SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test - Forums

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Sat 28 May 17:15:post reply


I'm conflicted now... A lot of people say the game feels great.
Aaaaaaaaw. Is it the Imoya effect ? Is Yuki doing the game after all ? I'M CONFLICTED !

So, we have
Hanzô, Galford, Jubei, Ukyô, Nako, Haômaru, Charolette, Tamtam, Kyôshirô, Wanfu, Gen An, Amakusashirô Tokisada [everyone except Assquake]
Genjurô, Nicotine, Mizuki [everyone except Chamcham, Kuroko and Sieger]
Zan, Ten Samu
Rimururu, Shizumaru, Basara, Gaira, Zankurô, Sôgetsu, Kazuki [everyone]
Yoshitora, Unpi, Mina, Gedô, Rasetsumaru, Rera, Suijasama, Enjatan, Sankurô, Yumeji, Kyôgoku Hinowanokami Gaô [everyone except Poppy]
Matsuribayashi Sugoroku, Andrew, Karakuri Ochamaro

That’s quite a lot of characters. 36 ? What the… eh.
There are still some unused boxes, but since some characters like Amakusa and Gaô were CPU only, we may have the count ? Maybe 1 or 2 characters left ?
Also, there is a random. And Kuroko should be there.

Comes out of a box like an automat. Cute. His voice reminds Ojamaru.
He has a move that reminds of the rekkaken (follow up).
Throw ( ?) where he transform the opponent in a doll and make him dance. Extra cute.
His bukitobashi makes him wear a mask like those dances of the lion and run forward.
Extremely cute.

Copipe from SSS. He has a new move where he creates an image of himself, which allows to create traps with the overhead (like with Jojo’s stand).

Mizuki is also a stand user now. (or maybe a little like Chizuru ?). Her nail move changed.

Nearly only new moves. No more morphings. Something like Moriya’s oboro, takes a pose then issen. Her tsubame kaeshi is like Ukyô’s in SSS, with the tsubame flying. Also, it’s slower. In the CPU demo, she composes tanka poetry. New voices, but same VA.

Not a lot of reports. He has at least the triangle jump. I think he’s also copipe-d from SSS, but I’m not sure..

Zankurô has a new crouching slash, and 2 new moves.

Gaô’s dash move (I think?) is shorter, but has a new follow up. Also, his mirror move can hit the opponent.

Like Banchô said, the full list of modes are 剣 (ken) 怒 (ikari) 真 (shin) 斬 (zan) 天 (ten) 零 (zero). One mode for each game.

真 (Shin)
The E button has all the D moves from SS0 except 6D. Big offensive power. The character pauses when his ikari gauge is full, like in the first games. The bukitobashi destroys the weapon, which takes some time to come back on screen (not as much as in SSS, but still). Doll transformation ?

斬 (Zan)
E = evasion, close 6E = that weird dance where you go in your opponent’s back.
In air, E allows you to air guard. It feels like a blocking, it’s very hard to use for now.
AB allows you to charge your gauge. Big offensive power ?

天 (Ten)
E has the same properties on the ground as Zan mode.
AB allows Samurai Combination, at least AAA, BBC and AABBCCC. THE 14 slash may still be here, but the command hasn’t been discovered yet. With the 8 slash move, half of your gauge will fill, so the full combination should fill it completely.
ABC ikari bakuhatsu, ABC issen.
Like in TenSamu, when you ikari bakuhatsu, your ikari gauge will be longer if you have fewer energy. The power of the issen depends of this as well.

零 (Rei)
E = D moves in Zero. AB = meditation. ABC = ikari bakuhatsu. DE mu no kyôchi, ABC issen. The Kyôchi time depletes even faster than in Supisupe.

The Hiôgi and mikiri slide are only for剣(ken) mode. The mikiri allows to charge your gauge for the hiôgi.

The damage has been fixed from the last time. The strong slash deplete energy like it ought to, which means A LOT.
The issen is cool, the screen turns white and the characters are only shadows like in Hibiki’s move.

There is no death, and not even blood.

For now, the last stage is one of Supisupe’s 4 bosses (random ?)

For a reason, the normal throw is harder to do than a command throw like the mozu otoshi.


So... It ... is... a good game ?
I'll wait for the finished product. I think it will be horribly unbalanced with all those modes (I hate the modes in any game) but at least fun to play at a low level ?

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

[this message was edited by Iggy on Sun 29 May 23:03]


153th Post

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"Re(1):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Sat 28 May 17:21post reply

Gen-An !!!

Awesome... Thanks for the report, Iggy ! Feels great to read positive stuff about this game...

1012th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Sat 28 May 17:41post reply

tons of stuf

It will be better than SSVS, and the only console port it will receive will be an import-only DC port.

With controller lag.

And audio lag.

631th Post

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"Re(2):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Sat 28 May 18:08post reply

I get the feeling they are trying to bring it out of the niche genre and bring more people into the game. Which means giving the combo people room to play too...

I wonder if it'll be fun...? =)

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6579th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Sat 28 May 18:12post reply

Some moves like Genj's new move or Sôgetsu's warp, who were dominent in the previous test, are much slower.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

1183th Post

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"Re(2):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Sat 28 May 19:45post reply

Thanks for the report! Good to see Nicotene is back into the mix.

At the risk of looking stupid, what does copiped mean?

154th Post

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"Re(3):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Sat 28 May 19:48post reply

At the risk of looking stupid, what does copiped mean?

One of Iggy's numerous expressions... Means directly ripped from, basically. Which would mean his sprite isn't new...

