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OmegaDog 1529th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(1):Sonic Rush doesn't look as bad as Shado" , posted Tue 31 May 02:31
Does look quite nice. Even if the levels themselves barely have any gameplay (press forward to play through most of the level layout) -- the flash factor of the levels themselves still give a bit of exhiliration. [It's the boss battles where the gameplay feels a bit more creative, or that it requires quick action. At least there, you have some major direct control over the fight.]
Odd thing is, that vertical screen orientation really works here. The big wheel on the incline -- if you had a widescreen orientation and had it coming from the side, sure, that's something -- but when it's coming almost from above you, threatening to almost fall on you -- that's definitely much more effective in inspiring a player to desparately rush, even if the player doesn't have much more control to do that, other than to press forward. An illusion of desperation, awesomely used.
One small thing, though: they really do need to either make the "Yeah!" voice sample less frequent, or mix up the variety of voice samples.
[Yeah, I know, a lot of small details -- but, in stuff like this, a lot of small details count, no? And I know discussing these small details on an obscure board doesn't do much -- still though, it's fun taking a bit of time to talk about 'em.]
Sensenic 1300th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(2):Looks great !!" , posted Tue 31 May 19:54
It certainly does look nice. Wonder how're they gonna use the touch screen.
quote: It's finally a handheld Sonic actually made by Sonic Team and it shows.
I never thought Sonic Team would make a 2D game again...
So, weren't the Advance games made by them? I thought so, after all the logo "Created by Sonic Team" does appear.
I feel fooled now.
quote: Whoa, it actually looks like a real sequel to the Genesis Sonic games.
That's pretty cool
And Sonic Rush has as much gameplay, if not more, than the classic Genesis Sonics. It is really their successor in every sense.
Well, I still think Sonic Advance, the first one, was a really good comeback to the old gameplay. A hommage to the Mega Drive series.
Then, Advance 2 came and screwed it, but, oh, well...
Za Peepaa Yomiko chan!
 My philosophy professor was a flan Myself
Iron D 2669th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Looks great !!" , posted Wed 1 Jun 09:39
quote: Then, Advance 2 came and screwed it, but, oh, well... Agreed...
Good god. Does NO ONE else besides me like the Advance games? Serioulsy, I thought that the Advance games got better with each game. The feel got tighter, more little touches were made to the gameplay, the bosses got more creative, and the last boss got better, too. Oh, and did I mention that the music, which has always been something that the Sonic series was high on, got better as well?
I have no idea how Advance 1 is better than Advance 2 or 3. In any way. In fact, I consider Advance 3 to be close to Sonic 3 & Knuckles in pure goodness.
As for the Adventures and Heroes, I loved the two Adventures games (1 slightly more than 2) but Heroes...now there was a truly awful game...
Zelkin. Pimped.
Black_Hayato 130th Post

Regular Customer
| "differences that i see" , posted Wed 1 Jun 14:37
Imo, Advance 2 & 3 were designed to be continous with emphasis on chaining successful loops and the like. A race, with little or in some stages no platforming. I see that as a design flaw because in many instances its almost impossible to backtrack. In other words exploring. Something I like to do. In advance 2 & 3 exploring basically means taking one path through a stage and trying it slightly different next time. And thats the only way to find all the special rings and chaos. It becomes very tedious w/o an faq. Still fun games; I play them every now and then for time trials. But I've given up on getting Super Sonic for both games, as I didn't have the patience and mapping skills.
Classic Sonics had an emphasis on speed but the levels were designed to be "traversed". Its still a platformer. Remember hidden walls, power-ups, stage specific events (3&Knux), gimmicks, controls, vehicles, boss fights and lots of variety. All this also told a story/plot without any words.