I dont care about it but I'm proud... - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums
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THe Droogo 229th Post
Frequent Customer
"I dont care about it but I'm proud..." , posted Tue 31 May 20:46:
This guys are fanatic of star wars in MY country Chile and how they celebrated "their"day http://www.rockandpop.cl/scripts/rp/archivo/template.asp?2005/05/starwars_pzaitalia/starwars_pzaitalia ...ee...ee... what da...??? and what is this???
well then every country has it's ownes cosplayers... I'm proud -_-!
Some people never go crazy what truly horrible life they must lead Charles Bukowski.
[this message was edited by THe Droogo on Tue 31 May 20:50]
THe DRooGo 229th Post
Frequent Customer
"wanna laugh some more???" , posted Tue 31 May 20:49:
anterior means before and siguiente means next
Some people never go crazy what truly horrible life they must lead Charles Bukowski.
[this message was edited by THe DRooGo on Tue 31 May 20:50]
392th Post
Silver Customer
"Re(1):wanna laugh some more???" , posted Tue 31 May 23:44
Esto da vergüenza ajena...I feel embarrased, and they aren't even from my country
880th Post
Red Carpet Regular Member++
"Re(2):wanna laugh some more???" , posted Wed 1 Jun 00:06
The disturbing thing is that most of them don't seem to enjoy themselves, and so the costumes seem to have been imposed on them like some punishment.
394th Post
Silver Customer
"Re(3):wanna laugh some more???" , posted Wed 1 Jun 00:52
quote: The disturbing thing is that most of them don't seem to enjoy themselves, and so the costumes seem to have been imposed on them like some punishment.
It may be an example of human degradation in order to gain the acceptance of certain social group...