6580th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Sat 28 May 20:15post reply

At the risk of looking stupid, what does copiped mean?

It's a contraction of copy&paste. Which means the sprite is the EXACT same one from SSS, with the colors and proportion that don't match the post Ten-Samu sprites.

Mizuki : Vagina dog is now an air move. Her throw is narrower. Like many other characters, she can connect a middle slash with her bukitobashi. Even with that detail, the game is less combo oriented as the first test, which is good (well, beside the samurai combination, of course).

Unpi : the shichidô has been redone, and has now more directions.

Rasetsumaru appears to be exactly the same, except the shippu retsuzan is a bit harder to follow up.

Enja is not our beloved Enjatan anymore... the tendô only takes 40% of the bar. shobon.
Also, it has a power up version of it (23698741 AB). Meh, Enja not being the weakest character of his game is not our Enjatan !

There is some speach before some fights, like in SS0, but it's not finished yet. 396 has a special dialogue with Genjurô, but Haômaru just has a basic "you seem strong ! do you want to fight with me ?" even against Genj or Nicotine.

Needless to say, the ten gauge is broken and needs severe fixing.

There are 4 remaining characters... Assquake, Chamcham, Sieger, Kuroko ? A new character ? A polysamu character ?

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

156th Post

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"Re(4):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Sat 28 May 20:22:post reply

Vagina dog, haha... :p
I hope Mizuki's stronger in this one, with more moves and all. In my opinion, she needs at least one other move that summons Haon, especially since her "vagina dog" move is now an air one.
It'd be cool if her qcb+kick move would reverse controls, too...

Glad to see her back anyway, so she can evolve some more.

Edit: Hey, is this the dancing robot ?
Nicotine pic...

[this message was edited by Stifu on Sat 28 May 21:43]

6583th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Sat 28 May 21:52:post reply

It is more and more rumoured Yuki is doing the game...
Eh. I still don't like the different modes, the art, nor the different modes. And above all the samurai combination. But mostly the different modes.

Nicotine's thunder shikigami flies at different angles according to the button you push (A = 15°, and gradually higher). The fire shikigami is like in SSS.
The bunshin new move makes the image move forward and hit 3 times, and you can move just before the second slash. The strong invocation makes the stand begin with an overhead.
In his hiôgi, he becomes young (like in his illust in SSS, with the black hair) and makes an issen.

Sugoroku's time up losing pose is just begging for sexual harassment.(;´Д`)ハァハァ
Even some straight guys went ウホッ! when they first saw it.

Long story short :
Ken : turtle, evade, until your hiôgi gauge is full.
Rei : Bakuhatsu, kyôchi/issen, lots of E moves = one of the strongest.
Ten : Bakuhatsu, small issen, possibly broken because of the damage, the follow up and the gauge filling facilities of the SC.
Zan : play safe, fill your own gauge, air guard : good if you aim for a time up victory.
Shin, strong, extra invincibility when your gauge is full, weapon destruction, and a lot of E moves. No apparent weakness.
Ikari : Destructive, and the super strong slash can take away up to 80% of the gauge in one hit. Maybe the weakest mode, but at least a fun one.

I liked the zetsumei system... Not as a cheap gore device, but as a system... Bleh.
Also, I forgot Gaô and Amakusa will take a spot, so I think we have 2 unknown characters left, and not four. I think. And I think Kuroko is one of them.
Also, if Yuki is indeed doing the game, Chamcham won't be in it and I'll be happy.
Either way, I'll play it for the moe. Sugoroku's ass and Gaira's bald head moe, of course.

I would like to be convinced by the game beside the moe, but... you can't trust a hand that hit you so severely so many times.
On the other hand, Nejibako, this and KOF XI will be tested several month before the release, they seem to listen to their fans... Is Yuki really making the game ? Is Imoya really changing ? Can I trust you, oh potato spirit ? I would like to trust you so much...

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

[this message was edited by Iggy on Sat 28 May 22:05]

Shingo The One
545th Post

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"Re(2):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Sat 28 May 21:58post reply

It is more and more rumoured Yuki is doing the game...
Eh. I still don't like the different modes, the art, nor the different modes. And above all the samurai combination.

Nicotine's thunder shikigami flies at different angles according to the button you push (A = 15°, and gradually higher). The fire shikigami is like in SSS.
The bunshin new move makes the image move forward and hit 3 times, and you can move just before the second slash. The strong invocation makes the stand begin with an overhead.
In his hiôgi, he becomes young (like in his illust in SSS, with the black hair) and makes an issen.

Sugoroku's time up losing pose is just begging for sexual harassment.(;´Д`)ハァハァ
Even some straight guys went ウホッ! when they first saw it.

Long story short :
Ken : turtle, evade, until your hiôgi gauge is full.
Rei : Bakuhatsu, kyôchi/issen, lots of E moves = one of the strongest.
Ten : Bakuhatsu, small issen, possibly broken because of the damage, the follow up and the gauge filling facilities of the SC.
Zan : play safe, fill your own gauge, air guard : good if you aim for a time up victory.
Shin, strong, extra invincibility when your gauge is full, weapon destruction, and a lot of E moves. No apparent weakness.
Ikari : Strong, and the super strong slash can take away up to 80% of the gauge in one hit. Maybe the weakest, but at least a fun mode.

I liked the zetsumei system... Not as a cheap gore device, but as a system... Bleh.
Also, I forgot Gaô and Amakusa will take a spot, so I think we have 2 unknown characters left, and not four. I think. And I think Kuroko is one of them.
Also, if Yuki is indeed doing the game, Chamcham won't be in it and I'll be happy.
Either way, I'll play it for the moe. Sugoroku's ass and Gaira's bald head moe, of course.

