nothing so far... they just rushed a quick black plastic box to try to look like they have something... but it looks like they don't have squat to show yet...
No specs, no controller pic (I was joking minutes ago, but maybe there is no real controller designed yet... who knows)...


They do have a big big secret, a real revolution, and the controller is a key element of how this new console is so revolutionnary... and they will unveil it later. (this version is the Nintendo fanboy's version)

I'm betting they just don't have anything solid ready and they don't want to give 'away' the revolution until they have something to show. Why reveal the big secret if there is nothing to show.

They revealed as much as they could. Better then nothing. It puts the Revolution in the minds of gamers even if there is nothing definitive there aside from the blurb about online/wireless/backward compatibility.

Go buy the new Warlock series by Marvel. It is good support this title!

260th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(3):Owari" , posted Wed 18 May 03:27post reply

I'm betting they just don't have anything solid ready and they don't want to give 'away' the revolution until they have something to show. Why reveal the big secret if there is nothing to show.

They revealed as much as they could. Better then nothing. It puts the Revolution in the minds of gamers even if there is nothing definitive there aside from the blurb about online/wireless/backward compatibility.

I agree, in a way... but you gotta admit that this conference made Nintendo look like they won't last in the home console market :
The only games they promised (not even showed) are 1st party. Plus the system is way below the competitors' machines, which is a good way to predict that 3rd parties will most likely drop the Revolution to make games for the PS3 and the 360 only... They better come up with something truly amazing and innovative if they want to get a little momemtum back.


188th Post

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"Re(4):Owari" , posted Wed 18 May 03:55post reply


Plus the system is way below the competitors' machines, which is a good way to predict that 3rd parties will most likely drop the Revolution to make games for the PS3 and the 360 only...

Not so certain on that part. The sky-rocketing cost of developing games is a problem facing developers currently and looks only to get worse. If developing games for the Revolution is cheaper while still turning a profit, game developers might be willing to try more risky games for the Revolution as well as keep making standard games for it. Let's face it, budget issues are a problem for the big companies as much as it is for you and me buying the final products.

As for the Revolution, I am giving Nintendo to the end of E3 before I pass my final word on them for now. While I think it would have been wise to preview alot of their cards at the conference, Nintendo has waited til later during E3 in the past to show stuff off. Nintendo, for all its crazyness and sometimes senial seeming thinking, is actual probably the wisest of the 3 companies. They play a shrewd fairly well calculated game while Sony and Microsoft tend to stick to predictable strategies. People have been predicting the crazy end of Nintendo since the N64 and I have yet to see it. They (hopefully) know what they are doing.

On a random note, the more I think about these three, the more I keep drawing analogies to the 3 Kingdoms. We got Shu being Nintendo, with Zhuge Liang being played by Miyamoto. Then uhhhh.... Sony being Wu and Microsoft being Wei? Sure, let's go with that. I've been playing too much Dynasty Warriors 5...

The Einherjar Hachitoushi -- The 8 Warriors of the Ragnarok Plan

261th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(5):Owari" , posted Wed 18 May 04:17post reply


Not so certain on that part. The sky-rocketing cost of developing games is a problem facing developers currently and looks only to get worse. If developing games for the Revolution is cheaper while still turning a profit, game developers might be willing to try more risky games for the Revolution as well as keep making standard games for it. Let's face it, budget issues are a problem for the big companies as much as it is for you and me buying the final products.


I probably will buy the ps3 only though... Square Enix has got me by the balls... (Unless I have to pay 800$ for the system... then I do agree they are getting a bit high on crack if they truly believe the kids have that kind of money, especially if the games themselves cost 100$ each... it's getting ridiculous).


1311th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):Owari" , posted Wed 18 May 04:41post reply


Square Enix has got me by the balls...

You do know that they already announced a wifi Final Fantasy game for Revolution and 3 games in the works for Xbox 360 right?

As it stands right now... I'll probably land up with a PS3 and Revolution... it'll be the first time I've ever had 2 active next gen consoles (got my PS2 only after DC was dead)

262th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(7):Owari" , posted Wed 18 May 05:14post reply


Square Enix has got me by the balls...

You do know that they already announced a wifi Final Fantasy game for Revolution and 3 games in the works for Xbox 360 right?

