Amalgamate SNK & Capcom your way! - Forums

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Dr Baghead
3461th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Amalgamate SNK & Capcom your way!" , posted Wed 1 Jun 10:04post reply

I'm very bored so I want to make a stupid spin-off of the "What If" thread.

Pretend the SNK vs Capcom and Capom Vs SNK weren't just mediocre games, but mediocre games made to set up the below mediocre Amagamated Universe of SNKapkom... so in this bizarre world, what characters do you find?

Make up your own! You can be as serious or as silly as you want, you can give them backstories or make up a game rooster or just list names of characters you'd like to see merged. It's only limited by your imagination!

For best results (read: craziest ideas) keep in mind the DC/Marvel Amalgam rules:
-More important they character personality or backstory FUNNY NAMES should determine who merges with who
-As long as only one character represents their 'true' self there's no limit to the amount of times you can merge a character so don't limit your cast with "Gee I really want Charliedern to lead 'Team IkariSpike' but then CharlieAngel can't be K41Twelve's ShadowNEST team"... as long as one represents Charlie and the other Angel it's totally legit. However have Kyu, Ryo (pronounce Rie-ooo), Terryu, and Haohmaryu as wondering wariors constantly training to beat their friendly rivals Kenimaru, Kenbert, Kendy, and Kenjiro is not.
-Seriously NAMES are more important then anything, although merging similar iconic characters is acceptable, lesser characters merging should be about puns/clever names

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)


Iron D
2671th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Amalgamate SNK & Capcom your way!" , posted Wed 1 Jun 10:23post reply

Finally I can have my dream boss of Geese Bison. You know you're fighting a deadly last boss when he's named after not one, but TWO animals!

Zelkin. Pimped.

477th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):Amalgamate SNK & Capcom your way!" , posted Wed 1 Jun 10:43post reply

Does this mean we can finally have a _true_ merger between Gouki and Rugal? But what's the end result? Gougal or Rouki?


661th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):Amalgamate SNK & Capcom your way!" , posted Wed 1 Jun 11:03post reply

Chun-Mai would have more credibility than any other video game girl ever.

The mix Rockslug starring Rockman as a military commando freeing hostages would also be fun for all.


211th Post

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"Re(4):Amalgamate SNK & Capcom your way!" , posted Wed 1 Jun 14:30post reply

Mr. Karate (Takuma Sakazaki) + Go Hibiki (Dan Hibiki's father) = Mr. Go-Go!

Mr. Go-Go wears a tengu mask just like Mr. Karate, underneath the tengu mask reveals

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
another mask!?

End of Spoiler

635th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(5):Amalgamate SNK & Capcom your way!" , posted Wed 1 Jun 14:42post reply

Nakorubuki - Schoolgirl ninja that happens to have a nice sword and a hawk that follows her around... outfit could be like Ibuki's but with Nak's colors? Throw kurenai from the hawk??


Proud Supporter of Next Generation GAMEPLAY

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):Amalgamate SNK & Capcom your way!" , posted Wed 1 Jun 15:53post reply

Rolento and Heidern join to form "The Colonel", leader of a revolutionary army of assassins.

He will die at the hands of some conglomeration of Kim, "Kimshiro", amidst much ATATATATATATATA

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):Amalgamate SNK & Capcom your way!" , posted Wed 1 Jun 16:14post reply

Oro Shiranui - old man with big boobs

Cain Highwind
567th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Amalgamate SNK & Capcom your way!" , posted Thu 2 Jun 10:33post reply

One of my Amalgam characters was a combination of Duck King and Birdie, called "Duckie". Of course I don't know enough about either character to make a suitable backstory.

Yeah, that's all I've got.

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):Amalgamate SNK & Capcom your way!" , posted Thu 2 Jun 11:59post reply

Rainbow Chang plz