I would like to be convinced by the game beside the moe, but... you can't trust a hand that hit you so severely so many times.
On the other hand, Nejibako, this and KOF XI will be tested several month before the release, they seem to listen to their fans... Is Yuki really making the game ? Is Imoya really changing ? Can I trust you, oh potato spirit ? I would like to trust you so much...

Well Iggy-san, if we can trust SNK Playmore to do fantastic shit besides SS5S and KOF2003, now's their chance to prove it.

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157th Post

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"Re(2):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Sat 28 May 21:59:post reply

Also, I forgot Gaô and Amakusa will take a spot, so I think we have 2 unknown characters left, and not four. I think. And I think Kuroko is one of them.

No, look... There's the 28 originally announced characters (including Andrew and the others). From there, there's 14 slots left, 2 of them being question marks (roulettes), so that makes it 12 free slots left. Add the Robot, Nicotine, Gen-An, the 4 SSZS bosses and Yumeji, that's 8 characters...

Conclusion: 12 - 8 = 4

Edit: Shingo, SS5S hasn't been done by Playmore... ¬_¬

[this message was edited by Stifu on Sat 28 May 22:01]

6583th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Arcadia scans !" , posted Sat 28 May 22:03:post reply

Conclusion: 12 - 8 = 4

Oh, you're right !
40 characters then ! Shigeru come on !

EDIT : I missed your post with the scans of Arcadia. Yes, this is Ochamaro.

SCANS ! Someone hosted them !

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

[this message was edited by Iggy on Sat 28 May 22:19]

Shingo The One
546th Post

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"Re(3):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Sat 28 May 22:17post reply

Also, I forgot Gaô and Amakusa will take a spot, so I think we have 2 unknown characters left, and not four. I think. And I think Kuroko is one of them.
No, look... There's the 28 originally announced characters (including Andrew and the others). From there, there's 14 slots left, 2 of them being question marks (roulettes), so that makes it 12 free slots left. Add the Robot, Nicotine, Gen-An, the 4 SSZS bosses and Yumeji, that's 8 characters...

Conclusion: 12 - 8 = 4

Edit: Shingo, SS5S hasn't been done by Playmore... ¬_¬

Oops, my bad.Thanks a lot stifu for the correction.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

157th Post

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"Re(1):Arcadia scans !" , posted Sat 28 May 22:32post reply

them !

Cool... Well, the artwork is good to me. It's not stylized like the SSZS artwork, but it's clean.

I wish Sankuro's atrocious stance from SS5 was improved in this game... And that animation for some characters (Gedo, Yun Fei) was improved... I guess I'll be let down on those points.

51th Post

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"Re(4):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Sat 28 May 22:46:post reply

This game's setup looks great with modes that go over each of the SS games, but there are 2 things that still irritate me. One, Cham Cham is still absent, and two, my suspicions of a "non-violent" game were confirmed as blood and fatalities look to remain absent. My hopes of seeing her have been dashed a large amount, almost for good.

I LOVE the fact that Yumeji this go around is more original. I was in the process of making one just like that for Mugen. [Image Attached]

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[this message was edited by Abster on Sat 28 May 22:48]

159th Post

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"Re(5):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Sat 28 May 22:53:post reply

There's still hope for Cham Cham...
First, it's not sure at all that Yuki is doing the game... Second, even if Yuki is doing it, "only" 2 of them 5 don't think Cham Cham fits in SS, which means there are potentially 3 of them who may want her back.
Also, maybe they have no choice and Playmore just told them to bring everyone back...

As for blood and fatalities, it sucks they aren't back yet, but that doesn't mean they'll never been implemented... I remember SSZS loke tests where suicides were left out, but they were put back in the end.

[this message was edited by Stifu on Sat 28 May 22:54]

51th Post

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"Re(6):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Sat 28 May 22:59post reply

There's still hope for Cham Cham...
First, it's not sure at all that Yuki is doing the game... Second, even if Yuki is doing it, "only" 2 of them 5 don't think Cham Cham fits in SS, which means there are potentially 3 of them who may want her back.
Also, maybe they have no choice and Playmore just told them to bring everyone back...

As for blood and fatalities, it sucks they aren't back yet, but that doesn't mean they'll never been implemented... I remember SSZS loke tests where suicides were left out, but they were put back in the end.

Lets see, if 4 character slots were still left, then if logic follows putting all the SS chars in, that would mean Athquake, Cham Cham, Sieger and Kuroko would fill the remaining spaces, but there's always that possibility that SS64 chars will show up, and given that Shiki and Asura are likely candidates, it appears Cham Cham will be left out after all. [Image Attached]

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6584th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Sat 28 May 23:09:post reply

Second, even if Yuki is doing it, "only" 2 of them 5 don't think Cham Cham fits in SS

Wait, wait, the core team behind SS0 was of 5 person. When the development of the game went further, more people worked on it. 5 guys alone didn't do ALL SS0, just the basic plan in the beginning.

But the Chamcham hate seems to be the general opinion of the team.
And yeah, as someone points out, if Imoya had decided to get rid of Yuki, they wouldn't have made Gaira bald.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

[this message was edited by Iggy on Sat 28 May 23:10]

160th Post

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"Re(7):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Sat 28 May 23:10:post reply

I doubt it. If just 2 more SS2 characters are put back, I guess they'll be Kuroko and Cham Cham. But I hope they'll all be back...
Also, the fact Shiki and Asra are in NBC makes them less likely to appear in this one, in my opinion.
The fact Cham Cham appears at the end of Tam Tam's Zetsumei in SS5S shows Yuki don't hate her enough to act like she doesn't exist.