As it stands right now... I'll probably land up with a PS3 and Revolution... it'll be the first time I've ever had 2 active next gen consoles (got my PS2 only after DC was dead)

I'll probably end up with the same combo as you, then. It all depends on the games in the end. The system with the most insteresting RPGs will earn my devotion and cash... All in all, I'll probably have to wait for 2007 for a new system, which is fine, because we'll see plenty of current generation games too, and since the interest will have shifted to the new consoles, there will probably be better games for my PS2 from smaller studios (one can always dream). Heck, I could wait till 2007 solely on Katamari Damashii (plus its sequel)


1008th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Speculation: The Secret of the Revolution" , posted Wed 18 May 05:20post reply

I think I figured out. Maybe I'm out of my mind but I think I figured it out.

Two key points that I got from the Nintendo presentation.

1. Full online capabilities
2. Easy game development

Hrm. What if Nintendo releases software on the Revolution that lets regular people at home make their own games and then gives them space online to store them and share them with others. With the right resources, Nintendo can make their very own customers, their own free game developers.

Can you get anymore REVOLUTIONARY then this. What a better way to try out new and innovative ideas then to give the tools to people who nothing to lose by making something creative and unique?

This wasn't the first time Nintendo did this. There was some cheapy animation games/programs that Nintendo released on the SNES. MarioPaint and something else I think.

Blow your mind big baby. If this is true? I need to go buy lottery tickets.

Bored? "160"

1362th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(8):Owari" , posted Wed 18 May 05:23post reply

Revolution was all smoke and mirrors at the conference. After Sony's showcase, they really would have show some footage if they had anything, but they were so vague about it, it was clear it was just in the planning stages. It was kind of sad that they plan to launch in a year and they didn't have a single clip to show.

At least they showed off some interesting DS stuff, which almost seemed over with already. - My own personal waste of time.

1182th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(5):Owari" , posted Wed 18 May 09:38post reply


As for the Revolution, I am giving Nintendo to the end of E3 before I pass my final word on them for now. While I think it would have been wise to preview alot of their cards at the conference, Nintendo has waited til later during E3 in the past to show stuff off. Nintendo, for all its crazyness and sometimes senial seeming thinking, is actual probably the wisest of the 3 companies. They play a shrewd fairly well calculated game while Sony and Microsoft tend to stick to predictable strategies. People have been predicting the crazy end of Nintendo since the N64 and I have yet to see it. They (hopefully) know what they are doing.

Yeah, when it comes to Nintendo everyone is a freak'n Nostradumbass.

I dunno, I think that Nintendo knows how to handle themselves. Of the (little) news we got of their next system. I for one am very happy to know that it will play GC games, able to link with the DS and have WiFi net access. Do ANY of you know how long I have waited to hear those words!?!!?
A likely prospect of playing online or LAN the systems and I can finally play all of those 4 player GC games that required a GBA! On top of which, I can finally gladly shell out the $$$$$ on a Nintendo portable that will get support for its WiFi and touchscreen features backed by Nintendo's tried and true approach to entertainment.
Ya know I for one wasn't expecting Nintendo to make a freak'n computer like Sony or Microsoft have with thier next consoles...which I'm still very interested in and will undoubtedly buy...but a system that is around 3x more powerful than the GC and plays DVDs? I find the thought of that being underwhelming to be irrational. Thats still a very powerful system. Methinks one of the killer apps for the next Nintendo console is going to be a cheaper price.

Sí mon con langosta y camarón

462th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(6):Owari" , posted Wed 18 May 11:29:post reply


As for the Revolution, I am giving Nintendo to the end of E3 before I pass my final word on them for now. While I think it would have been wise to preview alot of their cards at the conference, Nintendo has waited til later during E3 in the past to show stuff off. Nintendo, for all its crazyness and sometimes senial seeming thinking, is actual probably the wisest of the 3 companies. They play a shrewd fairly well calculated game while Sony and Microsoft tend to stick to predictable strategies. People have been predicting the crazy end of Nintendo since the N64 and I have yet to see it. They (hopefully) know what they are doing.

Yeah, when it comes to Nintendo everyone is a freak'n Nostradumbass.

