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NARUTO 3072th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):Warhammer game made by Namco." , posted Thu 2 Jun 18:08
quote: What we're really all waiting for is a full conversion of their hobby to a game. D&D games get pretty close and it hasn't ruined the real hobby, by far. 40k is an amazing strategy game, but the cost of models, time to set up everything and get battles finished all needs to be streamlined into a couple clicks.
Well I've nothing against CW video game, but sorry, I'm not intereted at all in a Video conversion. Painting, playing, and all the fun around the game is as much important for me as the game itself...
IMO GW video game have an interest only if they show me a "different point of view" on the GW universe. Something like an Action game, or a FPS, thing that the relly GW didn't gives you.
 We are all mad at some point....
Mav 80th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(6):Warhammer game made by Namco." , posted Fri 3 Jun 05:23
Well I've nothing against CW video game, but sorry, I'm not intereted at all in a Video conversion. Painting, playing, and all the fun around the game is as much important for me as the game itself...
That kind of testimony is what GW needs to hear. Hell, I'd even pay full price for a real 40k turn-based strategy game using all the rules, even if it was only sold in some kind of "Codex" format, each game being for one individual army. (Campaign and multiplayer, with a map editor, custom army colors, etc.) I really admire the game and what they've put into it, but it took up too much time and money for me to keep it around. The people who love the entire hobby will still be around, and they'll just make more money for creating such a complex and entertaining strategy title for game systems, for the would-be players who can't keep up with the hobby aspects.
I used to play Dark Eldar and Tyranids. Hope to see them get into some of these alternate games. The DoW expansion's only adding IG and not Tyranids which make for interesting battles against them? Weak.