Warhammer game made by Namco. - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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3068th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Warhammer game made by Namco." , posted Tue 31 May 17:48post reply

announced in the french issue of the White Dwarf magazine, (maybe somewhere else too...) Namco will make the next warhammer game.

Nothing much on the game yet, like style or which world it will use, the warhammer or 40000.

Well after THQ and the ridiculous fire warrior, maybe namco will be able to make something better.

We are all mad at some point....


1024th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Warhammer game made by Namco." , posted Tue 31 May 17:53post reply

announced in the french issue of the White Dwarf magazine, (maybe somewhere else too...) Namco will make the next warhammer game.

Nothing much on the game yet, like style or which world it will use, the warhammer or 40000.

Well after THQ and the ridiculous fire warrior, maybe namco will be able to make something better.

King of Power Fist Tournament

3069th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Warhammer game made by Namco." , posted Tue 31 May 18:20post reply

King of Power Fist Tournament

I really hope that they won't make a VS game...An action game would be nice...

We are all mad at some point....

2880th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Warhammer game made by Namco." , posted Tue 31 May 20:22post reply

announced in the french issue of the White Dwarf magazine, (maybe somewhere else too...) Namco will make the next warhammer game.

Nothing much on the game yet, like style or which world it will use, the warhammer or 40000.

Well after THQ and the ridiculous fire warrior, maybe namco will be able to make something better.

Dawn of War was pretty good; it certainly felt like Warhammer, but without the $500+ price tag. Of course Firewarrior is going to be bad when you use the stupidest race to star in it. They should have used Squat if they were going for something unique (although I understand that they have some kind of "you can't mention Squat EVER thing going on for some reason at GW).

I'm guessing this is going to be a subpar 3D action game. They could use the Dead to Rights engine and just have you be a Space Wolf with your wolf sidekick. The game is practically complete already.

Krzyzewski Man
1082th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):Warhammer game made by Namco." , posted Wed 1 Jun 06:50post reply

Dawn of War was pretty good; it certainly felt like Warhammer, but without the $500+ price tag.

Squeezing things to death w/ Dreadnought=win.


1025th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Warhammer game made by Namco." , posted Wed 1 Jun 10:41post reply

Dawn of War was pretty good; it certainly felt like Warhammer, but without the $500+ price tag.

Squeezing things to death w/ Dreadnought=win.

I remember in the first two or so patches of the game, the game balance was screwy. It was still fun, but if you really wanted to win in serious competition, you'd do some pretty stupid stuff. The recent big patches fixes some of the numbers that were WTH from the get go... like how Defiler costs 3 supply, Dred costs 2... is a Defiler much better than a Dred? No. It is sometimes even, and that depends on how often the artillery shell is hitting something...

Whoa, nuff random detail nobody cares about.

It's too bad that the next expansion seems to just feature ONE fully fledged side, the Imp. Guard. Relic knows that what we're all waiting for is Tyranids.

79th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(4):Warhammer game made by Namco." , posted Thu 2 Jun 05:40post reply

What we're really all waiting for is a full conversion of their hobby to a game. D&D games get pretty close and it hasn't ruined the real hobby, by far. 40k is an amazing strategy game, but the cost of models, time to set up everything and get battles finished all needs to be streamlined into a couple clicks.

2891th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Warhammer game made by Namco." , posted Thu 2 Jun 10:46:post reply

What we're really all waiting for is a full conversion of their hobby to a game. D&D games get pretty close and it hasn't ruined the real hobby, by far. 40k is an amazing strategy game, but the cost of models, time to set up everything and get battles finished all needs to be streamlined into a couple clicks.

Well I don't know how TSR works since I don't play D&D but Games Workshop is really all about squeezing every last penny out of you. I think a really acurate computer version with all the units and rules would cut into their model profits which they can't allow.

I'm still bitter that back in high school I couldn't play at the local store unless I bought all their stupid rule books, when some were glorified PDF printouts selling for $15. I also had a manager tell me that I couldn't play unless I bought the official GW brand base flock (which is a fancy name for hobby sand) which just happens to sell for about 10 times the price of regular (i.e exactly the same) flock. I like painting the little buggers, but a lot of the kids that play are purely for the gaming aspect and I think many would quit if they could shell out $50 for a game (or pirate it for free) and have access to every army instantly.

[this message was edited by Radish on Thu 2 Jun 10:47]

3072th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Warhammer game made by Namco." , posted Thu 2 Jun 18:08post reply

What we're really all waiting for is a full conversion of their hobby to a game. D&D games get pretty close and it hasn't ruined the real hobby, by far. 40k is an amazing strategy game, but the cost of models, time to set up everything and get battles finished all needs to be streamlined into a couple clicks.

Well I've nothing against CW video game, but sorry, I'm not intereted at all in a Video conversion. Painting, playing, and all the fun around the game is as much important for me as the game itself...

IMO GW video game have an interest only if they show me a "different point of view" on the GW universe. Something like an Action game, or a FPS, thing that the relly GW didn't gives you.

We are all mad at some point....

80th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(6):Warhammer game made by Namco." , posted Fri 3 Jun 05:23post reply


Well I've nothing against CW video game, but sorry, I'm not intereted at all in a Video conversion. Painting, playing, and all the fun around the game is as much important for me as the game itself...

That kind of testimony is what GW needs to hear. Hell, I'd even pay full price for a real 40k turn-based strategy game using all the rules, even if it was only sold in some kind of "Codex" format, each game being for one individual army. (Campaign and multiplayer, with a map editor, custom army colors, etc.)
I really admire the game and what they've put into it, but it took up too much time and money for me to keep it around.
The people who love the entire hobby will still be around, and they'll just make more money for creating such a complex and entertaining strategy title for game systems, for the would-be players who can't keep up with the hobby aspects.

I used to play Dark Eldar and Tyranids. Hope to see them get into some of these alternate games. The DoW expansion's only adding IG and not Tyranids which make for interesting battles against them? Weak.