I dunno, I think that Nintendo knows how to handle themselves. Of the (little) news we got of their next system. I for one am very happy to know that it will play GC games, able to link with the DS and have WiFi net access. Do ANY of you know how long I have waited to hear those words!?!!?
A likely prospect of playing online or LAN the systems and I can finally play all of those 4 player GC games that required a GBA! On top of which, I can finally gladly shell out the $$$$$ on a Nintendo portable that will get support for its WiFi and touchscreen features backed by Nintendo's tried and true approach to entertainment.
Ya know I for one wasn't expecting Nintendo to make a freak'n computer like Sony or Microsoft have with thier next consoles...which I'm still very interested in and will undoubtedly buy...but a system that is around 3x more powerful than the GC and plays DVDs? I find the thought of that being underwhelming to be irrational. Thats still a very powerful system. Methinks one of the killer apps for the next Nintendo console is going to be a cheaper price.

This is the beginning of the end for the big N. Unless there really is a fucking revolution like that stereoscopic projector then, hopefully nintendo should give up before it comes out and follow Sega's lead and become a talented 3rd party. Which I think is good. because the less consoles there are the less shit ends up landfill.
But i digress...

(P.S. Hell even ship your goofy controllers with your new titles for xbox 720. P.P.S i HATE M$ and own an apple)


Pretty please check out my neato sweet awesome webpage

[this message was edited by Bootation on Wed 18 May 11:34]

13th Post

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New Customer

"Re(6):Owari" , posted Wed 18 May 11:32post reply


As for the Revolution, I am giving Nintendo to the end of E3 before I pass my final word on them for now. While I think it would have been wise to preview alot of their cards at the conference, Nintendo has waited til later during E3 in the past to show stuff off. Nintendo, for all its crazyness and sometimes senial seeming thinking, is actual probably the wisest of the 3 companies. They play a shrewd fairly well calculated game while Sony and Microsoft tend to stick to predictable strategies. People have been predicting the crazy end of Nintendo since the N64 and I have yet to see it. They (hopefully) know what they are doing.

Yeah, when it comes to Nintendo everyone is a freak'n Nostradumbass.

I dunno, I think that Nintendo knows how to handle themselves. Of the (little) news we got of their next system. I for one am very happy to know that it will play GC games, able to link with the DS and have WiFi net access. Do ANY of you know how long I have waited to hear those words!?!!?
A likely prospect of playing online or LAN the systems and I can finally play all of those 4 player GC games that required a GBA! On top of which, I can finally gladly shell out the $$$$$ on a Nintendo portable that will get support for its WiFi and touchscreen features backed by Nintendo's tried and true approach to entertainment.
Ya know I for one wasn't expecting Nintendo to make a freak'n computer like Sony or Microsoft have with thier next consoles...which I'm still very interested in and will undoubtedly buy...but a system that is around 3x more powerful than the GC and plays DVDs? I find the thought of that being underwhelming to be irrational. Thats still a very powerful system. Methinks one of the killer apps for the next Nintendo console is going to be a cheaper price.

.. and they said i we can play all the old Nintendo games in Revolution from Game Cube, to the old classic Nintendo..

12 max mentol 11 stork candy 10 chupa chups 9 tortillas chippy 8 pancit canton 7 Magi noodles6 hamonado... 5 long credit list..... 4 pandesal 3 Chocobot 2 Nano-Nano and a Sofdrinks in a plastic!" WIDTH=256 HEIGHT=96>

3035th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Owari" , posted Wed 18 May 12:13post reply


As for the Revolution, I am giving Nintendo to the end of E3 before I pass my final word on them for now. While I think it would have been wise to preview alot of their cards at the conference, Nintendo has waited til later during E3 in the past to show stuff off. Nintendo, for all its crazyness and sometimes senial seeming thinking, is actual probably the wisest of the 3 companies. They play a shrewd fairly well calculated game while Sony and Microsoft tend to stick to predictable strategies. People have been predicting the crazy end of Nintendo since the N64 and I have yet to see it. They (hopefully) know what they are doing.

Yeah, when it comes to Nintendo everyone is a freak'n Nostradumbass.

I dunno, I think that Nintendo knows how to handle themselves. Of the (little) news we got of their next system. I for one am very happy to know that it will play GC games, able to link with the DS and have WiFi net access. Do ANY of you know how long I have waited to hear those words!?!!?
A likely prospect of playing online or LAN the systems and I can finally play all of those 4 player GC games that required a GBA! On top of which, I can finally gladly shell out the $$$$$ on a Nintendo portable that will get support for its WiFi and touchscreen features backed by Nintendo's tried and true approach to entertainment.
Ya know I for one wasn't expecting Nintendo to make a freak'n computer like Sony or Microsoft have with thier next consoles...which I'm still very interested in and will undoubtedly buy...but a system that is around 3x more powerful than the GC and plays DVDs? I find the thought of that being underwhelming to be irrational. Thats still a very powerful system. Methinks one of the killer apps for the next Nintendo console is going to be a cheaper price.