Still... Bald Gaira proves nothing to me. It's natural for SNKP to continue the work of Yuki and follow the storyline, regardless of their position toward Yuki.

[this message was edited by Stifu on Sat 28 May 23:12]

52th Post

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"Re(8):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Sat 28 May 23:40post reply

I doubt it. If just 2 more SS2 characters are put back, I guess they'll be Kuroko and Cham Cham. But I hope they'll all be back...
Also, the fact Shiki and Asra are in NBC makes them less likely to appear in this one, in my opinion.
The fact Cham Cham appears at the end of Tam Tam's Zetsumei in SS5S shows Yuki don't hate her enough to act like she doesn't exist.

If only 2 slots were left, those would likely go to Kuroko and Sieger. Cham Cham appeared back in SS4 Special, which might give Imoya the impression that she isn't as nearly missed as Sieger. [Image Attached]

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"Re(9):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Sun 29 May 00:05post reply

I don't think her inclusion in SS4 on PS1 means anything at all...
Although the presence of Earthquake in SvC might cause his demise, preventing him from being back in this one...

However, if this game has a storyline, that may be a bad thing for Cham Cham... Since she wouldn't have Paku Paku then (Tam Tam being there), which may be a decisive point not to bring her back.
Or they could just put her back without Paku Paku... Or just put Paku Paku in despite the fact it doesn't make sense. After all, Suija and Enja are in while they should be sealed in Sogetsu and Kazuki's swords, so I guess it'd be alright to have Paku Paku.

Shingo The One
547th Post

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"Re(1):Arcadia scans !" , posted Sun 29 May 00:40post reply

Conclusion: 12 - 8 = 4
Oh, you're right !
40 characters then ! Shigeru come on !

EDIT : I missed your post with the scans of Arcadia. Yes, this is Ochamaro.

SCANS ! Someone hosted them !

Does this game in fact really have a story, cause it surely seems so(and judging from the scans as well).
And if so, it's sure which part of the franchise gets this one for a sequel.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

6585th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Arcadia scans !" , posted Sun 29 May 01:00:post reply

No, no story, it's a matsuri game.

And because it's the matsuri, Sugoroku and Ochamaro make sense as new characters (they are matsuri-ish, plus they have a strong Edo flavour, I like it).
And so does the lack of blood (it's not the same kind of fight, as Sugoroku says, it's 喧嘩, not 死闘).
Andrew, on the other hand... Meh.

In that case, I think it may be OK if the game has the exact opposite atmosphere of Supisupe. But damn, if they could do something to the art... Or release a Tenka Special a few month later, with Supisupe's in-game artist...

Also, from Ochamaro's movelist :
傀儡回し壱の幕 632146+A(コマ投げ)
傀儡回し弐の幕 一の幕中にA・A・B+C
傀儡回し参の幕 弐の幕中にC・C/A+B+C
傀儡回し四の幕 参の幕中にA・B・C・B・A+B+D

the throw where you turn the opponent into a doll is actually a chain throw like Jûzô's. And as you input the right command, you make the little dolls dance. I can't wait to try this.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

[this message was edited by Iggy on Sun 29 May 01:05]

399th Post

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"Re(10):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Sun 29 May 01:16post reply

However, if this game has a storyline, that may be a bad thing for Cham Cham... Since she wouldn't have Paku Paku then (Tam Tam being there), which may be a decisive point not to bring her back.

I thought it was revealed that Paku PAku and Tam Tam were not the same character?

Either way, it wouldn't matter. Cham Cham with Paku Paku/Tam Tam doesn't make any less sense that Tam Tam vs. Tam Tam.

And this game is shaping up to be a huge clusterfuck, but in a good way so far. Need more clarification on what the individual modes do and how much damage each one does before one can make any more definitive conclusions (cause right now, I see the SS3/4 modes running the game).

Ultima - The Right arm of Scrub Voltron - U's Rambling Page

162th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new tes" , posted Sun 29 May 01:19:post reply

I thought it was revealed that Paku PAku and Tam Tam were not the same character?

Doesn't Paku Paku turn into Tam Tam in Cham Cham's ending in SS2 ? Plus Paku Paku has nothing but Tam Tam moves...

[this message was edited by Stifu on Sun 29 May 01:20]

Shingo The One
548th Post

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"Re(3):Arcadia scans !" , posted Sun 29 May 01:24post reply

No, no story, it's a matsuri game.

And because it's the matsuri, Sugoroku and Ochamaro make sense as new characters (they are matsuri-ish, plus they have a strong Edo flavour, I like it).
And so does the lack of blood (it's not the same kind of fight, as Sugoroku says, it's 喧嘩, not 死闘).
Andrew, on the other hand... Meh.

In that case, I think it may be OK if the game has the exact opposite atmosphere of Supisupe. But damn, if they could do something to the art... Or release a Tenka Special a few month later, with Supisupe's in-game artist...

Also, from Ochamaro's movelist :
傀儡回し壱の幕 632146+A(コマ投げ)
傀儡回し弐の幕 一の幕中にA・A・B+C
傀儡回し参の幕 弐の幕中にC・C/A+B+C
傀儡回し四の幕 参の幕中にA・B・C・B・A+B+D
the throw where you turn the opponent into a doll is actually a chain throw like Jûzô's. And as you input the right command, you make the little dolls dance. I can't wait to try this.

No story, eh?If so, then I think this franchise has nothing to offer for a story anymore.Thanks as always Iggy-san.

