What do you think of Jhun? - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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1861th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"What do you think of Jhun?" , posted Wed 25 May 17:23post reply

Yes, the KOF Jhun. Just wondering what you guys have to say about him, in terms of character design, gameplay etc.

Why do you think he is frequently left out in KOFs, and never actually warrant a "push" from SNK Playmore? He never stole any limelight away from Kim (who is still in every KOF and crossover fighting games), and while Benimaru evolved to becoming the leader in some KOFs, Jhun never had the opportunity to do so, and was frequently scrapped.

What do you think about his obession with Athena? He likes attenting her concerts, but that's about it? There is no interaction with her in any KOFs, except in fan-made comic strips.


Time Mage
2143th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):What do you think of Jhun?" , posted Wed 25 May 17:29post reply

This may sound stupid, but I don't like Jhun, because he stole two attacks from Kim: the Kuusajin and the Houou Tenbu Kyaku. Also, I don't like his pretentious personality, nor his gameplay. However, I like his design.

794th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):What do you think of Jhun?" , posted Wed 25 May 18:23post reply

I like his gameplay and design.
His story can be more developed I suppose.
But the spotlight is on Ash now.
Well thinking about KOF XI...it's REALLY odd when I think about the absence of Team Korea. But maybe we'll finally get Jhun, Kim, May Lee next time? Please?

3063th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):What do you think of Jhun?" , posted Wed 25 May 18:43post reply

Well I like Jhun. When I saw him in 99 I was somehow impressed, he have some of kim's move, but a bit more spectacular. I pretty like his moves and he's quite complex to master, which is a good thing IMO.
And IMO Kim is old now, in any other SNK game I would like to see more Jhun or Jae and Dong.
the one I don't like Is May lee, never been intereted in her hero wannabe style.

Would like to see Kang as a new Korean member.

We are all mad at some point....

336th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(4):What do you think of Jhun?" , posted Wed 25 May 19:03post reply

I'm into Jhun's style, design, and gameplay. I don't really know why they made his attitude as far as the storyline goes so boring though. Just an exaggerated version of Kim with the added bonus of looking down on everybody else because of it. I probably haven't played him seriously enough to know how much I really should be liking his gameplay though, as far as how well it holds up in serious situations. But, just from the idea of how he's generally designed, he comes off as one of the funner ways to go for a KOF character for me.

Pretty much any roster that includes him makes me a bit happier, but that's also because it also means he's generally pushing one or two significantly more boring people to the side when he is.

I guess if I'm gonna be talking about characters with funner gameplay designs, I should say May Lee belongs with a new Korea Team too, but, I'm not really big on the look/feel she brings to the team. She's still neat though.

Dong/Jhun/May for KoFXIII or something, yo.

878th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(5):What do you think of Jhun?" , posted Wed 25 May 19:56post reply

I don't like this character's design, which I found a little too commonplace, with his long grey hair and lackluster outfit, nor his gameplay based on his feet. He sort of lacks flamboyance & originality in my eyes.
I much prefer May Lee and Chang.

628th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(6):What do you think of Jhun?" , posted Wed 25 May 20:04post reply

He's very popular in Japan though. Usually the people I see using Jhun are very strong.

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54th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(7):What do you think of Jhun?" , posted Wed 25 May 20:24post reply

I like his design, but his gameplay doesn't suit me. Furthermore, fighting him more often than not gets on my nerves (specifically, when I bother playing '03).

1727th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(7):What do you think of Jhun?" , posted Wed 25 May 20:26post reply

I don't like him, especially his animation. His moves lack impact and he had some of the dumbest winposes. That one where he just stands there and spreads his legs is... just... why? Why are you doing that?! Are your balls suffocating?

2027th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):What do you think of Juan?" , posted Thu 26 May 00:06post reply

Out of all the SNK Taekwondo characters Jhun is easily my least favorite. If he was the only game in town that would be one thing but since there are other characters out there who play in a similar manner there's no real reason for me to bother with him.

7th Post

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New Customer

"Re(8):What do you think of Jhun?" , posted Thu 26 May 03:46post reply

I like his design, but his gameplay doesn't suit me. Furthermore, fighting him more often than not gets on my nerves (specifically, when I bother playing '03).

Quote from the KOF 10th anniversary site:

"Jhun is also the first character in KOF history to adopt the concept of the "pose."
Coming up and creating this kind of move really put the designers to the test."

I think they did it, I mean, the character represents that "pose" stuff very well, but as its been said, I dont like his gameplay, its original though.


4071th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):What do you think of Jhun?" , posted Thu 26 May 03:53post reply

Yes, the KOF Jhun. Just wondering what you guys have to say about him, in terms of character design, gameplay etc.

I like the design and the personality (some of his quotes), but game play with him is a no no; very simple and also somewhat strong and annoying.

I know of many people who miss him.... Almost everyone I know that uses him picks him because they think they can have an easy win.... That's bothersome.

See??? He is a God...

556th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):What do you think of Jhun?" , posted Thu 26 May 04:18post reply

I can't play Jhun for crap and I don't really like stance-based characters to begin with. They somehow work better in 3D fighting games, though.

I'm not really a fan of his personality or design, either. He's boring but somehow arrogant? Ugh. Then his design is fairly generic, to the point that there was once a gag strip about his 2P color in most games looking like Andy.

The Athena obsession was a convenient excuse to get May Lee in, but at least I can play May Lee somewhat competently. I think what makes Jhun really blow is the fact that you're constantly holding buttons for stances. That throws me off, at least.

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