This is the beginning of the end for the big N. Unless there really is a fucking revolution like that stereoscopic projector then, hopefully nintendo should give up before it comes out and follow Sega's lead and become a talented 3rd party. Which I think is good. because the less consoles there are the less shit ends up landfill.
But i digress...

(P.S. Hell even ship your goofy controllers with your new titles for xbox 720. P.P.S i HATE M$ and own an apple)


I don't think Nintendo is anywhere near becoming a third party. I'm excited about this new console. I think it would be incredible to play NES, SNES, N64, GCN, and Revolution games all on the same system. That could help get rid of a lot of clutter.

Hungry Like the Wolf

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Occasional Customer

"Revolution" , posted Wed 18 May 12:51post reply

Iwata is already saying that Revolution will be the cheapest and easiest to develop for and that it's for "big ideas over big budgets"

That is the same line that was used to promote the Gamecube. Ideas over budgets, gamemaker's console, as well as ease and cheapness of development compared to the PS2. The arguments didn't win development support for the Cube, and it eventually became the most expensive console to develop for (as companies were plenty willing to improve PS2 development aids).

They do have a big big secret, a real revolution, and the controller is a key element of how this new console is so revolutionnary...

Maybe the real revolution is that what they showed really is a PC CD drive, and the Revolution is modular. You can get a large case for it, you can get a speaker, you can get a harddrive, a motherboard, a keyboard, a mouse... Maybe that is the real secret of prior system emulation as well.

462th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(7):Owari" , posted Wed 18 May 13:27post reply


As for the Revolution, I am giving Nintendo to the end of E3 before I pass my final word on them for now. While I think it would have been wise to preview alot of their cards at the conference, Nintendo has waited til later during E3 in the past to show stuff off. Nintendo, for all its crazyness and sometimes senial seeming thinking, is actual probably the wisest of the 3 companies. They play a shrewd fairly well calculated game while Sony and Microsoft tend to stick to predictable strategies. People have been predicting the crazy end of Nintendo since the N64 and I have yet to see it. They (hopefully) know what they are doing.

Yeah, when it comes to Nintendo everyone is a freak'n Nostradumbass.

I dunno, I think that Nintendo knows how to handle themselves. Of the (little) news we got of their next system. I for one am very happy to know that it will play GC games, able to link with the DS and have WiFi net access. Do ANY of you know how long I have waited to hear those words!?!!?
A likely prospect of playing online or LAN the systems and I can finally play all of those 4 player GC games that required a GBA! On top of which, I can finally gladly shell out the $$$$$ on a Nintendo portable that will get support for its WiFi and touchscreen features backed by Nintendo's tried and true approach to entertainment.
Ya know I for one wasn't expecting Nintendo to make a freak'n computer like Sony or Microsoft have with thier next consoles...which I'm still very interested in and will undoubtedly buy...but a system that is around 3x more powerful than the GC and plays DVDs? I find the thought of that being underwhelming to be irrational. Thats still a very powerful system. Methinks one of the killer apps for the next Nintendo console is going to be a cheaper price.

.. and they said i we can play all the old Nintendo games in Revolution from Game Cube, to the old classic Nintendo..

One of the best things about the cube was that propietary little disc. Now its dvd player with an add on? Add on? jeeze. I think i will stay with portables. I was hoping nintendo would talk about palm pilot software that runs on ds.

Don't get me wrong i like the size of the revolution much better than the Huge ps3 and xbox 360 which look totally similiar. Especially the white ps3.

Pretty please check out my neato sweet awesome webpage

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Rare Customer

"Re(8):Owari" , posted Wed 18 May 23:35post reply

I for one am delighted about the revolution news finally I as an european will be able to play
Super Mario RPG
Sin& Punishement
Yuki Yuki troublemakers
legaly on my TV

But what makes me even more giddy are the GC games Chibi Robo,Odama,Batallion Wars all getting english releases.Check out the vids at


my blog: /

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"Re(1):Speculation: The Secret of the Revoluti" , posted Thu 19 May 07:18post reply

Another part of the equation may very well be the low price of the system. Will Nintendo debut the system at under $100 or even -- gasp! -- for less than the price of a single PS3/Xbox360 game? Make the system itself a commodity item so that it becomes an impulse buy. With hardware that's simple to develop for yet powerful enough to please most customers, the Revolution may just be more widespread than the original NES.