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162th Post

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"Re(4):Arcadia scans !" , posted Sun 29 May 01:38post reply

With the more or less messed up storyline of SS and all, it seems they ended up getting somewhat stuck... It's not as simple as with KoF.

6585th Post

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"Sugoroku haa haa" , posted Sun 29 May 01:45post reply

Of course Pakupaku is Tamtam. Chamcham is just too stupid to notice it.
No story, eh?If so, then I think this franchise has nothing to offer for a story anymore.

No, because people die too much in SS.
Nako dying in SSS was a horrible mistake that plagued all following games.
In 0, they really made it even clearer the characters wouldn't return in any regular sequel (all the others SS, actually) : Yunfei dies, Yoshitora possibly dies, Suija and Enja are sealed until Polysamu 2, Mina was supposed to either die or make some Talimish tonfas out of Champuru's bones...

Hense the need of a festival where you don't care for who is alive and who is not. I really like the idea of creating new "matsuri" characters for a matsuri game. And Andrew has nothing to do here. Andrew is the antithesis of "fun" and "party".

Speaking of matsuri... Sugoroku report :

Karuta ! 214D
Sugoroku's spouse comes from behind the screen and loads his weapon (it turns red). If you move after you called her, she won't be able to load the canon.
Sometimes, their daughter (Okoma) will come instead of her mother, but the effect is the same.
After some time, the loaded weapon will explode in your hands. If you are hit while you hold the loaded weapon, Sugoroku will drop it.

But while it's loaded, you can use the "matsuribayashiko hanabi - Edo no hana" (632146D) It's a throw where you put the opponent in the canon and fire him against the other side of the screen, where he falls with lots of fireworks. Ta-maya-- !
It's the n°1 move you want to use, but it will be very easy to see what you are trying to do, and it's extremely risky since you can also drop the weapon or explode with it. But it seems very fun. Of course, when the Edo no Hana explodes, the weapon is not loaded anymore and you don't risk any explosion.
Also, the other moves can still be used while loaded, but it doesn't reset the timer of the explosion, so you have to be careful.

I hate Andrew, but I love the two others. I really think Yuki is doing them - they look like the SS0 original character, especially Yoshitora. Yoshitora and Sugoroku are from a fun Edo universe.
When has Imoya created an original or interesting character ?
My Yuki feeling grows as new reports come.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

163th Post

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"Re(1):Sugoroku haa haa" , posted Sun 29 May 01:56post reply

I don't think Yoshitora is supposed to die at the end of SS5... I just think he accepts his right to rule Japan and therefore stops fighting (his last battle being with Haohmaru), so logically, he shouldn't be in any SS game the story of which happens after SS5...
So yeah, the only way to make an SS game with a new story would mean giving up many characters, which would suck...

The new SS5 characters have been made so they're not supposed to come back afterward, to explain the fact none of them are in SS1, the next SS after SS5 storyline-wise... So, most of them die or retire... And I think Gedo is the only one that has nothing to prevent him from coming back.

The only way they could get out of this story mess would be to rewrite the story, the way Capcom did with Street Fighter, changing established elements...

6586th Post

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"Re(2):Sugoroku haa haa" , posted Sun 29 May 02:05post reply

I just think he accepts his right to rule Japan and therefore stops fighting (his last battle being with Haohmaru), so logically, he shouldn't be in any SS game the story of which happens after SS5...
No, because he's not the shogun during SS-SSS events. I think he beats Gaô, then he has the serious fight against Haômaru like he wanted, and, well, Haômaru wins.
I'm not sure, mind you, I should check, but if I recall correctly, that's what happens.

Speaking of rewriting the story, I still don't understand the point of making Nako and Rimu not sisters. Damn did that made people scream.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

164th Post

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"Re(3):Sugoroku haa haa" , posted Sun 29 May 02:09post reply

Amakusa mentions Tokugawa in SS1, that would be another Tokugawa then ?
If it's someone else, then Yoshitora either ruled Japan for a very short period, or didn't rule it at all.

400th Post

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"Re(1):Sugoroku haa haa" , posted Sun 29 May 02:38post reply


> Of course Pakupaku is Tamtam. Chamcham is just too stupid to notice it.

See, that's what I thought originally, but I could have sworn I read somwhere recently that that wasn't the case, even though it seemed rather odd to me. BUt oh well.

> In 0, ... Yoshitora possibly dies

He does? I don't recall his ending seeming to suggest that, though of course I couldn't read it.

> I really like the idea of creating new "matsuri" characters for a matsuri game.

You're going to have to translate for me please: "Matsuri" = ??? Party??? And what does it have to do with Edo?

*snip Sugoroku report* :

The loading move sounds useless. I hope that regardless of what they're planning, they don't forget to make the characters actually useful.

Ultima - The Right arm of Scrub Voltron - U's Rambling Page

6587th Post

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"Re(2):Sugoroku haa haa" , posted Sun 29 May 03:03post reply

Tokugawa : you know, there are quite a lot Tokugawa during the Edo period... Not only the ruling ones, but also the different clans and families and cousins...

See, that's what I thought originally, but I could have sworn I read somwhere recently that that wasn't the case, even though it seemed rather odd to me. BUt oh well.

You intrigue me.
[checks in AASNK]
We were both right (or wrong).
Pakupaku is Chamcham's domestic chimpanzee. He appears in Kôrin's Tamtam ending. In SSS, Tamtam is changed in Pakupaku, and that's why Chamcham doesn't find it odd that a monkey follows her everywhere. Also, since Chamcham appears in Kôrin special, the pakupaku in there is the real Pakupaku, not Tamtam.
Heeeeeeeeeeee. Apologies, but at least I learned something.

