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Time Mage 2135th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):Parents name child 'Sephiroth'" , posted Fri 20 May 02:10
Really? Congratulations, Daala!!!
You could name the baby (if male) Fernando, it's great name. The fact that it's my name doesn't make my choice biased, of course. It's only that it's such a great name. XD
hahah! didn't think of that name, and seeing as it has to translate over to spanish...I'll have to had that to my list. (I'm spanish just in case you didn't know already!) I'll most likely find out what sex it is next month, I don't want to wait. LOL!
Weren't you from Bolivia? My memory is pretty meh, but of course I knew your native language was Spanish, that's wht I added that (wonderful XD) name. Other names I like are Rodrigo, Alfonso, Marķa, Eva...
Dr Baghead 3449th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(10):Parents name child 'Sephiroth'" , posted Fri 20 May 03:57
quote: Congrats Daala, but if you have a girl you obviously need to name her something along the lines of Daala 2, Super Daala, or Daala 360.
naw, those are too tradtional, parents these days want names like "Pilot Inspektor" and "Appel" she should consider: -Turbo-Daala 16 -Super Daala Advance COLOR SP -32Daala -Daala CD -PhantomDaala -T-Rex -Dreamaala
and of course if prototype names are valid you can't go wrong with "Daalaphin"
not that I'm one to talk, I'm banned from ever having children since I'd pull a Kevin Smith and name make their first/middle name "Ron Stoppable" if it's a boy and "Bonnie Rockwaller" if it's a girl. But naming your kid Sephiroth? He'd better be muy macho or he's gonna get his asskicked in junior high, and the bullies will be all "I beat Sephiroth WITHOUT using any magic, limit breakers, or my ultimate weapon!"
 Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
Sensenic 1294th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(8):Parents name child 'Sephiroth'" , posted Fri 20 May 06:53
quote: Really? Congratulations, Daala!!!
You could name the baby (if male) Fernando, it's great name. The fact that it's my name doesn't make my choice biased, of course. It's only that it's such a great name. XD hahah! didn't think of that name, and seeing as it has to translate over to spanish...I'll have to had that to my list. (I'm spanish just in case you didn't know already!) I'll most likely find out what sex it is next month, I don't want to wait. LOL! Weren't you from Bolivia? My memory is pretty meh, but of course I knew your native language was Spanish, that's wht I added that (wonderful XD) name. Other names I like are Rodrigo, Alfonso, Marķa, Eva...
Congratulations too!! I didn't know you were Spanish speaking at all tho':
 Muchas felicidades, pues!!  
quote: About original post: NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRDDDDDDDS!!!!!!!!!
not that I'm one to talk, I'm banned from ever having children since I'd pull a Kevin Smith and name make their first/middle name "Ron Stoppable" if it's a boy and "Bonnie Rockwaller" if it's a girl. But naming your kid Sephiroth? He'd better be muy macho or he's gonna get his asskicked in junior high, and the bullies will be all "I beat Sephiroth WITHOUT using any magic, limit breakers, or my ultimate weapon!"
Now that you say that, I know of this case where a Spanish boy got "Kevincostner" (or "Kevin Costner", or "Quevinconne", or however would they write it) for his first name. Poor kid...
So adorable... Gluttony
 Nihon mo ingenmame wo tsukurimasu Jan
Sano 1778th Post

Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(6):Parents name child 'Sephiroth'" , posted Fri 20 May 11:29:
On Spanish names, well, my brother who's baby's mother is of Puerto Rican decent and my brother (who like me is of Dominican decent and was born in America) had a baby about two years ago. For a long time they were looking for a Taino name. (Tainos are natives that were on Puerto Rico and the island of Hispaniola - Island of Dominican Republic and Haiti - before the Spanish came in case you didn't know.) The mother did not know what the baby's sex was going to be and didn't want to know. She talked to some... 'Taino spiritulist guy' (Don't ask me, all the Tainos or dead or have integrated away...) for a Taino name and he thought about it. Then he said he had a dream and the baby's name came to him. (?) He said if it was a boy it should be called Kiani. If it was a girl it should be called Nikia, which has the same letters as Kiani. The mother was convinced this would be the name of the kid, nothing my brother said would convince her otherwise. Well, luckily they had a girl that was named Nikia because a boy with the name Kiani... is just not cool... Anyway, my niece Nikia's doing fine now, she said my name for the first time "Tony." That was cool.
And that's my tale on Spanish names. The moral of the story is in case you missed it, name your kid Anthony like me and Tony could be a nickname if you have a boy.
Ryu and Chun-Li forever!
[this message was edited by Sano on Fri 20 May 12:32] |
Luisinan 1010th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(1):Parents name child 'Sephiroth'" , posted Fri 20 May 15:24:
Congratulations Daala! I can't wait to hear news of the baby's arrival. As for names...
hrm. well, his or her first name must be Shin. That way, he or she can be called Shin "insert middle name here". If his middle name is Luis, he will be called Shin Luis. Ah ha! Super powerful, stronger version then regular Luis. And Luis is a nice name. Its 'quaint'.
I also like the name Fernando. I'm surprised TM's name is that. I didn't imagine that. But its nice. But I have a bias AGAINST it because I have a bratty/annoying nephew who's name is Fernando. His nickname is "Ferny" which I think is kinda cute. Ha.
Good luck finding a name. Its a very difficult thing to do. I would like to give any future kid of mine a unique name but also not too unique. You might have luck by changing a fairly common name. Like maybe Maria into Mariabella but thats very similar to Marvella. Or Luis into Luisinan. Hrm, I keep mentioning Luis, I wonder why...
Anyhow. If its a boy, I hope he grows up to be a studious bookworm that discovers the cure to the t-virus and gets kidnapped by Umbrella but fights his way out of their prison while battling hordes of zombies and rescuing some hot chick. If the baby is a girl, she will be a strong athlete and will always be on the winning KOF team during her prime years. Ha, I am a nerd...
 Bored? "160"
[this message was edited by Luisinan on Fri 20 May 15:30] |
Luisinan 1010th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(1):Names and... stuff" , posted Sat 21 May 00:06
quote: Random question, Luisinan:
I think you mentioned, in an earlier thread, something about Alberto as a middle name -- is that, in fact, your middle name?
And congratulations, Daala! I don't have a name comment at the moment -- but now, does the cosplay bug seem to pass from you to future generations?
Yessir Alberto is my middle name. When I enter KOF tournaments I go by Luisinan. When I fight crime in the street of San Francisco, I go by L-Tron. But at home they just call me Beto. ;0
I also use the handle Ramberk. I don't post as much, but tend to use a screenname with the word Ramberk in it when I post on other message boards. I'll be unveiling my Ramberk website (not a big website, so no hype) in a few weeks.
And Daala, think of some good combo names too. Like hrm... maybe Luis Alberto. But that name is pretty darn common. darn.
 Bored? "160"