Anyone mentioned that SSVS is coming to Xbox? - Forums

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Anyone mentioned that SSVS is coming to Xbox?" , posted Sun 22 May 15:25post reply

Cuz it is, in a double pack with SSV.

Which made me go wth...

And it's going to have online play.


Cain Highwind
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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):Anyone mentioned that SSVS is coming to" , posted Sun 22 May 20:59post reply

Where'd you hear this, I heard it was cancelled, and Ben Herman didn't mention anything about Special in a video interview with Gamespot.

397th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(2):Anyone mentioned that SSVS is coming to" , posted Mon 23 May 02:42post reply

Where'd you hear this, I heard it was cancelled, and Ben Herman didn't mention anything about Special in a video interview with Gamespot.

I too have to ask for confirmation on this, because every E3 preview I've read only said "SSV", nothing about "SSVS" or double pack.

Also, where's my PS2 double pack dammit? >:|

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Rare Customer

"Re(3):Anyone mentioned that SSVS is coming to" , posted Mon 23 May 03:40post reply

I could only wish that were the case, but SS5S is merely a rumor. [Image Attached]

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(4):Anyone mentioned that SSVS is coming to" , posted Mon 23 May 04:38post reply

I could only wish that were the case, but SS5S is merely a rumor.

eh, all i know is that someone mentioned it to me and gave me this link


so i didn't bother thinking how valid it was.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Anyone mentioned that SSVS is coming to" , posted Mon 23 May 05:28post reply

The rumor was started just before SS0S was released, when an american representative of SNK said they would release the pack for PS2 and X Box in the US, and a few weeks later the same announcement was made in Japan, but only SS0, no word on SS0S.

Since then, statu quo.

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Rare Customer

"Re(5):Anyone mentioned that SSVS is coming to" , posted Mon 23 May 05:28post reply

I could only wish that were the case, but SS5S is merely a rumor.

eh, all i know is that someone mentioned it to me and gave me this link


so i didn't bother thinking how valid it was.

Last year at E3 they were planning on putting SS5 and SS5 Special in a package for PS2 and Xbox. SS5 Special console development got canned for some reason, assumingly because of the whole dismemberment issue, and we're left with only SS5. [Image Attached]

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1368th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):Anyone mentioned that SSVS is coming to" , posted Mon 23 May 05:38post reply

It will be SS5 only. The SNK rep I spoke to said that SNK Japan has no plans of releasing Special in the US, but they are releasing the new Twinkle Star Sprites here, which I want more anyway. - My own personal waste of time.