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TheBeast 1861th Post

Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "What do you think of Jhun?" , posted Wed 25 May 17:23
Yes, the KOF Jhun. Just wondering what you guys have to say about him, in terms of character design, gameplay etc.
Why do you think he is frequently left out in KOFs, and never actually warrant a "push" from SNK Playmore? He never stole any limelight away from Kim (who is still in every KOF and crossover fighting games), and while Benimaru evolved to becoming the leader in some KOFs, Jhun never had the opportunity to do so, and was frequently scrapped.
What do you think about his obession with Athena? He likes attenting her concerts, but that's about it? There is no interaction with her in any KOFs, except in fan-made comic strips.
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deisied 336th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(4):What do you think of Jhun?" , posted Wed 25 May 19:03
I'm into Jhun's style, design, and gameplay. I don't really know why they made his attitude as far as the storyline goes so boring though. Just an exaggerated version of Kim with the added bonus of looking down on everybody else because of it. I probably haven't played him seriously enough to know how much I really should be liking his gameplay though, as far as how well it holds up in serious situations. But, just from the idea of how he's generally designed, he comes off as one of the funner ways to go for a KOF character for me.
Pretty much any roster that includes him makes me a bit happier, but that's also because it also means he's generally pushing one or two significantly more boring people to the side when he is.
I guess if I'm gonna be talking about characters with funner gameplay designs, I should say May Lee belongs with a new Korea Team too, but, I'm not really big on the look/feel she brings to the team. She's still neat though.
Dong/Jhun/May for KoFXIII or something, yo.