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sabo10 1166th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(2):I wrote a FAQ! (trf)(mito)" , posted Tue 7 Jun 17:14:
Oh, I forgot to detail about her boost dive. I haven't used it much in gameplay, since I'm not sure what to do with it.
It basically makes two Options that look like hearts spin around her that act like regular old projectiles. If a heart hits the opponent, it dissapears (for what felt like a very long time) before it regenerates. I think, also, if Mito gets hit, both Hearts disappear until they regenerate.
Never seen anyone use it effectively and never done so myself.
Susposedly there is some way your susposed to activate it, like when Mito is blocking, so when the Hearts come out, one will immediately smack the opponent and you can go into a combo. I might have to wait until practice mode to try that.
Also.... there is apparently some OA move that's not ont he official list that uses more than one O bar. I think its like qcbqcb+p in Tsumi. I think I've accidently activated it once. Mito kind of just sticks out her hand a bit. I think it will either immediately dizzy you if it hits, or it does a lot of dizzy damage.
Another thing about Boost Dives, I've only seen Aran's used really well so far. He basically does the Yun deal where he smacks you once, activates the Boost Dive, and has a 50 hit combo party on you. Everyone else seems to think they are invincible when in Boost Dive, so its a great time to get some damage in because they tend to act so recklessly.
Bazoo players tend to just start trying to drop those giant rocks as much as possible in Boost Dive. Good news for me, because Mito's qcf+p can get over to Bazoo before his "punch the ground" animation finishes.
The funny thing is, the guy eats a super, and then stands right back up and tries to start dropping the rocks again with Mito standing a yard in front of him.
For me, with Mito, it seems much more reliable to just use up those red bars as OAs whenever I can get a hit connected.
I only use Blue for Impact Breaking and Air Recovery if it looks like I'm about to fall into a juggle.
[this message was edited by sabo10 on Tue 7 Jun 17:24] |