You're going to have to translate for me please: "Matsuri" = ??? Party??? And what does it have to do with Edo?

Well... I don't know how to properly translate "fête populaire japonaise" in english...
Is "popular japanese festival" OK?
You may have seen it in other anime or games (Goemon for example?) they are... festivals, with stands that sell the kind of food you get in a matsuri, the kind of games you find in a matsuri, and at the end (it usually happens in august) you have a procession where people danse through the streets in Edo style kimono even nowadays, and finally everybody sits near the river for a big huge firework.

So, Sugoroku is a matsuri organiser (Matsuribayashi is his name) and Ochamaro being some kind of automat-puppet, I can see it being shown during such a festival. Plus he danses kagura, which is kinda obsolete during the Edo era but was danced during matsuri in the former periods (and still up to today, but in temples or other things).
Note that I'm not a specialist of the period or of the popular arts, so I may be wrong in the details, but this is the general idea.

The loading move sounds useless. I hope that regardless of what they're planning, they don't forget to make the characters actually useful.
Of course, if you think Gaira or Gedô can do their throws without loading or taking risks, it's useless. But Sugoroku has more mobility than they do.
Plus, really, with 40 characters and 6 "Spirits" (I guess that's the name of the modes?) I don't think the game will be balanced at all. I see Zan-Unpi, Genjurô and Yumeji dominating everything along with a few others.
With this in mind, fun to play >>>> useful or powerful.
Enja was one of the most popular character in SS0 and Supisupe, and he was the weakest of all.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

165th Post

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"Re(3):Sugoroku haa haa" , posted Sun 29 May 03:13post reply

Hmm, but I don't think the real Paku Paku would be able to spit fireballs like Tam Tam does etc... On a side note, in SS4S, Cham Cham doesn't have Paku Paku with her in Bust mode.

By the way, does anyone know where to find that illustration of young Nicotine ? I'm not sure whether I've already seen it or not.

6589th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Sugoroku haa haa" , posted Sun 29 May 03:30post reply

Hmm, but I don't think the real Paku Paku would be able to spit fireballs like Tam Tam does
Why not ?

By the way, does anyone know where to find that illustration of young Nicotine ? I'm not sure whether I've already seen it or not.
There's a series of drawing for SSS, in most art books and in AASNK. It's the one with Poppy taking Galford's underwear while they are bathing, Charolette on her horse, Genjurô with a woman he probably paied, a closeup of Wanfu's ass just before he stomps you with it, Genan and family, Hanzô saving Amakusashirô, Chamcham and Tamtam and bananas...
On the illust, I was mistaken, you don't see Nicotine's hair. He still has the same clothes and hat, plus a little sword, he's concentrating on some sort of spell, and behind him Kuroko is standing and seems pissed. I guess it's a drawing of their fight against Mizuki.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

166th Post

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"Re(5):Sugoroku haa haa" , posted Sun 29 May 03:37post reply

As for Paku Paku, well, all those moves (throwing skulls, fireball) are Tam Tam's... I assume Paku Paku is an ordinary monkey, but who knows, he might have some powers.
By the way, a minor detail: the real Paku Paku wears nothing, while Tam Tam as Paku Paku has those metal rings around his arms, like he does in SS1.

Anyway, I don't have the All About SNK book... I wonder if there are scans of that somewhere on the net. It's not that important anyway, I was just curious.

53th Post

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"Re(1):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Sun 29 May 03:43post reply

Hmmm. Paku Paku actually gains some new moves in Korin Special. He can be placed like a landmine for opponents to run into, and his skull toss can be charged up to the point which he tosses a large yellow skull that does insane damage. Paku Paku most of the time is Tam Tam transformed, (SSS and SSRPG) but there are those instances which the monkey is not Tam Tam. [Image Attached]

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173th Post

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"Re(4):Sugoroku haa haa" , posted Sun 29 May 03:46post reply

matsuri game = dreammatch game pretty much

like Iggy said, many charas that are dead after SS0 are in it. (Yoshitora, Yunfei, Gao, etc.)
And if the game took place after 3D SS's, Rimu and Nako would be sealed away and Ukyo would be dead

So it's good I think that they're making it a complete dreammatch type of deal

Cain Highwind
564th Post

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"Re(1):Sugoroku haa haa" , posted Sun 29 May 03:46:post reply


I hate Andrew, but I love the two others. I really think Yuki is doing them - they look like the SS0 original character, especially Yoshitora. Yoshitora and Sugoroku are from a fun Edo universe.
When has Imoya created an original or interesting character ?
My Yuki feeling grows as new reports come.

I don't think it's completely out of the question. Wasn't it reported originally that a group of 5 (or somewhere around that much) from Yuki made SS0 and Special? SNKP could've just hired and incorperated them into the company just like they did with Barezzasoft.

I'm also still curious as to why Yuki isn't credited on the SS Official page despite the drawing of Mina and the other SSV artwork being shown on the page.

[this message was edited by Cain Highwind on Sun 29 May 03:47]

6590th Post

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"[blog]" , posted Sun 29 May 05:48post reply

Also, it won't interest anyone but I don't write here for people to read me anyway :
I spend the entire day sitting before my desk, beginning with a post in the other thread and browsing through several japanese forums as a pause, when I was too tired of my reading of a 300 pages study on the transmission of tales through medieval Japan, in japanese, and written small.
I began the book this morning, I finished right now, and I took tons of notes.
I'm proud of myself, but my eyes hurt, my hands hurt, my brain hurts, and most of all my butt hurts from not having left my seat for 14 hours.
14 wasted hours when I could have played more Romamin... Tragedy.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

85th Post

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"Amakusa's Tokugawa" , posted Sun 29 May 06:30post reply

Amakusa mentions Tokugawa in SS1, that would be another Tokugawa then?