Will the GameBoy Micro retail for under $60 as well?

1315th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Speculation: The Secret of the Revoluti" , posted Thu 19 May 09:25post reply

Another part of the equation may very well be the low price of the system. Will Nintendo debut the system at under $100 or even -- gasp! -- for less than the price of a single PS3/Xbox360 game? Make the system itself a commodity item so that it becomes an impulse buy. With hardware that's simple to develop for yet powerful enough to please most customers, the Revolution may just be more widespread than the original NES.

Will the GameBoy Micro retail for under $60 as well?

Under $100 is probably not possible for next gen hardware... but it's for sure that Revolution will be the cheapest of the 3 next gen systems. Especially now with the PS3 looking like it's going to be in the $450 range... since I've never payed more than $200 for a console... that's over double of what I'm willing to pay.

Unless there's really any unforseeable super flaws in the Revolution... it'll likely be the first next gen system I buy if the price is right.

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"Re(3):Speculation: The Secret of the Revoluti" , posted Thu 19 May 09:34post reply

Under $100 is probably not possible for next gen hardware...

According to Nintendo itself, the system's only two or three times as powerful as the Gamecube, which Nintendo will have been selling for over three years for under $100 at the time the Revolution is released. Even $100 is high for the Revolution (which is likely to use hardware very similar to the Gamecube) according to Moore's Law. My money's on an under $100 launch and/or some sort of tie-in/package deal.

74th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(4):Speculation: The Secret of the Revoluti" , posted Thu 19 May 13:42post reply

According to Nintendo itself, the system's only two or three times as powerful as the Gamecube, which Nintendo will have been selling for over three years for under $100 at the time the Revolution is released.

Nintendo understated the power of the Gamecube as well, in their attempt to focus on the idea of it being a console created for game ideas and not part of the big budget more power race.

Combined with MS and Sony both overstating their own systems (with plain BS as well as standard rigged poly performance stats), it lead to an early belief that the GC might be the weakest of the three systems and that Nintendo was trying (and failing) to spin that into an asset.

I'd expect Nintendo to again be underselling their system, and am pretty certain Sony in particular is yet again overselling their own. Revolution still might be the weakest of the three, but I'd be even more disappointed if Nintendo has fallen prey to believing its own lines and hype.

Though the size sure implies it isn't trying to be a powerhouse. Is there room inside for even the reduced and optimized guts of a Gamecube along with the other bits and pieces?

And something else... There aren't any fan holes on the case, are there? Revolution is more compact, and the drive is directly on the internals, and there is no fan? Would the Cube have stayed as cool as it did without its giant air vents and fan?

I'm beginning to think more and more that my prediction from last year is true, and the controllers of Revolution will be handhelds in their own right. Something that Revolution can offload some of the game process to (like the GC/GBA link, not like Cell architecture).

1184th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):Speculation: The Secret of the Revoluti" , posted Thu 19 May 14:11post reply


According to Nintendo itself, the system's only two or three times as powerful as the Gamecube,

Oh darn!ONLY 2 or 3 times more powerful than the current system!?!?

Sí mon con langosta y camarón

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"One more thing on online library & controller" , posted Sat 21 May 12:08:post reply

The online buying of games -- this is the kinda thing that Infinium Labs wanted to do with its Phantom console, no? And now that Nintendo is adopting it, even if to a lesser degree, that's just another kick against the Phantom's oxymoronic corpse.

EDIT: And apparently... (... link from Slashdot Games.)

EDIT 2: Now about the whole wireless connectivity between the Revolution and the DS -- With the DS having 2 screens with one of 'em being a touch screen -- for console games, that could have some pretty creative applications right there, no? I mean -- along side this supposed standard Revolution controller (which yeah, Juan might actually be hitting the mark with his comment, or be pretty close to it), the DS could be a slightly revolutionary controller in itself. (... only thing is, of course, that the DS makes for an expensive controller.)


[this message was edited by OmegaDog on Sat 21 May 13:34]