In SS1, Amakusa is presumably talking about Tokugawa Ieyasu, as the SS Amakusa is based on the rebel leader Amakusa Shiro.

Tokugawa Ieyasu forbade Christianity. Those found (or just accused by the government in case of dissent) were killed. Amakusa Shiro led a peasant rebellion that was eventually crushed. Some legends claimed Shiro's body was never found, while others just assume he was killed along with everyone else involved. (A few modern historians question whether Shiro actually led the rebellion, and it wouldn't surprise me if some question whether he existed at all.)

So SNK took a Christan rebel and turned him into a villian. Bushido Retsuden (SSRPG) goes a bit father by saying that Amakusa was corrupted by his desire for revenge, which makes him open to the SS equivalent of a deal with the devil, and he is redeemed at the end of his Bushido Retsuden storyline.

Bushido Retsuden isn't canon (though I recall it was originally supposed to be), particularly because SS3 came along with a different design philosophy and takes a different path. But then, we all know what SS3 and onwards did to storyline. So the current designers could very well claim Amakusa was talking about a completely different Tokugawa if they want to.

54th Post

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"Re(1):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Sun 29 May 08:50post reply

I've had the suspicion that this game won't have blood/fatalities at all, and this test further confirms my suspicion. I can swing with lack of fatalities, but blood was what helped make the early SS games. I know it's still in development, but I would've thought Imoya knew better upon getting suggestions for blood after the first test. This game has the makings of being the best of the whole series with all its gameplay options. It's just missing those 2 things, Cham Cham and blood. [Image Attached]

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6595th Post

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"2nd day" , posted Sun 29 May 19:33post reply

When Ochamaro jumps, a wheel falls down on the ground, but you have moves (ten.umai or jump D) that allow you to use the fallen wheel as an attack item. I like it.
His jumps are slow, and his in-air attacks are multi hit, so air is pretty safe for him. His full throw takes away around 35% of life.

Gen.An : very Rolentoish. His normals are like in SSS, and his strong slash is faster.
The nikuten is fast and has less lag, but the hitbox is very small, so it's not as dangerous as it was.
He walks extremely slowly, but runs extremely fast, very dangerous.

Her moves when riding are weak. The bonus after blocking an attack is gone, or at least really shorter.
When she doesn't ride, she's strong, dash C in particular ("uso rera mutsube", eh).
Enbun Kineshikite (when down, AC) is hyper useful, but damage 0. Useful when you see the opponent is going to chase you one ground, but use with caution.

As strong as in the first test. small moves very strong. Strike dog very damaging. His new fake special is extra strong, shit-Imoya-quality move.
Double mega is faster, and has invincibility.

Kazuki : Daibakuhatsu is smaller, there was a lot of ex-aequo (the opponent hitting Kazuki and being hit by the explosion). double choice, between the daibakuhatsu and a throw ? weird.

Gedô : his dash is now a step. His throw is very destructive. His forward roll is shorter.

Mizuki's bukitobashi connects after a lot of moves (including the Samurai Combination, of course. Stupid SC). Her down strong slash has shorter lag, very strong plus it's difficult to counter even if you've blocked it.

Also, the voices are all new, but strangely many are weird, even bad. Galford, Mina or Basara are especially noisy and annoying.

For a reason, the ikari gauge is slower to fill in ikari spirit. The super strong slash has hyper armor, and is slower than the strong slashes.

Shin : the weapon destruction doesn't make much sense, since Hikyaku immediatly come and throw a new one. If they don't lengthen the time before Hikyaku appears, since the spirit doesn't have ikari bakuhatsu, there won't be much use to it. It will depend on the puppet transformation.

The ikari gauge fills faster in zan mode, but the anger doesn't stay long. The evasion move is quite unpredictable, interesting.

Ten : ABBBC cancel anything. Strongest spirit. Insert Tensamu hate here.

Rei is strong, but the kyôchi gauge starts empty (like in SS0) so you have to meditate a lot to use a good mu no kyôchi. I like.

Several hiôgi (hidden supers) in ken spirit are weird and not really useful ; also, the gauge empties the second you do the move, even if it misses (not like the usual bukitobashi). Also, the spirit lacks ikari bakuhatsu.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

168th Post

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"Re(1):2nd day" , posted Sun 29 May 19:58post reply

Thanks for the report.

So, what about Gen-An's sprite ? New, old ? Good looking ?

Those new voices worry me...

6597th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Important detail" , posted Sun 29 May 21:07post reply

Enja, when he misses the MAX tendô, says "gurujio".
Unfortunately, his voice is too low to be heard correctly.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

55th Post

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"Re(1):Important detail" , posted Sun 29 May 23:03post reply

Hmmmmm. New voices for all characters. This is a shocker in itself. I had a hunch they would reuse SS4 voices again. At least it sounds fresh. [Image Attached]

There's no substitution to dedication

6598th Post

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"Re(1):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Sun 29 May 23:21post reply

Also, the demo shows all games, SS, SSS, Musôken, Kôrin, then jumps to SS0.

Supisupe still doesn't exists, but neither do the Polysamu. Which means Shiki, Asura, Hanma and Morosumi are not likely candidates for the remaining hidden characters.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

3065th Post

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"Re(2):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Mon 30 May 01:58post reply

Iggy if I listen to you, this game sound like one of the best SS game ever...I really hope so!
The pupet guy sound nice.
BTW Iggy, your scan links are dead!

We are all mad at some point....

6601th Post

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"Re(3):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Mon 30 May 03:10post reply

Iggy if I listen to you, this game sound like one of the best SS game ever...I really hope so!

You're not listening to me, you're listening to various guys whose opinions I translate.
BTW Iggy, your scan links are dead!
Yup, that's why you have to grab my pics while they're hot !

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

burning kyo
2307th Post

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"Re(4):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Mon 30 May 03:17post reply

BTW Iggy, your scan links are dead! Yup, that's why you have to grab my pics while they're hot !

they're still here >>>

[welcome to the devil's nest]

3066th Post

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"Re(5):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Mon 30 May 16:56post reply

Thanks burning Kyo!

You or the dude you're transalting, that's not the question, the game look good.

Oh BTW, since it's a dream match or something like this, I don't think there will be a new boss... Did mizuki/gao/zankuro take the job?

We are all mad at some point....

56th Post

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"Re(6):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Mon 30 May 23:23post reply

Thanks burning Kyo!

You or the dude you're transalting, that's not the question, the game look good.

Oh BTW, since it's a dream match or something like this, I don't think there will be a new boss... Did mizuki/gao/zankuro take the job?

Well, as he said for now the last opponent is one of the 4 bosses at random. I figured from the shots that conversations between characters look more like SVC Chaos. Only thing I worry about now is this going down the Soul Calibur route. [Image Attached]

There's no substitution to dedication

191th Post

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"Re(7):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Tue 31 May 05:25post reply

Thanks burning Kyo!

You or the dude you're transalting, that's not the question, the game look good.

Oh BTW, since it's a dream match or something like this, I don't think there will be a new boss... Did mizuki/gao/zankuro take the job?

Well, as he said for now the last opponent is one of the 4 bosses at random. I figured from the shots that conversations between characters look more like SVC Chaos. Only thing I worry about now is this going down the Soul Calibur route.

What's the "Soul Calibur route"?


172th Post

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"Re(8):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Tue 31 May 05:30post reply

What's the "Soul Calibur route"?

I'm wondering as well. Some people are worried about the strangest things, it seems. :p

0th Post

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"Re(9):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Tue 31 May 06:07post reply

If ochomarus slot is either above andrews or under sugorokus im expecting one more new character.

By the way im new customer in the cafe.Sorry for the rude entrance.

hi from Türkiye.

Red Falcon
5463th Post

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"Re(10):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Tue 31 May 11:47:post reply

Hey, as long as it's fun, I'm there. That's all these games are really designed for, after all.

Edit: My Supisupe cart died!!! ダメダアアアアアアアアアア...

Best site EVER:Link Here

[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Tue 31 May 11:53]

6652th Post

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"Re(7):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Tue 31 May 11:54post reply

Only thing I worry about now is this going down the Gran Turismo route.

11th Post

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"Re(5):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Tue 31 May 12:22post reply

This game's setup looks great with modes that go over each of the SS games, but there are 2 things that still irritate me. One, Cham Cham is still absent, and two, my suspicions of a "non-violent" game were confirmed as blood and fatalities look to remain absent. My hopes of seeing her have been dashed a large amount, almost for good.

I LOVE the fact that Yumeji this go around is more original. I was in the process of making one just like that for Mugen.

I want blood, please...


89th Post

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"Re(8):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Tue 31 May 13:27post reply

Only thing I worry about now is this going down the Gran Turismo route.

At least the "kart racer" market has died out, else SNK Playmore might give us SD Hanzo driving a wooden log ninja car, Nak in a mechanical bird, and Haohmaru in a wheeled sake bottle.

6608th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new tes" , posted Tue 31 May 16:34post reply

Edit: My Supisupe cart died!!! ダメダアアアアアアアアアア...

Oh god.
I feel your pain.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

192th Post

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"Re(9):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Tue 31 May 22:16post reply

Only thing I worry about now is this going down the Gran Turismo route.

At least the "kart racer" market has died out, else SNK Playmore might give us SD Hanzo driving a wooden log ninja car, Nak in a mechanical bird, and Haohmaru in a wheeled sake bottle.

That would be just nice


Red Falcon
5463th Post

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"Re(9):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Wed 1 Jun 04:11post reply

At least the "kart racer" market has died out, else SNK Playmore might give us SD Hanzo driving a wooden log ninja car, Nak in a mechanical bird, and Haohmaru in a wheeled sake bottle.

I'd play that. Amakusa could be driving around in a cart with a big cross on the back of it, Gaira in a similar "Buddha mobile"... they'd all have special abilities something like in the game (Amakusa could teleport and throw balls, etc.)

Best site EVER:Link Here

90th Post

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"Re(10):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new test" , posted Wed 1 Jun 06:46post reply

[quoteI'd play that. Amakusa could be driving around in a cart with a big cross on the back of it

I'd want to see him riding a seal (the animal), though that would be a weird joke that very few people would even get. (Amakusa's cutscene in English in SS2 is "My damned seal has disappeared." Considering the pet-based nature of the series, it took little effort to imagine Amakusa was mad because his pet seal vanished.)

And while a kart racer *sounds* fun, just remember what most kart racers actually played like...

57th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):SS Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden new tes" , posted Wed 1 Jun 07:37post reply

I call the Soul Calibur route something like an axe going halfway through your head but not a single ounce of blood. I can swing with lack of fatalities but no blood whatsoever for a SS game is rediculous. [Image Attached]

There's no substitution to dedication